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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2010-2014 --

package Protocol::IRC::Client;

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010; # //
use base qw( Protocol::IRC );

our $VERSION = '0.10';

use Carp;

=head1 NAME

C<Protocol::IRC::Client> - IRC protocol handling for a client


This mix-in class provides a layer of IRC message handling logic suitable for
an IRC client. It builds upon L<Protocol::IRC> to provide extra message
processing useful to IRC clients, such as handling inbound server numerics.

It provides some of the methods required by C<Protocol::IRC>:

=over 4

=item * isupport



=head1 METHODS


=head2 $value = $irc->isupport( $key )

Returns an item of information from the server's C<005 ISUPPORT> lines.
Traditionally IRC servers use all-capital names for keys.


# A few hardcoded defaults from RFC 2812
my %ISUPPORT = (
   channame_re => qr/^[#&]/,
   prefixflag_re => qr/^[\@+]/,
   chanmodes_list => [qw( b k l imnpst )], # TODO: ov

sub isupport
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $field ) = @_;
   return $self->{Protocol_IRC_isupport}->{$field} // $ISUPPORT{$field};

sub on_message_RPL_ISUPPORT
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints ) = @_;

   my $isupport = $self->{Protocol_IRC_isupport} ||= {};

   foreach my $entry ( @{ $hints->{isupport} } ) {
      my ( $name, $value ) = $entry =~ m/^([A-Z]+)(?:=(.*))?$/;

      $value = 1 if !defined $value;

      $isupport->{$name} = $value;

      if( $name eq "PREFIX" ) {
         my $prefix = $value;

         my ( $prefix_modes, $prefix_flags ) = $prefix =~ m/^\(([a-z]+)\)(.+)$/i
            or warn( "Unable to parse PREFIX=$value" ), next;

         $isupport->{prefix_modes} = $prefix_modes;
         $isupport->{prefix_flags} = $prefix_flags;

         $isupport->{prefixflag_re} = qr/[$prefix_flags]/;

         my %prefix_map;
         $prefix_map{substr $prefix_modes, $_, 1} = substr $prefix_flags, $_, 1 for ( 0 .. length($prefix_modes) - 1 );

         $isupport->{prefix_map_m2f} = \%prefix_map;
         $isupport->{prefix_map_f2m} = { reverse %prefix_map };
      elsif( $name eq "CHANMODES" ) {
         $isupport->{chanmodes_list} = [ split( m/,/, $value ) ];
      elsif( $name eq "CASEMAPPING" ) {
         # TODO
         # $self->{nick_folded} = $self->casefold_name( $self->{nick} );
      elsif( $name eq "CHANTYPES" ) {
         $isupport->{channame_re} = qr/^[$value]/;

   return 0;

=head2 $info = $irc->server_info( $key )

Returns an item of information from the server's C<004> line. C<$key> should
one of

=over 8

=item * host

=item * version

=item * usermodes

=item * channelmodes



sub server_info
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $key ) = @_;

   return $self->{Protocol_IRC_server_info}{$key};

sub on_message_RPL_MYINFO
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints ) = @_;

   @{$self->{Protocol_IRC_server_info}}{qw( host version usermodes channelmodes )} =
      @{$hints}{qw( serverhost serverversion usermodes channelmodes )};

   return 0;


If messages with a gating disposition are received, extra processing is
applied. Messages whose gating effect is C<more> are simply collected up by
pushing the hints hash to an array. Added to this hash is the command name
itself, so that in the case of multiple message types (for example C<WHOIS>
replies) the individual messages can still be identified.

When the effect of C<done> or C<fail> is eventually received, this collected
array is passed as C<$data> to a handler in one of the following places:

=over 4

=item 1.

A method called C<on_gate_EFFECT_GATE>

 $client->on_gate_EFFECT_GATE( $message, $hints, $data )

=item 2.

A method called C<on_gate_EFFECT>

 $client->on_gate_EFFECT( 'GATE', $message, $hints, $data )

=item 3.

