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# $Id:,v 1.75 2017/08/06 21:19:08 pfeiffer Exp $

=head1 NAME

Mpp::Cmds - Builtin commands for makefiles


This package contains builtin commands similar to common utilities, which can
be called from a rule, as well as in a functional way or as top level


# TODO: autoload these commands only when needed
# Use file_info -- or don't, because we'd have to refresh it before every new cmd.

# builtin commands
package Mpp::Cmds;

use strict;
use Mpp::Text ();
use Mpp::File;
use Mpp::Subs;
use POSIX ();

  my $ln_cp = $ENV{MAKEPP_LN_CP} || 0;
  *NO_LINK = $Mpp::Text::N[$ln_cp & 2 ? 1 : 0];
  *NO_SYMLINK = $Mpp::Text::N[$ln_cp & 1 || 0];

sub eval_or_die($) {
  $Mpp::Rule::unsafe = 1;
  Mpp::Subs::eval_or_die $_[0], $Mpp::Subs::rule->{MAKEFILE}, $Mpp::Subs::rule->{RULE_SOURCE};

# perform one step and log or die as appropriate
our( $install_date, $install_log );
sub perform(&$;$) {
  if( eval { &{$_[0]} } && !$@ ) {
    print STDERR "$0: $_[1]\n" if $Mpp::verbose;
    if( $install_log ) {
      my $msg = $_[1];
      my $cwd = absolute_filename $CWD_INFO;
      $msg =~ s|`(?=[^/`][^`]*$)|`$cwd/|;
      if( $Mpp::Event::max_proc > 1 ) {
	flock $install_log, 2;	# Lock exclusive.
	if( $install_date =~ /^ / ) { # Additional output
	  if( (stat $install_log)[7] > tell $install_log ) {
				# Size changed by concurrent proc
	    seek $install_log, 0, 2;
	    print $install_log "$install_date  $msg\n" or die $!;
	  } else {
	    print $install_log "  $msg\n" or die $!;
	} else {
	  seek $install_log, 0, 2;
	  print $install_log "$install_date  $msg\n" or die $!;
	  $install_date = "  $install_date";
	flock $install_log, 8;	# Unlock.
      } else {
	print $install_log "$install_date  $msg\n" or die $!;
      $install_date = '';
  } elsif( !$_[2] ) {
    die "could not $_[1]--". ($@ || $!) . "\n";

# deletion files first, then directories depth first
sub _rm {
  my @dirs;
  perform { unlink } "delete `$_'"
    for grep { -l || !-d _ ? $_ : !push @dirs, $_ } @_;
  perform { rmdir } "delete directory `$_'"
    for sort { ($b =~ tr:/::) <=> ($a =~ tr:/::) } @dirs;

# Explicit variables for options shared by several commands.
my( $noescape, $force, $inpipe, $print, $print_nl, $synclines, $last_file, $last_line );

# Do buffered output of $_ with optional synclines.
sub print {
  if( defined and length ) {
    if( $synclines ) {
      if( $last_file ne $ARGV ) {
	$print_nl or $print .= "\n";
	$print .= "#line $. \"$ARGV\"\n";
	$last_file = $ARGV;
	$last_line = $.;
      } elsif( ++$last_line != $. ) {
	$print_nl or $print .= "\n";
	$print .= "#line $.\n";
	$last_line = $.;
      if( /^\s*#\s*line\s+\d+(\s+\")?/m ) { # Replacement contains #line.
	$_ .= '#line ' . ($. + 1) . ($1 ? " \"$ARGV\"\n" : "\n");
      } else {
	s/\n(?!\z)/\n#line $.\n/g; # Multiple lines generated from one source line.
      $print_nl = /\n\z/;	# Did we end with a nl?
    $print .= $_;		# Buffer up to about 8kb.
    if( 8 * 1024 < length $print ) {
      # Mixing this with a final print is ok, as buffering comes last.  syswrite is faster only from 3kb upwards.
      syswrite select, $print or die $!;
      $print = '';

