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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
#  or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
#  (C) Paul Evans, 2011-2014 --

package Tickit::Widget::Entry;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw( Tickit::Widget );
use Tickit::Style;
Tickit::Window->VERSION( '0.39' ); # expose_after_scroll default on

our $VERSION = '0.25';

use Tickit::Utils qw( textwidth chars2cols cols2chars substrwidth );

use constant CAN_FOCUS => 1;

# Positions in this code can get complicated. The following conventions apply:
#   $pos_ch  = a position in CHaracters within a Unicode string (length, substr,..)
#   $pos_co  = a position in screen COlumns counted from the start of the string
#   $pos_x   = a position in screen columns from the start of the window ($win positions)

=head1 NAME

C<Tickit::Widget::Entry> - a widget for entering text


 use Tickit;
 use Tickit::Widget::Entry;

 my $entry = Tickit::Widget::Entry->new(
    on_enter => sub {
       my ( $self, $line ) = @_;

       # process $line somehow

       $self->set_text( "" );

 Tickit->new( root => $entry )->run;


This class provides a widget which allows the user to enter a line of text.

=head1 STYLE

The default style pen is used as the widget pen. The following style pen
prefixes are also used:

=over 4

=item more => PEN

The pen used for the "more" scroll markers


The following style keys are used:

=over 4

=item more_left => STRING

=item more_right => STRING

The text used to indicate that there is more content scrolled to the left or
right, respectively



style_definition base =>
   more_fg    => "cyan",
   more_left  => "<..",
   more_right => "..>";

use constant WIDGET_PEN_FROM_STYLE => 1;


The following keys are bound by default

=over 2

=item * Ctrl-K

Delete the entire line

=item * Ctrl-U

Delete to the start of the line

=item * Ctrl-W

Delete one word backwards

=item * Backspace

Delete one character backwards

=item * Delete

Delete one character forwards

=item * Ctrl-Delete

Delete one word forwards

=item * End or Ctrl-E

Move the cursor to the end of the input line

=item * Enter

Accept a line of input by running the C<on_enter> action

=item * Home or Ctrl-A

Move the cursor to the beginning of the input line

=item * Insert

Toggle between overwrite and insert mode

=item * Left

Move the cursor one character left

=item * Ctrl-Left or Alt-B

Move the cursor one word left

=item * Right

Move the cursor one character right

=item * Ctrl-Right or Alt-F

Move the cursor one word right





=head2 $entry = Tickit::Widget::Entry->new( %args )

Constructs a new C<Tickit::Widget::Entry> object.

Takes the following named arguments:

=over 8

=item text => STR

Optional. Initial text to display in the box

=item position => INT

Optional. Initial position of the cursor within the text.

=item on_enter => CODE

Optional. Callback function to invoke when the C<< <Enter> >> key is pressed.



sub new
   my $class = shift;
   my %params = @_;

   my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params );

   $self->{text} = defined $params{text} ? $params{text} : "";
   $self->{pos_ch} = defined $params{position} ? $params{position} : 0;

   my $textlen = length $self->{text};
   $self->{pos_ch} = $textlen if $self->{pos_ch} > $textlen;

   $self->{scrolloffs_co} = 0;
   $self->{overwrite} = 0;

   $self->{keybindings} = {
      'C-a' => "key_beginning_of_line",
      'C-e' => "key_end_of_line",
      'C-k' => "key_delete_line",
      'C-u' => "key_backward_delete_line",
      'C-w' => "key_backward_delete_word",

      'M-b' => "key_backward_word",
      'M-f' => "key_forward_word",

      'Backspace' => "key_backward_delete_char",
      'Delete'    => "key_forward_delete_char",
      'C-Delete'  => "key_forward_delete_word",
      'End'       => "key_end_of_line",
      'Enter'     => "key_enter_line",
      'Home'      => "key_beginning_of_line",
      'Insert'    => "key_overwrite_mode",
      'Left'      => "key_backward_char",
      'C-Left'    => "key_backward_word",
      'Right'     => "key_forward_char",
      'C-Right'   => "key_forward_word",

   $self->set_on_enter( $params{on_enter} ) if defined $params{on_enter};

   # Since we take keyboard input we almost certainly want to take focus here

   return $self;

sub lines { 1 }
sub cols  { 5 }

sub char2col
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $ch ) = @_;

   return scalar chars2cols $self->{text}, $ch;

sub pretext_width
   my $self = shift;

   return 0 if $self->{scrolloffs_co} == 0;
   return textwidth( $self->get_style_values( "more_left" ) );

sub pretext_render
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $rb ) = @_;