A method called C<on_gate>

 $client->on_gate( 'EFFECT, 'GATE', $message, $hints, $data )



sub on_message_gate
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $effect, $gate, $message, $hints ) = @_;
   my $target = $hints->{target_name_folded} // "*";

   if( $effect eq "more" ) {
      push @{ $self->{Protocol_IRC_gate}{$target}{$gate} }, {
         command => $message->command_name,
      return 1;

   my $data = delete $self->{Protocol_IRC_gate}{$target}{$gate};
   keys %{ $self->{Protocol_IRC_gate}{$target} } or delete $self->{Protocol_IRC_gate}{$target};

   my %hints = (
      synthesized => 1,

   $self->invoke( "on_gate_${effect}_$gate", $message, \%hints, $data ) and $hints{handled} = 1;
   $self->invoke( "on_gate_$effect", $gate, $message, \%hints, $data ) and $hints{handled} = 1;
   $self->invoke( "on_gate", $effect, $gate, $message, \%hints, $data ) and $hints{handled} = 1;

   return $hints{handled};


The following messages are handled internally by C<Protocol::IRC::Client>.


sub _invoke_synthetic
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $command, $message, $hints, @morehints ) = @_;

   my %hints = (
      synthesized => 1,
   delete $hints{handled};

   $self->invoke( "on_message_$command", $message, \%hints ) and $hints{handled} = 1;
   $self->invoke( "on_message", $command, $message, \%hints ) and $hints{handled} = 1;

   return $hints{handled};

=head2 CAP

This message takes a sub-verb as its second argument, and a list of capability
names as its third. On receipt of a C<CAP> message, the verb is extracted and
set as the C<verb> hint, and the list capabilities set as the keys of a hash
given as the C<caps> hint. These are then passed to an event called

 $irc->on_message_cap_VERB( $message, \%hints )


 $irc->on_message_cap( 'VERB', $message, \%hints )


sub on_message_CAP
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints ) = @_;

   my $verb = $message->arg(1);

   my %hints = (
      verb => $verb,
      caps => { map { $_ => 1 } split m/ /, $message->arg(2) },

   $self->invoke( "on_message_cap_$verb", $message, \%hints ) and $hints{handled} = 1;
   $self->invoke( "on_message_cap", $verb, $message, \%hints ) and $hints{handled} = 1;

   return $hints{handled};

=head2 MODE (on channels) and 324 (RPL_CHANNELMODEIS)

These message involve channel modes. The raw list of channel modes is parsed
into an array containing one entry per affected piece of data. Each entry will
contain at least a C<type> key, indicating what sort of mode or mode change
it is:

=over 8

=item list

The mode relates to a list; bans, invites, etc..

=item value

The mode sets a value about the channel

=item bool

The mode is a simple boolean flag about the channel

=item occupant

The mode relates to a user in the channel


Every mode type then provides a C<mode> key, containing the mode character
itself, and a C<sense> key which is an empty string, C<+>, or C<->.

For C<list> and C<value> types, the C<value> key gives the actual list entry
or value being set.

For C<occupant> types, a C<flag> key gives the mode converted into an occupant
flag (by the C<prefix_mode2flag> method), C<nick> and C<nick_folded> store the
user name affected.

C<boolean> types do not create any extra keys.


sub prepare_hints_channelmode
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints ) = @_;

   my ( $listmodes, $argmodes, $argsetmodes, $boolmodes ) = @{ $self->isupport( 'chanmodes_list' ) };

   my $modechars = $hints->{modechars};
   my @modeargs = @{ $hints->{modeargs} };

   my @modes; # [] -> { type => $, sense => $, mode => $, arg => $ }

   my $sense = 0;
   foreach my $modechar ( split( m//, $modechars ) ) {
      $sense =  1, next if $modechar eq "+";
      $sense = -1, next if $modechar eq "-";

      my $hasarg;

      my $mode = {
         mode  => $modechar,
         sense => $sense,

      if( index( $listmodes, $modechar ) > -1 ) {
         $mode->{type} = 'list';
         $mode->{value} = shift @modeargs if ( $sense != 0 );
      elsif( index( $argmodes, $modechar ) > -1 ) {
         $mode->{type} = 'value';
         $mode->{value} = shift @modeargs if ( $sense != 0 );
      elsif( index( $argsetmodes, $modechar ) > -1 ) {
         $mode->{type} = 'value';
         $mode->{value} = shift @modeargs if ( $sense > 0 );
      elsif( index( $boolmodes, $modechar ) > -1 ) {
         $mode->{type} = 'bool';
      elsif( my $flag = $self->prefix_mode2flag( $modechar ) ) {
         $mode->{type} = 'occupant';
         $mode->{flag} = $flag;
         $mode->{nick} = shift @modeargs if ( $sense != 0 );
         $mode->{nick_folded} = $self->casefold_name( $mode->{nick} );
      else {
         # TODO: Err... not recognised ... what do I do?

