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package WebService::Solr::Response;

use Any::Moose;

use WebService::Solr::Document;
use Data::Page;
use Data::Pageset;
use JSON::XS ();

has 'raw_response' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Object',
    handles => {
        status_code    => 'code',
        status_message => 'message',
        is_success     => 'is_success',
        is_error       => 'is_error'

has 'content' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', lazy_build => 1 );

has 'docs' =>
    ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', auto_deref => 1, lazy_build => 1 );

has 'pager' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Data::Page]', lazy_build => 1 );

has '_pageset_slide' =>
    ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Data::Pageset]', lazy_build => 1 );
has '_pageset_fixed' =>
    ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Data::Pageset]', lazy_build => 1 );

    my ( $self, $res ) = @_;
    return { raw_response => $res };

sub _build_content {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $content = $self->raw_response->content;
    return {} unless $content;
    my $rv = eval { JSON::XS::decode_json( $content ) };

    ### JSON::XS throw an exception, but kills most of the content
    ### in the diagnostic, making it hard to track down the problem
    die "Could not parse JSON response: $@ $content" if $@;

    return $rv;

sub _build_docs {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $struct = $self->content;

    return unless exists $struct->{ response }->{ docs };

    return [ map { WebService::Solr::Document->new( %$_ ) }
            @{ $struct->{ response }->{ docs } } ];

sub _build_pager {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $struct = $self->content;

    return unless exists $struct->{ response }->{ numFound };

    my $rows = $struct->{ responseHeader }->{ params }->{ rows };
    $rows = 10 unless defined $rows;

    # do not generate a pager for queries explicitly requesting no rows
    return if $rows == 0;

    my $pager = Data::Page->new;
    $pager->total_entries( $struct->{ response }->{ numFound } );
    $pager->entries_per_page( $rows );
    $pager->current_page( $struct->{ response }->{ start } / $rows + 1 );
    return $pager;

sub pageset {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $mode = $args{ 'mode' } || 'fixed';
    my $meth = "_pageset_" . $mode;
    my $pred = "_has" . $meth;

    ### use a cached version if possible
    return $self->$meth if $self->$pred;

    my $pager = $self->_build_pageset( @_ );

    ### store the result
    return $self->$meth( $pager );

sub _build_pageset {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $struct = $self->content;

    return unless exists $struct->{ response }->{ numFound };

    my $rows = $struct->{ responseHeader }->{ params }->{ rows };
    $rows = 10 unless defined $rows;

    # do not generate a pager for queries explicitly requesting no rows
    return if $rows == 0;

    my $pager = Data::Pageset->new(
        {   total_entries    => $struct->{ response }->{ numFound },
            entries_per_page => $rows,
            current_page     => $struct->{ response }->{ start } / $rows + 1,
            pages_per_set    => 10,
            mode => 'fixed',    # default, or 'slide'

    return $pager;

sub facet_counts {
    return shift->content->{ facet_counts };

sub spellcheck {
    return shift->content->{ spellcheck };

sub solr_status {
    return shift->content->{ responseHeader }->{ status };

sub ok {
    my $status = shift->solr_status;
    return defined $status && $status == 0;

no Any::Moose;




=head1 NAME

WebService::Solr::Response - Parse responses from Solr


    my $res = WebService::Solr::Response->new( $http_res );
    for my $doc( $res->docs ) {
        print $doc->value_for( 'id'), "\n";
    my $pager = $res->pager;


This class encapsulates responses from the Solr Web Service. Typically it is
used when documents are returned from a search query, though it will accept
all responses from the service.


=over 4

=item * raw_response - the raw L<HTTP::Response> object.

=item * content - a hashref of deserialized JSON data from the response.

=item * docs - an array of L<WebService::Solr::Document> objects.

=item * pager - a L<Data::Page> object for the search results.

=item * pageset - a L<Data::Pageset> object for the search results. Takes the same arguments as C<< Data::Pageset->new >> does. All arguments optional.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new( $response )

Given an L<HTTP::Response> object, it will parse the returned data as

=head2 BUILDARGS( @args )

A Moose override to allow our custom constructor.

=head2 facet_counts( )

A shortcut to the C<facet_counts> key in the response data.

=head2 spellcheck( )

A shortcut to the C<spellcheck> key in the response data.

=head2 solr_status( )

Looks for the status value in the response data.

=head2 ok( )

Calls C<solr_status()> and check that it is equal to 0.

=head1 AUTHORS

Brian Cassidy E<lt>bricas@cpan.orgE<gt>

Kirk Beers


Copyright 2008-2013 National Adult Literacy Database

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
