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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2014 --

package Devel::MAT::SV;

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( switch );
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';

our $VERSION = '0.17';

use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw( weaken );
use List::Util qw( pairgrep pairmap pairs );

# Load XS code
require Devel::MAT;

use constant immortal => 0;

=head1 NAME

C<Devel::MAT::SV> - represent a single SV from a heap dump


Objects in this class represent individual SV variables found in the arena
during a heap dump. Actual types of SV are represented by subclasses, which
are documented below.


# Lexical subs, so all inline subclasses can see it
my $direct_or_rv = sub {
   my ( $name, $sv ) = @_;
   if( defined $sv and $sv->type eq "REF" and !$sv->{magic} ) {
      return ( "+$name directly" => $sv,
               ";$name via RV" => $sv->rv );
   else {
      return ( "+$name directly" => $sv );

my $indirect_or_rv = sub {
   my ( $name, $sv ) = @_;
   if( defined $sv and $sv->type eq "REF" and !$sv->{magic} ) {
      return ( ";$name indirectly" => $sv,
               ";$name via RV" => $sv->rv );
   else {
      return ( ";$name indirectly" => $sv );

my %types;
sub register_type
   $types{$_[1]} = $_[0];
   # generate the ->type constant method
   ( my $typename = $_[0] ) =~ s/^Devel::MAT::SV:://;
   no strict 'refs';
   *{"$_[0]::type"} = sub () { $typename };

sub new
   my ( $type, $df, $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;

   my $class = $types{$type} or croak "Cannot load unknown SV type $type";

   my $self = bless {}, $class;

      $type, $df,
      ( unpack "$df->{ptr_fmt} $df->{u32_fmt} $df->{uint_fmt}", $header ),

   return $self;



=head2 $type = $sv->type

Returns the major type of the SV. This is the class name minus the
C<Devel::MAT::SV::> prefix.


=head2 $desc = $sv->desc

Returns a string describing the type of the SV and giving a short detail of
its contents. The exact details depends on the SV type.


=head2 $desc = $sv->desc_addr

Returns a string describing the SV as with C<desc> and giving its address in
hex. A useful way to uniquely identify the SV when printing.


sub desc_addr
   my $self = shift;
   return sprintf "%s at %#x", $self->desc, $self->addr;

=head2 $addr = $sv->addr

Returns the address of the SV


# XS accessor

=head2 $count = $sv->refcnt

Returns the C<SvREFCNT> reference count of the SV

=head2 $count = $sv->refcount_adjusted

Returns the reference count of the SV, adjusted to take account of the fact
that the C<SvREFCNT> value of the backrefs list of a hash or weakly-referenced
object is artificially high.


# XS accessor

sub refcount_adjusted { shift->refcnt }

=head2 $stash = $sv->blessed

If the SV represents a blessed object, returns the stash SV. Otherwise returns


sub blessed
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->df->sv_at( $self->blessed_at );

=head2 $size = $sv->size

Returns the (approximate) size in bytes of the SV


# XS accessor

=head2 ( $type, $sv, $type, $sv, ... ) = $sv->magic

Returns a pair list of magic applied to the SV; each giving the type and
target SV.


# TODO: This interface needs fixing
sub magic
   my $self = shift;
   return unless my $magic = $self->{magic};

   my $df = $self->df;
   return map { my ( $type, undef, $obj_at, $ptr_at ) = @$_;
                ( $obj_at ? ( $type => $df->sv_at( $obj_at ) ) : () ),
                ( $ptr_at ? ( $type => $df->sv_at( $ptr_at ) ) : () ) } @$magic;

=head2 $av_or_rv = $sv->backrefs

Returns backrefs SV, which may be an AV containing the back references, or
if there is only one, the REF SV itself referring to this.


sub backrefs
   my $self = shift;

   return undef unless my $magic = $self->{magic};

   foreach my $mg ( @$magic ) {
      my ( $type, undef, $obj_at ) = @$mg;
      # backrefs list uses "<" magic type
      return $self->df->sv_at( $obj_at ) if $type eq "<";

   return undef;

# internal
sub more_magic
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $type, $flags, $obj_at, $ptr_at ) = @_;

   push @{ $self->{magic} }, [ $type => $flags, $obj_at, $ptr_at ];

=head2 %refs = $sv->outrefs

Returns a name/value list giving names and other SV objects for each of the
SVs that this one refers to, either directly by strong or weak reference,
indirectly via RV, or inferred by C<Devel::MAT> itself.