# Frame which handles options, I/O and adds omnipresent --verbose.
sub frame(&@) {
  my( $code, @opts, @stdopts ) = @_;
  local $Mpp::verbose = $Mpp::verbose;

  my( $infail, $inout, $output, $pipe, $select, $outfail, $separator );
  # Standard options shared by several commands.
  my %opt =
    (E => ['E', qr/no[-_]?escape/, \$noescape],
     f => [qw(f force), \$force],
     i => [qw(i inpipe), \$inpipe, 1],
     I => [qw(I infail), \$infail],
     o => [qw(o output), \$output, 1],
     O => [qw(O outfail), \$outfail],
     r => ['r', qr/record[-_]?size/, \$separator, 1, sub { $separator = eval "\\$separator" }],
     s => [qw(s separator), \$separator, 1],
     S => ['S', qr/sync[-_]?lines/, \$synclines]);

  @opts = grep {		# Put stds last, so they don't override short opts.
    ref or !push @stdopts, $opt{$_};
  } @opts;
  Mpp::Text::getopts @opts, @stdopts,
    [qw(v verbose), \$Mpp::verbose];

  # Setup input context.
  local $/ = ref $separator && $$separator == 0 ? undef : $separator if defined $separator; # \0 deprecated in 5.20
  #local *STDIN if $inpipe or $output && $output =~ /^\+</; # Causes input to hang :-(
  if( $inpipe ) {
    $inpipe =~ s/\|$//s;
    perform { open STDIN, '-|', $inpipe } "call `$inpipe|'";
  local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
    if( $_[0] =~ /^Can't open (.*?): $! at/ ) {
      die "$0: cannot open `$1'--$!\n";
    } else {
      warn $_[0];

  # Setup output context.
  $print = ''; $print_nl = 1;
  $last_file = '' if $synclines;
  local *STDOUT if $output;
  if( $output ) {
    my $first = ord $output;
    $pipe = $first == ord '|';
    if( $pipe or $first != ord '+' or $output !~ /^\+</ ) {
      if( !$pipe and $force ) {
	my $file = $output;
	$file =~ s/^>\s*//;
	_rm $file if -e $file;
      perform { open STDOUT, ($pipe or $first == ord '>') ? $output : ">$output" } "write `$output'";
    } else {
      $output =~ s/^\+<((.*?)[^\/]+)$/$1/;
      # open temp file in same dir as output, so we can rename later
      $inout = "$2.makepp.$$" . substr rand, 1;
      perform { open STDIN, $output and open STDOUT, '>', $inout }
	"read `$output' and write to tempfile";
    $select = select STDOUT;
  local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE' if $pipe;

  my @res = eval { &$code };
  my $err = $@;

  # throw the proper diagnostics as to why close failed
  sub _closedie($) {
    die "`$_[0]' ",
      $! ? "failed to close--$!" :
	($? & 127) ? "died with signal " . ($? & 127) :
	"exited with value " . ($? >> 8);

  # Cleanup if any I/O is open.
  if( $inpipe && $infail or $inout ) {
    Mpp::is_windows > 0 or	# fake fork, child already closed ours
      close STDIN or _closedie $inpipe;
    open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null';	# placeholder file handle as long as not local
  print $print or die $! if length $print;
  $print = '';			# In case of nested commands.
  if( $output ) {
    close STDOUT or $outfail && _closedie $output;
    perform { rename $inout, $output } "rename tempfile to `$output'" if $inout;
    select $select;
  undef ${$$_[2]} for @stdopts;
  die $err if $err;

# variant that returns what it chomped
sub _chomp(\$) {
  return '' if ref $/;
  my $tail = ${$_[0]};
  my $len = chomp ${$_[0]};
  return '' unless $len;
  substr $tail, -$len;

sub c_cat {
  local @ARGV = @_;
  frame {
    require File::Copy;
    if( $synclines ) {
      local $/ = \8192;
      while( <> ) {
	if( $. == 1 ) { # Can't use &print, as that "corrects" \n to same #line directive
	  print $print_nl ? '' : "\n", "#line 1 \"$ARGV\"\n$_";
	} else {
	$print_nl = /\n\z/;	# Did we end with a nl?
	close ARGV if eof;
    } else {
      perform { File::Copy::copy( $_, \*STDOUT ) } "copy `$_'" for @ARGV;
  } qw(f i I o O S);

