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# For Emacs: -*- mode:cperl; mode:folding; coding:utf-8; -*-

package Lingua::POR::Words2Nums;
# ABSTRACT: Word 2 number conversion in POR.

# {{{ use block

use 5.10.1;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Perl6::Export::Attrs;

# }}}
# {{{ variables declaration

our $VERSION = 0.0682;

my (%values,@values,%bigvalues,@bigvalues);

  %values = (
    mil                 => 1000,

    novecentos          => 900,
    oitocentos          => 800,
    setecentos          => 700,
    seiscentos          => 600,
    quinhentos          => 500,
    quatrocentos        => 400,
    trezentos           => 300,
    duzentos            => 200,
    cem                 => 100,

    cento               => 100,

    noventa             => 90,
    oitenta             => 80,
    setenta             => 70,
    sessenta            => 60,
    cinquenta           => 50,
    quarenta            => 40,
    trinta              => 30,
    vinte               => 20,

    dezanove            => 19,
    dezoito             => 18,
    dezassete           => 17,
    dezasseis           => 16,
    quinze              => 15,
    catorze             => 14,
    treze               => 13,
    doze                => 12,
    onze                => 11,
    dez                 => 10,

    nove                => 9,
    oito                => 8,
    sete                => 7,
    seis                => 6,
    cinco               => 5,
    quatro              => 4,
    'três'              => 3,
    dois                => 2,
    um                  => 1,
    zero                => 0,

  @values = sort {$values{$b} <=> $values{$a}} keys %values;

  %bigvalues = (
    bili => 1000000000000,
    milh => 1000000,

  @bigvalues = sort {$bigvalues{$b} <=> $bigvalues{$a}} keys %bigvalues;


# }}}

# {{{ word2num

sub word2num :Export {
    $_         = shift // return;
    my $task   = $_;
    my $result = 0;

    for my $val (@bigvalues) {
        my $expr = "${val}ões|${val}ão";
        if (s/(.+)mil(?=.*(?:$expr))//) {
            my $big = $1;
            for my $value (@values) {
                $big =~ s/$value/
                    $result += ($values{$value} * $bigvalues{$val} * 1000)/e;
        if (s/(.+)(?:$expr)//) {
            my $sma = $1;
            for my $value (@values) {
                $sma =~ s/$value/
                    $result += ($values{$value} * $bigvalues{$val})/e;

    if (s/(.+?)mil//) {
        my $thousands = $1;
        if ($thousands =~ /^\s*e?\s*$/) {
            $result += 1000;
        else {
            for my $value (@values) {
                $thousands =~ s/$value/$result += ($values{$value} * 1000)/e;

    for my $value (@values) {
        s/$value/$result += $values{$value}/e;

    if ($result == 0 && $task !~ m{\Azero\z}xms ) {
        $result = undef;

    return $result;

# }}}



# {{{ POD HEAD


=head1 NAME

Lingua::POR::Words2Nums - Converts Portuguese words to numbers

=head1 VERSION

version 0.0682


  use Lingua::POR::Words2Nums qw/word2num/;

  $result = num2word("cinco");
  # $result now holds 5


Word 2 number conversion in POR.

Words2Nums converts Portuguese words to numbers (works with numbers
ranging from 0 to 999.999.999.999.999.999).

Not all possible ways to write a number have been implemented (some
people write "nove mil novecentos e um", some people write "nove mil,
novecentos e um"; Words2Nums currently supports only the first way,
without commas; also, the word "bilião" is supported, but not "bilhão").

=head2 word2num

Turns a word into a number

  $result = num2word("cinco");
  # $result now holds 5

=head1 TO DO

=over 6

=item Implement function is_number()


=head1 SEE ALSO

More tools for the Portuguese language processing can be found at the
Natura project:

=head1 AUTHOR

Jose Castro, <>

PetaMem s.r.o., <>


Copyright 2004 Jose Castro, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


# }}}