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# $Id:,v 1.23 2016/09/28 20:36:41 pfeiffer Exp $

=head1 NAME

Mpp::Recursive - Support for making dumb recursive make smart


This file groups all the functions needed only if an old style recursive build
is detected.  The actual functionality is also dispersed in makepp and other


package Mpp::Recursive;

use Mpp::File;
use Mpp::Text;
use Mpp::Event qw(wait_for);

our $traditional;		# 1 if we invoke makepp recursively, undef if
				# we call the recursive_makepp stub and do
				# the build in the parent process.
our $hybrid;			# 1 if we try non-traditional, but fall back for
				# directories with multiple makefiles.
our $depth;			# Brake
if( defined $traditional || defined $hybrid ) {
  $depth = 50 unless defined $depth;
  die "`--traditional-recursive-make' has reached max depth.
  Probably your invocations of \$(MAKE) have a cycle (which gmake ignores).
  For e.g. 70 levels of recursion, add to command line: recursive_makepp=70\n"
    if --$depth < 0;


my $read_vec;			# Vector of file handles that we are listeningto.
my @read_handles;		# The file handles or FileHandles or globs
				# that we're waiting for, indexed by the
				# fileno (same as index into $read_vec).
my @read_subs;			# The read subroutines associated with each of the
				# handles in @read_handles (also indexed by fileno).

  local $?;
  defined $traditional || defined $hybrid and $Mpp::Rule::last_build_cwd and $Mpp::print_directory and
    print "$Mpp::progname: Leaving directory `" . absolute_filename( $Mpp::Rule::last_build_cwd ). "'\n";

# Extra I/O handling for sub-makes.
sub Mpp::Event::Recursive {
# Check for file handles which can be read.  We used to use IO::Select but
# it's buggy (doesn't even bother to call the select function if no
# handles have been specified--not a friendly interface!).
  my $r = $read_vec;		# Make a modifiable copy of the list of file
				# handles to wait for.
  my $n_handles = select $r, undef, undef, 5;
				# Supply a 5s timeout, so we do not wait
				# forever if the signal happened to come
				# between when we tested select_finished_subs
				# and when we called select.
  if( $n_handles > 0 ) {	# Data available on any handles?
				# Scan backwards to find out which handles it
				# might have been on, since we are more likely
				# to be waiting on later file handles.
    for( my $fileno = @read_handles; $fileno >= 0; --$fileno ) {
      if( vec $r, $fileno, 1 ) { # This bit returned on?
	my $read_sub = $read_subs[$fileno]; # Get the subroutine.
	my $fh = $read_handles[$fileno];
	vec( $read_vec, $fileno, 1 ) = 0; # Do not wait for it again (unless it
	undef $read_subs[$fileno]; # is requeued).
	undef $read_handles[$fileno];
	defined $read_sub and &$read_sub( $fh ); # Call the subroutine.

=head2 read_wait

  read_wait FILE_HANDLE, sub { ... };

Queue a subroutine to be activated whenever there is data on the given file
handle (or IO::Handle object, or anything that can be supplied as an argument
to IO::Select::new.

This is a one-shot queue.  You must call read_wait again if you want the
subroutine to be called again.


sub read_wait {
  my( $fh, $subr ) = @_;		# Name the arguments.

  my $fileno = fileno($fh) || $fh->fileno;
  $read_vec ||= '';		# Avoid usage of undefined variable errors.
  defined $fileno or die "internal error";
  vec($read_vec, $fileno, 1) = 1; # Wait on this file handle.
  $read_handles[$fileno] = $fh;
  $read_subs[$fileno] = $subr;