sub c_chmod {
  local @ARGV = @_;
  frame {
    my $mode = oct shift @ARGV;
    perform { chmod $mode, $_ } "set mode for `$_'"
      for @ARGV;

sub c_cp {
  my $mv;	     # must separate my from if, or it survives multiple calls
  local @ARGV = @_;
  $mv = shift @ARGV if ref $_[0];
  my( $link, $symbolic );
  frame {
    undef $link if NO_LINK;
    undef $symbolic if NO_SYMLINK;
    my $dest = @ARGV == 1 ? '.' : pop @ARGV;
    require File::Copy;
    my $cmd = $mv ? 'move' : 'copy';
    $mv = $mv ? \&File::Copy::move : \&File::Copy::syscopy;
    for( @ARGV ) {
      my $d = -d $dest;
      my $dirdest = $d ? $dest . '/' . f_notdir $_ : $dest;
      _rm $dirdest if $force && ($d ? -e( $dirdest ) : defined $d);
      $link && perform { link $_, $dirdest } "link `$_' to `$dirdest'", 1
	or $symbolic && perform { symlink f_relative_to( $_ . ',' . f_dir $dirdest ), $dirdest } "link `$_' to `$dirdest' symbolically", 1
	or perform { &$mv( $_, $dirdest ) } "$cmd `$_' to `$dirdest'";
  } 'f',
    $mv ? () :
	([qw(l link), \$link],
	 ['s', qr/sym(?:bolic(?:[-_]?link)?|link)/, \$symbolic]);
sub c_mv { c_cp \1, @_ }

sub c_cut {
  local @ARGV = @_;		# for <>
  my( $delimiter, $characters, $fields, $lines, $matching, $printf, $only_delim ) = "\t";
  my $err = "$0: one of --characters, --fields or --lines must be given\n";
  frame {
    my( @idxs, $eol );
    local @::F;	     # Use Perl's autosplit variable into Makeppfile's package
    @idxs = eval_or_die $fields
      unless $fields =~ /^[-+.,\d\s]+$/ &&
	$fields =~ s/((?:,|^)\d+\.\.)-/"$1\$#::F+" . (defined $lines ? '2-' : '1-')/eg;
    if( defined $lines ) {
      warn "$0: options --matching or --printf make no sence with --lines\n" if $matching || $only_delim || $printf;
      while( <> ) {
	push @::F, $_;
	if( eof ) {
	  for my $line (@idxs ? @idxs : eval_or_die $fields) {
	    $line or die "$0: line numbers start at 1, not 0\n";
	    $. = $line > 0 ? $line : @::F + 1 + $line; # Lines count from 1.
	    $_ = $::F[$. - 1];
	  close ARGV;
	  @::F = ();
    } elsif( defined $fields ) {
      if( $printf && !$noescape ) {
	$printf =~ s/([\$\@!])/\\$1/g; # protect variable chars and next line's quote
	$printf = eval "qq!$printf!";
	die $@ if $@;
      my $re = qr/\Q$delimiter/ unless $characters;
      while( <> ) {
	$eol = _chomp $_;
	if( (@::F = $re ? split( $re, $_, -1 ) : unpack '(a1)*', $_) > 1 ) {
	  @::F = map { defined() ? $_ : $matching ? next : '' } @::F[@idxs ? @idxs : eval_or_die $fields];
	  $_ = $printf ?
	    sprintf( $printf, @::F ) :
	    join( $delimiter, @::F ) . $eol;
	} elsif( $matching || $only_delim ) {
	} elsif( $printf ) {
	  $_ = sprintf $printf, $_;
	} else {
	  $_ .= $eol;
	close ARGV if $synclines && eof;
    } else {
      die $err;
  } qw(E f i I o O r s S),
    [qw(c characters), \$characters, 1, sub { $delimiter = ''; warn $err if defined $fields; $fields = $characters }],
    [qw(d delimiter), \$delimiter, 1],
    [qw(f fields), \$fields, 1, sub { warn $err if defined $characters or defined $lines }],
    [qw(l lines), \$lines, 1, sub { warn $err if defined $fields; $fields = $lines }],
    [qw(m matching), \$matching],
    [qw(p printf), \$printf, 1],
    ['s', qr/only[-_]?delimited/, \$only_delim];

