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# $Id:,v 1.28 2016/09/28 20:36:49 pfeiffer Exp $

=head1 NAME

Mpp - Common subs for makepp and makeppreplay


This package contains basic stuff for makepp.


package Mpp;

use strict;
use Config;

our $progname;
  $progname ||= 'makepp';		# Use a constant string, even for mpp, to make IDE parsing easy.
  eval "sub ARCHITECTURE() { '$Config{archname}' }"; # Get a tag for the architecture.

use Mpp::Text;

# Signal handling and exiting
# Do this early, because the END block defined below shall be the first seen
# by perl, such that it is the last executed.  Unless we need to propagate a
# signal, it leaves the process via POSIX::_exit, so that no expensive garbage
# collection of Mpp::File objects occurs.  All other places can use die or normal
# exit.  If you define additional END blocks in any module, you must take care
# to not reset $?.
  my (%signo, @signame);
  if(defined(my $sig_name = $Config{sig_name})) {
    my $i=0;
    for my $name (split(' ', $sig_name)) {
      $signo{$name} ||= $i;
      $signame[$i] = $name;
  sub signo {
    $signo{$_[0]} || $_[0];
  sub signame {
    $signame[$_[0]] || $_[0];

our $int_signo = signo 'INT';
our $quit_signo = signo 'QUIT';

my $logfh;
our @close_fhs = \(*STDOUT, *STDERR);
my $warn_level = 1;		# Default to warning.

our $critical_sections = 0;

our $n_files_changed = 0;	# Keep track of the number of files that
				# we actually changed.
our $n_phony_targets_built = 0;	# Keep track of the number of phony targets
                                # built, too.
our $failed_count = 0;		# How many targets failed.  TODO: my when moving build et al here
our $print_directory = 1;	# Default to printing it.
our $log_level = 2;		# Default to logging. 1: STDOUT, 2: $logfile
sub log($@);

  my @signals_to_handle = qw/INT QUIT HUP TERM/;
  my %pending_signals;
  sub suicide {
    my ($sig) = @_;
    $SIG{$sig} = 'DEFAULT';

    # If we're propagating a signal from a subprocess that produced a core
    # dump, then we want to propagate the same signal without overwriting
    # the core file.  This is true even if the subprocess didn't produce a
    # core dump, because it could be propagating a signal from its child
    # that did produce a core dump.
    $sig = 'INT' if $sig eq 'QUIT' &&
      !(require BSD::Resource && BSD::Resource::setrlimit( &BSD::Resource::RLIMIT_CORE, 0, 0 ));

    kill $sig, $$;
    POSIX::_exit(0x80 | signo($sig)); # just in case;
  sub handle_signal {
    my $sig = $_[0];

    # Do nothing on SIGINT or SIGQUIT if there are external processes.  These
    # signals are sent to all child processes as well, and if any of those
    # processes propagates them, then we will too.  Otherwise we ignore them
    # completely (which is the UNIX convention).
    return if $Mpp::Event::n_external_processes &&
      ($sig eq 'INT' || $sig eq 'QUIT');

    $pending_signals{$sig} = 1;
    # If there's nothing that we absolutely have to do before terminating, then
    # just terminate.
    exit unless $critical_sections;

  # This gets called after a critical section is completed:
  sub propagate_pending_signals {
    die if $critical_sections<0;
    return if $critical_sections;
    exit 2 if grep $_, values %pending_signals;
  sub reset_signal_handlers {
    @SIG{@signals_to_handle} = ( 'DEFAULT' ) x @signals_to_handle;
  # Autovivification of hash elements may not be reentrant, so initialize them here.
  @pending_signals{@signals_to_handle} = ( 0 ) x @signals_to_handle;

  END {
    Mpp::log N_REP_HITS => $Mpp::Repository::hits
      if $log_level && $Mpp::Repository::hits;
    Mpp::log N_CACHE_HITS => $Mpp::BuildCache::hits
      if $log_level && $Mpp::BuildCache::hits;
    Mpp::log N_FILES => $n_files_changed, $n_phony_targets_built, $failed_count
      if defined $logfh;		    # Don't create log for --help or --version.
    if( exists $Devel::DProf::{VERSION} ) { # Running with profiler?
      warn "Doing slow exit, needed for profiler.\n";
    } else {
      close $_ for @close_fhs;
      $pending_signals{$_} && suicide $_ for keys %pending_signals;
      POSIX::_exit $?;

  @SIG{@signals_to_handle} = ( \&handle_signal ) x @signals_to_handle;

my $invocation = join_with_protection($0, @ARGV);

for( </{usr/xpg4/bin,sbin/xpg4,bin,usr/bin}/sh> ) {
  if( -x ) {
    $ENV{SHELL} = $_;		# Always use a hopefully Posix shell.
delete $ENV{PWD};		# This is dangerous.

our $indent_level = 0;		# Indentation level in the log output.
my $logfile;			# Other than default log file.
our $parallel_make = 0;		# True if we're in parallel make mode.
our $profile = 0;		# Log messages about execution times.
our $verbose;
our $quiet_flag;		# Default to printing informational messages.

