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use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Protocol::CassandraCQL::Client;
use Protocol::CassandraCQL qw( CONSISTENCY_ONE :types :results );

use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw( max );
use POSIX qw( strftime );
use Socket qw( inet_ntoa inet_ntop AF_INET6 );
use Term::ReadLine;

use Data::Dump 'pp';

   'host|h=s' => \(my $HOST = "localhost"),
   'user|u=s' => \my $USERNAME,
   'pass|p=s' => \my $PASSWORD,
   'version|V=i' => \my $CQLVERSION,
) or exit 1;

my $cassie = Protocol::CassandraCQL::Client->new(
   PeerHost => $HOST,
   Username => $USERNAME,
   Password => $PASSWORD,
   CQLVersion => $CQLVERSION,
$cassie or die "Cannot connect to $HOST - $@";

my $term = Term::ReadLine->new( "cqlsh" );

my $keyspace;

if( @ARGV ) {
   ( undef, $keyspace ) = $cassie->use_keyspace( shift @ARGV );

while( defined( my $query = $term->readline(sprintf "\ncql%s> ", defined $keyspace ? ":$keyspace" : "") ) ) {
   my ( $type, $result );
   my $e = eval {
      ( $type, $result ) = $cassie->query( $query, CONSISTENCY_ONE );
   } ? undef : $@;

   if( $e ) {
      print "$e\n";

   if( $type == RESULT_SET_KEYSPACE ) {
      $keyspace = $result;
   elsif( $type == RESULT_SCHEMA_CHANGE ) {
      print join( " ", @$result ) . "\n";
   elsif( $type == RESULT_ROWS ) {
      # TODO: Text::Table?

      my @columns; # formatted, one ARRAY per column, containing row data
      foreach my $i ( 0 .. $result->rows - 1 ) {
         my $d = $result->row_array( $i );
         foreach my $col ( 0 .. $#$d ) {
            $columns[$col][$i] = "", next if !defined $d->[$col];

            my $str = $result->column_type( $col )->stringify( $d->[$col] );

            $columns[$col][$i] = $str;
      my @colwidths = map {
         max map { length } $result->column_shortname($_),
                            @{ $columns[$_] }
      } 0 .. $#columns;

      # Column names
      print join( " | ", map { sprintf "%-*s", $colwidths[$_], $result->column_shortname($_) } 0 .. $#columns ) . "\n";

      # Column types
      print join( " | ", map { sprintf "%-*s", $colwidths[$_], $result->column_type($_)->name } 0 .. $#columns ) . "\n";

      # Divider
      print join( "-+-", map { "-" x $colwidths[$_] } 0 .. $#columns ) . "\n";

      # Row data
      foreach my $i ( 0 .. $result->rows - 1 ) {
         print join( " | ", map { sprintf "%-*s", $colwidths[$_], $columns[$_][$i] } 0 .. $#columns ) . "\n";
   else {
      print pp($result) . "\n";

print "\n"; # clear the last prompt

# Cheating

sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::ASCII::stringify   { qq('$_[1]') }
sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::BOOLEAN::stringify { $_[1] ? "true" : "false" }
sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::BLOB::stringify    { unpack "H*", $_[1] }
sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::DOUBLE::stringify  { sprintf "%.9g", $_[1] }
sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::FLOAT::stringify   { sprintf "%.5g", $_[1] }
sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::TIMESTAMP::stringify {
   my $sec  = int( $_[1] );
   my $msec = 1000 * ( $_[1] - $sec );
   strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime $sec ) . sprintf ".%03d", $msec }
sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::VARCHAR::stringify { qq('$_[1]') }

sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::LIST::stringify {
   my $l = $_[1];
   "[" . join(", ", map { $_[0]->element_type->stringify($_) } @$l) . "]"

sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::SET::stringify {
   my $l = $_[1];
   "{" . join(", ", map { $_[0]->element_type->stringify($_) } @$l) . "}"

sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::MAP::stringify {
   my $m = $_[1];
   "{" . join(", ", map { $_[0]->key_type->stringify($_) . "," .
                          $_[0]->value_type->stringify($m->{$_}) } sort keys %$m ) . "}"

sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::INET::stringify {
   length($_[1]) ==  4 ? inet_ntoa( $_[1] ) :
   length($_[1]) == 16 ? inet_ntop( AF_INET6, $_[1] ) :
                         unpack "H*", $_[1]

sub Protocol::CassandraCQL::Type::stringify { $_[1] }