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 * Form Validation: jQuery form validation plug-in v1.0 beta 2
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Jörn Zaefferer
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:

 * Validates either a single form on submit or a list of elements on a user-defined event.
 * The normal behaviour is to validate a form when a submit button is clicked or
 * the user presses enter when an input of that form is focused.
 * It is also possible to validate each individual element of that form, eg. on blur or keyup.
 * @example $("#myform").validate();
 * @before <form id="myform">
 *   <input name="firstname" class="{required:true}" />
 * </form>
 * @desc Validates a form on submit. Rules are read from metadata.
 * @example $("input").validate({
 * 		focusInvalid: false,
 * 		event: "blur"
 * });
 * @desc Validates all input elements on blur event (when the element looses focus).
 * Deactivates focus of invalid elements.
 * @example $("#myform").validate({
 *   submitHandler: function(form) {
 *   	$(form).ajaxSubmit();
 *   }
 * });
 * @desc Uses form plugin's ajaxSubmit method to handle the form submit, while preventing
 * the default submit.
 * @example $("#myform").validate({
 *  event: "keyup"
 * 	rules: {
 * 		firstname: { required: true },
 * 		age: {
 *			required: "#firstname:blank",
 * 			number: true,
 * 			minValue: 3
 * 		},
 * 		password: {
 * 			required: function() {
 * 				return $("#age").val() < 18;
 * 			},
 * 			minLength: 5,
 * 			maxLength: 32
 * 		}
 * 	},
 *  messages {
 * 		password: {
 * 			required: "Your password is required because you are not yet 18 years or older."
 * 			minLength: "Please enter a password at least 5 characters long.",
 * 			maxLength: "Please enter a password no longer then 32 characters long."
 * 		},
 *		age: "Please specify your age as a number (at least 3)."
 * 	}
 * });
 * @desc Validate a form on submit and each element on keyup. Rules are specified
 * for three elements, and a message is customized for the "password" and the
 * "age" elements. Inline rules are ignored. The password is only required when the age is lower
 * then 18. The age is only required when the firstname is blank.
 * @example $("#myform").validate({
 *   errorClass: "invalid",
 *   errorLabelContainer: $("#messageBox"),
 *   wrapper: "li"
 * });
 * @before <ul id="messageBox"></ul>
 * <form id="myform" action="/login" method="post">
 *   <label>Firstname</label>
 *   <input name="fname" class="{required:true}" />
 *   <label>Lastname</label>
 *   <input name="lname" title="Your lastname, please!" class="{required:true}" />
 * </form>
 * @result <ul id="messageBox">
 *   <li><label for="fname" class="invalid">Please specify your firstname!</label></li>
 *   <li><label for="lname" class="invalid">Your lastname, please!</label></li>
 * </ul>
 * <form id="myform" action="/login" method="post">
 *   <label>Firstname</label>
 *   <input name="fname" class="{required:true} invalid" />
 *   <label>Lastname</label>
 *   <input name="lname" title="Your lastname, please!" class="{required:true} invalid" />
 * </form>
 * @desc Validates a form on submit. The class used to search, create and display
 * error labels is changed to "invalid". This is also added to invalid elements.
 * All error labels are displayed inside an unordered list with the ID "messageBox", as
 * specified by the jQuery object passed as errorContainer option. All error elements
 * are wrapped inside an li element, to create a list of messages.
 * To ease the setup of the form, debug option is set to true, preventing a submit
 * of the form no matter of being valid or not.
