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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2017 --

package Devel::MAT::Tool::Inrefs;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.30';

use List::Util qw( any pairs );

   strong   => 0,
   weak     => 1,
   indirect => 2,
   inferred => 3,
use constant {
   IDX_ROOTS_WEAK   => 5,
   IDX_STACK        => 6,

=head1 NAME

C<Devel::MAT::Tool::Inrefs> - annotate which SVs are referred to by others


This C<Devel::MAT> tool annotates each SV with back-references from other SVs
that refer to it. It follows the C<outrefs> method of every heap SV and
annotates the referred SVs with back-references pointing back to the SVs that
refer to them.


sub new
   my $class = shift;
   my ( $pmat, %args ) = @_;

   $class->patch_inrefs( $pmat->dumpfile, progress => $args{progress} );

   return $class;

sub patch_inrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $df, %args ) = @_;

   my $progress = $args{progress};

   my $heap_total = scalar $df->heap;
   my $count = 0;
   foreach my $sv ( $df->heap ) {
      foreach ( pairs $sv->outrefs( "NO_DESC" ) ) {
         my ( $strength, $refsv ) = @$_;

         push @{ $refsv->{tool_inrefs}[ $STRENGTH_TO_IDX{ $strength } ] }, $sv->addr if !$refsv->immortal;

      $progress->( sprintf "Patching refs in %d of %d (%.2f%%)",
         $count, $heap_total, 100*$count / $heap_total ) if $progress and ($count % 10000) == 0

   # Most SVs are not roots or on the stack. To save time later on we'll make
   #   a note of those rare ones that are

   foreach ( pairs $df->roots_strong ) {
      my ( undef, $sv ) = @$_;
      next unless $sv;

   foreach ( pairs $df->roots_weak ) {
      my ( undef, $sv ) = @$_;
      next unless $sv;

   foreach my $addr ( @{ $df->{stack_at} } ) { # TODO
      my $sv = $df->sv_at( $addr ) or next;

   $progress->() if $progress;


This tool adds the following SV methods.

=head2 inrefs

   @refs = $sv->inrefs

Returns a list of Reference objects for each of the SVs that refer to this
one. This is formed by the inverse mapping along the SV graph from C<outrefs>.

=head2 inrefs_strong

=head2 inrefs_weak

=head2 inrefs_direct

=head2 inrefs_indirect

=head2 inrefs_inferred

   @refs = $sv->inrefs_strong

   @refs = $sv->inrefs_weak

   @refs = $sv->inrefs_direct

   @refs = $sv->inrefs_indirect

   @refs = $sv->inrefs_inferred

Returns lists of Reference objects filtered by type, analogous to the various
C<outrefs_*> methods.


sub Devel::MAT::SV::_inrefs
   my $self = shift;
   my ( @strengths ) = @_;

   # In scalar context we don't need to return SVs or Reference instances,
   #   just count them. This allows a lot of optimisations.
   my $just_count = !wantarray;

   $self->{tool_inrefs} ||= [];

   my $df = $self->df;
   my @inrefs;
   foreach my $strength ( @strengths ) {
      my %seen;
      foreach my $addr ( @{ $self->{tool_inrefs}[ $STRENGTH_TO_IDX{$strength} ] // [] } ) {
         if( $just_count ) {
            push @inrefs, 1;
         else {
            $seen{$addr}++ and next;

            my $sv = $df->sv_at( $addr );

            push @inrefs, Devel::MAT::SV::Reference( $_->name, $_->strength, $sv )
               for grep { $_->strength eq $strength and $_->sv == $self } $sv->outrefs;

   if( $self->{tool_inrefs}[IDX_ROOTS_STRONG] and $strengths[0] eq "strong" ) {
      if( $just_count ) {
         push @inrefs, ( 1 ) x $self->{tool_inrefs}[IDX_ROOTS_STRONG];
      else {
         foreach ( pairs $df->roots_strong ) {
            my ( $name, $sv ) = @$_;
            push @inrefs, Devel::MAT::SV::Reference( $name, strong => undef )
               if defined $sv and $sv == $self;

   if( $self->{tool_inrefs}[IDX_ROOTS_WEAK] and any { $_ eq "weak" } @strengths ) {
      if( $just_count ) {
         push @inrefs, ( 1 ) x $self->{tool_inrefs}[IDX_ROOTS_WEAK];
      else {
         foreach ( pairs $df->roots_weak ) {
            my ( $name, $sv ) = @$_;
            push @inrefs, Devel::MAT::SV::Reference( $name, weak => undef )
               if defined $sv and $sv == $self;

   if( $self->{tool_inrefs}[IDX_STACK] and any { $_ eq "weak" } @strengths ) {
      if( $just_count ) {
         push @inrefs, ( 1 ) x $self->{tool_inrefs}[IDX_STACK];
      else {
         foreach my $addr ( @{ $df->{stack_at} } ) { # TODO
            next unless $addr == $self->addr;

            push @inrefs, Devel::MAT::SV::Reference( "a value on the stack", strong => undef );

   return @inrefs;

# If 'strong' is included in these lists it must be first
sub Devel::MAT::SV::inrefs          { shift->_inrefs( qw( strong weak indirect inferred )) }
sub Devel::MAT::SV::inrefs_strong   { shift->_inrefs( qw( strong      )) }
sub Devel::MAT::SV::inrefs_weak     { shift->_inrefs( qw( weak        )) }
sub Devel::MAT::SV::inrefs_direct   { shift->_inrefs( qw( strong weak )) }
sub Devel::MAT::SV::inrefs_indirect { shift->_inrefs( qw( indirect    )) }
sub Devel::MAT::SV::inrefs_inferred { shift->_inrefs( qw( inferred    )) }

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

