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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
#  or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
#  (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2014 --

package Devel::MAT::Dumpfile;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.18';

use Carp;
use IO::Handle;   # ->read
use IO::Seekable; # ->tell

use List::Util qw( pairmap );

use Devel::MAT::SV;
use Devel::MAT::Context;

=head1 NAME

C<Devel::MAT::Dumpfile> - load and analyse a heap dump file


 use Devel::MAT::Dumpfile;

 my $df = Devel::MAT::Dumpfile->load( "path/to/the/file.pmat" );



This module provides a class that loads a heap dump file previously written by
L<Devel::MAT::Dumper>. It provides accessor methods to obtain various
well-known root starting addresses, or to find arbitrary SVs by address. Each
SV is represented by an instance of L<Devel::MAT::SV>.


my @ROOTS;
foreach (
   [ main_cv         => "+the main code" ],
   [ defstash        => "+the default stash" ],
   [ mainstack       => "+the main stack AV" ],
   [ beginav         => "+the BEGIN list" ],
   [ checkav         => "+the CHECK list" ],
   [ unitcheckav     => "+the UNITCHECK list" ],
   [ initav          => "+the INIT list" ],
   [ endav           => "+the END list" ],
   [ strtab          => "+the shared string table HV" ],
   [ envgv           => "-the ENV GV" ],
   [ incgv           => "+the INC GV" ],
   [ statgv          => "+the stat GV" ],
   [ statname        => "+the statname SV" ],
   [ tmpsv           => "+the temporary SV" ],
   [ defgv           => "+the default GV" ],
   [ argvgv          => "-the ARGV GV" ],
   [ argvoutgv       => "+the argvout GV" ],
   [ argvout_stack   => "+the argvout stack AV" ],
   [ errgv           => "+the *@ GV" ],
   [ fdpidav         => "+the FD-to-PID mapping AV" ],
   [ preambleav      => "+the compiler preamble AV" ],
   [ modglobalhv     => "+the module data globals HV" ],
   [ regex_padav     => "+the REGEXP pad AV" ],
   [ sortstash       => "+the sort stash" ],
   [ firstgv         => "-the *a GV" ],
   [ secondgv        => "-the *b GV" ],
   [ debstash        => "-the debugger stash" ],
   [ stashcache      => "+the stash cache" ],
   [ isarev          => "+the reverse map of \@ISA dependencies" ],
   [ registered_mros => "+the registered MROs HV" ],
   [ rs              => "+the IRS" ],
   [ last_in_gv      => "+the last input GV" ],
   [ ofsgv           => "+the OFS GV" ],
   [ defoutgv        => "+the default output GV" ],
   [ hintgv          => "-the hints (%^H) GV" ],
   [ patchlevel      => "+the patch level" ],
   [ apiversion      => "+the API version" ],
   [ e_script        => "+the '-e' script" ],
   [ mess_sv         => "+the message SV" ],
   [ ors_sv          => "+the ORS SV" ],
   [ encoding        => "+the encoding" ],
   [ blockhooks      => "+the block hooks" ],
   [ custom_ops      => "+the custom ops HV" ],
   [ custom_op_names => "+the custom op names HV" ],
   [ custom_op_descs => "+the custom op descriptions HV" ],
   map { [ $_ => "+the $_" ] } qw(
      Latin1 UpperLatin1 AboveLatin1 NonL1NonFinalFold HasMultiCharFold
      utf8_mark utf8_X_regular_begin utf8_X_extend utf8_toupper utf8_totitle
      utf8_tolower utf8_tofold utf8_charname_begin utf8_charname_continue
      utf8_idstart utf8_idcont utf8_xidstart utf8_perl_idstart utf8_perl_idcont
      utf8_xidcont utf8_foldclosures utf8_foldable ),
) {
   my ( $name, $desc ) = @$_;
   push @ROOTS, $name;
   $ROOTDESC{$name} = $desc;

   # Autogenerate the accessors
   my $name_at = "${name}_at";
   my $code = sub { my $self = shift; $self->sv_at( $self->{$name_at} ) };
   no strict 'refs';
   *$name = $code;



=head2 $df = Devel::MAT::Dumpfile->load( $path, %args )

Loads a heap dump file from the given path, and returns a new
C<Devel::MAT::Dumpfile> instance representing it.

