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use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename;
use HTML::Template;
use CGI qw(header param);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

use CVS::Metrics;
use CVS::Metrics::Graph;

my $extract = param('extract');
my $repository = param('repository');
my $module = param('module');
my $path = param('path');
my $tag_from = param('from_tag');
my $tag_to = param('to_tag');
my $force = param('force');
my $viewcvs = param('viewcvs');

my $cvs_root = $extract . '/' . $repository . '/' . $module;
chdir $cvs_root
        or die "can't change dir $cvs_root ($!).\n";

my $cfg = '.cvs_metrics';
our ($title, $regex_tag, $start_date, $regex_ignore_tag);
if ( -r $cfg) {
    warn "reading $cfg\n";
    require $cfg;

unless (defined $regex_tag) {
    $regex_tag = '\d+';

unless (defined $start_date) {
    $start_date = '2006/01/01';

my $cvs = FindCvs();
my $cvs_logfile = $cvs . ' log |';

=head1 NAME

cgi_cvs_evolr - Extract from cvs log



=head1 OPTIONS

CGI parameters

=over 8

=item cvsroot


=item path


=item from_tag


=item to_tag




B<cgi_cvs_evolr> parses B<cvs log> and produces HTML reports.

These reports are between a couple of from/to tags.

Each report is composed of three parts :

- activity and energy plots

- an evolution summary : numbers of added/modified/deleted files for each directory

- an detailed report : all informations about CVS commit, sorted first by directory,
after grouped by message and sorted by date.

This tool needs File::Which, GD, Chart::Plot::Canvas, HTML::Template
and Parse::RecDescent modules.

B<cgi_cvs_evolr> is called from B<cgi_cvs_evolq> result.

=head2 Configuration file (.cvs_metrics)

If present, B<cvs_current> reads the configuration file F<.cvs_metrics>
in the current directory. The file could contains the following variables :

 $title = "main";

 $regex_tag = '^V\d+';

 @dirs = ( "abc", "def" , "def/hij" );

 $start_date = "2006/01/01";

=head1 SEE ALSO

cvs_activity, cvs_energy, cvs_tklog, cvs_wxlog


(c) 2004-2010 Francois PERRAD, France. All rights reserved.

This library is distributed under the terms of the Artistic Licence.

=head1 AUTHOR

Francois PERRAD,


our $cvs_log = CVS::Metrics::CvsLog(
        stream      => $cvs_logfile,
        use_cache   => 1,
        force       => $force,
if ($cvs_log) {
    our @tags;
    my $timed = $cvs_log->getTimedTag($regex_ignore_tag);
    my %matched;
    while (my ($tag, $date) = each %{$timed}) {
        if ($tag =~ /$regex_tag/) {
            $matched{$date.$tag} = $tag;
    foreach (sort keys %matched) {
        push @tags, $matched{$_};

    push @tags, 'HEAD';

    my $found = 0;
    foreach (@tags) {
        if ($_ eq $tag_from) {
            $found = 1;
    GenerateError($title, "Unknown tag_from '$tag_from'.")
            unless ($found);
    $found = 0;
    foreach (@tags) {
        if ($_ eq $tag_to) {
            $found = 1;
    GenerateError($title, "Unknown tag_to '$tag_to'.")
            unless ($found);

    my @tags2 = @tags;
    while ($tag_from ne $tags2[0]) {
        shift @tags2;
    shift @tags2;
    $found = 0;
    foreach (@tags2) {
        if ($_ eq $tag_to) {
            $found = 1;
    GenerateError($title, "'$tag_from' >= '$tag_to'.")
            unless ($found);

    GenerateHTML($cvs_log, \@tags, $title, $path, $tag_from, $tag_to, $start_date);

sub FindCvs {
    my $cvs;
    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
        eval 'use File::Which';
        $cvs = which('cvs');
        unless (defined $cvs) {
            eval 'use Win32::TieRegistry(Delimiter => "/")';
            my $cvs_setting;
            my $hkey = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/WinCvs/wincvs/CVS settings';
            eval '$cvs_setting = $Registry->{$hkey}';
            $cvs = $cvs_setting->{'/P_WhichCvs'};
            if (defined $cvs) {
                $cvs =~ s/[\000\001]//g;
                $cvs =~ s/wincvs\.exe\@$//;
                if ( -e "${cvs}CVSNT\\\\cvs.exe") {
                    $cvs .= "CVSNT\\\\cvs.exe";
                else {
                    $cvs .= 'cvs.exe';
        die "cvs not found !\n" unless (defined $cvs);
        warn "Using CVS : $cvs\n";
        return q{"} . $cvs . q{"};
    else {
        return 'cvs';


sub GenerateHTML {
    my ($cvs_log, $tags, $title, $path, $tag_from, $tag_to, $start_date) = @_;

