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/* clickMenu - v0.1.4 (2007-03-20)
 * Copyright (c) 2007 Roman Weich
 * Changelog: 
 * v 0.1.4 - 2007-03-20
 *	-fix: the default options were overwritten by the context related options
 *	-fix: hiding a submenu all hover- and click-events were unbound, even the ones not defined in this plugin - unbinding should work now
 * v 0.1.3 - 2007-03-13
 *	-fix: some display problems ie had when no width was set on the submenu, so on ie the width for each submenu will be explicitely set
 *	-fix: the fix to the ie-width-problem is a fix to the "ie does not support css min-width stuff" problem too which displayed some submenus too narrow (it looked just not right)
 *	-fix: some bugs, when user the was too fast with the mouse
 * v 0.1.2 - 2007-03-11
 *	-change: made a lot changes in the traversing routines to speed things up (having better memory usage now as well)
 *	-change: added $.fn.clickMenu.setDefaults() for setting global defaults
 *	-fix: hoverbug when a main menu item had no submenu
 *	-fix: some bugs i found while rewriting most of the stuff
 * v 0.1.1 - 2007-03-04
 *	-change: the width of the submenus is no longer fixed, its set in the plugin now
 *	-change: the submenu-arrow is now an img, not the background-img of the list element - that allows better positioning, and background-changes on hover (you have to set the image through the arrowSrc option)
 *	-fix: clicking on a clickMenu while another was already open, didn't close the open one
 *	-change: clicking on the open main menu item will close it
 *	-fix: on an open menu moving the mouse to a main menu item and moving it fastly elsewere hid the whole menu
 * v 0.1.0 - 2007-03-03

	var defaults = {
		onClick: function(){
				if ( this.href )
					window.location = this.href;
		arrowSrc: '',
		subDelay: 300,
		mainDelay: 10,
		fadeTime: 50

	$.fn.clickMenu = function(options) 
		var shown = false;
		var fxChange = false;
		var liOffset = ( ($.browser.msie) ? 4 : 2 );

		var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

		var changeFX = function()
			//change the $.fx function - through wich we can stop running animations
			if ( !fxChange )
				// thanks to Lincoln -
				// Modify fx function by converting first to a String
				jQuery.fx = String(jQuery.fx).replace(RegExp("13\\);"), "13);if (options.saveTimer){ eval('elem.ivTimer=z.timer');}");
				// make it a Function again
				jQuery.fx = Function( "elem", "options", "prop", jQuery.fx.substring (jQuery.fx.indexOf('{')+1, jQuery.fx.lastIndexOf('}')));
				fxChange = true;

		//stop the current animation
		var stopFade = function(elem)
			if ( elem.ivTimer && elem.inFade )
				// thanks to Lincoln -
		        if(elem.queue && elem.queue['fx'])
		            elem.queue['fx'].length = 0;
				//remove the stuff..
				elem.inFade = elem.ivTimer = false;

		var hideDIV = function(div, delay)
			//a timer running to show the div?
			if ( div.timer && !div.isVisible )
			else if (div.timer)
				return; //hide-timer already running
			if ( div.isVisible )
				div.timer = setTimeout(function()
					//remove events
					$(getAllChilds(getOneChild(div, 'UL'), 'LI')).unbind('mouseover', liHoverIn).unbind('mouseout', liHoverOut).unbind('click', settings.onClick);
					//hide it
					div.inFade = true;
					$(div).fadeOut({duration: settings.fadeTime, saveTimer: true, complete: function(){
						div.inFade = null;
						div.isVisible = false;
					div.timer = null;
				}, delay);

		var showDIV = function(div, delay)
			if ( div.timer )
			if ( !div.isVisible )
				div.timer = setTimeout(function()
					//check if the mouse is still over the parent item - if not dont show the submenu
					if ( !checkClass(div.parentNode, 'hover') )
					//assign events to all div>ul>li-elements
					$(getAllChilds(getOneChild(div, 'UL'), 'LI')).mouseover(liHoverIn).mouseout(liHoverOut).click(settings.onClick);
					//ie? - add iframe
					if ( $.browser.msie && !getOneChild(div, 'IFRAME') )
						/* thanks to Mark Gibson - */
						//TODO: clone node
						$(div).append('<iframe style="display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:-1;filter:mask();' + 
					if ( !checkClass(div.parentNode, 'main') )
						$(div).css('left', div.parentNode.offsetWidth - liOffset);
					//show it
					div.isVisible = true; //we use this over :visible to speed up traversing
					if ( $.browser.msie ) //fixing a display-bug in ie6 and adding min-width
						var cW = $(getOneChild(div, 'UL')).width();
						if ( cW < 100 )
							cW = 100;
						$(div).css('width', cW);
					div.timer = null;
				}, delay);