# Each outref name starts with one of four characters to indicate its type
#   +name = direct strong
#   -name = direct weak
#   ;name = indirect
#   .name = inferred

# $no_mangle is used by the Inrefs tool
sub _outrefs_matching
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $match, $no_mangle ) = @_;

   my @outrefs = pairgrep { defined $b } $self->_outrefs;

   push @outrefs, "-the bless package", $self->blessed if $self->blessed;

   foreach my $mg ( @{ $self->{magic} || [] } ) {
      my ( $type, $flags, $obj_at, $ptr_at ) = @$mg;

      if( my $obj = $self->df->sv_at( $obj_at ) ) {
         my $reftype = ( $flags & 0x01 ) ? "+" : "-";
         push @outrefs, "$reftype'$type' magic object" => $obj;
      if( my $ptr = $self->df->sv_at( $ptr_at ) ) {
         push @outrefs, "+'$type' magic pointer" => $ptr;

   @outrefs = pairgrep { $a =~ m/^$match/ } @outrefs if $match;

   return @outrefs / 2 if !wantarray;

   # Strip type prefixes
   @outrefs = pairmap { substr( $a, 1 ) => $b } @outrefs unless $no_mangle;
   return @outrefs;

sub outrefs { shift->_outrefs_matching( undef ) }

=head2 %refs = $sv->outrefs_strong

Returns the subset of C<outrefs> that are direct strong references.

=head2 %refs = $sv->outrefs_weak

Returns the subset of C<outrefs> that are direct weak references.

=head2 %refs = $sv->outrefs_direct

Returns the subset of C<outrefs> that are direct strong or weak references.

=head2 %refs = $sv->outrefs_indirect

Returns the subset of C<outrefs> that are indirect references via RVs.

=head2 %refs = $sv->outrefs_inferred

Returns the subset of C<outrefs> that are not directly stored in the SV
structure, but instead inferred by C<Devel::MAT> itself.


sub outrefs_strong   { shift->_outrefs_matching( qr/\+/   ) }
sub outrefs_weak     { shift->_outrefs_matching( qr/-/    ) }
sub outrefs_direct   { shift->_outrefs_matching( qr/[+-]/ ) }
sub outrefs_indirect { shift->_outrefs_matching( qr/;/    ) }
sub outrefs_inferred { shift->_outrefs_matching( qr/\./   ) }


Three special SV objects exist outside of the heap, to represent C<undef> and
boolean true and false. They are

=over 4

=item * Devel::MAT::SV::UNDEF

=item * Devel::MAT::SV::YES

=item * Devel::MAT::SV::NO



package Devel::MAT::SV::Immortal;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
use constant immortal => 1;
sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my ( $df, $addr ) = @_;
   my $self = bless {}, $class;
   $self->_set_core_fields( 0, $df, $addr, 0, 0, 0 );
   return $self;
sub _outrefs { () }

package Devel::MAT::SV::UNDEF;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV::Immortal );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
sub desc { "UNDEF" }
sub type { "UNDEF" }

package Devel::MAT::SV::YES;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV::Immortal );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
sub desc { "YES" }
sub type { "SCALAR" }

# Pretend to be 1 / "1"
sub uv { 1 }
sub iv { 1 }
sub nv { 1.0 }
sub pv { "1" }
sub rv { undef }
sub is_weak { '' }
sub name {}

package Devel::MAT::SV::NO;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV::Immortal );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
sub desc { "NO" }
sub type { "SCALAR" }

# Pretend to be 0 / ""
sub uv { 0 }
sub iv { 0 }
sub nv { 0.0 }
sub pv { "0" }
sub rv { undef }
sub is_weak { '' }
sub name {}

package Devel::MAT::SV::Unknown;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 0xff );

sub desc { "UNKNOWN" }

sub _outrefs {}

package Devel::MAT::SV::GLOB;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 1 );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::GLOB

Represents a glob; an SV of type C<SVt_PVGV>.


sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my ( $line ) =
      unpack "$df->{uint_fmt}", $header;

      $line, $strs->[1],

sub _fixup
   my $self = shift;

   $_ and $_->_set_glob_at( $self->addr ) for $self->scalar, $self->array, $self->hash, $self->code;

=head2 $file = $gv->file

=head2 $line = $gv->line

=head2 $location = $gv->location

Returns the filename, line number, or combined location (C<FILE line LINE>)
that the GV first appears at.