my $html = q{
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''>
<html xmlns=''>
    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1' />
    <meta name='generator' content='<TMPL_VAR NAME=generator>' />
    <meta name='date' content='<TMPL_VAR NAME=date>' />
    <meta name='robots' content='nofollow' />
    <title>cvs_evol <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=title --></title>
    <style type='text/css'>
      <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=style -->
  <h1>Evolution Report</h1>
  <h1><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=title --></h1>
  <hr />
  <img src='<TMPL_VAR NAME=a_img>' />
  <table class='layout'>
      <td valign='top'><img src='<TMPL_VAR NAME=e_img>' /></td>
      <td valign='top'>
        <table border='1' cellpadding='5'>
        <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME=timed_tag -->
            <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=tag --></td>
            <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=timed --></td>
        <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
  <hr />
  <h2>Evolution Report Summary</h2>
  <table border='1' cellpadding='5'>
      <th width='40%'>Directories</th>
      <th width='20%'>Added files</th>
      <th width='20%'>Modified files</th>
      <th width='20%'>Deleted files</th>
  <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME=summary -->
      <td><a href='#<TMPL_VAR NAME=dir>'><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=dir --></a></td>
      <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=added --></td>
      <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=modified --></td>
      <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=deleted --></td>
  <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
    <tr class='total'>
      <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=total_added --></td>
      <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=total_modified --></td>
      <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=total_deleted --></td>
  <hr />
  <h2>Detailed Evolution Report</h2>
  <table width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='5'>
      <th width='20%'>Directories</th>
      <th width='40%'>Messages</th>
      <th width='30%'>File Descriptions</th>
      <th width='10%'>Actions</th>
  <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME=dirs --><tr>
      <td valign='top' rowspan='<TMPL_VAR NAME=rowspan>'><a id='<TMPL_VAR NAME=dir>'
                 name='<TMPL_VAR NAME=dir>' /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=dir --></td>
    <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME=comments -->
      <!-- TMPL_UNLESS NAME=__FIRST__ --><tr><!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
      <td valign='top' rowspan='<TMPL_VAR NAME=rowspan>'><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=comment --></td>
      <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME=files -->
        <!-- TMPL_UNLESS NAME=__FIRST__ --><tr><!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
        <td><span class='filename'><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=filename --></span>
            <span class='revision'><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=revision --></span><br />
          <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME=tags -->
            <span class='tag'><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=tag --></span><br />
          <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
            <span class='author'><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=author --></span>
            <span class='date'><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=date --></span></td>
        <td><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=action --></td>
      </tr><!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
    <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
  <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
  <hr />
  <cite>Generated by cgi_cvs_evolr (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=date -->)</cite>

my $style = q{
      body  { background-color: #CCFFFF }
      table { background-color: #FFFFFF }
      th    { background-color: #CCCCCC }
      h1    { text-align: center }
      h2    { color: red }
      td a  { font-weight: bold }      { font-weight: bold }
      table.layout  { background-color: #CCFFFF }   { font-weight: bold }
      span.filename { color: blue }
      a.filename    { font-weight: normal }
      span.revision { font-weight: bold; color: blue }
      span.tag      { font-weight: bold }     { }
      span.deleted  { font-weight: bold; color: red }
      span.added    { font-weight: bold; color: blue }
      span.modified { font-weight: bold }
      a.modified    { font-weight: bold }

    $html =~ s/^\s+//gm;
    my $template = HTML::Template->new(
            loop_context_vars   => 1,
            scalarref           => \$html,
    die "can't create template ($!).\n"
            unless (defined $template);

    my $now = localtime();
    my $generator = 'cgi_cvs_evolr ' . $CVS::Metrics::VERSION . ' (Perl ' . $] . ')';
    my $dir = $path eq '.' ? 'all' : $path;
    my $title_full = "${title} ${dir} ${tag_from} to ${tag_to}";
    my $base = $cvs_root . '/';
    $base =~ s/^$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}//;

    my $image = $cvs_log->EnergyGD($tags, $path, $dir, 600, 400, $tag_from, $tag_to);

    my $e_img = "e_${title_full}.png";
    $e_img =~ s/[ \/]/_/g;
    if (defined $image) {
        open my $OUT, '>', $e_img
                or die "can't open $e_img ($!).\n";
        binmode $OUT, ':raw';
        print $OUT $image->png();
        close $OUT;

    my $timed_tag = $cvs_log->getTimedTag($regex_ignore_tag);
    my @timed_tag = ();
    foreach my $tag (@{$tags}) {
        if ($tag eq 'HEAD') {
            push @timed_tag, {
                    tag     => $tag,
                    timed   => 'now',
        else {
            push @timed_tag, {
                    tag     => $tag,
                    timed   => substr($timed_tag->{$tag}, 0, 10),

    my $date_from = substr($timed_tag->{$tag_from}, 0, 10);
    my $date_to = substr($timed_tag->{$tag_to}, 0, 10);
    $image = $cvs_log->ActivityGD($path, $dir, $start_date, 800, 225, $date_from, $date_to);

    my $a_img = "a_${title_full}.png";
    $a_img =~ s/[ \/]/_/g;
    if (defined $image) {
        open my $OUT, '>', $a_img
                or die "can't open $a_img ($!).\n";
        binmode $OUT, ':raw';
        print $OUT $image->png();
        close $OUT;