# Set up our socket for listening to recursive make requests.  We don't do
# this unless we actually detect the use of the $(MAKE) variable.
our $socket;
our $socket_name = $Mpp::global_ENV{MAKEPP_SOCKET} if exists $Mpp::global_ENV{MAKEPP_SOCKET};
				# In case of --hybrid, speak to the original process, don't have our own socket.
sub setup_socket {
  return if $socket_name; # Don't do anything if we've already
				# made the socket.
# Get a temp name that goes away at the end, so we don't clutter up /tmp.
  $socket_name = Mpp::Subs::f_mktemp $Mpp::Rule::tmp;
				# Name of socket for listening to recursive
				# make requests.  This is exported to the
				# environment by Rule::execute.
  require IO::Socket;
  $socket =
    IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Local => $socket_name,
			  Type => eval 'use IO::Socket; SOCK_STREAM',
			  Listen => 2) or
				# Make the socket.
    die "can't create socket $socket_name--$!\n";
  chmod 0600, $socket_name;	# Don't let other people access it.
  read_wait $socket, \&connection;

our $command;			# Once this is set, we know we can potentially have recursion.
my $traditional_command;
# This subroutine is called whenever a connection is made to the recursive
# make socket.
sub connection {
  my $connected_socket = $_[0]->accept(); # Make the connection.
  return unless $connected_socket; # Skip failed accepts.  I guess this might
				# happen if the other process has already
				# exited.
# Set up a few data items about this stream.  These will be passed through
# the closure to the actual read routine.
  my $whole_command = '';	# Where we accumulate the whole command
				# from the recursive make process.
  my $read_sub;
  $read_sub = sub {
# This subroutine is called whenever we get a line of text through our
# recursive make socket.
    my $fh = $_[0];		# Access the file handle.
    my $line;
    if (sysread($fh, $line, 8192) == 0) {	# Try to read.
      $fh->close;		# If we got 0 bytes, it means the other end
				# closed the socket.
    $whole_command .= $line;	# Append the line.
    if ($whole_command =~ s/^(.*)\01END\01//s) {
				# Do we have the whole command
				# now?
      my @lines = split(/\n/, $1); # Access each of the pieces.
      my @words = unquote_split_on_whitespace shift @lines;
				# First one is the set of arguments to
				# parse_command_line.
      my %this_ENV;		# Remaining lines are environment variables.
      foreach (@lines) {
	if( s/^([^=]+)=// ) {	# Correct format?
	  $this_ENV{$1} = unquote $_; # Store it.
	} else {
	  die "illegal command received from recursive make process:\n$_\n";
# We've now got all of the environment and command words.  Start executing
# them.
      chdir shift @words;	# Move to the appropriate directory.
      Mpp::Event::Process::adjust_max_processes(1); # Allow one more process to
				# run simultaneously.
      my $status = eval {
	local @ARGV = @words;
        wait_for grep {
	  exists $_->{DONT_BUILD} or undef $_->{DONT_BUILD};
	  Mpp::build $_;			# Try to build the file, return handle if necessary.
	} Mpp::parse_command_line %this_ENV; # Build all the targets.
      if( $@ ) {		# Have an error code?
	if( defined $hybrid && $@ =~ /\Aattempt to load two makefiles/ ) {
	  local $traditional = 1;
	  local $command = $traditional_command;
	  local $depth = defined $depth ? $depth-1 : 50;
	  $status = 'exec ' . Mpp::Subs::f_MAKE( undef, {}, 'recursion' ) . "\n$_MAKEPPFLAGS\n";
	  $traditional_command ||= $command;
	  $@ = '';
	} else {
	  $status = 1;
      } elsif( 'Mpp::File' eq ref $status ) {
	$status = '2 Dependency of `' . absolute_filename($status) . "' failed";
      Mpp::Event::Process::adjust_max_processes(-1); # Undo our increment above.
      print $fh "$status $@";	# Send the result to the recursive make process.
      close $fh;                # Force a close immediately.
    } else {
      read_wait $fh, $read_sub;	# Prepare to read another line.

  read_wait $connected_socket, $read_sub; # Start the initial read.
  read_wait $_[0], \&connection; # Requeue listening.