sub c_echo {
  my $cmd = 0;
  local @ARGV = @_;
  $cmd = ${shift @ARGV} if ref $_[0];
  my $nonewline;
  frame {
    my $res;
    if( $cmd == 1 ) {
      $res = eval_or_die "@ARGV" if @ARGV;
      $res = '' unless defined $res;
    } else {
      $res = $cmd == 2 ? shift @ARGV : "@ARGV";
      unless( $noescape ) {
	$res =~ s/([\$\@!])/\\$1/g; # protect variable chars and next line's quote
	$res = eval "qq!$res!";
	die $@ if $@;
      $res = sprintf $res, @ARGV if $cmd == 2;
    if( $cmd == 3 ) {
      $res ||= 'y';
      # This will break out when the pipe reader exits, but not die
      1 while print $res, $nonewline ? () : "\n";
    } else {
      print $res, $nonewline || $cmd == 2 ? () : "\n" or die $!;
    die "false\n" if $cmd == 1 && !$res;
  } qw(f o O),
    $cmd != 1 ? 'E' : (),
    $cmd != 2 ? ['n', qr/no[-_]?newline/, \$nonewline] : ();
sub c_expr { c_echo \1, @_ }
sub c_printf { c_echo \2, @_ }
sub c_yes { c_echo \3, @_ }

sub c_grep {
  my $cmd;
  local @ARGV = @_;		# for <>
  $cmd = ${shift @ARGV} if ref $_[0];
  my( $fn, $n, $revert, $count, $list, $waste ) = (0, 0, 0);
  frame {
    my $prog = eval_or_die 'sub {' . shift( @ARGV ) . "\n}";
    perform {
      open my $fh, '>', $waste;
      $waste = $fh;
    } "write `$waste'" if $waste;
    while( <> ) {
      if( $cmd ) {
	&print if $cmd == 2;
      } elsif( $revert == 1 ? !&$prog : &$prog ) {
	if( !$list ) {
	  $count or &print;
	} elsif( $revert == 2 ) {
	  $fn++ ;
	} else {
	  print "$ARGV\n" or die $!;
	  close ARGV;
      } elsif( $waste ) {
	print $waste $_ or die $!;
      if( $list && $revert > 1 && eof ) {
	print "$ARGV\n" or die $! if !$fn;
	$fn = 0;
      close ARGV if $synclines && eof;
    print "$n\n" or die $! if $count;
    close $waste if $waste;
    die "no matches\n" unless $cmd or $n or $count;
  } qw(f i I o O r s S),
    ($cmd ? () :
     ([qw(c count), \$count],
      ['l', qr/list|files[-_]?with[-_]?matches/, \$list],
      ['v', qr/vice[-_]?versa|(?:re|in)vert[-_]?match/, \$revert],
      ['w', qr/waste[-_]?file/, \$waste, 1]));
sub c_perl { c_grep \1, @_ }
sub c_sed { c_grep \2, @_ }

