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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2014 --

package Devel::MAT::Graph;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.21';

use Struct::Dumb 'readonly_struct';

=head1 NAME

C<Devel::MAT::Graph> - a set of references between related SVs


Instances of this class represent an entire graph of references between
related SVs, as a helper method for return values from various L<Devel::MAT>
methods, which might be used for some sort of screen layout or other analysis




=head2 $graph = Devel::MAT::Graph->new( $dumpfile )

Constructs a new C<Devel::MAT::Graph> instance backed by the given dumpfile
(which is only actually used to make the C<< $node->sv >> method work).


sub new
   my $class = shift;
   my ( $df ) = @_;

   bless {
      df  => $df,

      edges_from => {},
      edges_to   => {},

      roots_from => {},
   }, $class;



=head2 $graph->add_sv( $sv )

Makes the graph aware of the given L<Devel::MAT::SV>. This is not strictly
necessary before calling C<add_ref> or C<add_root>, but ensures that C<has_sv>
will return true immediately after it, and so can be used as a sentinel for
recursion control.


sub add_sv
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $sv ) = @_;

   $self->{edges_from}{$sv->addr} ||= [];

   return $self;

=head2 $graph->add_ref( $from_sv, $to_sv, $desc )

Adds an edge to the graph, from and to the given SVs, with the given


sub add_ref
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $from_sv, $to_sv, $desc ) = @_;

   my $from_addr = $from_sv->addr;
   my $to_addr   = $to_sv->addr;

   push @{ $self->{edges_from}{$from_addr} }, [ $to_addr,   $desc ];
   push @{ $self->{edges_to}  {$to_addr}   }, [ $from_addr, $desc ];

   return $self;

=head2 $graph->add_root( $from_sv, $desc )

Adds a root edge to the graph, at the given SV with the given description.


sub add_root
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $from_sv, $desc ) = @_;

   push @{ $self->{roots_from}{$from_sv->addr} }, $desc;

   return $self;



=head2 $bool = $graph->has_sv( $sv )

Returns true if the graph has edges or roots for the given SV, or it has at
least been given to C<add_sv>.


sub has_sv
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $sv ) = @_;

   my $addr = $sv->addr;

   return !!( $self->{edges_from}{$addr} ||
              $self->{edges_to}  {$addr} ||
              $self->{roots_from}{$addr} );

=head2 $node = $graph->get_sv_node( $sv )

Returns a C<Node> object for the given SV.


sub get_sv_node
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $sv ) = @_;

   my $addr = ref $sv ? $sv->addr : $sv;

   return Devel::MAT::Graph::Node->new(
      graph => $self,
      addr  => $addr,

=head2 @desc_nodes = $graph->get_root_nodes

Returns an even-sized list of pairs, containing root descriptions and the
nodes having those roots, in no particular order.


sub get_root_nodes
   my $self = shift;
   return map {
      my $node = $self->get_sv_node( $_ );
      map { $_, $node } @{ $self->{roots_from}{$_} }
   } keys %{ $self->{roots_from} };

package Devel::MAT::Graph::Node;


The values returned by C<get_sv_node> respond to the following methods:


sub new { my $class = shift; bless { @_ }, $class }

=head2 $graph = $node->graph

Returns the containing C<Devel::MAT::Graph> instance.

=head2 $addr = $node->addr

Returns the address of the SV represented by this node.


sub graph { $_[0]->{graph} }
sub addr  { $_[0]->{addr}  }

=head2 $sv = $node->sv

Returns the SV object itself, as taken from the dumpfile instance.


sub sv { $_[0]->graph->{df}->sv_at( $_[0]->addr ) }

=head2 @roots = $node->roots

Returns any root descriptions given (by calls to C<< $graph->add_root >> for
the SV at this node.

 $graph->add_root( $sv, $desc );

 ( $desc, ... ) = $graph->get_sv_node( $sv )->roots


sub roots
   my $self = shift;
   return @{ $self->graph->{roots_from}{$self->addr} // [] };

=head2 @edges = $node->edges_out

Returns an even-sized list of any edge descriptions and more C<Node> objects
given as references (by calls to C<< $graph->add_ref >>) from the SV at this

 $graph->add_ref( $from_sv, $to_sv, $desc )

 ( $desc, $to_edge, ... ) = $graph->get_sv_node( $from_sv )->edges_out

=head2 $n_edges = $node->edges_out

In scalar context, returns the I<number of edges> that exist; i.e. half the
size of the pairlist that would be returned in list context.


sub edges_out
   my $self = shift;

   return unless my $edges = $self->graph->{edges_from}{$self->addr};
   return scalar @$edges unless wantarray;
   return map {
      $_->[1], ( ref $self )->new( graph => $self->graph, addr => $_->[0] )
   } @$edges;

=head2 @edges = $node->edges_in

Similar to C<edges_out>, but returns edges in the opposite direction; i.e.
edges of references to this node.

 $graph->add_ref( $from_sv, $to_sv, $desc )

 ( $desc, $from_edge, ... ) = $graph->get_sv_node( $to_sv )->edges_in

=head2 $n_edges = $node->edges_out

In scalar context, returns the I<number of edges> that exist; i.e. half the
size of the pairlist that would be returned in list context.


sub edges_in
   my $self = shift;

   return unless my $edges = $self->graph->{edges_to}{$self->addr};
   return scalar @$edges unless wantarray;
   return map {
      $_->[1], ( ref $self )->new( graph => $self->graph, addr => $_->[0] )
   } @$edges;

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