      # TODO: Consider a per-mode event here...

      push @modes, $mode;

   $hints->{modes} = \@modes;

sub prepare_hints_MODE
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints ) = @_;

   if( $hints->{target_type} eq "channel" ) {
      $self->prepare_hints_channelmode( $message, $hints );

sub prepare_hints_RPL_CHANNELMODEIS
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints ) = @_;

   $self->prepare_hints_channelmode( $message, $hints );


These messages will be collected up, per channel, and formed into a single
synthesized event called C<who>.

Its hints hash will contain an extra key, C<who>, which will be an ARRAY ref
containing the lines of the WHO reply. Each line will be a HASH reference

=over 8

=item user_ident

=item user_host

=item user_server

=item user_nick

=item user_nick_folded

=item user_flags



sub on_gate_done_who
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints, $data ) = @_;

   my @who = map {
      my $b = $_;
      +{ map { $_ => $b->{$_} } qw( user_ident user_host user_server user_nick user_nick_folded user_flags ) }
   } @$data;

   $self->_invoke_synthetic( "who", $message, $hints,
      who => \@who,


These messages will be collected up, per channel, and formed into a single
synthesized event called C<names>.

Its hints hash will contain an extra key, C<names>, which will be an ARRAY ref
containing the usernames in the channel. Each will be a HASH reference

=over 8

=item nick

=item flag



sub on_gate_done_names
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints, $data ) = @_;

   my @names = map { @{ $_->{names} } } @$data;

   my $prefixflag_re = $self->isupport( 'prefixflag_re' );
   my $re = qr/^($prefixflag_re)?(.*)$/;

   my %names;

   foreach my $name ( @names ) {
      my ( $flag, $nick ) = $name =~ $re or next;

      $flag ||= ''; # make sure it's defined

      $names{ $self->casefold_name( $nick ) } = { nick => $nick, flag => $flag };

   $self->_invoke_synthetic( "names", $message, $hints,
      names => \%names,


These messages will be collected up, per channel, and formed into a single
synthesized event called C<bans>.

Its hints hash will contain an extra key, C<bans>, which will be an ARRAY ref
containing the ban lines. Each line will be a HASH reference containing:

=over 8

=item mask

User mask of the ban

=item by_nick

=item by_nick_folded

Nickname of the user who set the ban

=item timestamp

UNIX timestamp the ban was created



sub on_gate_done_bans
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints, $data ) = @_;

   my @bans = map {
      my $b = $_;
      +{ map { $_ => $b->{$_} } qw( mask by_nick by_nick_folded timestamp ) }
   } @$data;

   $self->_invoke_synthetic( "bans", $message, $hints,
      bans => \@bans,


These messages will be collected up into a synthesized event called C<motd>.

Its hints hash will contain an extra key, C<motd>, which will be an ARRAY ref
containing the lines of the MOTD.


sub on_gate_done_motd
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints, $data ) = @_;

   $self->_invoke_synthetic( "motd", $message, $hints,
      motd => [ map { $_->{text} } @$data ],


These messages will be collected up into a synthesized event called C<whois>.

Each C<RPL_WHOIS*> reply will be stripped of the standard hints hash keys,
leaving whatever remains. Added to this will be a key called C<whois>, whose
value will be the command name, minus the leading C<RPL_WHOIS>, and converted
to lowercase.


sub on_gate_done_whois
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $message, $hints, $data ) = @_;

   my @whois;
   my $channels;

   foreach my $h ( @$data ) {
      # Just delete all the standard hints from each one
      delete @{$h}{keys %$hints};
      ( $h->{whois} = lc delete $h->{command} ) =~ s/^rpl_whois//;

      # Combine all the 'channels' results into one list
      if( $h->{whois} eq "channels" ) {
         if( $channels ) {
            push @{$channels->{channels}}, @{$h->{channels}};
         $channels = $h;

      push @whois, $h;

   $self->_invoke_synthetic( "whois", $message, $hints, whois => \@whois );

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