sub c_install {
  local @ARGV = @_;
  my $dest = pop @ARGV;
  my( $mode, $gid, $uid, $copy, $link, $symbolic, $resolve, $log, $directory, $strip ) = 755;
  frame {
    my $i = 2;
    --$i, defined() && !/^\d+$/ and
      defined( $_ = $i ? getpwnam( $_ ) : getgrnam( $_ )) || die $i ? 'user' : 'group', " unknown\n"
      for $uid, $gid;
    local $install_date = localtime() . " [$$]\n";
    my $fh;	    # Don't open $install_log directly as that logs to itself.
    $log ||= $ENV{INSTALL_LOG} ||
      ($CWD_INFO->{ROOT} ? relative_filename( $CWD_INFO->{ROOT} ) : '.') .
    perform { open $fh, '>>', $log } "append to `$log'";
    local $install_log = $fh;
    my @dest;
    if( $directory ) {
      warn "$0: options --copy, --link or --strip make no sence with --directory\n"
	if $copy || $link || $symbolic || $resolve || $strip;
      @dest = c_mkdir( '-pm', $mode, @ARGV, $dest );
    } else {
      ($copy, $link) = $link ? (\&c_cp, '-l') :
	$copy ? \&c_cp :
	$symbolic ? (\&c_ln, '-s') :
	$resolve ? (\&c_ln, '-r') :
      for( @ARGV ) {
	&$copy( $link ? $link : (), $_, $dest );
	-d( $dest ) ? s!^(?:.*/)?!$dest/! : ($_ = $dest);
	push @dest, $_;
      perform { system 'strip', @dest } "strip `@dest'" if $strip;
      c_chmod $mode, @dest;
    if( defined $uid || defined $gid ) {
      # Why doesn't Perl make undef the portable way of leaving id unchanged? :-(
      perform { chown defined $uid ? $uid : (stat)[4], defined $gid ? $gid : (stat)[5], $_ }
	defined $uid && defined $gid ? "set owner $uid and group $gid for `$_'" :
	defined $uid ? "set owner $uid for `$_'" :
	"set group $gid for `$_'"
	for @dest;
  } [qw(c copy), \$copy],
    [qw(d directory), \$directory],
    [qw(g group), \$gid, 1],
    [qw(l link), \$link],
    [undef, qr/log(?:file)?/, \$log, 1],
    [qw(m mode), \$mode, 1],
    [qw(o owner), \$uid, 1],
    ['S', qr/sym(?:bolic(?:[-_]?link)?|link)/, \$symbolic],
    ['r', qr/resolve[-_]?(?:sym(?:bolic(?:[-_]?link)?|link))?/, \$resolve],
    [qw(s strip), \$strip];

sub c_ln {
  local @ARGV = @_;
  my( $symbolic, $resolve );
  frame {
    my $dest = @ARGV == 1 ? '.' : pop @ARGV;
    $dest =~ s|/+$||;
    my $d = -d $dest;
    for( @ARGV ) {
      my $dirdest = $d ? $dest . '/' . f_notdir $_ : $dest;
      _rm $dirdest if $force && ($d ? -l( $dirdest ) || -e _ : defined $d);
      if( NO_LINK == NO_SYMLINK ? NO_LINK : NO_SYMLINK == ($resolve || $symbolic || 0) ) {
	$_ = f_relative_filename f_dir( $dirdest ) . $_
	  if $symbolic && !$resolve;
	require File::Copy;
	perform { File::Copy::syscopy( $_, $dirdest ) } "copy `$_' to `$dirdest'";
      } elsif( $resolve || $symbolic ) {
	$_ = f_relative_to $_ . ',' . f_dir $dirdest if $resolve;
	perform { symlink $_, $dirdest } "link `$_' to `$dirdest' symbolically";
      } else {
	perform { link $_, $dirdest } "link `$_' to `$dirdest'";
  } 'f',
    ['r', qr/resolve[-_]?(?:sym(?:bolic(?:[-_]?link)?|link))?/, \$resolve],
    ['s', qr/sym(?:bolic(?:[-_]?link)?|link)/, \$symbolic];

sub c_mkdir {
  local @ARGV = @_;
  my( $mode, $parent );
  frame {
    $mode = umask ~oct $mode if defined $mode;
    my @created;
    for( @ARGV ) {
      if( $parent ) {
	my $dir = '';
	for( split /(?=\/)/ ) {
	  $dir .= $_;
	  next if -d $dir;
	  _rm $dir if $force && -e _;
	  perform { (my $d = $dir) =~ s!/+$!!; mkdir $d or $! == POSIX::EEXIST && -d $dir } "create directory `$dir'";
	  push @created, $dir;
      } elsif( ! -d ) {
	_rm $_ if $force && -e _;
	perform { (my $d = $_) =~ s!/+$!!; mkdir $d } "create directory `$_'";
	push @created, $_;
    umask $mode if defined $mode;
  } 'f',
    [qw(m mode), \$mode, 1],
    [qw(p parent), \$parent];