# XS accessors

sub location
   my $self = shift;
   my $file = $self->file;
   my $line = $self->line;
   defined $file ? "$file line $line" : undef

=head2 $stash = $gv->stash

Returns the stash to which the GV belongs.


sub stash  { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->stash_at  ) }

=head2 $sv = $gv->scalar

=head2 $av = $gv->array

=head2 $hv = $gv->hash

=head2 $cv = $gv->code

=head2 $gv = $gv->egv

=head2 $io = $gv->io

=head2 $form = $gv->form

Return the SV in the various glob slots.


sub scalar { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->scalar_at ) }
sub array  { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->array_at  ) }
sub hash   { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->hash_at   ) }
sub code   { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->code_at   ) }
sub egv    { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->egv_at    ) }
sub io     { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->io_at     ) }
sub form   { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->form_at   ) }

sub stashname
   my $self = shift;
   my $name = $self->name;
   $name =~ s(^([\x00-\x1f])){"^" . chr(64 + ord $1)}e;
   return $self->stash->stashname . "::" . $name;

sub desc
   my $self = shift;
   my $sigils = "";
   $sigils .= '$' if $self->scalar;
   $sigils .= '@' if $self->array;
   $sigils .= '%' if $self->hash;
   $sigils .= '&' if $self->code;
   $sigils .= '*' if $self->egv;
   $sigils .= 'I' if $self->io;
   $sigils .= 'F' if $self->form;

   return "GLOB($sigils)";

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;

   return (
      "+the scalar" => $self->scalar,
      "+the array"  => $self->array,
      "+the hash"   => $self->hash,
      "+the code"   => $self->code,
      "+the io"     => $self->io,
      "+the form"   => $self->form,

      # the egv is weakref if if it points back to itself
      ( $self->egv and $self->egv == $self ) ? "-the egv" : "+the egv" =>

package Devel::MAT::SV::SCALAR;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 2 );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::SCALAR

Represents a non-referential scalar value; an SV of any of the types up to and
including C<SVt_PVMV> (that is, C<IV>, C<NV>, C<PV>, C<PVIV>, C<PVNV> or
C<PVMG>). This includes all numbers, integers and floats, strings, and dualvars
containing multiple parts.


sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my ( $flags, $uv, $nvbytes, $pvlen ) =
      unpack "C $df->{uint_fmt} A$df->{nv_len} $df->{uint_fmt}", $header;
   my $nv = unpack "$df->{nv_fmt}", $nvbytes;

   # $strs->[0] will be swiped

   $self->_set_scalar_fields( $flags, $uv, $nv,
      $strs->[0], $pvlen,
      $ptrs->[0], # OURSTASH

   # $strs->[0] is now undef

   $flags &= ~0x1f;
   $flags and die sprintf "Unrecognised SCALAR flags %02x\n", $flags;

=head2 $uv = $sv->uv

Returns the integer numeric portion as an unsigned value, if valid, or C<undef>.

=head2 $iv = $sv->iv

Returns the integer numeric portion as a signed value, if valid, or C<undef>.

=head2 $nv = $sv->nv

Returns the floating numeric portion, if valid, or C<undef>.

=head2 $pv = $sv->pv

Returns the string portion, if valid, or C<undef>.

=head2 $pvlen = $sv->pvlen

Returns the length of the string portion, if valid, or C<undef>.