		//same as hover.handlehover in jquery - just can't use hover() directly - need the ability to unbind only the one hover event
		var testHandleHover = function(e)
			// Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
			var p = (e.type == "mouseover" ? e.fromElement : e.toElement) || e.relatedTarget;
			// Traverse up the tree
			while ( p && p != this ) try { p = p.parentNode } catch(e) { p = this; };
			// If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it
			if ( p == this ) return false;
			return true;
		var mainHoverIn = function(e)
			//no need to test, as no child has the same event binded
			//its possible, that a main menu item still has hover (if it has no submenu) - thus remove it
			var lis = getAllChilds(this.parentNode, 'LI');
			var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)hover(\\s|$)");
			for (var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++)
				if ( pattern.test(lis[i].className) )
			if ( shown )
				hoverIn(this, settings.mainDelay);

		var liHoverIn = function(e)
			if ( !testHandleHover(e) )
				return false;
			if ( != this )
				//look whether the target is a direct child of this (maybe an image)
				if ( !isChild(this, )
			hoverIn(this, settings.subDelay);

		var hoverIn = function(li, delay)
			var innerDiv = getOneChild(li, 'DIV');
			//stop running timers from the other menus on the same level - a little faster than $('>*>div', li.parentNode)
			var n = li.parentNode.firstChild;
			for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) 
				if ( n.nodeType == 1 && n.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'LI' )
					var div = getOneChild(n, 'DIV');
					if ( div && div.timer && !div.isVisible ) //clear show-div timer
						div.timer = null;
			//is there a timer running to hide one of the parent divs? stop it
			var pNode = li.parentNode;
			for ( ; pNode; pNode = pNode.parentNode ) 
				if ( pNode.nodeType == 1 && pNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'DIV' )
					if (pNode.timer)
						pNode.timer = null;
			//highlight the current element
			//is the submenu already visible?
			if ( innerDiv && innerDiv.isVisible )
				//hide-timer running?
				if ( innerDiv.timer )
					innerDiv.timer = null;
				else if ( innerDiv.inFade )//if there is already a fadeout in progress, stop it
					$(innerDiv).css('opacity', 0.9999).hide();
					innerDiv.isVisible = false;
			//hide all open menus on the same level and below and unhighlight the li item (but not the current submenu!)
				if ( this != innerDiv && this.isVisible )
					hideDIV(this, delay);
			//show the submenu, if there is one
			if ( innerDiv )
				showDIV(innerDiv, delay);

		var liHoverOut = function(e)
			if ( !testHandleHover(e) )
				return false;
			if ( != this )
				if ( !isChild(this, ) //return only if the target is no direct child of this
			//remove the hover from the submenu item, if the mouse is hovering out of the menu (this is only for the last open (levelwise) (sub-)menu)
			var div = getOneChild(this, 'DIV');
			if ( !div )
				if ( !div.isVisible )

		var mainHoverOut = function(e)
			//no need to test, as no child has the same event binded
			//remove hover
			var div = getOneChild(this, 'DIV');
			var relTarget = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement; //this is undefined sometimes (e.g. when the mouse moves out of the window), so dont remove hover then
			if ( !shown )
			else if ( !div && relTarget ) //menuitem has no submenu, so dont remove the hover if the mouse goes outside the menu
				var p = findParentWithClass(, 'UL', 'clickMenu');
				if ( p.contains(relTarget))
			else if ( relTarget )
				//remove hover only when moving to anywhere inside the clickmenu
				var p = findParentWithClass(, 'UL', 'clickMenu');
				if ( !div.isVisible && (p.contains(relTarget)) )

