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#  You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
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#  (C) Paul Evans, 2012-2014 --

package Tickit::Widget::Button;

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( switch );
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
use base qw( Tickit::Widget );

use Tickit::Style;
use Tickit::RenderBuffer qw( LINE_SINGLE LINE_DOUBLE LINE_THICK );

our $VERSION = '0.20';

use Tickit::Utils qw( textwidth );

use constant CAN_FOCUS => 1;

=head1 NAME

C<Tickit::Widget::Button> - a widget displaying a clickable button


 use Tickit;
 use Tickit::Widget::Button;

 my $button = Tickit::Widget::Button->new(
    label => "Click Me!",
    on_click => sub {
       my ( $self ) = @_;

       # Do something!

 Tickit->new( root => $button )->run;


This class provides a widget which displays a clickable area with a label.
When the area is clicked, a callback is invoked.

=head1 STYLE

The default style pen is used as the widget pen. The following style keys are

=over 4

=item linetype => STRING

What kind of border to draw around the button; one of

 none single double thick

=item marker_left => STRING

A two-character string to place just before the button label

=item marker_right => STRING

A two-character string to place just after the button label


The following style tags are used:

=over 4

=item :active

Set when the mouse is being held over the button, before it is released


The following style actions are used:

=over 4

=item click

The main action to activate the C<on_click> handler.



style_definition base =>
   fg => "black",
   bg => "blue",
   linetype => "single",
   marker_left => "> ",
   marker_right => " <",
   '<Enter>' => "click";

style_definition ':focus' =>
   marker_left => ">>",
   marker_right => "<<";

style_definition ':active' =>
   rv => 1;

style_reshape_keys qw( linetype );
style_redraw_keys qw( marker_left marker_right );

use constant WIDGET_PEN_FROM_STYLE => 1;
use constant KEYPRESSES_FROM_STYLE => 1;



=head2 $entry = Tickit::Widget::Button->new( %args )

Constructs a new C<Tickit::Widget::Button> object.

Takes the following named arguments:

=over 8

=item label => STR

Text to display in the button area

=item on_click => CODE

Optional. Callback function to invoke when the button is clicked.



sub new
   my $class = shift;
   my %params = @_;

   my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %params );

   $self->set_label( $params{label} ) if defined $params{label};
   $self->set_on_click( $params{on_click} ) if $params{on_click};

   $self->set_align ( $params{align}  // 0.5 );
   $self->set_valign( $params{valign} // 0.5 );

   return $self;

sub lines
   my $self = shift;
   my $has_border = ( $self->get_style_values( "linetype" ) ) ne "none";
   return 1 + 2*$has_border;

sub cols
   my $self = shift;
   my $has_border = ( $self->get_style_values( "linetype" ) ) ne "none";
   return 4 + textwidth( $self->label ) + 2*$has_border;



=head2 $label = $button->label


sub label
   return shift->{label}

=head2 $button->set_label( $label )

Return or set the text to display in the button area.


sub set_label
   my $self = shift;
   ( $self->{label} ) = @_;

=head2 $on_click = $button->on_click


sub on_click
   my $self = shift;
   return $self->{on_click};

=head2 $button->set_on_click( $on_click )

Return or set the CODE reference to be called when the button area is clicked.

 $on_click->( $button )


sub set_on_click
   my $self = shift;
   ( $self->{on_click} ) = @_;

=head2 $button->click

Behave as if the button has been clicked; running its C<on_click> handler.
This is provided for convenience of activating its handler programatically via
other parts of code.


sub click
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{on_click}->( $self );

# Activation by key should "flash" the button briefly on the screen as a
# visual feedback
sub key_click
   my $self = shift;
   if( my $window = $self->window ) {
      $self->set_style_tag( active => 1 );
      $window->tickit->timer( after => 0.1, sub { $self->set_style_tag( active => 0 ) } );
   return 1;

sub _activate
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $active ) = @_;
   $self->{active} = $active;
   $self->set_style_tag( active => $active );

=head2 $align = $button->align

=head2 $button->set_align( $align )

=head2 $valign = $button->valign

=head2 $button->set_valign( $valign )

Accessors for the horizontal and vertical alignment of the label text within
the button area. See also L<Tickit::WidgetRole::Alignable>.


use Tickit::WidgetRole::Alignable name => "align",  style => "h";
use Tickit::WidgetRole::Alignable name => "valign", style => "v";

sub reshape
   my $self = shift;

   my $win = $self->window or return;
   my $lines = $win->lines;
   my $cols  = $win->cols;

   my $width = textwidth $self->label;

   my $has_border = ( $self->get_style_values( "linetype" ) ) ne "none";

   my ( $lines_before, undef, $lines_after ) = $self->_valign_allocation( 1, $lines - (2 * $has_border) );
   my ( $cols_before, undef, $cols_after ) = $self->_align_allocation( $width + 2, $cols - 2 );

   $self->{label_line} = $lines_before + $has_border;
   $self->{label_col}  = $cols_before + 2;
   $self->{label_end}  = $cols_before + $width + 2;

   $win->cursor_at( $self->{label_line}, $self->{label_col} );

sub render_to_rb
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $rb, $rect ) = @_;

   my $win = $self->window or return;
   my $lines = $win->lines;
   my $cols  = $win->cols;

   my ( $linetype, $marker_left, $marker_right ) =
      $self->get_style_values(qw( linetype marker_left marker_right ));

   my $linestyle = $linetype eq "single" ? LINE_SINGLE :
                   $linetype eq "double" ? LINE_DOUBLE :
                   $linetype eq "thick"  ? LINE_THICK  :

   if( defined $linestyle ) {
      $rb->hline_at( 0,        0, $cols-1, $linestyle );
      $rb->hline_at( $lines-1, 0, $cols-1, $linestyle );
      $rb->vline_at( 0, $lines-1, 0,       $linestyle );
      $rb->vline_at( 0, $lines-1, $cols-1, $linestyle );

      foreach my $line ( $rect->linerange( 1, $lines-2 ) ) {
         $rb->erase_at( $line, 1, $cols-2 );
   else {
      foreach my $line ( $rect->linerange( 0, $lines-1 ) ) {
         $rb->erase_at( $line, 0, $cols );

   $rb->text_at( $self->{label_line}, $self->{label_col} - 2, $marker_left );
   $rb->text_at( $self->{label_line}, $self->{label_end}, $marker_right );

   $rb->text_at( $self->{label_line}, $self->{label_col}, $self->label );

sub on_mouse
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $args ) = @_;

   my $type = $args->type;
   my $button = $args->button;

   return unless $button == 1;

   for( $type ) {
      when( "press" ) {
         $self->_activate( 1 );
      when( "drag_start" ) {
         $self->{dragging_on_self} = 1;
      when( "drag_stop" ) {
         $self->{dragging_on_self} = 0;
      when( "drag" ) {
         # TODO: This could be neater with an $arg->srcwin
         $self->_activate( 1 ) if $self->{dragging_on_self} and !$self->{active};
      when( "drag_outside" ) {
         $self->_activate( 0 ) if $self->{active};
      when( "release" ) {
         if( $self->{active} ) {
            $self->_activate( 0 );

   return 1;

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Evans <>