# XS accessors

=head2 $str = $sv->qq_pv( $maxlen )

Returns the PV string, if defined, suitably quoted. If C<$maxlen> is defined
and the PV is longer than this, it is truncated and C<...> is appended after
the containing quote marks.


sub qq_pv
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $maxlen ) = @_;

   defined( my $pv = $self->pv ) or return undef;
   $pv = substr( $pv, 0, $maxlen ) if defined $maxlen and $maxlen < length $pv;

   my $truncated = $self->pvlen > length $pv;

   if( $pv =~ m/^[\x20-\x7e]*$/ ) {
      $pv =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
      $pv = qq('$pv');
   else {
      $pv =~ s((\")     | (\r)     | (\n)     | ([\x00-\x1f\x80-\xff]))
              {$1?'\\"' : $2?"\\r" : $3?"\\n" : sprintf "\\x%02x", ord $4}egx;
      $pv = qq("$pv");
   $pv .= "..." if $truncated;

   return $pv;

=head2 $stash = $sv->ourstash

Returns the stash of the SCALAR, if it is an 'C<our>' variable.


sub ourstash { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->ourstash_at ) }

sub name
   my $self = shift;
   return unless my $glob_at = $self->glob_at;
   return '$' . $self->df->sv_at( $glob_at )->stashname;

sub desc
   my $self = shift;

   my @flags;
   push @flags, "UV" if defined $self->uv;
   push @flags, "IV" if defined $self->iv;
   push @flags, "NV" if defined $self->nv;
   push @flags, "PV" if defined $self->pv;
   local $" = ",";
   return "SCALAR(@flags)";

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;

   return (
      "+the our stash" => $self->ourstash,

package Devel::MAT::SV::REF;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 3 );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::REF

Represents a referential scalar; any SCALAR-type SV with the C<SvROK> flag


sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;

   ( my $flags ) =
      unpack "C", $header;

      @{$ptrs}[0,1], # RV, OURSTASH
      $flags & 0x01, # RV_IS_WEAK

   $flags &= ~0x01;
   $flags and die sprintf "Unrecognised REF flags %02x\n", $flags;

=head2 $svrv = $sv->rv

Returns the SV referred to by the reference.


sub rv { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->rv_at ) }

=head2 $weak = $sv->is_weak

Returns true if the SV is a weakened RV reference.


# XS accessor

=head2 $stash = $sv->ourstash

Returns the stash of the SCALAR, if it is an 'C<our>' variable.


sub ourstash { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->ourstash_at ) }

sub desc
   my $self = shift;

   return sprintf "REF(%s)", $self->is_weak ? "W" : "";

*name = \&Devel::MAT::SV::SCALAR::name;

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   return (
      ( $self->is_weak ? "-" : "+" ) . "the referrant" => $self->rv,
      "+the our stash" => $self->ourstash,

package Devel::MAT::SV::ARRAY;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 4 );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::ARRAY

Represents an array; an SV of type C<SVt_PVAV>.


sub refcount_adjusted
   my $self = shift;
   # AVs that are backrefs lists have an SvREFCNT artificially high
   return $self->refcnt - ( $self->is_backrefs ? 1 : 0 );

sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my ( $n, $flags ) =
      unpack "$df->{uint_fmt} C", $header;

   $self->_set_array_fields( $flags || 0, [ $n ? $df->_read_ptrs($n) : () ] );

=head2 $unreal = $av->is_unreal

Returns true if the C<AvREAL()> flag is not set on the array - i.e. that its
SV pointers do not contribute to the C<SvREFCNT> of the SVs it points at.

=head2 $backrefs = $av->is_backrefs

Returns true if the array contains the backrefs list of a hash or
weakly-referenced object.


# XS accessors

sub name
   my $self = shift;
   return unless my $glob_at = $self->glob_at;
   return '@' . $self->df->sv_at( $glob_at )->stashname;

=head2 @svs = $av->elems

Returns all of the element SVs in a list


sub elems
   my $self = shift;

   my $n = $self->n_elems;
   return $n unless wantarray;

   my $df = $self->df;
   return map { $df->sv_at( $self->elem_at( $_ ) ) } 0 .. $n-1;

=head2 $sv = $av->elem( $index )

Returns the SV at the given index


sub elem
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->df->sv_at( $self->elem_at( $_[0] ) );

sub desc
   my $self = shift;

   my @flags =

   push @flags, "!REAL" if $self->is_unreal;

   $" = ",";
   return "ARRAY(@flags)";