 * @example $("#myform").validate({
 * 	errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
 * 		error.appendTo( element.parent("td").next("td") );
 * 	}
 * });
 * @before <form id="myform" action="/login" method="post">
 * 	<table>
 * 		<tr>
 * 			<td><label>Firstname</label>
 * 			<td><input name="fname" class="{required:true}" /></td>
 * 			<td></td>
 * 		</tr>
 * 		<tr>
 * 			<td><label>Lastname</label></td>
 * 			<td><input name="lname" title="Your lastname, please!" class="{required:true}" /></td>
 * 			<td></td>
 * 		</tr>
 * 	</table>
 * </form>
 * @result <form id="myform" action="/login" method="post">
 * 	<table>
 * 		<tr>
 * 			<td><label>Firstname</label>
 * 			<td><input name="fname" class="{required:true}" /></td>
 * 			<td><label for="fname" class="invalid">Please specify your firstname!</label></td>
 * 		</tr>
 * 		<tr>
 * 			<td><label>Lastname</label></td>
 * 			<td><input name="lname" title="Your lastname, please!" class="{required:true}" /></td>
 * 			<td><label for="lname" class="invalid">Your lastname, please!</label></td>
 * 		</tr>
 * 	</table>
 * </form>
 * @desc Validates a form on submit. Customizes the placement of the generated labels
 * by appending them to the next table cell.
 * @example $("#myform").validate({
 *   errorContainer: $("#messageBox1, #messageBox2"),
 *   errorLabelContainer: $("#messageBox1 ul"),
 *   wrapper: "li",
 * });
 * @before <div id="messageBox1">
 *   <h3>The are errors in your form!</h3>
 *   <ul></ul>
 * </div>
 * <form id="myform" action="/login" method="post">
 *   <label>Firstname</label>
 *   <input name="fname" class="{required:true}" />
 *   <label>Lastname</label>
 *   <input name="lname" title="Your lastname, please!" class="{required:true}" />
 * </form>
 * <div id="messageBox2">
 *   <h3>The are errors in your form, see details above!</h3>
 * </div>
 * @result <ul id="messageBox">
 *   <li><label for="fname" class="error">Please specify your firstname!</label></li>
 *   <li><label for="lname" class="error">Your lastname, please!</label></li>
 * </ul>
 * <form id="myform" action="/login" method="post">
 *   <label>Firstname</label>
 *   <input name="fname" class="{required:true} error" />
 *   <label>Lastname</label>
 *   <input name="lname" title="Your lastname, please!" class="{required:true} error" />
 * </form>
 * @desc Validates a form on submit. Similar to the above example, but with an additional
 * container for error messages. The elements given as the errorContainer are all shown
 * and hidden when errors occur. But the error labels themselve are added to the element(s)
 * given as errorLabelContainer, here an unordered list. Therefore the error labels are
 * also wrapped into li elements (wrapper option).
 * @param Map options Optional settings to configure validation
 * @option String errorClass Use this class to look for existing error labels and add it to
 *		invalid elements. Default: "error"
 * @option String wrapper Wrap error labels with the specified element, eg "li". Default: none
 * @option Boolean debug If true, the form is not submitted and certain errors are display on the console (requires Firebug or Firebug lite). Default: none
 * @option Boolean focusInvalid Focus the last active or first invalid element. Disable for blur-validation, crashes IE otherwise. Default: true
 * @option Function submitHandler Callback for handling the actual
 *		submit when the form is valid. Gets the form as the only argmument. Default: normal form submit
 * @option Map messages Key/value pairs defining custom messages.
 *		Key is the ID or name (for radio/checkbox inputs) of an element,
 *		value the message to display for that element. Instead of a plain message
 *		another map with specific messages for each rule can be used.
 *		Can be specified for one or more elements. Can be overriden by
 *		specifying the title attribute on the element.
 *      Default: none, the default message for the method is used.
 * @option Map rules Key/value pairs defining custom rules.
 *		Key is the ID or name (for radio/checkbox inputs) of an element,
 *		value is an object consisting of rule/parameter pairs, eg. {required: true, min: 3}
 *		Default: none, rules are read from metadata via metadata plugin
 * @option String event The event on which to validate. If anything is specified, like
 *		blur or keyup, each element is validated on that event. Default: none
 * @option Boolean onsubmit Validate the form on submit. Set to false to use only other
 *		events for validation (option event). Default: true
 * @option String meta In case you use metadata for other plugins, too, you
 *		want to wrap your validation rules
 *		into their own object that can be specified via this option. Default: none
 * @option jQuery errorContainer Hide and show this container when validating. Default: none
 * @option jQuery errorLabelContainer Search and append error labels to this container, and show and hide it accordingly. Default: none
 * @option Function showErrors A custom message display handler. Gets the map of errors as the
 *		first argument and a refernce to the validator object as the second.