    my $dir_evol = $cvs_log->getDirEvolution($path, $tag_from, $tag_to, $tags);
    my @summary = ();
    my $total_added = 0;
    my $total_modified = 0;
    my $total_deleted = 0;
    foreach my $dirname (sort keys %{$dir_evol}) {
        my @val = @{$dir_evol->{$dirname}};
        next unless ($val[0] or $val[1] or $val[2]);
        push @summary, {
            dir         => $dirname,
            added       => $val[0],
            modified    => $val[1],
            deleted     => $val[2],
        $total_added += $val[0];
        $total_modified += $val[1];
        $total_deleted += $val[2];

    my $evol = $cvs_log->getEvolution($path, $tag_from, $tag_to, $tags);
    my @dirs = ();
    foreach my $dirname (sort keys %{$evol}) {
        my $dir = $evol->{$dirname};
        my %date_sorted;
        next unless (scalar keys %{$dir});
        my $i = 0;
        foreach my $message (keys %{$dir}) {
            my $files = $dir->{$message};
            my $file0 = $files->[0];
            $date_sorted{$file0->{date} . "#$i"} = $message;
            $i ++;
        my $rowspan1 = 0;
        my @comments = ();
        foreach (sort keys %date_sorted) {
            my $message = $date_sorted{$_};
            my $files = $dir->{$message};
            my $rowspan2 = 0;
            my @files = ();
            foreach my $file (@{$files}) {
                my @tags = ();
                foreach my $tag (sort @{$file->{tags}}) {
                    push @tags, {
                        tag         => $tag,
                my $action;
                if ($file->{state} eq 'dead') {
                    $action = "<span class='deleted'>DELETED</span>";
                else {
                    if ($file->{revision} =~ /^1\.1(\.\d+\.1)?$/) {
                        $action = "<span class='added'>ADDED</span>";
                    else {
                        my $r1 = $file->{revision};
                        $r1 =~ s/(\d+)$/$1-1/e;
                        $r1 =~ s/\.\d+\.0//;
                        my $r2 = $file->{revision};
                        $action = "<a class='modified' href='" . $viewcvs . $module . $file->{filename} . ".diff?r1=" . $r1 . "\&r2=" . $r2 . "\&root=cvs:" . $repository . "'>MODIFIED</a>";
                my $filename;
                if ($file->{state} eq 'dead') {
                    $filename = basename($file->{filename});
                else {
                    $filename = "<a class='filename' href='" . $viewcvs . $module . $file->{filename} . "?rev=" . $file->{revision} . "\&content-type=text\%2Fplain\&root=cvs:" . $repository . "'>" . basename($file->{filename}) . "</a>";
                push @files, {
                    filename    => $filename,
                    revision    => $file->{revision},
                    date        => $file->{date},
                    author      => $file->{author},
                    action      => $action,
                    tags        => \@tags,
                $rowspan1 ++;
                $rowspan2 ++;
            $message =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
            $message =~ s/</&lt;/g;
            $message =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
            $message =~ s/\n/<br \/>/g;
            push @comments, {
                rowspan     => $rowspan2,
                comment     => $message,
                files       => \@files,
        push @dirs, {
            rowspan     => $rowspan1,
            dir         => $dirname,
            comments    => \@comments,

            style           => $style,
            generator       => $generator,
            date            => $now,
            title           => $title_full,
            e_img           => $base . $e_img,
            a_img           => $base . $a_img,
            timed_tag       => \@timed_tag,
            summary         => \@summary,
            total_added     => $total_added,
            total_modified  => $total_modified,
            total_deleted   => $total_deleted,
            dirs            => \@dirs,

    print header(
            -type  =>  'text/html',
    print $template->output();

sub GenerateError {
    my ($title, $message) = @_;

my $error = q{
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''>
<html xmlns=''>
    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1' />
    <meta name='generator' content='<TMPL_VAR NAME=generator>' />
    <meta name='date' content='<TMPL_VAR NAME=date>' />
    <title>cvs_evol <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=title --></title>
    <style type='text/css'>
      <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=style -->
    <h1><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=title --></h1>
    <hr />
    <blockquote><em><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=message --></em></blockquote>
    <hr />
    <cite>Generated by cgi_cvs_evolr (<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME=date -->)</cite>

my $style = q{
      body  { background-color: #CCFFFF }
      h1    { text-align: center }
      h2    { color: red }

    $error =~ s/^\s+//gm;
    my $template = HTML::Template->new(
            scalarref           => \$error,
    die "can't create template ($!).\n"
            unless (defined $template);

    my $now = localtime();
    my $generator = 'cgi_cvs_evolr ' . $CVS::Metrics::VERSION . ' (Perl ' . $] . ')';

            style       => $style,
            generator   => $generator,
            date        => $now,
            title       => $title,
            message     => $message,

    print header(
            -type  =>  'text/html',
    print $template->output();