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my $n = $self->n_elems;

   if( $self->is_unreal ) {
      return map {
         +"-element [$_] directly" => $df->sv_at( $self->elem_at( $_ ) ),
      } 0 .. $n-1;

   return map {
      $direct_or_rv->( "element [$_]" => $df->sv_at( $self->elem_at( $_ ) ) ),
   } 0 .. $n-1;

package Devel::MAT::SV::PADLIST;
# Synthetic type
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV::ARRAY );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
use constant type => "PADLIST";

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::PADLIST

A subclass of ARRAY, this is used to represent the PADLIST of a CODE SV.


sub padcv { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->padcv_at ) }

sub desc
   my $self = shift;
   return "PADLIST(" . $self->n_elems . ")";

# Totally different outrefs format
sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my $n = $self->n_elems;

   return (
      "+the padnames directly" => $df->sv_at( $self->elem_at( 0 ) ),

      map { +"+pad at depth $_ directly" => $df->sv_at( $self->elem_at( $_ ) ) }
         1 .. $n-1

package Devel::MAT::SV::PADNAMES;
# Synthetic type
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV::ARRAY );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
use constant type => "PADNAMES";

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::PADNAMES

A subclass of ARRAY, this is used to represent the PADNAMES of a CODE SV.


sub padcv { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->padcv_at ) }

=head2 $padname = $padnames->padname( $padix )

Returns the name of the lexical at the given index, or C<undef>


sub padname
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $padix ) = @_;
   my $namepv = $self->elem( $padix ) or return undef;
   $namepv->type eq "SCALAR" or return undef;
   return $namepv->pv;

sub desc
   my $self = shift;
   return "PADNAMES(" . scalar($self->elems) . ")";

# Totally different outrefs format
sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my $n = $self->n_elems;

   return (
      # [0] is always UNDEF

      map { +"+padname [$_]" => $df->sv_at( $self->elem_at( $_ ) ) }
         1 .. $n-1

package Devel::MAT::SV::PAD;
# Synthetic type
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV::ARRAY );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
use constant type => "PAD";

use List::Util qw( pairmap );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::PAD

A subclass of ARRAY, this is used to represent a PAD of a CODE SV.


sub desc
   my $self = shift;
   return "PAD(" . scalar($self->elems) . ")";

=head2 ( $name, $sv, $name, $sv, ... ) = $pad->lexvars

Returns a name/value list of the lexical variables in the pad.


sub padcv { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->padcv_at ) }

sub lexvars
   my $self = shift;
   my $padcv = $self->padcv;

   my @svs = $self->elems;
   return map {
      my $name = $padcv->padname( $_ );
      $name ? ( $name => $svs[$_] ) : ()
   } 1 .. $#svs;

# Totally different outrefs format
sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my $padcv = $self->padcv;

   my @svs = $self->elems;

   return (
      '+the @_ av' => $svs[0],
      map {
         my $sv = $svs[$_];
         my $name = $padcv->padname( $_ );
         $name ? ( $direct_or_rv->( "the lexical $name" => $sv ) )
               : ( $direct_or_rv->( "elem [$_]" => $sv ) )
      } 1 .. $#svs,

package Devel::MAT::SV::HASH;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 5 );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::HASH

Represents a hash; an SV of type C<SVt_PVHV>. The C<Devel::MAT::SV::STASH>
subclass is used to represent hashes that are used as stashes.


sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;
   my $df = $self->df;

   ( my $n ) =
      unpack "$df->{uint_fmt} a*", $header;

   my %values_at;
   foreach ( 1 .. $n ) {
      my $key = $df->_read_str;
      $values_at{$key} = $df->_read_ptr;

      $ptrs->[0], # BACKREFS


# Back-compat. for loading old .pmat files that didn't store AvREAL
sub _fixup
   my $self = shift;

   if( my $backrefs = $self->backrefs ) {
      $backrefs->_set_backrefs( 1 ) if $backrefs->type eq "ARRAY";

sub name
   my $self = shift;
   return unless my $glob_at = $self->glob_at;
   return '%' . $self->df->sv_at( $glob_at )->stashname;

# HVs have a backrefs field directly, rather than using magic
sub backrefs
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->df->sv_at( $self->backrefs_at );

=head2 @keys = $hv->keys

Returns the set of keys present in the hash, as plain perl strings, in no
particular order.