 * 		You can trigger (in addition to your own messages) the default behaviour by calling
 * 		the defaultShowErrors() method of the validator.
 * 		Default: none, uses built-in message disply.
 * @option Function errorPlacement Used to customize placement of created error labels.
 *		First argument: jQuery object containing the created error label
 *		Second argument: jQuery object containing the invalid element
 *		Default: Places the error label after the invalid element
 * @name validate
 * @type $.validator
 * @cat Plugins/Validate

jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn, {
	validate: function( options ) {
		var validator = new jQuery.validator( options, this );
		// select all valid inputs inside the form (no submit or reset buttons)
		// and listen for focus events to save reference to last focused element
		validator.elements = this.find(":input:not(:submit):not(:reset)").focus(function() {
			validator.lastActive = this;
		if ( validator.settings.onsubmit ) {
			// validate the form on submit
			this.submit( function( event ) {
				if ( validator.settings.debug )
					// prevent form submit to be able to see console output
				return validator.form();
		if ( validator.settings.event ) {
			// validate all elements on some other event like blur or keypress
			validator.elements.bind( validator.settings.event, function() {
			} );
		return validator;
	// destructive add
	push: function( t ) {
		return this.setArray( jQuery.merge( this.get(), t ) );
	forId: function( id ) {
		return this.filter( "[@for='" + id + "']" );

 * Custom expression to filter for blank fields.
 * @example jQuery("input:blank").length
 * @before <input value="" /><input value="  " /><input value="abc" />
 * @result 2
 * @property
 * @type String
 * @name :blank
 * @cat Plugins/Validate
 * Custom expression to filter for filled fields.
 * @example jQuery("input:filled").length
 * @before <input value="" /><input value="  " /><input value="abc" />
 * @result 1
 * @property
 * @type String
 * @name :filled
 * @cat Plugins/Validate
jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[":"], {
	blank: "!jQuery.trim(a.value)",
	filled: "!!jQuery.trim(a.value)"

// constructor for validator
jQuery.validator = function( options, form ) {

	this.settings = jQuery.extend( {}, jQuery.validator.defaults, options );
	this.currentForm = form[0];
	this.labelContainer = this.settings.errorLabelContainer;
	this.errorContext = this.labelContainer.length && this.labelContainer || form;
	this.containers = this.settings.errorContainer.add( this.settings.errorLabelContainer );

jQuery.extend(jQuery.validator, {
	defaults: {
		messages: {},
		errorClass: "error",
		focusInvalid: true,
		errorContainer: jQuery( [] ),
		errorLabelContainer: jQuery( [] ),
		onsubmit: true
	 * Modify default settings for validation.
	 * @example jQuery.validator.setDefaults({
	 * 	debug: true
	 * );
	 * @desc Sets the debug setting for all validation calls following.
	 * @param Object<String, Object> settings
	 * @name jQuery.validator.setDefaults
	 * @type undefined
	 * @cat Plugins/Validate
	setDefaults: function(settings) {
		jQuery.extend( jQuery.validator.defaults, settings );
	 * Default messages for all default methods.
	 * User addMethod() to add methods with messages.
	 * Replace these messages for localization.