=head2 requote

  $quoted_text = requote($unquoted_text);

Puts quotes around the text, and escapes any quotes inside the text, so
that calling unquote() on $quoted_text will return the same string as


sub requote {
  my( $str ) = @_;		# Get a modifiable copy of the string.
  $str =~ s/["\\]/\\$&/g;	# Protect all backslashes and double quotes.
  $str =~ s{[\0-\037]}{sprintf '\%o', ord $&}eg; # Protect any binary characters.
  qq["$str"];			# Return the quoted string.

# This is the actual function which overloads the stub.
no warnings 'redefine';

# $(MAKE) needs to expand to the name of the program we use to replace a
# recursive make invocation.  We pretend it's a function with no arguments.
my $n = -1;
sub Mpp::Subs::f_MAKE {
  if( defined $traditional ) { # Do it the bozo way?
    $_[1]{EXPORTS}{_MAKEPPFLAGS} = $_MAKEPPFLAGS ||= join_with_protection
      defined $hybrid ? '--hybrid' : '--traditional',
      $Mpp::BuildCheck::default == $Mpp::BuildCheck::exact_match::exact_match ? () :
	"--buildcheck=".((ref $Mpp::BuildCheck::default)=~/BuildCheck::(.+)/)[0],
      $Mpp::final_rule_only ? '--finalruleonly' : (),
      $Mpp::gullible ? '--gullible' : (),
      $Mpp::last_chance_rules ? '--lastchancerules' : (),
      $Mpp::log_level == 1 ? '-v' : $Mpp::log_level == 0 ? '--nolog' : (),
      $Mpp::no_path_executable_dependencies ? '--nopathexedep' : (),
      $Mpp::remake_makefiles ? () : '--noremakemakefiles',
      $Mpp::rm_stale_files ? '--rmstalefiles' : (),
      $Mpp::Signature::default_name ? "-m$Mpp::Signature::default_name" : (),

      map { /^makepp_/ ? "$_=$Mpp::Makefile::global_command_line_vars->{$_}" : () }
	keys %$Mpp::Makefile::global_command_line_vars;

    unless( defined $command ) { # Haven't figured it out yet?
      $command = $0;		# Get the name of the program.
      unless( $command =~ m@^/@ ) { # Not absolute?
# We have to search the path to figure out where we came from.
	foreach( Mpp::Text::split_path(), '.' ) {
	  my $finfo = file_info "$_/$0", $Mpp::original_cwd;
	  if( file_exists $finfo ) { # Is this our file?
	    $command = absolute_filename $finfo;
    my $log = '';
    if( $Mpp::log_level == 2 ) {
      $log = ".makepp/log-$$-" . ++$n;
      Mpp::log LOG => $_[2], $log
	if $Mpp::log_level;
      substr $log, 0, 0, ' --log=';
    Mpp::PERL . ' ' .
    "$command recursive_makepp=$depth$log";
				# All the rest of the info is passed in the
				# _MAKEPPFLAGS environment variable.
				# The --recursive option is just a flag that
				# helps the build subroutine identify this as
				# a recursive make command.  It doesn't
				# actually do anything.
  } else {
    die "makepp: recursive make without --traditional-recursive-make only supported on Cygwin Perl\n"
      if Mpp::is_windows < -1 || Mpp::is_windows > 0;

    my $makefile = $_[1];	# Get the makefile we're run from.

    $command ||=
      Mpp::PERL . ' ' .
      absolute_filename( file_info $Mpp::datadir, $Mpp::original_cwd ) .
				# Sometimes we can be run as ../makepp, and
				# if we didn't hard code the paths into
				# makepp, the directories may be relative.
				# However, since recursive make is usually
				# invoked in a separate directory, the
				# path must be absolute.
    join ' ', $command,
      map { "$_=" . requote $makefile->{COMMAND_LINE_VARS}{$_} } keys %{$makefile->{COMMAND_LINE_VARS}};