# XS accessor

=head2 $sv = $hv->value( $key )

Returns the SV associated with the given key


sub value
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $key ) = @_;
   return $self->df->sv_at( $self->value_at( $key ) );

=head2 @svs = $hv->values

Returns all of the SVs stored as values, in no particular order.


sub values
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->n_values if !wantarray;

   my $df = $self->df;
   return map { $df->sv_at( $_ ) } $self->values_at;

sub desc
   my $self = shift;
   my $named = $self->{name} ? " named $self->{name}" : "";
   return "HASH(" . $self->n_values . ")";

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my @keys = $self->keys;

   return (
      # backrefs are optimised so if there's only one backref, it is stored
      # in the backrefs slot directly
      ( $self->backrefs && $self->backrefs->type eq "ARRAY" ) ?
         ( "+the backrefs list" => $self->backrefs,
           map { +";a backref indirectly" => $_ } $self->backrefs->elems ) :
         ( "-a backref" => $self->backrefs ),

      map {
         $direct_or_rv->( "value {$_}" => $df->sv_at( $self->value_at( $_ ) ) )
      } @keys

package Devel::MAT::SV::STASH;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV::HASH );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 6 );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::STASH

Represents a hash used as a stash; an SV of type C<SVt_PVHV> whose C<HvNAME()>
is non-NULL. This is a subclass of C<Devel::MAT::SV::HASH>.


sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my ( $hash_bytes, $hash_ptrs, $hash_strs ) = @{ $df->{sv_sizes}[5] };

      substr( $header, 0, $hash_bytes, "" ),
      [ splice @$ptrs, 0, $hash_ptrs ],
      [ splice @$strs, 0, $hash_strs ],

   @{$self}{qw( mro_linearall_at mro_linearcurrent_at mro_nextmethod_at mro_isa_at )} =

   ( $self->{name} ) =

=head2 $hv = $stash->mro_linear_all

=head2 $sv = $stash->mro_linearcurrent

=head2 $sv = $stash->mro_nextmethod

=head2 $av = $stash->mro_isa

Returns the fields from the MRO structure


sub mro_linearall     { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->{mro_linearall_at} ) }
sub mro_linearcurrent { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->{mro_linearcurrent_at} ) }
sub mro_nextmethod    { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->{mro_nextmethod_at} ) }
sub mro_isa           { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->{mro_isa_at} ) }

=head2 $name = $stash->stashname

Returns the name of the stash


sub stashname
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{name};

sub desc
   my $self = shift;
   my $desc = $self->SUPER::desc;
   $desc =~ s/^HASH/STASH/;
   return $desc;

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->SUPER::_outrefs,
      "+the mro linear all HV"  => $self->mro_linearall,
      "+the mro linear current" => $self->mro_linearcurrent,
      "+the mro next::method"   => $self->mro_nextmethod,
      "+the mro ISA cache"      => $self->mro_isa,

package Devel::MAT::SV::CODE;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 7 );

use List::MoreUtils qw( uniq );

=head1 Devel::MAT::SV::CODE

Represents a function or closure; an SV of type C<SVt_PVCV>.


sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;
   my $df = $self->df;

   my ( $line, $flags, $oproot ) =
      unpack "$df->{uint_fmt} C $df->{ptr_fmt}", $header;

   $self->_set_code_fields( $line, $flags, $oproot,
      @{$ptrs}[0, 2..4], # STASH, OUTSIDE, PADLIST, CONSTVAL
      $strs->[0],        # FILE
   $self->_set_glob_at( $ptrs->[1] );

   while( my $type = $df->_read_u8 ) {
      given( $type ) {
         when( 1 ) { push @{ $self->{consts_at} }, $df->_read_ptr }
         when( 2 ) { push @{ $self->{constix} }, $df->_read_uint }
         when( 3 ) { push @{ $self->{gvs_at} }, $df->_read_ptr }
         when( 4 ) { push @{ $self->{gvix} }, $df->_read_uint }
         when( 5 ) { # ignore - used to be padname
                     $df->_read_uint; $df->_read_str }
         when( 6 ) { # ignore - used to be padsvs_at
                     $df->_read_uint; $df->_read_uint; $df->_read_ptr; }
         when( 7 ) { $self->_set_padnames_at( $df->_read_ptr ); }
         when( 8 ) { my $depth = $df->_read_uint;
                     $self->{pads_at}[$depth] = $df->_read_ptr; }
         default   { die "TODO: unhandled CODEx type $type"; }

sub _fixup
   my $self = shift;
   return unless $self->padlist_at;

   my $df = $self->df;

   my $padlist = $self->padlist;
   bless $padlist, "Devel::MAT::SV::PADLIST" if $padlist;
   $padlist->_set_padcv_at( $self->addr ) if $padlist;

   my $padnames;
   my @pads;