	 * @property
	 * @type String
	 * @name jQuery.validator.messages
	 * @cat Plugins/Validate
	messages: {
		required: "This field is required.",
		maxLength: "Please enter a value no longer then {0} characters.",
		minLength: "Please enter a value of at least {0} characters.",
		rangeLength: "Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long.",
		email: "Please enter a valid email address.",
		url: "Please enter a valid URL.",
		date: "Please enter a valid date.",
		dateISO: "Please enter a valid date (ISO).",
		dateDE: "Bitte geben Sie ein g�ltiges Datum ein.",
		number: "Please enter a valid number.",
		numberDE: "Bitte geben Sie eine Nummer ein.",
		digits: "Please enter only digits",
		equalTo: "Please enter the same value again.",
		rangeValue: "Please enter a value between {0} and {1}.",
		maxValue: "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}.",
		minValue: "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}."
	prototype: {
		 * Validate on instant the entire form.
		 * @example $("#myform").validate().form();
		 * @desc Triggers form validation programmatcitally.
		 * @name jQuery.validator.protoype.form
		 * @type Boolean True when the form is valid, otherwise false
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate
		form: function() {
			for ( var i = 0, element; element = this.elements[i++]; ) {
				this.check( element );
			return this.valid();
		 * Validate on instant a single element.
		 * @example $("#myform").validate().element( "#myselect" );
		 * @desc Triggers validation on a single element programmatically.
		 * @param String|Element element A selector or an element to validate
		 * @name jQuery.validator.protoype.element
		 * @type Boolean True when the form is valid, otherwise false
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate
		element: function( element ) {
			this.prepareElement( element );
			this.check( element );
		 * Show the specified messages.
		 * @example var validator = $("#myform").validate();
		 * validator.showErrors({"firstname": "I know that your firstname is Pete, Pete!"});
		 * @desc Adds and shows error message programmatically.
		 * @param Map errors One or more key/value pairs of identifiers (IDs or names) and messages
		 * @name jQuery.validator.protoype.showErrors
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate
		showErrors: function(errors) {
				jQuery.extend(this.errorList, errors);
				? this.settings.showErrors( this.errorList, this )
				: this.defaultShowErrors();
		 * Resets the controlled form, including resetting input fields
		 * to their original value (requires form plugin), removing classes
		 * indicating invalid elements and hiding error messages.
		 * @example var validator = $("#myform").validate();
		 * validator.resetForm();
		 * @desc Reset the form controlled by this validator.
		 * @name jQuery.validator.protoype.resetForm
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate
		resetForm: function() {
			if( jQuery.fn.resetForm )
				jQuery( this.currentForm ).resetForm();
			this.elements.removeClass( this.settings.errorClass );
		clean: function( selector ) {
			return jQuery( selector )[0];
		errors: function() {
			return jQuery( "label." + this.settings.errorClass, this.errorContext );
		reset: function( element ) {
			this.errorList = {};
			this.toShow = $( [] );
			this.toHide = $( [] );
		prepareForm: function() {
			this.toHide = this.errors().push( this.containers );
			this.toShow.push( this.containers );
		prepareElement: function( element ) {
			this.toHide = this.errors().forId( this.findId( this.clean( element ) ) );
		check: function( element ) {
			element = this.clean( element );
			jQuery( element ).removeClass( this.settings.errorClass );
			var rules = this.rules( element );
			for( var i = 0, rule; rule = rules[i++]; ) {
				try {
					var result = jQuery.validator.methods[rule.method]( jQuery.trim(element.value), element, rule.parameters );
					if( result === -1 )
					if( !result ) {
						jQuery(element).addClass( this.settings.errorClass );
						this.formatAndAdd( rule, element);
				} catch(e) {
					this.settings.debug && window.console && console.error("exception occured when checking element " +
						 + ", check the '" + rule.method + "' method");
					throw e;
		message: function( id, rule ) {
			var m = this.settings.messages[id];