my $package_seed = 0;
sub c_preprocess {
  $Mpp::Rule::unsafe = 1;	# Chdir`s and might perform some Perl code.
  local @ARGV = @_;
  my( $command_line_vars, $assignment, $tmp ) = {};
  frame {
    # Functions need not be eliminated because they get explicitly invoked via $(...), whereas
    # any word at the beginning of line might be a statement, so import only the usefuls.
    my $cwd = $CWD_INFO;
    local $Mpp::Makefile::c_preprocess = $assignment ? 1 : 2;
    for( @ARGV ) {
      perform {
	my $finfo = file_info $_, $cwd;
	local $Mpp::Makefile::makefile = bless
	  { MAKEFILE => $finfo,
	    PACKAGE => 'preprocess_' . $package_seed++,
	    CWD => $finfo->{'..'},
	    COMMAND_LINE_VARS => $command_line_vars,
	   }, 'Mpp::Makefile';
	chdir $finfo->{'..'};
	eval "package $Mpp::Makefile::makefile->{PACKAGE}; use Mpp::Subs qr/f_|s_(?:_?include|(?:make)?(?:perl|sub)|perl_begin" .
	    ($assignment ? '|unexport' : '') .
	Mpp::Makefile::read_makefile( $Mpp::Makefile::makefile, $finfo ); 1;
      } "preprocess `$_'";
  } $command_line_vars,
    qw(f o O S),
    [qw(a assignment), \$assignment],
    [qw(h hashref), \$tmp, 1, sub { $tmp = eval_or_die $tmp; $command_line_vars->{$_} = $tmp->{$_} for keys %$tmp }];

sub c_rm {
  local @ARGV = @_;
  my $meta;
  frame {
    my %makepp;
    if( $meta ) {
      for( @ARGV ) {
	$makepp{"$1.makepp"} = 1 if unlink "$1.makepp/$";
    @ARGV = grep -e || -l, @ARGV if $force;
    rmdir for keys %makepp;
    _rm @ARGV;
  } 'f',
    [qw(m metainfo), \$meta];

sub c_sort {
  local @ARGV = @_;		# for <>
  my( $uniq, $cmp, $rev, $transform, $detransform ) = '';
  frame {
    $uniq &&= 'grep { $a = $_, 1 if !defined $a or ' . ($cmp ? "do { \$b = \$_; $cmp }}" : '$a cmp $_ }');
    $uniq .= ' reverse' if $rev;
      $transform ? eval_or_die "map { $detransform } $uniq sort " . ($cmp ? "{ $cmp } " : '') . "map { $transform } <>" :
	$cmp ? eval_or_die "$uniq sort { $cmp } <>" :
	  $uniq ? eval_or_die "$uniq sort <>" :
	    $rev ? reverse sort <> :
	      sort <>
      or die $!;
    eval_or_die 'undef $a' if $uniq;
  } qw(f i I o O r s),
    [qw(c compare), \$cmp, 1],
    ['n', qr/num(?:eric(?:[-_]?sort)?)?/, \$cmp, undef, q{ do { no warnings; $a <=> $b }}],
				# Eliminate ugly warning about trailing non-digits
    [qw(r reverse), \$rev],
    [qw(t transform), \$transform, 1],
    [qw(d detransform), \$detransform, 1],
    ['u', qr/uniq(?:ue)?/, \$uniq];