   # 5.18.0 onwards has a totally different padlist arrangement
   if( $df->{perlver} >= ( ( 5 << 24 ) | ( 18 << 16 ) ) ) {
      $padnames = $self->padnames;

      @pads = map { $df->sv_at( $_ ) } @{ $self->{pads_at} };
      shift @pads; # always zero
   else {
      # PADLIST[0] stores the names of the lexicals
      # The rest stores the actual pads
      ( $padnames, @pads ) = $padlist->elems;
      $self->_set_padnames_at( $padnames->addr );

   bless $padnames, "Devel::MAT::SV::PADNAMES";
   $padnames->_set_padcv_at( $self->addr );

   foreach my $pad ( @pads ) {
      next unless $pad;

      bless $pad, "Devel::MAT::SV::PAD";
      $pad->_set_padcv_at( $self->addr );

   $self->{pads} = \@pads;

   # Under ithreads, constants are actually stored in the first padlist
   if( $df->ithreads ) {
      my $pad0 = $pads[0];

      foreach my $type (qw( const gv )) {
         my $idxes  = $self->{"${type}ix"} or next;
         my $svs_at = $self->{"${type}s_at"} ||= [];

         @$svs_at = map { my $e = $pad0->elem($_);
                          $e ? $e->addr : undef } uniq @$idxes;

         # Clear the obviously unused elements of lexnames and padlists
         foreach my $ix ( @$idxes ) {
            $padnames->_clear_elem( $ix );
            $_ and $_->_clear_elem( $ix ) for @pads;

=head2 $stash = $cv->stash

=head2 $gv = $cv->glob

=head2 $filename = $cv->file

=head2 $line = $cv->line

=head2 $scope_cv = $cv->scope

=head2 $av = $cv->padlist

=head2 $sv = $cv->constval

=head2 $addr = $cv->oproot

Returns the stash, glob, filename, line number, scope, padlist, constant value
or oproot of the code.


sub stash    { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->stash_at ) }
sub glob     { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->glob_at ) }
# XS accessors: file, line
sub scope    { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->outside_at ) }
sub padlist  { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->padlist_at ) }
sub constval { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->constval_at ) }
# XS accessor: oproot

=head2 $location = $cv->location

Returns C<FILE line LINE> if the line is defined, or C<FILE> if not.


sub location
   my $self = shift;
   my $line = $self->line;
   my $file = $self->file;
   # line 0 is invalid
   return $line ? "$file line $line" : $file;

=head2 $clone = $cv->is_clone

=head2 $cloned = $cv->is_cloned

=head2 $xsub = $cv->is_xsub

=head2 $weak = $cv->is_weakoutside

=head2 $rc = $cv->is_cvgv_rc

Returns the C<CvCLONE()>, C<CvCLONED()>, C<CvISXSUB()>, C<CvWEAKOUTSIDE()> and
C<CvCVGV_RC()> flags.


# XS accessors

=head2 $protosub = $cv->protosub

Returns the protosub CV, if known, for a closure CV.


sub protosub { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->protosub_at ); }

=head2 @svs = $cv->constants

Returns a list of the SVs used as constants or method names in the code. On
ithreads perl the constants are part of the padlist structure so this list is
constructed from parts of the padlist at loading time.


sub constants
   my $self = shift;
   my $df = $self->df;
   return map { $df->sv_at($_) } @{ $self->{consts_at} || [] };

=head2 @svs = $cv->globrefs

Returns a list of the SVs used as GLOB references in the code. On ithreads
perl the constants are part of the padlist structure so this list is
constructed from parts of the padlist at loading time.