			return m && (m.constructor == String
				? m
				: m[rule.method]);
		formatAndAdd: function( rule, element) {
			var id = this.findId( element ),
				param = rule.parameters;
			this.errorList[id] = (
					|| this.message(id, rule)
					|| jQuery.validator.messages[rule.method]
					|| "<strong>Warning: No message defined for " + id + "</strong>"
				.replace( "{0}", (param.constructor == Array
					? param[0]
					: param) || "" )
				.replace( "{1}", param[1] || "" );
		valid: function() {
			if ( this.countErrors() ) {
				return false;
			} else {
				if ( this.settings.submitHandler ) {
					this.settings.submitHandler( this.currentForm );
					return false;
				return true;
		countErrors: function() {
			var count = 0;
			jQuery.each( this.errorList, function() {
			} );			
			return count;
		hideErrors: function() {
			this.toggle( "Hide" );
		toggle: function(that) {
			var self = this;
			function which() {
				return self["to" + that];
			if ( this.settings.wrapper ) {
				which().push( which().parents( this.settings.wrapper ) );
			return this;
		defaultShowErrors: function() {
			var first = true;
			for ( var elementID in this.errorList ) {
				if( first && this.settings.focusInvalid ) {
					// check if the last focused element is invalid
					if( this.lastActive && this.errorList[])
						// focus it
					// otherwise, find the firt invalid lement
					else {
						// IE throws an exception when focusing hidden element
						try {
							// focus the first invalid element
							var element = jQuery("#"+elementID);
							// radio/checkbox doesn't have an ID
						} catch(e) { this.settings.debug && window.console && console.error(e); }
					first = false;
				// display the error label for the first failed method
				this.showError( elementID, this.errorList[elementID] );
			this.toHide = this.toHide.not( this.toShow );
			this.toggle( "Hide" ).toggle( "Show" );
		showError: function(id, message) {
			var error = this.errors().forId(id);
			if ( error.length ) {
				// check if we have a generated label, replace the message then
				if( error.attr("generated") ) {
			} else {
				// create label
				error = jQuery("<label>").attr({"for": id, generated: true}).addClass(this.settings.errorClass).html(message);
				if ( this.settings.wrapper ) {
					// make sure the element is visible, even in IE
					// actually showing the wrapped element is handled elsewhere
					error = error.hide().show().wrap("<" + this.settings.wrapper + ">").parent();
				if ( !this.labelContainer.append(error).length )
						? this.settings.errorPlacement(error, jQuery("#" + id) )
						: error.insertAfter("#" + id);
		rules: function( element ) {
			if( ! element ) )
				return [];
			var rules = [];
			jQuery.each(, function(key, value) {
				rules[rules.length] = {
					method: key,
					parameters: value
			} );
			return rules;
		data: function( element ) {
			return this.settings.rules
				? this.settings.rules[this.findId(element)]
				: this.settings.meta
					? jQuery(element).data()[ this.settings.meta ]
					: jQuery(element).data();
		findId: function(element) {
			var id = ( /radio|checkbox/i.test(element.type) )
			// generate id when none is found
			if(!id) {
				var formId =,
					idcleanup = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]/g;
				id = = (formId ? formId.replace(idcleanup, "") : "") +, "");
			return id;
	getLength: function(value, element) {
		switch( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) {
		case 'select':
			return jQuery("option:selected", element).length;
		case 'input':
			if( /radio|checkbox/i.test(element.type) )
				return jQuery(element.form || document).find('[@name="' + + '"]:checked').length;
		return value.length;
	depend: function(param, element) {
		return this.dependTypes[typeof param]
			? this.dependTypes[typeof param](param, element)
			: true;
	dependTypes: {
		"boolean": function(param, element) {
			return param;
		"string": function(param, element) {
			return !!jQuery(param, element.form).length;
		"function": function(param, element) {
			return param(element);
	 * Defines a standard set of useful validation methods.
	 * Use jQuery.validator.addMethod() to add your own methods.
	 * If "all kind of text inputs" is mentioned for any if the methods defined here,
	 * it refers to input elements of type text, password and file and textareas.
