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package WordLists::Tag::Tagger;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use WordLists::Common qw(/generic/);
use Lingua::EN::Tagger;
use WordLists::WordList;
use WordLists::Sense;
use WordLists::Base;
our $VERSION = $WordLists::Base::VERSION;

our @ignore_pos_codes = qw(cd to prp prps sym pp pps ppr lrb rrb ppc ppl );
sub _norm_word($)
	my $s = shift;
	return lc $s;
sub human_pos($)
	my $sPos = shift;
	$sPos =~	s<^nn.*$>
	$sPos =~	s<^in$>
	$sPos =~	s<^to$>
	$sPos =~	s<^jj.*$>
	$sPos =~	s<^md.*$>
				<modal verb>;
	$sPos =~	s<^vb.*$>
	$sPos =~	s<^rb.*$>
	$sPos =~	s<^det$>
	$sPos =~	s<^cc$>
	$sPos =~	s<^wrb$>
	$sPos =~	s<^wdt$>
	$sPos =~	s<^wp$>
	$sPos =~	s<^prp.*$>
	$sPos =~	s<^cd.*$>
	$sPos =~	s<^uh$>
	return $sPos;

sub new
	my ($class,  $args) = @_;
	$args ||={};
	my $self = {
	bless ($self, $class);


sub add_tags
	my ($self, $sMS) = @_;
	my $taggedMS = $self->{tagger}->add_tags( $sMS );
	return $taggedMS;

sub add_human_tags
	my ($self, $sMS) = @_;
	my  $sMSOUT = '';
	foreach my $sSentence (@{$self->{tagger}->get_sentences($sMS)})
		$sSentence =~ tr/<>&//d;
		my $taggedSentence = $self->{tagger}->add_tags( $sSentence );
		$taggedSentence =~ s`<([a-z]+)>([^<]+)</\1>`human_pos($1) ne $1 ? qq(<span pos=").human_pos($1).qq(">$2</span>) : $2;`ge;
		$sMSOUT .= "<p>$taggedSentence</p> ";
	return $sMSOUT;

sub get_wordlist
	my ($self, $sUntagged, $args) = @_;
	my $wl;
	if (defined $args->{'wl'} and ref $args->{'wl'} eq 'WordLists::WordList')
		$wl = WordLists::WordList->new;
	foreach my $sSentence (@{$self->{tagger}->get_sentences($sUntagged)})
		my $taggedMS;
		$taggedMS = $self->{tagger}->add_tags( $sSentence );
		while ($taggedMS =~ m`<([a-z]+)>([^<]+)</\1>`g)
			#print "\n$1\t$2";
			my $sHW = _norm_word($2);
			my $sPosCode = $1;
			my $bNext;
			foreach (@ignore_pos_codes) #
				if ($sPosCode eq $_)
			next if $bNext;
			my $sPos = human_pos($sPosCode);
			my $sense = WordLists::Sense->new();
			if (defined $args->{'callback_on_make_sense'} and ref $args->{'callback_on_make_sense'} eq ref sub{})
			my @senses = $wl->get_senses_for($sense->get_hw, $sense->get_pos);
			if (@senses and !$args->{'keep_repeats'})
				if (defined $args->{'test_sense_before_add'} and ref $args->{'test_sense_before_add'} eq ref sub {} and !&{$args->{'test_sense_before_add'}}($sense))
					if (defined $args->{'callback_on_add_sense'} and ref $args->{'callback_on_add_sense'} eq ref sub{})
	return $wl;

=head1 NAME


	my $tagger = WordLists::Tag::Tagger->new();
	my $wl = $tagger->get_wordlist('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog');


Uses L<Lingua::EN::Tagger> to do various things with strings, chielfly to create a L<WordLists::WordList> out of a document, e.g. to use as a basis for a glossary.

=head1 METHODS

=head3 get_wordlist

Uses L<Lingua::EN::Tagger> to create a L<WordLists::WordList> out of a string (e.g. a manuscript).

L<Lingua::EN::Tagger> allows splitting into sentences, and these sentences become C<eg> fields in the L<WordLists::Sense>s generated. 

Only the first instance of each headword / part of speech combination is entered into the list, unless the third argument has a key C<keep_repeats> with a true value.

The fields populated are: C<hw>, C<pos>, C<eg>, and C<poscode>, which is the original part of speech code outputted by the tagger.

The third argument is a hashref which allows you to configure several options.

C<callback_on_add_sense> should be a coderef. It is passed the sense immediately before it is added to the wordlist, e.g. if you want to add a unit. 

C<callback_on_make_sense> should be a coderef. It is passed the sense before the wordlist is tested for inclusion. This is an opportunity to further normalise parts of speech. 

C<keep_repeats> is a flag, which, if set, prevents the code from removing repetitions.

=head1 TODO

C<ignore> is a wordlist or arrayref whose elements are L<WordLists::Sense> objects or plain hashrefs of the form C<< {hw=>'head', pos =>'n'} >>, or headwords as strings. If these words are found, they are not added to the list. (not yet implemented!)

=head1 BUGS

Please use the Github issues tracker.

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2011-2012 © Cambridge University Press. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