   $rb->text_at( 0, 0, $self->get_style_values( "more_left" ), $self->get_style_pen( "more" ) );

sub posttext_width
   my $self = shift;

   return 0 if textwidth( $self->text ) <= $self->{scrolloffs_co} + $self->window->cols;
   return textwidth( $self->get_style_values( "more_right" ) );

sub posttext_render
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $rb ) = @_;

   $rb->text_at( 0, 0, $self->get_style_values( "more_right" ), $self->get_style_pen( "more" ) );

sub render_to_rb
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $rb, $rect ) = @_;

   my $cols = $self->window->cols;

   if( $rect->top == 0 ) {
      my $text = substrwidth( $self->text, $self->{scrolloffs_co}, $cols );

      $rb->goto( 0, 0 );
      $rb->text( $text ) if length $text;
      $rb->erase_to( $cols );

      if( my $pretext_width = $self->pretext_width ) {
         $rb->clip( Tickit::Rect->new( top => 0, left => 0, lines => 1, cols => $pretext_width ) );

         $self->pretext_render( $rb );


      if( my $posttext_width = $self->posttext_width ) {
         $rb->translate( 0, $cols - $posttext_width );
         $rb->clip( Tickit::Rect->new( top => 0, left => 0, lines => 1, cols => $posttext_width ) );

         $self->posttext_render( $rb );


   foreach my $line ( $rect->linerange( 1, undef ) ) {
      $rb->erase_at( $line, 0, $cols );


sub _recalculate_scroll
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos_ch ) = @_;

   my $pos_co = $self->char2col( $pos_ch );
   my $off_co = $self->{scrolloffs_co};

   my $pos_x = $pos_co - $off_co;

   my $width = $self->window->cols;
   my $halfwidth = int( $width / 2 );

   # Don't even try unless we have at least 2 columns
   return unless $halfwidth;

   # Try to keep the cursor within 5 columns of the window edge
   while( $pos_x < 5 and $off_co >= 5 ) {
      $off_co -= $halfwidth;
      $off_co = 0 if $off_co < 0;
      $pos_x = $pos_co - $off_co;
   while( $pos_x > ( $width - 5 ) ) {
      $off_co += $halfwidth;
      $pos_x = $pos_co - $off_co;

   return $off_co if $off_co != $self->{scrolloffs_co};
   return undef;

sub reposition_cursor
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos_ch ) = @_;

   my $win = $self->window or return;

   $self->{pos_ch} = $pos_ch if defined $pos_ch;

   my $new_scrolloffs = $self->_recalculate_scroll( $self->{pos_ch} );
   if( defined $new_scrolloffs ) {
      $self->{scrolloffs_co} = $new_scrolloffs;

   my $pos_x = $self->char2col( $self->{pos_ch} ) - $self->{scrolloffs_co};

   $win->cursor_at( 0, $pos_x );

sub _text_spliced
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos_ch, $deleted, $inserted, $at_end ) = @_;

   my $win = $self->window;
   my $width = $win->cols;

   my $insertedlen_co = textwidth $inserted;
   my $deletedlen_co  = textwidth $deleted;

   my $delta_co = $insertedlen_co - $deletedlen_co;

   my $pos_co = $self->char2col( $pos_ch );
   my $pos_x  = $pos_co - $self->{scrolloffs_co};

   # Don't bother at all if the affected range is scrolled off the right
   return if $pos_x >= $width;

   if( $pos_x < 0 ) {
      die "TODO: text_splice before window - what to do??\n";

   my $need_reprint = 0;

   # No point doing a scrollrect if there's nothing after here
   if( $delta_co != 0 and !$at_end ) {
      $win->scrollrect( 0, $pos_x, 1, $win->cols - $pos_x, 0, -$delta_co ) or
         $need_reprint = 1;

   if( $need_reprint ) {
      # ICH/DCH failed; we'll have to reprint the entire rest of the line from
      # here
         Tickit::Rect->new( top => 0, left => $pos_x, lines => 1, right => $width )

   if( $insertedlen_co > 0 ) {
         Tickit::Rect->new( top => 0, left => $pos_x, lines => 1, cols => $insertedlen_co )

      if( my $posttext_width = $self->posttext_width ) {
            Tickit::Rect->new( top => 0, left => $width - $posttext_width, lines => 1, right => $width )

   if( $delta_co < 0 and $self->{scrolloffs_co} + $width < textwidth $self->text ) {
      # Add extra damage to redraw the trashed posttext marker
      my $rhs_x = -$delta_co + $self->posttext_width;