Takes the following named arguments:

=over 8

=item progress => CODE

If given, should be a CODE reference to a function that will be called
regularly during the loading process, and given a status message to update the



sub load
   my $class = shift;
   my ( $path, %args ) = @_;

   my $progress = $args{progress};

   $progress->( "Loading file $path..." ) if $progress;

   open my $fh, "<", $path or croak "Cannot read $path - $!";
   my $self = bless { fh => $fh }, $class;

   my $filelen = -s $fh;

   # Header
   $self->_read(4) eq "PMAT" or croak "File magic signature not found";

   my $flags = $self->_read_u8;

   my $endian = ( $self->{big_endian} = $flags & 0x01 ) ? ">" : "<";

   my $u32_fmt = $self->{u32_fmt} = "L$endian";
   my $u64_fmt = $self->{u64_fmt} = "Q$endian";

   @{$self}{qw( uint_len uint_fmt )} =
      ( $flags & 0x02 ) ? ( 8, $u64_fmt ) : ( 4, $u32_fmt );

   @{$self}{qw( ptr_len ptr_fmt )} =
      ( $flags & 0x04 ) ? ( 8, $u64_fmt ) : ( 4, $u32_fmt );

   @{$self}{qw( nv_len nv_fmt )} =
      ( $flags & 0x08 ) ? ( 10, "D$endian" ) : ( 8, "d$endian" );

   $self->{ithreads} = !!( $flags & 0x10 );

   $flags &= ~0x1f;
   die sprintf "Cannot read %s - unrecognised flags %x\n", $path, $flags if $flags;

   $self->{minus_1} = unpack $self->{uint_fmt}, pack $self->{uint_fmt}, -1;

   $self->_read_u8 == 0 or die "Cannot read $path - 'zero' header field is not zero";

   $self->_read_u8 == 0 or die "Cannot read $path - format version major unrecognised";

   ( $self->{format_minor} = $self->_read_u8 ) <= 1 or
      die "Cannot read $path - format version minor unrecognised ($self->{format_minor})";

   if( $self->{format_minor} < 1 ) {
      warn "Loading an earlier format of dumpfile - SV MAGIC annotations may be incorrect\n";

   $self->{perlver} = $self->_read_u32;

   my $n_types = $self->_read_u8;
   my @sv_sizes = unpack "(a3)*", my $tmp = $self->_read( $n_types * 3 );
   $self->{sv_sizes} = [ map [ unpack "C C C", $_ ], @sv_sizes ];

   # Roots
   foreach (qw( undef yes no )) {
      my $addr = $self->{"${_}_at"} = $self->_read_ptr;
      my $class = "Devel::MAT::SV::\U$_";
      $self->{uc $_} = $class->new( $self, $addr );

   foreach ( 1 .. $self->_read_u32 ) {
      my $root = $self->_read_str;
      $self->{"${root}_at"} = $self->_read_ptr;

   # Stack
   my $stacksize = $self->_read_uint;
   $self->{stack_at} = [ map { $self->_read_ptr } 1 .. $stacksize ];

   # Heap
   $self->{heap} = \my %heap;
   while( my $sv = $self->_read_sv ) {
      $heap{$sv->addr} = $sv;

      my $pos = $fh->IO::Seekable::tell; # fully-qualified method for 5.010
      $progress->( sprintf "Loading file %d of %d (%.2f%%)",
         $pos, $filelen, 100*$pos / $filelen ) if $progress and (keys(%heap) % 5000) == 0;

