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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
#  or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
#  (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2016 --

package Devel::MAT;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.24';

use Carp;
use List::Util qw( first pairs );
use List::UtilsBy qw( sort_by );

use Devel::MAT::Dumpfile;
use Devel::MAT::Graph;

use Module::Pluggable
   sub_name => "_available_tools",
   search_path => [ "Devel::MAT::Tool" ],
   require => 1;

require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load( __PACKAGE__, $VERSION );

=head1 NAME

C<Devel::MAT> - Perl Memory Analysis Tool


A C<Devel::MAT> instance loads a heapdump file, and provides a container to
store analysis tools to work on it. Tools may be provided that conform to the
L<Devel::MAT::Tool> API, which can help analyse the data and interact with the
explorer user interface by using the methods in the L<Devel::MAT::UI> package.

=head2 File Format

The dump file format is still under development, so at present no guarantees
are made on whether files can be loaded over mismatching versions of
C<Devel::MAT>. However, as of version 0.11 the format should be more
extensible, allowing new SV fields to be added without breaking loading - older
tools will ignore new fields and newer tools will just load undef for fields
absent in older files. As the distribution approaches maturity the format will
be made more stable.




=head2 load

   $pmat = Devel::MAT->load( $path, %args )

Loads a heap dump file from the given path, and returns a new C<Devel::MAT>
instance wrapping it.


sub load
   my $class = shift;

   my $df = Devel::MAT::Dumpfile->load( @_ );

   return bless {
      df => $df,
   }, $class;

=head1 METHODS


=head2 dumpfile

   $df = $pmat->dumpfile

Returns the underlying L<Devel::MAT::Dumpfile> instance backing this analysis


sub dumpfile
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{df};

=head2 available_tools

   @tools = $pmat->available_tools

Lists the L<Devel::MAT::Tool> classes that are installed and available.


   my @TOOLS;

   sub available_tools
      my $self = shift;

      return @TOOLS if $TOOLS_LOADED;

      @TOOLS = map { $_ =~ s/^Devel::MAT::Tool:://; $_ } $self->_available_tools;

      foreach my $name ( @TOOLS ) {
         my $tool_class = "Devel::MAT::Tool::$name";
         next unless $tool_class->can( "AUTOLOAD_TOOL" ) and $tool_class->AUTOLOAD_TOOL( $self );

         $self->{tools}{$name} ||= $tool_class->new( $self );

      return @TOOLS;

=head2 load_tool

   $tool = $pmat->load_tool( $name )

Loads the named L<Devel::MAT::Tool> class.


sub load_tool
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $name, %args ) = @_;

   # Ensure tools are 'require'd

   my $tool_class = "Devel::MAT::Tool::$name";
   return $self->{tools}{$name} ||= $tool_class->new( $self, %args );

sub load_tool_for_command
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $cmd, %args ) = @_;

   return $self->{tools_by_command}{$cmd} ||= do {
      my $name = first {
         my $class = "Devel::MAT::Tool::$_";
         $class->can( "CMD" ) and $class->CMD eq $cmd
      } $self->available_tools or die "Unrecognised command '$cmd'\n";

      $self->load_tool( $name );

=head2 inref_graph

   $node = $pmat->inref_graph( $sv, %opts )

Traces the tree of inrefs from C<$sv> back towards the known roots, returning
a L<Devel::MAT::Graph> node object representing it, within a graph of reverse
references back to the known roots.

This method will load L<Devel::MAT::Tool::Inrefs> if it isn't yet loaded.

The following named options are recognised:

=over 4

=item depth => INT

If specified, stop recursing after the specified count. A depth of 1 will only
include immediately referring SVs, 2 will print the referrers of those, etc.
Nodes with inrefs that were trimmed because of this limit will appear to be
roots with a special name of C<EDEPTH>.

