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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2011-2012 --

package Tangence::Compiler::Parser;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw( Parser::MGC );

use feature qw( switch ); # we like given/when

our $VERSION = '0.16';

use File::Basename qw( dirname );

use Tangence::Constants;

# Parsing is simpler if we treat Package.Name as a simple identifier
use constant pattern_ident => qr/[[:alnum:]_][\w.]*/;

use constant pattern_comment => qr/#.*\n/;

=head1 NAME

C<Tangence::Compiler::Parser> - parse C<Tangence> interface definition files


This subclass of L<Parser::MGC> parses a L<Tangence> interface definition and
returns a metadata tree.


=head1 GRAMMAR

The top level of an interface definition file contains C<include> directives
and C<class> and C<struct> definitions.

=head2 include

An C<include> directive imports the definitions from another file, named
relative to the current file.

 include "filename.tan"

=head2 class

A C<class> definition defines the set of methods, events and properties
defined by a named class.

 class N {

The contents of the class block will be a list of C<method>, C<event>, C<prop>
and C<isa> declarations.

=head2 struct

A C<struct> definition defines the list of fields contained within a named
structure type.

 struct N {

The contents of the struct block will be a list of C<field> declarations.


sub parse
   my $self = shift;

   local $self->{package} = \my %package;

   while( !$self->at_eos ) {
      given( $self->token_kw(qw( class struct include )) ) {
         when( 'class' ) {
            my $classname = $self->token_ident;

            exists $package{$classname} and
               $self->fail( "Already have a class or struct called $classname" );

            my $class = $self->make_class( name => $classname );
            $package{$classname} = $class;

            $self->scope_of( '{', sub { $self->parse_classblock( $class ) }, '}' ),
         when( 'struct' ) {
            my $structname = $self->token_ident;

            exists $package{$structname} and
               $self->fail( "Already have a class or struct called $structname" );

            my $struct = $self->make_struct( name => $structname );
            $package{$structname} = $struct;

            $self->scope_of( '{', sub { $self->parse_structblock( $struct ) }, '}' ),
         when( 'include' ) {
            my $filename = dirname($self->{filename}) . "/" . $self->token_string;

            my $subparser = (ref $self)->new;
            my $included = $subparser->from_file( $filename );

            foreach my $classname ( keys %$included ) {
               exists $package{$classname} and
                  $self->fail( "Cannot include '$filename' as class $classname collides" );

               $package{$classname} = $included->{$classname};
         default {
            $self->fail( "Expected keyword, found $_" );

   return \%package;

=head2 method

A C<method> declaration defines one method in the class, giving its name (N)
and types of its arguments and and return (T).

 method N(T, T, ...) -> T;

=head2 event

An C<event> declaration defines one event raised by the class, giving its name
(N) and types of its arguments (T).

 event N(T, T, ...);

=head2 prop

A C<prop> declaration defines one property supported by the class, giving its
name (N), dimension (D) and type (T). It may be declared as a C<smashed>

 [smashed] prop N = D of T;

Scalar properties may omit the C<scalar of>, by supplying just the type

 [smashed] prop N = T;

=head2 isa

An C<isa> declaration declares a superclass of the class, by its name (C)

 isa C;


sub parse_classblock
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $class ) = @_;

   my %methods;
   my %events;
   my %properties;
   my @superclasses;

   while( !$self->at_eos ) {
      given( $self->token_kw(qw( method event prop smashed isa )) ) {
         when( 'method' ) {
            my $methodname = $self->token_ident;

            exists $methods{$methodname} and
               $self->fail( "Already have a method called $methodname" );

            my $args = $self->parse_arglist;
            my $ret;

            $self->maybe( sub {
               $self->expect( '->' );

               $ret = $self->parse_type;
            } );

            $methods{$methodname} = $self->make_method(
               class     => $class,
               name      => $methodname,
               arguments => $args,
               ret       => $ret,

         when( 'event' ) {
            my $eventname = $self->token_ident;

            exists $events{$eventname} and
               $self->fail( "Already have an event called $eventname" );

            my $args = $self->parse_arglist;

            $events{$eventname} = $self->make_event(
               class     => $class,
               name      => $eventname,
               arguments => $args,

         my $smashed = 0;
         when( 'smashed' ) {
            $smashed = 1;

            $self->expect( 'prop' );

            $_ = 'prop'; continue; # goto case 'prop'
         when( 'prop' ) {
            my $propname = $self->token_ident;

            exists $properties{$propname} and
               $self->fail( "Already have a property called $propname" );

            $self->expect( '=' );

            my $dim = DIM_SCALAR;
            $self->maybe( sub {
               $dim = $self->parse_dim;
               $self->expect( 'of' );
            } );

            my $type = $self->parse_type;

