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package HTML::Lint::Error;

use warnings;
use strict;

use parent 'Exporter';

our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( types => [@EXPORT_OK] );

our %errors;

=head1 NAME

HTML::Lint::Error - Error object for the Lint functionality


See L<HTML::Lint> for all the gory details.

=head1 EXPORTS

None.  It's all object-based.

=head1 METHODS

Almost everything is an accessor.

=head1 Error types: C<STRUCTURE>, C<HELPER>, C<FLUFF>

Each error has a type.  Note that these roughly, but not exactly, go
from most severe to least severe.

=over 4

=item * C<STRUCTURE>

For problems that relate to the structural validity of the code.
Examples: Unclosed <TABLE> tags, incorrect values for attributes, and
repeated attributes.

=item * C<HELPER>

Helpers are notes that will help you with your HTML, or that will help
the browser render the code better or faster.  Example: Missing HEIGHT
and WIDTH attributes in an IMG tag.

=item * C<FLUFF>

Fluff is for items that don't hurt your page, but don't help it either.
This is usually something like an unknown attribute on a tag.



use constant CONFIG     => 1;
use constant STRUCTURE  => 2;
use constant HELPER     => 3;
use constant FLUFF      => 4;

=head2 new()

Create an object.  It's not very exciting.


sub new {
    my $class    = shift;

    my $file     = shift;
    my $line     = shift;
    my $column   = shift;
    my $errcode  = shift;
    my @errparms = @_;

    # Add an element that says what tag caused the error (B, TR, etc)
    # so that we can match 'em up down the road.
    my $self  = {
        _file    => $file,
        _line    => $line,
        _column  => $column,
        _errcode => $errcode,
        _errtext => undef,
        _type    => undef,

    bless $self, $class;

    $self->_expand_error( $errcode, @errparms );

    return $self;

sub _expand_error {
    my $self = shift;

    my $errcode = shift;

    my $specs = $errors{$errcode};
    my $str;
    if ( $specs ) {
        ($str, $self->{_type}) = @{$specs};
    else {
        $str = "Unknown code: $errcode";

    if ( defined $str ) {
        while ( @_ ) {
            my $var = shift;
            my $val = shift;
            $str =~ s/\$\{$var\}/$val/g;

    $self->{_errtext} = $str;


=head2 is_type( $type1 [, $type2 ] )

Tells if any of I<$type1>, I<$type2>... match the error's type.
Returns the type that matched.

    if ( $err->is_type( HTML::Lint::Error::STRUCTURE ) ) {....


sub is_type {
    my $self = shift;

    for my $matcher ( @_ ) {
        return $matcher if $matcher eq $self->type;


=head2 where()

Returns a formatted string that describes where in the file the
error has occurred.

For example,


for line 14, column 23.

The terrible thing about this function is that it's both a plain
ol' formatting function as in

    my $str = where( 14, 23 );

AND it's an object method, as in:

    my $str = $error->where();

I don't know what I was thinking when I set it up this way, but
it's bad practice.


sub where {
    my $line;
    my $col;

    if ( not ref $_[0] ) {
        $line = shift;
        $col = shift;
    else {
        my $self = shift;
        $line = $self->line;
        $col = $self->column;
    $col ||= 0;
    return sprintf( '(%s:%s)', $line, $col + 1 );

=head2 as_string()

Returns a nicely-formatted string for printing out to stdout or some similar user thing.


sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;

    return sprintf( '%s %s %s', $self->file, $self->where, $self->errtext );

=head2 file()

Returns the filename of the error, as set by the caller.

=head2 line()

Returns the line number of the error.

=head2 column()

Returns the column number, starting from 0

=head2 errcode()

Returns the HTML::Lint error code.  Don't rely on this, because it will probably go away.

=head2 errtext()

Descriptive text of the error

=head2 type()

Type of the error


sub file        { my $self = shift; return $self->{_file}    || '' }
sub line        { my $self = shift; return $self->{_line}    || '' }
sub column      { my $self = shift; return $self->{_column}  || '' }
sub errcode     { my $self = shift; return $self->{_errcode} || '' }
sub errtext     { my $self = shift; return $self->{_errtext} || '' }
sub type        { my $self = shift; return $self->{_type}    || '' }


Each possible error in HTML::Lint has a code.  These codes are used
to identify each error for when you need to turn off error checking
for a specific error.


%errors = ( ## no critic ( ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars )
    'api-parse-not-called'     => ['The parse() method has not been called on this file.', CONFIG],
    'api-eof-not-called'       => ['The eof() method has not been called on this file.', CONFIG],
    'config-unknown-directive' => ['Unknown directive "${directive}"', CONFIG],
    'config-unknown-value'     => ['Unknown value "${value}" for ${directive} directive', CONFIG],

    'elem-empty-but-closed'    => ['<${tag}> is not a container -- </${tag}> is not allowed', STRUCTURE],
    'elem-img-alt-missing'     => ['<img src="${src}"> does not have ALT text defined', HELPER],
    'elem-img-sizes-missing'   => ['<img src="${src}"> tag has no HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes', HELPER],
    'elem-input-alt-missing'   => ['<input name="${name}" type="image"> does not have non-blank ALT text defined', HELPER],
    'elem-nonrepeatable'       => ['<${tag}> is not repeatable, but already appeared at ${where}', STRUCTURE],
    'elem-unclosed'            => ['<${tag}> at ${where} is never closed', STRUCTURE],
    'elem-unknown'             => ['Unknown element <${tag}>', STRUCTURE],
    'elem-unopened'            => ['</${tag}> with no opening <${tag}>', STRUCTURE],