sub c_template {
  local @ARGV = @_;		# for <>
  my( %macros, $tmp );
  my( $pre, $suf, $Pre, $Suf, $afterPre, $afterSuf, $re ) = qw(@ @(?:\\\\\n)? @@ @@ @@(?:\\\\\n)?);
  frame {
    # Always have a () for multiline, in lst case one that never matches
    my $pre_re = length( $Pre ) ? (length( $pre ) ? qr/$Pre()|$pre/ : qr/$Pre()/) : qr/$pre|$pre()/;
    my $suf_re = length( $Suf ) ? (length( $suf ) ? $Pre eq $pre ? qr/$Suf()|$suf/ : qr/(?(2)$Suf()|$suf)/ : qr/$Suf()/) : qr/$suf/;
    my $handler = sub {
      my $line;
      while( s/(.*?) $pre_re (?:($re)(?:\((.*?)\))? | \{(.*?)\} | (\w[-\w.]*)(?:(\?)?=(.*?) | \s*(\{.*?\})) | \#().*?) $suf_re//sx ) {
	if( defined $line ) {
	  $line .= $1;
	} else {
	  $line = $1;
	my( $name, $args, $perl, $def, $optdef, $value, $defcode, $comment ) = ($3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10);
	if( defined $2 && defined $11 ) { # multiline?
	  my $end = $afterSuf ? qr/$name$afterSuf/ : '';
	  until( s/.*?$afterPre$end// ) {
	    if( eof ) {
	      warn "$ARGV:$.: $Pre$name$Suf unterminated\n";
	      $_ = '';
	    $_ = <>;
	next if defined $comment;
	if( defined $def ) {	# @macro=def@
	  if( exists $macros{$def} ) {
	    next if $optdef;	# @macro?=def@
	  } else {
	    $re = ($re ? "$re|" : '') . $def;
	  $macros{$def} = $defcode ? eval_or_die( "sub $defcode" ) : $value;
				# @macro { Perlcode }@
	} elsif( defined $perl ) { # @{ Perlcode }@
	  $line .= eval_or_die $perl;
	} else {		# @macro@ or @macro(arg1,arg2...)@
	  if( defined( my $val = $macros{$name} ) ) {
	    my @args = map { s/$pre($re)$suf/$macros{$1}/g; $_ } split ',', $args if $args;
	    if( ref $val ) {
	      $val = &$val( @args );
	    } elsif( $args ) {		# @macro(arg1,arg2...)@
	      $val =~ s/\$([1-9])/$1 > @args ? '' : $args[$1-1]/ge;
	      $val =~ s/\$\{([1-9]\d*)\}/$1 > @args ? '' : $args[$1-1]/ge;
	    $line .= $val;
      substr $_, 0, 0, $line if defined $line; # push transformed stuff back to front
    $macros{include} ||= sub {
      $tmp = $.;		# not reading this gets confused by switching filehandles at least till 5.20
      local $_ = $_[0];
      s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
      open my $fh, '<', $_ or die "$ARGV:$.: can't open file `$_'--$!\n";
      local $ARGV = $_;
      my $res = '';
      while( <$fh> ) {
	$res .= $_;
    $re = $re ? join( '|', keys %macros ) : qr/\w[-\w.]*/;
    while( <> ) {
      close ARGV if $synclines && eof;
  } \%macros, qw(f i I o O r s S),
    [qw(h hashref), \$tmp, 1, sub { $tmp = eval_or_die $tmp; $macros{$_} = $tmp->{$_} for keys %$tmp }],
    [qw(s simple), \$pre, 1,
     sub {
       (undef, $pre, $suf) = split quotemeta( substr $pre, 0, 1 ), $pre;
    [qw(m multiline), \$Pre, 1,
     sub {
       (undef, $Pre, $Suf, $afterPre, $afterSuf) = split quotemeta( substr $Pre, 0, 1 ), $Pre;
    [qw(d defined), \$re];

sub c_touch {
  local @ARGV = @_;
  frame {
    my $time = time;		# 5.8.0 should but doesn't support undef, undef
    for( @ARGV ) {
      if( -f ) {
	perform { utime $time, $time, $_ } "update timestamp on `$_'";
      } else {
	perform { open my $fh, '>', $_ } "create `$_'";

sub c_uninstall {
  local @ARGV = @_;             # for <>
  frame {
      ($CWD_INFO->{ROOT} ? relative_filename( $CWD_INFO->{ROOT} ) : '.') .
      unless $inpipe || @ARGV;
    my %files;
    /^  .* `(.+)'/ and $files{$1} = 1 while <>;
    eval { _rm sort keys %files };
  } qw(i I);

sub c_uniq {
  local @ARGV = @_;             # for <>
  my $cmp;
  frame {
    $cmp = eval_or_die "sub {$cmp\n}" if $cmp;
    no strict 'refs';
    local *a = \${"$Mpp::Subs::rule->{MAKEFILE}{PACKAGE}::a"};
    local *b = \${"$Mpp::Subs::rule->{MAKEFILE}{PACKAGE}::b"};
    local *_ = \$b;		# For print.
    undef $a;
    while( $b = <> ) {
      &print if !defined $a or $cmp ? &$cmp() : $a ne $b;
      $a = $b;
      close ARGV if $synclines && eof;
  } qw(f i I o O r s S),
    [qw(c compare), \$cmp, 1];
