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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2011-2014 --

package Tickit::Console;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw( Tickit::Widget::VBox );

our $VERSION = '0.06';

use Tickit::Widget::Entry;
use Tickit::Widget::Scroller 0.04;
use Tickit::Widget::Tabbed 0.003;

use Scalar::Util qw( weaken );

=head1 NAME

C<Tickit::Console> - build full-screen console-style applications


 my $console = Tickit::Console->new;

 Tickit->new( root => $console )->run;


A C<Tickit::Console> instance is a subclass of L<Tickit::Widget::VBox>
intended to help building a full-screen console-style application which
presents the user with one or more scrollable text areas, selectable as tabs
on a ribbon, with a text entry area at the bottom of the screen for entering
commands or other data. As a L<Tickit::Widget> subclass it can be added
anywhere within a widget tree, though normally it would be used as the root
widget for a L<Tickit> instance.




=head2 $console = Tickit::Console->new( %args )

Returns a new instance of a C<Tickit::Console>. Takes the following named

=over 8

=item on_line => CODE

Callback to invoke when a line of text is entered in the entry widget.

 $on_line->( $active_tab, $text )



sub new
   my $class = shift;
   my %args = @_;

   my $on_line = delete $args{on_line};

   my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %args );

      $self->{tabbed} = Tickit::Widget::Tabbed->new(
         tab_position => "bottom",
         tab_class    => "Tickit::Console::Tab",
      expand => 1,

      $self->{entry} = Tickit::Widget::Entry->new

   weaken( my $weakself = $self );
   $self->{entry}->set_on_enter( sub {
      return unless $weakself;
      my ( $entry ) = @_;
      my $line = $entry->text;
      $entry->set_text( "" );

      my $tab = $weakself->active_tab;
      if( $tab->{on_line} ) {
         $tab->{on_line}->( $tab, $line );
      else {
         $on_line->( $tab, $line );
   } );

   return $self;

=head1 METHODS


=head2 $tab = $console->add_tab( %args )

Adds a new tab to the console, and returns an object representing it.

Takes the following named arguments:

=over 8

=item name => STRING

Name for the tab.

=item on_line => CODE

Optional. Provides a different callback to invoke when a line of text is
entered while this tab is active. Invoked the same way as above.

=item make_widget => CODE

Optional. Gives a piece of code used to construct the actual L<Tickit::Widget>
used as this tab's child in the ribbon. A C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller> to hold
the tab's content will be passed in to this code, which should construct some
sort of widget tree with that inside it, and return it. This can be used to
apply a decorative frame, place the scroller in a split box or other layout
along with other widgets, or various other effects.

 $tab_widget = $make_widget->( $scroller )


See L</TAB OBJECTS> below for more information about the returned object.


sub add_tab
   my $self = shift;
   my %args = @_;

   my $make_widget = $args{make_widget};

   my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new( gravity => "bottom" );

   my $widget = $make_widget ? $make_widget->( $scroller ) : $scroller;

   my $tab = $self->{tabbed}->add_tab(
      label => $args{name}

   $tab->{on_line} = delete $args{on_line};

   # Cheating
   $tab->{scroller} = $scroller;
   weaken( $tab->{console} = $self );

   return $tab;

=head2 $index = $console->active_tab_index

=head2 $tab = $console->active_tab

=head2 $console->remove_tab( $tab_or_index )

=head2 $console->move_tab( $tab_or_index, $delta )

=head2 $console->activate_tab( $tab_or_index )

=head2 $console->next_tab

=head2 $console->prev_tab

These methods are all passed through to the underlying
L<Tickit::Widget::Tabbed> object.


foreach my $method (qw( active_tab_index active_tab
      remove_tab move_tab activate_tab next_tab prev_tab )) {
   no strict 'refs';
   *$method = sub {
      my $self = shift;
      $self->{tabbed}->$method( @_ );

=head2 $console->bind_key( $key, $code )

Installs a callback to invoke if the given key is pressed, overwriting any
previous callback for the same key. The code block is invoked as

 $code->( $console, $key )

If C<$code> is missing or C<undef>, any existing callback is removed.


sub bind_key
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $key, $code ) = @_;

   $self->{keybindings}{$key}[0] = $code;

   $self->_update_key_binding( $key );

sub _update_key_binding
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $key ) = @_;

   my $bindings = $self->{keybindings}{$key};

   if( $bindings->[0] or $bindings->[1] ) {
      $self->{entry}->bind_keys( $key => sub {
         my ( $entry, $key ) = @_;
         $entry->parent->_on_key( $key );
   else {
      $self->{entry}->bind_key( $key => undef );

sub _on_key
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $key ) = @_;

   if( my $tab = $self->active_tab ) {
      return 1 if $tab->{keybindings}{$key} and
         $tab->{keybindings}{$key}->( $tab, $key );

   my $code = $self->{keybindings}{$key}[0] or return 0;
   return $code->( $self, $key );



package Tickit::Console::Tab;
use base qw( Tickit::Widget::Tabbed::Tab );

our $VERSION = '0.06';

use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText;

=head2 $name = $tab->name

=head2 $tab->set_name( $name )

Returns or sets the tab name text


sub name
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->label;

sub set_name
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $name ) = @_;
   $self->set_label( $name );

=head2 $tab->add_line( $string, %opts )

Appends a line of text to the tab. C<$string> may either be a plain perl
string, or an instance of L<String::Tagged> containing formatting tags, as
specified by L<Tickit::Widget::Scroller>. Options will be passed to the
L<Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Line> used to contain the string.


sub add_line
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $string, %opts ) = @_;

   my $item;
   if( eval { $string->isa( "String::Tagged" ) } ) {
      $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText->new( $string, %opts );
   else {
      $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( $string, %opts );

   $self->{scroller}->push( $item );

=head2 $tab->bind_key( $key, $code )

Installs a callback to invoke if the given key is pressed while this tab has
focus, overwriting any previous callback for the same key. The code block is
invoked as

 $result = $code->( $tab, $key )

If C<$code> is missing or C<undef>, any existing callback is removed.

This callback will be invoked before one defined on the console object itself,
if present. If it returns a false value, then the one on the console will be
invoked instead.


sub bind_key
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $key, $code ) = @_;

   my $console = $self->{console};

   if( not $self->{keybindings}{$key} and $code ) {
      $console->_update_key_binding( $key );
   elsif( $self->{keybindings}{$key} and not $code ) {
      $console->_update_key_binding( $key );

   $self->{keybindings}{$key} = $code;

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