sub globrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my $df = $self->df;
   return map { $df->sv_at($_) } @{ $self->{gvs_at} };

sub stashname { my $self = shift; return $self->stash ? $self->stash->stashname : undef }

sub name
   my $self = shift;
   return unless my $glob_at = $self->glob_at;
   return '&' . $self->df->sv_at( $glob_at )->stashname;

=head2 $name = $cv->padname( $padix )

Returns the name of the $padix'th lexical variable, or C<undef> if it doesn't
have a name


sub padname
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $padix ) = @_;

   return $self->padnames->padname( $padix );

=head2 $padnames = $cv->padnames

Returns the AV reference directly which stores the pad names.


sub padnames
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->df->sv_at( $self->padnames_at );

=head2 @pads = $cv->pads

Returns a list of the actual pad AVs.


sub pads
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{pads} ? @{ $self->{pads} } : ();

=head2 $pad = $cv->pad( $depth )

Returns the PAD at the given depth


sub pad
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $depth ) = @_;
   return $self->{pads} ? $self->{pads}[$depth] : undef;

sub desc
   my $self = shift;

   my @flags;
   push @flags, "PP"    if $self->oproot;
   push @flags, "CONST" if $self->constval;
   push @flags, "XS"    if $self->is_xsub;

   push @flags, "C" if $self->is_cloned; # C for Closure
   push @flags, "P" if $self->is_clone;  # P for Protosub

   local $" = ",";
   return "CODE(@flags)";

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my $pads = $self->{pads};

   my $maxdepth = $pads ? scalar @$pads : 0;

   my $padlist = $self->padlist;

   # If we have a PADLIST then its contents are indirect; if not then they are direct strong
   my $padnames_desc = $padlist ? ";the padnames indirectly"
                                : "+the padnames directly";
   my $pad_descf     = $padlist ? ";pad at depth %d indirectly"
                                : "+pad at depth %d directly";

   return (
      ( $self->is_weakoutside ? "-the scope" : "+the scope" ) =>

      "-the stash" => $self->stash,

      ( $self->is_cvgv_rc ? "+the glob" : "-the glob" ) =>

      "+the constant value" => $self->constval,
      ".the protosub" => $self->protosub,

      ( map { +"+a constant" => $_ } $self->constants ),
      ( map { +"+a referenced glob" => $_ } $self->globrefs ),

      "+the padlist" => $padlist,
      $padnames_desc => $self->padnames,

      ( map {
            my $depth = $_;
            sprintf( $pad_descf, $depth ) => $pads->[$depth-1],
         } 1 .. $maxdepth ),

package Devel::MAT::SV::IO;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 8 );

sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;

   @{$self}{qw( topgv_at formatgv_at bottomgv_at )} =

sub topgv    { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->{topgv_at}    ) }
sub formatgv { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->{formatgv_at} ) }
sub bottomgv { my $self = shift; $self->df->sv_at( $self->{bottomgv_at} ) }

sub desc { "IO()" }

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   return (
      "+the top GV" => $self->topgv,
      "+the format GV" => $self->formatgv,
      "+the bottom GV" => $self->bottomgv,

package Devel::MAT::SV::LVALUE;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 9 );

sub load
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $header, $ptrs, $strs ) = @_;
   my $df = $self->df;

   ( $self->{type}, $self->{off}, $self->{len} ) =
      unpack "a1 $df->{uint_fmt}2", $header;

   ( $self->{targ_at} ) =

sub lvtype { my $self = shift; return $self->{type} }
sub off    { my $self = shift; return $self->{off} }
sub len    { my $self = shift; return $self->{len} }
sub target { my $self = shift; return $self->df->sv_at( $self->{targ_at} ) }

sub desc { "LVALUE()" }

sub _outrefs
   my $self = shift;
   return (
      "+the target" => $self->target,

package Devel::MAT::SV::REGEXP;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 10 );

sub load {}

sub desc { "REGEXP()" }

sub _outrefs { () }

package Devel::MAT::SV::FORMAT;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 11 );

sub load {}

sub desc { "FORMAT()" }

sub _outrefs { () }

package Devel::MAT::SV::INVLIST;
use base qw( Devel::MAT::SV );
our $VERSION = '0.17';
__PACKAGE__->register_type( 12 );

sub load {}

sub desc { "INVLIST()" }

sub _outrefs { () }

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