    'doc-tag-required'         => ['<${tag}> tag is required', STRUCTURE],

    'attr-repeated'            => ['${attr} attribute in <${tag}> is repeated', STRUCTURE],
    'attr-unknown'             => ['Unknown attribute "${attr}" for tag <${tag}>', FLUFF],
    'attr-unclosed-entity'     => ['Entity ${entity} is missing its closing semicolon', STRUCTURE],
    'attr-unknown-entity'      => ['Entity ${entity} is unknown', STRUCTURE],
    'attr-use-entity'          => ['Character "${char}" should be written as ${entity}', STRUCTURE],

    'text-unclosed-entity'     => ['Entity ${entity} is missing its closing semicolon', STRUCTURE],
    'text-unknown-entity'      => ['Entity ${entity} is unknown', STRUCTURE],
    'text-use-entity'          => ['Character "${char}" should be written as ${entity}', STRUCTURE],

=head2 api-parse-not-called

You called the C<errors()> method before calling C<parse()> and C<eof()>.

=head2 api-eof-not-called

You called the C<errors()> method before calling C<eof()>.

=head2 config-unknown-directive

Unknown directive "DIRECTIVE"

You specified a directive in a comment for HTML::Lint that it didn't recognize.

=head2 config-unknown-value

Unknown value "VALUE" for DIRECTIVE directive

Directive values can only be "on", "off", "yes", "no", "true", "false", "0" and "1".

=head2 elem-unknown

HTML::Lint doesn't know recognize the tag.

=head2 elem-unopened

C<< </tag> >> with no opening C<< <tag> >>.

=head2 elem-unclosed

C<< <tag> >> at WHERE is never closed.

=head2 elem-empty-but-closed

C<< <tag> >> is not a container -- C<< </tag> >> is not allowed.

=head2 elem-img-alt-missing

C<< <img src="FILENAME.PNG"> >> does not have ALT text defined.

=head2 elem-img-sizes-missing

C<< <img src="FILENAME.PNG"> >> tag has no HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes.

=head2 elem-nonrepeatable

C<< <tag> >> is not repeatable, but already appeared at WHERE.

=head2 doc-tag-required

C<< <tag> >> tag is required.

=head2 attr-repeated

ATTR attribute in C<< <tag> >> is repeated.

=head2 attr-unknown

Unknown attribute "ATTR" for tag C<< <tag> >>.

=head2 text-unclosed-entity

Entity ENTITY is missing its closing semicolon

=head2 text-unknown-entity

Entity ENTITY is unknown

=head2 text-use-entity

Character "CHAR" should be written as ENTITY


Copyright 2005-2018 Andy Lester.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the Artistic License v2.0.

Please note that these modules are not products of or supported by the
employers of the various contributors to the code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andy Lester, C<andy at>


1; # happy

Errors that haven't been done yet.

#elem-head-only                 <${tag}> can only appear in the <HEAD> element
#elem-non-head-element          <${tag}> cannot appear in the <HEAD> element
#elem-obsolete                  <${tag}> is obsolete
#elem-nested-element            <${tag}> cannot be nested -- one is already opened at ${where}
#elem-wrong-context             Illegal context for <${tag}> -- must appear in <${othertag}> tag.
#elem-heading-in-anchor         <A> should be inside <${tag}>, not <${tag}> inside <A>

#elem-head-missing              No <HEAD> element found
#elem-head-missing-title        No <TITLE> in <HEAD> element
#elem-img-sizes-incorrect       <IMG> tag's HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes are incorrect.  They should be ${correct}.
#attr-missing                   <${tag}> is missing a "${attr}" attribute

#comment-unclosed               Unclosed comment
#comment-markup                 Markup embedded in a comment can confuse some browsers

#text-literal-metacharacter     Metacharacter $char should be represented as "$otherchar"
#text-title-length              The HTML spec recommends that that <TITLE> be no more than 64 characters
#text-markup                    Tag <${tag}> found in the <TITLE>, which will not be rendered properly.

#elem-physical-markup           <${tag}> is physical font markup.  Use logical (such as <${othertag}>) instead.
#elem-leading-whitespace        <${tag}> should not have whitespace between "<" and "${tag}>"
#'must-follow' => [ ENABLED, MC_ERROR, '<$argv[0]> must immediately follow <$argv[1]>', ],
# 'empty-container' => [ ENABLED, MC_WARNING, 'empty container element <$argv[0]>.', ],
# 'directory-index' => [ ENABLED, MC_WARNING, 'directory $argv[0] does not have an index file ($argv[1])', ],
# 'attribute-delimiter' => [ ENABLED, MC_WARNING, 'use of \' for attribute value delimiter is not supported by all browsers (attribute $argv[0] of tag $argv[1])', ],
# 'container-whitespace' => [ DISABLED, MC_WARNING, '$argv[0] whitespace in content of container element $argv[1]', ],
# 'bad-text-context' => [ ENABLED, MC_ERROR, 'illegal context, <$argv[0]>, for text; should be in $argv[1].', ],
# 'attribute-format' => [ ENABLED, MC_ERROR, 'illegal value for $argv[0] attribute of $argv[1] ($argv[2])', ],
# 'quote-attribute-value' => [ ENABLED, MC_ERROR, 'value for attribute $argv[0] ($argv[1]) of element $argv[2] should be quoted (i.e. $argv[0]="$argv[1]")', ],
# 'meta-in-pre' => [ ENABLED, MC_ERROR, 'you should use "$argv[0]" in place of "$argv[1]", even in a PRE element.', ],
#  'implied-element' => [ ENABLED, MC_WARNING, 'saw <$argv[0]> element, but no <$argv[1]> element', ],
#  'button-usemap' => [ ENABLED, MC_ERROR, 'illegal to associate an image map with IMG inside a BUTTON', ],