            $properties{$propname} = $self->make_property(
               class      => $class,
               name       => $propname,
               smashed    => $smashed,
               dimension  => $dim,
               type       => $type,

         when( 'isa' ) {
            my $supername = $self->token_ident;

            my $super = $self->{package}{$supername} or
               $self->fail( "Unrecognised superclass $supername" );

            push @superclasses, $super;

      $self->expect( ';' );

      methods      => \%methods,
      events       => \%events,
      properties   => \%properties,
      superclasses => \@superclasses,

sub parse_arglist
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->scope_of(
      sub { $self->list_of( ",", \&parse_arg ) },

sub parse_arg
   my $self = shift;
   my $name;
   my $type = $self->parse_type;
   $self->maybe( sub {
      $name = $self->token_ident;
   } );
   return $self->make_argument( name => $name, type => $type );

sub parse_structblock
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $struct ) = @_;

   my @fields;
   my %fieldnames;

   while( !$self->at_eos ) {
      given( $self->token_kw(qw( field )) ) {
         when( 'field' ) {
            my $fieldname = $self->token_ident;

            exists $fieldnames{$fieldname} and
               $self->fail( "Already have a field called $fieldname" );

            $self->expect( '=' );

            my $type = $self->parse_type;

            push @fields, $self->make_field(
               name => $fieldname,
               type => $type,
      $self->expect( ';' );

      fields => \@fields,

=head2 Types

The following basic type names are recognised

 bool int str obj any
 s8 s16 s32 s64 u8 u16 u32 u64

Aggregate types may be formed of any type (T) by

 list(T) dict(T)


my @basic_types = qw(
   s8 s16 s32 s64 u8 u16 u32 u64

sub parse_type
   my $self = shift;

      sub {
         my $aggregate = $self->token_kw(qw( list dict ));


         my $membertype = $self->scope_of( "(", \&parse_type, ")" );

         return $self->make_type( $aggregate => $membertype );
      sub {
         my $typename = $self->token_ident;

         grep { $_ eq $typename } @basic_types or
            $self->fail( "'$typename' is not a typename" );

         return $self->make_type( $typename );

my %dimensions = (
   scalar => DIM_SCALAR,
   hash   => DIM_HASH,
   queue  => DIM_QUEUE,
   array  => DIM_ARRAY,
   objset => DIM_OBJSET,

sub parse_dim
   my $self = shift;

   my $dimname = $self->token_kw( keys %dimensions );

   return $dimensions{$dimname};


If this class is subclassed, the following methods may be overridden to
customise the behaviour. They allow the subclass to return different objects
in the syntax tree.


=head2 $class = $parser->make_class( name => $name )

Return a new instance of L<Tangence::Meta::Class> to go in a package. The
parser will call C<define> on it.


sub make_class
   require Tangence::Meta::Class;
   return Tangence::Meta::Class->new( @_ );

=head2 $struct = $parser->make_struct( name => $name )

Return a new instance of L<Tangence::Meta::Struct> to go in a package. The
parser will call C<define> on it.


sub make_struct
   require Tangence::Meta::Struct;
   return Tangence::Meta::Struct->new( @_ );

=head2 $method = $parser->make_method( %args )

=head2 $event = $parser->make_event( %args )

=head2 $property = $parser->make_property( %args )

Return a new instance of L<Tangence::Meta::Method>, L<Tangence::Meta::Event>
or L<Tangence::Meta::Property> to go in a class.


sub make_method
   require Tangence::Meta::Method;
   return Tangence::Meta::Method->new( @_ );

sub make_event
   require Tangence::Meta::Event;
   return Tangence::Meta::Event->new( @_ );

sub make_property
   require Tangence::Meta::Property;
   return Tangence::Meta::Property->new( @_ );

=head2 $argument = $parser->make_argument( %args )

Return a new instance of L<Tangence::Meta::Argument> to use for a method
or event argument.


sub make_argument
   my $self = shift;
   require Tangence::Meta::Argument;
   return Tangence::Meta::Argument->new( @_ );

=head2 $field = $parser->make_field( %args )

Return a new instance of L<Tangence::Meta::Field> to use for a structure type.


sub make_field
   my $self = shift;
   require Tangence::Meta::Field;
   return Tangence::Meta::Field->new( @_ );

=head2 $type = $parser->make_type( $primitive_name )

=head2 $type = $parser->make_type( $aggregate_name => $member_type )

Return an instance of L<Tangence::Meta::Type> representing the given
primitive or aggregate type name. An implementation is allowed to use
singleton objects and return identical objects for the same primitive name or
aggregate and member type.


sub make_type
   my $self = shift;
   require Tangence::Meta::Type;
   return Tangence::Meta::Type->new( @_ );

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