         Tickit::Rect->new( top => 0, left => $width - $rhs_x, lines => 1, right => $width )

sub on_key
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $args ) = @_;

   return 0 unless $self->window->is_focused;

   my $type = $args->type;
   my $str  = $args->str;

   if( $type eq "key" and my $code = $self->{keybindings}{$str} ) {
      $self->$code( $str );
      return 1;
   if( $type eq "text" ) {
      $self->on_text( $str );
      return 1;

   return 0;

sub on_text
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $text ) = @_;

   $self->text_splice( $self->{pos_ch}, $self->{overwrite} ? 1 : 0, $text );

sub on_mouse
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $args ) = @_;

   return unless $args->type eq "press" and $args->button == 1;

   my $pos_ch = scalar cols2chars $self->{text}, $args->col + $self->{scrolloffs_co};
   $self->set_position( $pos_ch );



=head2 $on_enter = $entry->on_enter


sub on_enter
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{on_enter};

=head2 $entry->set_on_enter( $on_enter )

Return or set the CODE reference to be called when the C<key_enter_line>
action is invoked; usually bound to the C<Enter> key.

 $on_enter->( $entry, $line )


sub set_on_enter
   my $self = shift;
   ( $self->{on_enter} ) = @_;

=head2 $offset = $entry->position

Returns the current entry position, in terms of characters within the text.


sub position
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{pos_ch};

=head2 $entry->set_position( $position )

Set the text entry position, moving the cursor


sub set_position
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos_ch ) = @_;

   $pos_ch = 0 if $pos_ch < 0;
   $pos_ch = length $self->{text} if $pos_ch > length $self->{text};

   $self->reposition_cursor( $pos_ch );

=head1 METHODS


=head2 $entry->bind_keys( $keystr => $value, ... )

Associate methods or CODE references with keypresses. On receipt of a the key
the method or CODE reference will be invoked, being passed the stringified key
representation and the underlying C<Term::TermKey::Key> structure.

 $ret = $entry->method( $keystr, $key )
 $ret = $coderef->( $entry, $keystr, $key )

This method takes a hash of keystring/value pairs. Binding a value of C<undef>
will remove it.


sub bind_keys
   my $self = shift;
   while( @_ ) {
      my $str   = shift;
      my $value = shift;

      if( defined $value ) {
         $self->{keybindings}{$str} = $value;
      else {
         delete $self->{keybindings}{$str};


These methods operate on the text input buffer directly, updating the stored
text and changing the rendered display to reflect the changes. They can be
used by a program to directly manipulate the text.


=head2 $text = $entry->text

Returns the currently entered text.


sub text
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{text};

=head2 $entry->set_text( $text )

Replace the text in the entry box. This completely redraws the widget's
window. It is largely provided for initialisation; for normal edits (such as
from keybindings), it is preferrable to use C<text_insert>, C<text_delete> or


sub set_text
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $text ) = @_;

   $self->{text} = $text;
   $self->{pos_ch} = length $text if $self->{pos_ch} > length $text;


=head2 $entry->text_insert( $text, $pos_ch )

Insert the given text at the given character position.


sub text_insert
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $text, $pos_ch ) = @_;

   $self->text_splice( $pos_ch, 0, $text );

=head2 $deleted = $entry->text_delete( $pos_ch, $len_ch )

Delete the given section of text. Returns the deleted text.


sub text_delete
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos_ch, $len_ch ) = @_;

   return $self->text_splice( $pos_ch, $len_ch, "" );

=head2 $deleted = $entry->text_splice( $pos_ch, $len_ch, $text )

Replace the given section of text with the given replacement. Returns the
text deleted from the section.


sub text_splice
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos_ch, $len_ch, $text ) = @_;

   my $textlen_ch = length($text);

   my $delta_ch = $textlen_ch - $len_ch;

   my $at_end = ( $pos_ch == length $self->{text} );

   my $deleted = substr( $self->{text}, $pos_ch, $len_ch, $text );

   my $new_pos_ch;

   if( $self->{pos_ch} >= $pos_ch + $len_ch ) {
      # Cursor after splice; move to suit
      $new_pos_ch = $self->position + $delta_ch;
   elsif( $self->{pos_ch} >= $pos_ch ) {
      # Cursor within splice; move to end
      $new_pos_ch = $pos_ch + $textlen_ch;
   # else { ignore }