	 * @param String value The trimmed value of the element, eg. the text of a text input (trimmed: whitespace removed at start and end)
	 * @param Element element the input element itself, to check for content of attributes other then value
	 * @param Object paramater Some parameter, like a number for min/max rules
	 * @property
	 * @name jQuery.validator.methods
	 * @type Object<String, Function(String,Element,Object):Boolean>
	 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
	methods: {
		 * Return false if the element is empty.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs, selects, checkboxes and radio buttons.
		 * To force a user to select an option from a select box, provide
		 * an empty options like <option value="">Choose...</option>
		 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{required:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element that is required.
		 * @example <input id="other" type="radio" />
		 * <input name="details" class="{required:'#other:checked'}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element required, but only if a radio button with id "other" is checked.
		 * In other words: As long the "#other" isn't checked, the details field is valid.
		 * @example jQuery("#myform").validate({
		 * 	rules: {
		 * 		details: {
		 * 			required: function(element) {
		 *				return jQuery("#other").is(":checked") && jQuery("#other2").is(":checked");
		 *			}
		 *		}
		 * 	}
		 * });
		 * @before <form id="myform">
		 * 	<input id="other" type="checkbox" />
		 * 	<input id="other2" type="checkbox" />
		 * 	<input name="details" />
		 * </form>
		 * @desc Declares an input element "details", required, but only if two other fields
		 * are checked.
		 * @example <fieldset>
		 * 	<legend>Family</legend>
		 * 	<label for="family_single">
		 * 		<input  type="radio" id="family_single" value="s" name="family" validate="required:true" />
		 * 		Single
		 * 	</label>
		 * 	<label for="family_married">
		 * 		<input  type="radio" id="family_married" value="m" name="family" />
		 * 		Married
		 * 	</label>
		 * 	<label for="family_divorced">
		 * 		<input  type="radio" id="family_divorced" value="d" name="family" />
		 * 		Divorced
		 * 	</label>
		 * 	<label for="family" class="error">Please select your family status.</label>
		 * </fieldset>
		 * @desc Specifies a group of radio elements. The validation rule is specified only for the first
		 * element of the group.
		 * @param String value The value of the element to check
		 * @param Element element The element to check
		 * @param Boolean|String|Function param A boolean "true" makes a field always required; An expression (String)
		 * is evaluated in the context of the element's form, making the field required only if the expression returns
		 * more then one element. The function is executed with the element as it's only argument: If it returns true,
		 * the element is required.
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.required
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		required: function(value, element, param) {
			// check if dependency is met
			if ( !jQuery.validator.depend(param, element) )
				return -1;
			switch( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) {
			case 'select':
				var options = jQuery("option:selected", element);
				return options.length > 0 && ( element.type == "select-multiple" || options[0].value.length > 0);
			case 'input':
				switch( element.type.toLowerCase() ) {
				case 'checkbox':
				case 'radio':
					return jQuery.validator.getLength(value, element) > 0;
				return value.length > 0;
		 * Return false, if the element is
		 * - some kind of text input and its value is too short
		 * - a set of checkboxes has not enough boxes checked
		 * - a select and has not enough options selected
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs, checkboxes and select.
		 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{minLength:5}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element with at least 5 characters (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{required:true,minLength:5}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element that must have at least 5 characters.
		 * @example <fieldset>
		 * 	<legend>Spam</legend>
		 * 	<label for="spam_email">
		 * 		<input type="checkbox" id="spam_email" value="email" name="spam" validate="required:true,minLength:2" />
		 * 		Spam via E-Mail
		 * 	</label>
		 * 	<label for="spam_phone">
		 * 		<input type="checkbox" id="spam_phone" value="phone" name="spam" />
		 * 		Spam via Phone
		 * 	</label>
		 * 	<label for="spam_mail">
		 * 		<input type="checkbox" id="spam_mail" value="mail" name="spam" />
		 * 		Spam via Mail
		 * 	</label>
		 * 	<label for="spam" class="error">Please select at least two types of spam.</label>
		 * </fieldset>
		 * @desc Specifies a group of checkboxes. To validate, at least two checkboxes must be selected.