		var mainClick = function()
			var div = getOneChild(this, 'DIV');
			if ( div && div.isVisible ) //clicked on an open main-menu-item
				hoverIn(this, settings.mainDelay);
				shown = true;
				$(document).bind('mousedown', checkMouse);

		var checkMouse = function(e)
			//is the mouse inside a clickmenu? if yes, is it an open (the current) one?
			var vis = false;
			var cm = findParentWithClass(, 'UL', 'clickMenu');
			if ( cm )
					if ( this.isVisible )
						vis = true;
			if ( !vis )

		var clean = function()
			//remove timeout and hide the divs
			$('ul.clickMenu div.outerbox').each(function(){
				if ( this.timer )
					this.timer = null;
				if ( this.isVisible )
					this.isVisible = false;
			$('ul.clickMenu li').removeClass('hover');
			//remove events
			$('ul.clickMenu>li li').unbind('mouseover', liHoverIn).unbind('mouseout', liHoverOut).unbind('click', settings.onClick);
			$(document).unbind('mousedown', checkMouse);
			shown = false;

		var getOneChild = function(elem, name)
			if ( !elem )
				return null;
			var n = elem.firstChild;
			for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) 
				if ( n.nodeType == 1 && n.nodeName.toUpperCase() == name )
					return n;
			return null;

		var getAllChilds = function(elem, name)
			if ( !elem )
				return [];
			var r = [];
			var n = elem.firstChild;
			for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) 
				if ( n.nodeType == 1 && n.nodeName.toUpperCase() == name )
					r[r.length] = n;
			return r;

		var findParentWithClass = function(elem, searchTag, searchClass)
			var pNode = elem.parentNode;
			var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + searchClass + "(\\s|$)");
			for ( ; pNode; pNode = pNode.parentNode )
				if ( pNode.nodeType == 1 && pNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == searchTag && pattern.test(pNode.className) )
					return pNode;
			return null;
		var checkClass = function(elem, searchClass)
			var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + searchClass + "(\\s|$)");
			if ( pattern.test(elem.className) )
				return true;
			return false;
		var isChild = function(elem, childElem)
			var n = elem.firstChild;
			for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) 
				if ( n == childElem )
					return true;
			return false;

	    return this.each(function()
			//add .contains() to mozilla -
			if (window.Node && Node.prototype && !Node.prototype.contains)
				Node.prototype.contains = function (arg) 
					return !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16)
			//add class
			if ( !checkClass(this, 'clickMenu') )
			//add shadows
			$('ul', this).shadowBox();
			//assign events
			$(this).bind('closemenu', function(){clean();}); //assign closemenu-event, through wich the menu can be closed from outside the plugin
			//add click event handling, if there are any elements inside the main menu
			var liElems = getAllChilds(this, 'LI');
			for ( var j = 0; j < liElems.length; j++ )
				if ( getOneChild(getOneChild(getOneChild(liElems[j], 'DIV'), 'UL'), 'LI') ) // >div>ul>li
			//add hover event handling and assign classes
			$(liElems).hover(mainHoverIn, mainHoverOut).addClass('main').find('>div').addClass('inner');
			//add the little arrow before each submenu
			if ( settings.arrowSrc && settings.arrowSrc != '' )
				//TODO: clone elements (faster!?)
				$('div.inner div.outerbox', this).before('<img src="' + settings.arrowSrc + '" class="liArrow" />');

			//the floating list elements are destroying the make it nice again..
			$(this).wrap('<div class="cmDiv"></div>').after('<div style="clear: both; visibility: hidden;"></div>');
	$.fn.clickMenu.setDefaults = function(o)
		$.extend(defaults, o);

	$.fn.shadowBox = function() {
	    return this.each(function()
			var outer = $('<div class="outerbox"></div>').get(0);
			if ( $(this).css('position') == 'absolute' )
				//if the child(this) is positioned abolute, we have to use relative positioning and shrink the outerbox accordingly to the innerbox
				$(outer).css({position:'relative', width:this.offsetWidth, height:this.offsetHeight});
				//shrink the outerbox
				$(outer).css('position', 'absolute');
			//add the boxes
					before('<div class="shadowbox1"></div><div class="shadowbox2"></div><div class="shadowbox3"></div>');