   # No point incrementally updating as we'll have to scroll anyway
   unless( defined $new_pos_ch and defined $self->_recalculate_scroll( $new_pos_ch ) ) {
      $self->_text_spliced( $pos_ch, $deleted, $text, $at_end );

   $self->reposition_cursor( $new_pos_ch ) if defined $new_pos_ch and $new_pos_ch != $self->{pos_ch};

   return $deleted;

=head2 $pos = $entry->find_bow_forward( $initial, $else )

Search forward in the string, returning the character position of the next
beginning of word from the initial position. If none is found, returns


sub find_bow_forward
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos, $else ) = @_;

   my $posttext = substr( $self->text, $pos );

   return $posttext =~ m/(?<=\s)\S/ ? $pos + $-[0] : $else;

=head2 $pos = $entry->find_eow_forward( $initial )

Search forward in the string, returning the character position of the next
end of word from the initial position. If none is found, returns the length of
the string.


sub find_eow_forward
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos ) = @_;

   my $posttext = substr( $self->text, $pos );

   $posttext =~ m/(?<=\S)\s|$/;
   return $pos + $-[0];

=head2 $pos = $entry->find_bow_backward( $initial )

Search backward in the string, returning the character position of the
previous beginning of word from the initial position. If none is found,
returns 0.


sub find_bow_backward
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos ) = @_;

   my $pretext = substr( $self->text, 0, $pos );

   return $pretext =~ m/.*\s(?=\S)/ ? $+[0] : 0;

=head2 $pos = $entry->find_eow_backward( $initial )

Search backward in the string, returning the character position of the
previous end of word from the initial position. If none is found, returns


sub find_eow_backward
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $pos ) = @_;

   my $pretext = substr( $self->text, 0, $pos + 1 ); # +1 to allow if cursor is on the space

   return $pretext =~ m/.*\S(?=\s)/ ? $+[0] : undef;

## Key binding methods

sub key_backward_char
   my $self = shift;

   if( $self->{pos_ch} > 0 ) {
      $self->set_position( $self->{pos_ch} - 1 );

sub key_backward_delete_char
   my $self = shift;

   if( $self->{pos_ch} > 0 ) {
      $self->text_delete( $self->{pos_ch} - 1, 1 );

sub key_backward_delete_line
   my $self = shift;

   $self->text_delete( 0, $self->{pos_ch} );

sub key_backward_delete_word
   my $self = shift;

   my $bow = $self->find_bow_backward( $self->{pos_ch} );
   $self->text_delete( $bow, $self->{pos_ch} - $bow );

sub key_backward_word
   my $self = shift;

   if( $self->{pos_ch} > 0 ) {
      $self->set_position( $self->find_bow_backward( $self->{pos_ch} ) );

sub key_beginning_of_line
   my $self = shift;

   $self->set_position( 0 );

sub key_delete_line
   my $self = shift;

   $self->text_delete( 0, length $self->text );

sub key_end_of_line
   my $self = shift;

   $self->set_position( length $self->{text} );

sub key_enter_line
   my $self = shift;

   my $text = $self->text;
   return unless length $text;

   my $on_enter = $self->{on_enter} or return;
   $on_enter->( $self, $text );

sub key_forward_char
   my $self = shift;

   if( $self->{pos_ch} < length $self->{text} ) {
      $self->set_position( $self->{pos_ch} + 1 );

# Renamed from readline's "delete-char" because this one doesn't have the EOF
# behaviour if input line is empty
sub key_forward_delete_char
   my $self = shift;

   if( $self->{pos_ch} < length $self->{text} ) {
      $self->text_delete( $self->{pos_ch}, 1 );

sub key_forward_delete_word
   my $self = shift;

   my $bow = $self->find_bow_forward( $self->{pos_ch}, length $self->text );
   $self->text_delete( $self->{pos_ch}, $bow - $self->{pos_ch} );

sub key_forward_word
   my $self = shift;

   my $bow = $self->find_bow_forward( $self->{pos_ch}, length $self->text );
   $self->set_position( $bow );

sub key_overwrite_mode
   my $self = shift;

   $self->{overwrite} = !$self->{overwrite};

=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item * Plugin ability

Try to find a nice way to allow loaded plugins, possibly per-instance if not
just globally or per-class. See how many of these TODO items can be done using

=item * More readline behaviours

History. Isearch. History replay. Transpose. Transcase. Yank ring. Numeric

=item * Visual selection behaviour

Shift-movement, or vim-style. Mouse.


=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