		 * @param Number min
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.min
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		minLength: function(value, element, param) {
			var length = jQuery.validator.getLength(value, element);
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || length >= param;
		 * Return false, if the element is
		 * - some kind of text input and its value is too big
		 * - a set of checkboxes has too many boxes checked
		 * - a select and has too many options selected
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs, checkboxes and selects.
		 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{maxLength:5}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element with at most 5 characters.
		 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{required:true,maxLength:5}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element that must have at least one and at most 5 characters.
		 * @param Number max
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.max
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		maxLength: function(value, element, param) {
			var length = jQuery.validator.getLength(value, element);
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || length <= param;
		 * Return false, if the element is
	     * - some kind of text input and its value is too short or too long
	     * - a set of checkboxes has not enough or too many boxes checked
	     * - a select and has not enough or too many options selected
	     * Works with all kind of text inputs, checkboxes and selects.
		 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{rangeLength:[3,5]}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element with at least 3 and at most 5 characters (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="firstname" class="{required:true,rangeLength:[3,5]}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element that must have at least 3 and at most 5 characters.
		 * @example <select id="cars" class="{required:true,rangeLength:[2,3]}" multiple="multiple">
		 * 	<option value="m_sl">Mercedes SL</option>
		 * 	<option value="o_c">Opel Corsa</option>
		 * 	<option value="vw_p">VW Polo</option>
		 * 	<option value="t_s">Titanic Skoda</option>
		 * </select>
		 * @desc Specifies a select that must have at least two but no more then three options selected.
	     * @param Array<Number> min/max
	     * @name jQuery.validator.methods.rangeLength
	     * @type Boolean
	     * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		rangeLength: function(value, element, param) {
			var length = jQuery.validator.getLength(value, element);
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || ( length >= param[0] && length <= param[1] );
		 * Return true, if the value is greater than or equal to the specified minimum.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="age" class="{minValue:16}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be at least 16 (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="age" class="{required:true,minValue:16}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element whose value must be at least 16.
		 * @param Number min
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.minValue
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		minValue: function( value, element, param ) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || value >= param;
		 * Return true, if the value is less than or equal to the specified maximum.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="age" class="{maxValue:16}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be at most 16 (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="age" class="{required:true,maxValue:16}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element whose required value must be at most 16.
		 * @param Number max
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.maxValue
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		maxValue: function( value, element, param ) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || value <= param;
		 * Return true, if the value is in the specified range.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="age" class="{rangeValue:[4,12]}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be at least 4 and at most 12 (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="age" class="{required:true,rangeValue:[4,12]}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element whose required value must be at least 4 and at most 12.
		 * @param Array<Number> min/max
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.rangeValue
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		rangeValue: function( value, element, param ) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || ( value >= param[0] && value <= param[1] );
		 * Return true, if the value is not a valid email address.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="email1" class="{email:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid email address (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="email1" class="{required:true,email:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element whose value must be a valid email address.
		 * @name
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		email: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || /^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/i.test(value);
		 * Return true, if the value is a valid url.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * See for URL specification.
		 * @example <input name="homepage" class="{url:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid URL (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="homepage" class="{required:true,url:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element whose value must be a valid URL.
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.url
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		url: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || /^(https?|ftp):\/\/[A-Z0-9](\.?[A-Z0-9ÄÜÖ][A-Z0-9_\-ÄÜÖ]*)*(\/([A-Z0-9ÄÜÖ][A-Z0-9_\-\.ÄÜÖ]*)?)*(\?([A-Z0-9ÄÜÖ][A-Z0-9_\-\.%\+=&ÄÜÖ]*)?)?$/i.test(value);
		 * Return true, if the value is a valid date. Uses JavaScripts built-in
		 * Date to test if the date is valid, and is therefore very limited.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="birthdate" class="{date:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid date (or none at all).
