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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2016 --

package Devel::MAT::Tool::Reachability;

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( switch );
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';

our $VERSION = '0.23';

use constant FOR_UI => 1;

use List::Util qw( pairvalues );

=head1 NAME

C<Devel::MAT::Tool::Reachability> - analyse how SVs are reachable


This C<Devel::MAT> tool determines which SVs are reachable via any known roots
and which are not. For reachable SVs, they are classified into several broad

=over 2

=item *

SVs that directly make up the symbol table.

=item *

SVs that form the padlist of functions or store the names of lexical

=item *

SVs that hold the value of lexical variables.

=item *

User data stored in package globals, lexical variables, or referenced
recursively via structures stored in them.

=item *

Miscellaneous other SVs that are used to implement the internals of the



use constant {
   REACH_SYMTAB   => 1,
   REACH_USER     => 2,

sub new
   my $class = shift;
   my ( $pmat, %args ) = @_;

   *Devel::MAT::SV::reachable = sub {
      my $sv = shift;
      return $sv->{tool_reachable};

   $class->mark_reachable( $pmat->dumpfile, progress => $args{progress} );

   return $class;

my @ICONS = (
   "none", "symtab", "user", "padlist", "lexical", "internal"
sub _reach2icon
   my ( $sv ) = @_;
   my $reach = $sv->{tool_reachable} // 0;

   my $icon = $ICONS[$reach] // die "Unknown reachability value $reach";
   return "reachable-$icon";

sub init_ui
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $ui ) = @_;

   foreach ( @ICONS ) {
         name => "reachable-$_",
         svg  => "icons/reachable-$_.svg"

   my $column = $ui->provides_svlist_column(
      title => "R",
      type  => "icon",

      title  => "Reachable",
      type   => "icon",
      render => \&_reach2icon,

      column => $column,
      from   => \&_reach2icon,

sub mark_reachable
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $df, %args ) = @_;

   my $progress = $args{progress};

   my @user;
   my @internal;

   # First, walk the symbol table
      my @symtab = ( $df->defstash );
      $symtab[0]->{tool_reachable} = REACH_SYMTAB;

      my $count = 0;
      while( @symtab ) {
         my $stash = shift @symtab;
         $stash->type eq "STASH" or die "ARGH! Encountered non-stash ".$stash->desc_addr;

         my @more_symtab;
         my @more_user;

         foreach my $key ( $stash->keys ) {
            my $value = $stash->value( $key );

            # Keys ending :: signify sub-stashes
            if( $key =~ m/::$/ ) {
               push @more_symtab, $value->hash;
            # Otherwise it might be a glob
            elsif( $value->type eq "GLOB" ) {
               my $gv = $value;
               $gv->{tool_reachable} = REACH_SYMTAB;

               defined $_ and push @more_user, $_ for
                  $gv->scalar, $gv->array, $gv->hash, $gv->code, $gv->io, $gv->form;
            # Otherwise it might be a SCALAR/ARRAY/HASH directly in the STASH
            else {
               push @more_user, $value;

            $progress->( sprintf "Walking symbol table %d...", $count ) if $progress and $count % 1000 == 0;

         !$_->{tool_reachable} and
            $_->{tool_reachable} = REACH_SYMTAB, push @symtab, $_ for @more_symtab;

         !$_->{tool_reachable} and
            $_->{tool_reachable} = REACH_USER, push @user, $_ for @more_user;

         !$_->{tool_reachable} and
            $_->{tool_reachable} = REACH_INTERNAL, push @internal, $_ for
                grep { defined } pairvalues $stash->magic;

         $progress->( sprintf "Walking symbol table %d...", $count ) if $progress and $count % 1000 == 0;

   # Next the reachable user data, recursively
      push @user, $df->main_cv;
      my $count = 0;
      while( @user ) {
         my $sv = shift @user or next;

         my @more_user;
         my @more_internal;

         given( $sv->type ) {
            when( "REF" )    { push @more_user, $sv->rv if $sv->rv }
            when( "ARRAY" )  { push @more_user, $sv->elems; }
            when( "HASH" )   { push @more_user, $sv->values; }
            when( "GLOB" ) {
               my $gv = $sv;
               next if $gv->{tool_reachable}; # already on symbol table

               warn "Found non-SYMTAB GLOB " . $gv->desc_addr . " user reachable\n";
               # Hard to know if the GV is being used for GVSV, GVAV, GVHV or GVCV
               push @more_user, $gv->scalar, $gv->array, $gv->hash, $gv->code, $gv->egv, $gv->io, $gv->form;
            when( "CODE" ) {
               my $cv = $sv;

               my @more_padlist;
               my @more_lexical;

               push @more_padlist, $cv->padlist;

               my $padnames = $cv->padnames;
               if( $padnames ) {
                  push @more_padlist, $padnames, $padnames->elems;

               foreach my $pad ( $cv->pads ) {
                  $pad or next;
                  push @more_padlist, $pad;

                  # PAD slot 0 is always @_
                  if( my $argsav = $pad->elem( 0 ) ) {
                     push @more_internal, $argsav;

                  foreach my $padix ( 1 .. $pad->elems-1 ) {
                     my $padname_sv = $padnames ? $padnames->elem( $padix ) : undef;
                     my $padname = $padname_sv && $padname_sv->type eq "SCALAR" ?
                        $padname_sv->pv : undef;

                     my $padsv = $pad->elem( $padix ) or next;
                     $padsv->immortal and next;

                     if( $padname and $padname eq "&" ) {
                        # Slots named "&" are closure prototype subs
                        push @more_user, $padsv;
                     elsif( $padname ) {
                        # Other named slots are lexical vars
                        push @more_lexical, $padsv;
                     else {
                        # Unnamed slots are just part of the padlist
                        push @more_internal, $padsv;

               $_ and push @more_user, $_ for
                  $cv->scope, $cv->constval, $cv->constants, $cv->globrefs;

               $_ and !$_->{tool_reachable} and
                  $_->{tool_reachable} = REACH_PADLIST for @more_padlist;

               $_ and !$_->{tool_reachable} and
                  $_->{tool_reachable} = REACH_LEXICAL, push @user, $_ for @more_lexical;
            when( "LVALUE" ) {
               my $lv = $sv;

               push @more_internal, $lv->target if $lv->target;
            when([ "UNDEF", "SCALAR", "IO", "REGEXP", "FORMAT" ]) { } # ignore

            default { warn "Not sure what to do with user data item ".$sv->desc_addr."\n"; }

         $_ and !$_->{tool_reachable} and !$_->immortal and
            $_->{tool_reachable} = REACH_USER, push @user, $_ for @more_user;

         $_ and !$_->{tool_reachable} and !$_->immortal and
            $_->{tool_reachable} = REACH_INTERNAL, push @internal, $_ for
               grep { defined } pairvalues $sv->magic;

         $progress->( sprintf "Marking user reachability %d...", $count ) if $progress and $count % 1000 == 0;

   # Finally internals
      push @internal, pairvalues $df->roots;
      my $count = 0;
      while( @internal ) {
         my $sv = shift @internal or next;
         next if $sv->{tool_reachable};

         $sv->{tool_reachable} = REACH_INTERNAL;

         push @internal, map { $_->sv ? $_->sv : () } $sv->outrefs;

         $progress->( sprintf "Marking internal reachability %d...", $count ) if $progress and $count % 1000 == 0;


This tool adds the following SV methods.

=head2 reachable

   $r = $sv->reachable

Returns true if the SV is reachable from a known root.


=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