   # Contexts
   $self->{contexts} = \my @contexts;
   while( my $ctx = $self->_read_ctx ) {
      push @contexts, $ctx;

   $self->_fixup( %args ) unless $args{no_fixup};

   return $self;

sub _fixup
   my $self = shift;
   my %args = @_;

   my $progress = $args{progress};

   my $heap = $self->{heap};

   my $heap_total = scalar keys %$heap;

   my %protosub_by_oproot;

   my $count = 0;
   while( my ( $addr ) = each %$heap ) {
      my $sv = $heap->{$addr} or next;

      # While dumping we weren't able to determine what ARRAYs were really
      # PADLISTs. Now we can fix them up
      $sv->_fixup if $sv->can( "_fixup" );

      # Also identify the protosub of every oproot
      if( $sv->type eq "CODE" and $sv->oproot and $sv->is_clone ) {
         $protosub_by_oproot{$sv->oproot} = $sv;

      $progress->( sprintf "Fixing %d of %d (%.2f%%)",
         $count, $heap_total, 100*$count / $heap_total ) if $progress and ($count % 5000) == 0;

   # Now annotate the protosubs for closures
   $count = 0;
   while( my ( $addr ) = each %$heap ) {
      my $sv = $heap->{$addr} or next;

      if( $sv->type eq "CODE" and $sv->oproot and $sv->is_cloned ) {
         if( my $protosub = $protosub_by_oproot{$sv->oproot} ) {
            $sv->_set_protosub_at( $protosub->addr );

      $progress->( sprintf "Setting protosubs %d of %d (%.2f%%)",
         $count, $heap_total, 100*$count / $heap_total ) if $progress and ($count % 5000) == 0;

   return $self;

# Nicer interface to IO::Handle
sub _read
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $len ) = @_;
   return "" if $len == 0;
   defined( $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, $len ) ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return $buf;

sub _read_u8
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, 1 ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return unpack "C", $buf;

sub _read_u32
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, 4 ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return unpack $self->{u32_fmt}, $buf;

sub _read_u64
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, 8 ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return unpack $self->{u64_fmt}, $buf;

sub _read_uint
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, $self->{uint_len} ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return unpack $self->{uint_fmt}, $buf;

sub _read_ptr
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, $self->{ptr_len} ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return unpack $self->{ptr_fmt}, $buf;

sub _read_ptrs
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $n ) = @_;
   $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, $self->{ptr_len} * $n ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return unpack "$self->{ptr_fmt}$n", $buf;

sub _read_nv
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{fh}->read( my $buf, $self->{nv_len} ) or croak "Cannot read - $!";
   return unpack $self->{nv_fmt}, $buf;

sub _read_str
   my $self = shift;
   my $len = $self->_read_uint;
   return undef if $len == $self->{minus_1};
   return $self->_read($len);

sub _read_sv
   my $self = shift;

   while(1) {
      my $type = $self->_read_u8;
      return if !$type;

      if( $type == 0x80 ) {
         # magic

         # file minor format zero magic had a different layout
         if( $self->{format_minor} >= 1 ) {
            my $sv_addr = $self->_read_ptr;
            my $type    = chr $self->_read_u8;
            my $flags   = $self->_read_u8;
            my ( $obj, $ptr ) = $self->_read_ptrs(2);

            my $sv = $self->sv_at( $sv_addr );
            $sv->more_magic( $type => $flags, $obj, $ptr );
         else {
            my ( $sv_addr, $obj ) = $self->_read_ptrs(2);
            my $type              = chr $self->_read_u8;

            my $sv = $self->sv_at( $sv_addr );

            # Legacy format didn't have flags, and didn't distinguish obj from ptr
            # However, the only objs it ever saved were refcounted ones. Lets just
            # pretend all of them are refcounted objects.
            $sv->more_magic( $type => 0x01, $obj, 0 );

      my $pos = tell $self->{fh};