		 * @example <input name="birthdate" class="{required:true,date:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an input element whose value must be a valid date.
		 * @name
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		date: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || !/Invalid|NaN/.test(new Date(value));
		 * Return true, if the value is a valid date, according to ISO date standard.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example"1990/01/01")
		 * @result true
		 * @example"1990-01-01")
		 * @result true
		 * @example"01.01.1990")
		 * @result false
		 * @example <input name="birthdate" class="{dateISO:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid ISO date (or none at all).
		 * @name
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		dateISO: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || /^\d{4}[/-]\d{1,2}[/-]\d{1,2}$/.test(value);
		 * Return true, if the value is a valid date. Supports german
		 * dates (29.04.1994 or 1.1.2006). Doesn't make any sanity checks.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example"1990/01/01")
		 * @result false
		 * @example"01.01.1990")
		 * @result true
		 * @example"0.1.2345")
		 * @result true
		 * @example <input name="geburtstag" class="{dateDE:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid german date (or none at all).
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.dateDE
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		dateDE: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || /^\d\d?\.\d\d?\.\d\d\d?\d?$/.test(value);
		 * Return true, if the value is a valid number. Checks for
		 * international number format, eg. 100,000.59
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="amount" class="{number:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid number (or none at all).
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.number
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		number: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || /^-?[,0-9]+(\.\d+)?$/.test(value); 
		 * Return true, if the value is a valid number.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * Checks for german numbers (100.000,59)
		 * @example <input name="menge" class="{numberDE:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must be a valid german number (or none at all).
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.numberDE
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		numberDE: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || /^-?[\.0-9]+(,\d+)?$/.test(value);
		 * Returns true if the value contains only digits.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="serialnumber" class="{digits:true}" />
		 * @desc Declares an optional input element whose value must contain only digits (or none at all).
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.digits
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		digits: function(value, element) {
			return !jQuery.validator.methods.required(value, element) || /^\d+$/.test(value);
		 * Returns true if the value has the same value
		 * as the element specified by the first parameter.
		 * Keep the expression simple to avoid spaces when using metadata.
		 * Works with all kind of text inputs.
		 * @example <input name="email" id="email" class="{required:true,email:true'}" />
		 * <input name="emailAgain" class="{equalTo:'#email'}" />
		 * @desc Declares two input elements: The first must contain a valid email address,
		 * the second must contain the same adress, enter once more. The paramter is a
		 * expression used via jQuery to select the element.
		 * @param String selection A jQuery expression
		 * @name jQuery.validator.methods.digits
		 * @type Boolean
		 * @cat Plugins/Validate/Methods
		equalTo: function(value, element, param) {
			// strings read from metadata have typeof object, convert to string
			return value == jQuery(""+param).val();
	 * Add a new validation method. It must consist of a name (must be a legal
	 * javascript identifier), a function and a default message.
	 * Please note: While the temptation is great to
	 * add a regex method that checks it's paramter against the value,
	 * it is much cleaner to encapsulate those regular expressions
	 * inside their own method. If you need lots of slightly different
	 * expressions, try to extract a common parameter.
	 * A library of regular expressions:
	 * @example jQuery.validator.addMethod("domain", function(value) {
	 *   return /^;
	 * }, "Please specify the correct domain for your documents");
	 * @desc Adds a method that checks if the value starts with
	 * @example jQuery.validator.addMethod("math", function(value, element, params) {
	 *  return value == params[0] + params[1];
	 * }, "Please enter the correct value for this simple question.");
	 * @see jQuery.validator.methods
	 * @param String name The name of the method, used to identify and referencing it, must be a valid javascript identifier
	 * @param Function rule The actual method implementation, returning true if an element is valid
	 * @param String message The default message to display for this method
	 * @name jQuery.validator.addMethod
	 * @type undefined
	 * @cat Plugins/Validate
	addMethod: function(name, method, message) {
		jQuery.validator.methods[name] = method;
		jQuery.validator.messages[name] = message;