=item strong => BOOL

=item direct => BOOL

Specifies the type of inrefs followed. By default all inrefs are followed.
Passing C<strong> will follow only strong direct inrefs. Passing C<direct>
will follow only direct inrefs.



sub inref_graph
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $sv, %opts ) = @_;

   my $graph = $opts{graph} //= Devel::MAT::Graph->new( $self->dumpfile );

   $self->load_tool( "Inrefs" );

   if( $sv->immortal ) {
      my $desc = $sv->type eq "UNDEF" ? "undef" :
                 $sv->uv              ? "true" :
      $graph->add_root( $sv, $desc );
      return $graph->get_sv_node( $sv );

   my $svaddr = $sv->addr;

   foreach ( pairs $self->dumpfile->roots ) {
      my ( $name, $root ) = @$_;
      $root and $svaddr == $root->addr and
         $graph->add_root( $sv, $name ), return $graph->get_sv_node( $sv );

   $graph->add_sv( $sv );

   my @ret = ();
   my @inrefs = $opts{strong} ? $sv->inrefs_strong :
                $opts{direct} ? $sv->inrefs_direct :
   foreach my $ref ( sort_by { $_->name } @inrefs ) {
      if( !defined $ref->sv ) {
         # e.g. "a value on the stack"
         $graph->add_root( $sv, $ref->name );
         push @ret, $ref->name;

      if( defined $opts{depth} and not $opts{depth} ) {
         $graph->add_root( $sv, "EDEPTH" );

      my @me;
      if( $graph->has_sv( $ref->sv ) ) {
         $graph->add_ref( $ref->sv, $sv, $ref );
         # Don't recurse into it as it was already found
      else {
         $graph->add_sv( $ref->sv ); # add first to stop inf. loops

         defined $opts{depth} ? $self->inref_graph( $ref->sv, %opts, depth => $opts{depth}-1 )
                              : $self->inref_graph( $ref->sv, %opts );
         $graph->add_ref( $ref->sv, $sv, $ref );

   return $graph->get_sv_node( $sv );

=head2 find_symbol

   $sv = $pmat->find_symbol( $name )

Attempts to walk the symbol table looking for a symbol of the given name,
which must include the sigil.

   $Package::Name::symbol_name => to return a SCALAR SV
   @Package::Name::symbol_name => to return an ARRAY SV
   %Package::Name::symbol_name => to return a HASH SV
   &Package::Name::symbol_name => to return a CODE SV


sub find_symbol
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $name ) = @_;

   my ( $sigil, $globname ) = $name =~ m/^([\$\@%&])(.*)$/ or
      croak "Could not parse sigil from $name";

   my $stashvalue = $self->find_stashvalue( $globname );

   # Perl 5.22 may take CODE shortcuts
   if( $sigil eq '&' and $stashvalue->type eq "REF" ) {
      return $stashvalue->rv;

   $stashvalue->type eq "GLOB" or
      croak "$globname is not a GLOB";

   my $slot = ( $sigil eq '$' ) ? "scalar" :
              ( $sigil eq '@' ) ? "array"  :
              ( $sigil eq '%' ) ? "hash"   :
              ( $sigil eq '&' ) ? "code"   :
                                  die "ARGH"; # won't happen

   my $sv = $stashvalue->$slot or
      croak "\*$globname has no $slot slot";
   return $sv;

=head2 find_glob

   $gv = $pmat->find_glob( $name )

Attempts to walk to the symbol table looking for a symbol of the given name,
returning the C<GLOB> object if found.


sub find_stashvalue
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $name ) = @_;

   my ( $parent, $shortname ) = $name =~ m/^(?:(.*)::)?(.+?)$/;

   my $stash;
   if( defined $parent and length $parent ) {
      my $parentgv = $self->find_glob( $parent . "::" );
      $stash = $parentgv->hash or croak "$parent has no hash";
   else {
      $stash = $self->dumpfile->defstash;

   my $sv = $stash->value( $shortname ) or
      croak $stash->stashname . " has no symbol $shortname";
   return $sv;

sub find_glob
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $name ) = @_;

   my $sv = $self->find_stashvalue( $name ) or return;
   $sv->type eq "GLOB" or
      croak "$name is not a GLOB";

   return $sv;

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