      # First read the "common" header
      my ( $nbytes, $nptrs, $nstrs ) = @{ $self->{sv_sizes}[0] };

      my $sv = Devel::MAT::SV->new( $type, $self,
         ( $nbytes ? $self->_read( $nbytes ) : "" ), # common header
         ( $nptrs  ? [ $self->_read_ptrs( $nptrs ) ] : undef ),
         ( $nstrs  ? [ map { $self->_read_str } 1 .. $nstrs ] : undef ),

      # Then the SV header
      ( $nbytes, $nptrs, $nstrs ) = @{ $self->{sv_sizes}[$type] };

         ( $nbytes ? $self->_read( $nbytes ) : "" ), # header
         ( $nptrs  ? [ $self->_read_ptrs( $nptrs ) ] : undef ),
         ( $nstrs  ? [ map { $self->_read_str } 1 .. $nstrs ] : undef ),

      return $sv;

sub _read_ctx
   my $self = shift;

   my $type = $self->_read_u8;
   return if !$type;

   return Devel::MAT::Context->load( $type, $self );

=head1 METHODS


=head2 $version = $df->perlversion

Returns the version of perl that the heap dump file was created by, as a
string in the form C<5.14.2>.


sub perlversion
   my $self = shift;
   my $v = $self->{perlver};
   return join ".", $v>>24, ($v>>16) & 0xff, $v&0xffff;

=head2 $endian = $df->endian

Returns the endian direction of the perl that the heap dump was created by, as
either C<big> or C<little>.


sub endian
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{big_endian} ? "big" : "little";

=head2 $len = $df->uint_len

Returns the length in bytes of a uint field of the perl that the heap dump was
created by.


sub uint_len
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{uint_len};

=head2 $len = $df->ptr_len

Returns the length in bytes of a pointer field of the perl that the heap dump
was created by.


sub ptr_len
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{ptr_len};

=head2 $len = $df->nv_len

Returns the length in bytes of a double field of the perl that the heap dump
was created by.


sub nv_len
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{nv_len};

=head2 $ithreads = $df->ithreads

Returns a boolean indicating whether ithread support was enabled in the perl
that the heap dump was created by.


sub ithreads
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{ithreads};

=head2 %roots = $df->roots

Returns a key/value pair list giving the names and SVs at each of the roots.

=head2 %roots = $df->roots_strong

Returns a key/value pair list giving the names and SVs at each of the roots
that count as strong references.


sub _roots
   my $self = shift;
   return map { +$ROOTDESC{$_} => $self->sv_at( $self->{"${_}_at"} ) } @ROOTS;

sub roots
   my $self = shift;
   return pairmap { substr( $a, 1 ) => $b } $self->_roots;

sub roots_strong
   my $self = shift;
   return pairmap { $a =~ m/^\+(.*)/ ? ( $1 => $b ) : () } $self->_roots;

=head2 $sv = $df->ROOT

For each of the root names given below, a method exists with that name which
returns the SV at that root:



=head2 @svs = $df->heap

Returns all of the heap-allocated SVs, in no particular order


sub heap
   my $self = shift;
   return values %{ $self->{heap} };

=head2 @ctxs = $df->contexts

Returns a list of L<Devel::MAT::Context> objects representing the call context
stack in the dumpfile.


sub contexts
   my $self = shift;
   return @{ $self->{contexts} };

=head2 $sv = $df->sv_at( $addr )

Returns the SV at the given address, or C<undef> if one does not exist.

(Note that this is unambiguous, as a Perl-level C<undef> is represented by the
immortal C<Devel::MAT::SV::UNDEF> SV).


sub sv_at
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $addr ) = @_;
   return undef if !$addr;

   return $self->{UNDEF} if $addr == $self->{undef_at};
   return $self->{YES}   if $addr == $self->{yes_at};
   return $self->{NO}    if $addr == $self->{no_at};

   return $self->{heap}{$addr};

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