# Arguments to print may be split and get concatenated.  Trailing \n optional.
# 3 cases:
# "xxx: ..." probably file:lineno:
# ": ..." same but file:lineno was not available at call time, add $progname on STDERR
# any other, add $progname: on STDERR
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
  my( $str, $pos ) = ($_[0], '');
  $str =~ s/^: //g or		# leading ': '
    $str =~ /^(?!error:|warning:|info:)\S*: /gc; # GNU style?
  $pos = pos $str;
  $str =~ s/\G(?!error: |warning: |info: )/warning: /; # add warning
  $str =~ s/\A(\S+?:\d+)\((\S+?\))(: (?:error|warning|info): )/$1$3(dir $2 /;
  if( $log_level == 2 ) {
    &Mpp::log() unless defined $logfh; # Only open the file.
    print $logfh "*** $str";
  print STDERR $pos ? '' : "$progname: ", $str if $warn_level or $str =~ /\berror: /;

=head2 Mpp::log

  Mpp::log KEY => {object | array of objects | string} ...
    if $log_level;

The list of available KEYs is present in makepplog.  If you pass an non-key
str if will later be output verbatim.  The objects must have a method `name'.

This log overrides logarithm (which is not needed by makepp).  Because of
this, and because it is not exported, it must always be invoked as Mpp::log.

The log format contains a few control chars, denoted here as ^A, ^B ...

The first line is special, the invocation preceded by "logversion^A" as
explained at @obsolete_msg in makepplog.

A leading ^B is stripped, but tells makepplog to outdent, and a leading ^C to
indent.  After that a line with no ^A is considered plain text.  Else it is
split on the ^A`s.  There must be a ^A at the line end, which allows having
multine fields between ^A`s.  If the resulting fields contain ^B`s they are
lists of simple fields, else just one simple field.

The first field is a message I<key>.  The others work as follows.  If the
simple fields contain ^C`s they are ref definitions of up to 4 fields:


The I<refs> are hex numbers and the I<names> are to be remembered by makepplog
for these numbers.  If a I<dir-name> is present, that is remembered for
I<dir-ref>, else it has been given earlier.  If a I<dir-ref> is given, that is
prepended to I<name> with a slash and remembered for I<ref>.  Else if only
I<name> is given that is remembered for I<ref> as is.  If I<ref> is alone, it
has been given earlier.  Makepplog will output the remembered name for refs
between quotes.

The fields may also be plain strings if they contain no known I<ref>.  Due to
the required terminator, the strings may contain newlines, which will get
displayed as \n.  For keys that start with N_, all fields are treated as plain
numbers, even if they happen to coincide with a I<ref>.


use Mpp::File;
use Mpp::Cmds;

my $last_indent_level = 0;
sub log($@) {

  # Open the log file if we haven't yet.  Must do it dynamically, because
  # there can be messages (e.g. from -R) before handling all options.
  unless( defined $logfh ) {
    if( $log_level == 1 ) {
      (my $mppl = $0) =~ s/\w+$/makepplog/;
      -f $mppl or
	substr $mppl, 0, 0, absolute_filename( $Mpp::original_cwd ) . '/';
      open $logfh, '|' . PERL . " $mppl -pl-" or # Pass the messages to makepplog for formatting.
	die "$progname: can't pipe to `makepplog' for verbose option--$!\n";
      my $oldfh = select $logfh; $| = 1; select $oldfh;
    } else {
      if( $logfile ) {
	my( $dir ) = $logfile =~ /(.+)\//;
	Mpp::Cmds::c_mkdir -p => $dir if $dir;
      } else {
	mkdir '.makepp';	# Just in case
	$logfile = '.makepp/log';
      unless( open $logfh, '>', $logfile ) {
	print STDERR "$progname: warning: fallback to --verbose, can't create log file ./$logfile--$!\n";
	$log_level = 1;
	undef $logfh;
	goto REDO;		# recursively calls us, retry to mppl
    push @close_fhs, $logfh;
    printf $logfh "3\01%s\nVERSION\01%s\01%vd\01%s\01\nDEBUG\01%s\01\n",
      $Mpp::Text::VERSION, $^V, ARCHITECTURE,
	or die "$progname: can't write logfile--$!";

    # If we're running with --traditional-recursive-make, then print the directory
    # when we're entering and exiting the program, because we may be running as
    # a make subprocess.

    Mpp::Rule::print_build_cwd( $CWD_INFO )
      if defined $Mpp::Recursive::traditional;

    return unless @_;		# From __WARN__

  print $logfh
    join "\01",
      $indent_level == $last_indent_level ? shift() : # Cheaper than passing a slice to map
	($indent_level < $last_indent_level ? "\02" : "\03") . shift,
      map( {
	if( !ref ) {
	} elsif( 'ARRAY' eq ref ) {
	  join "\02", map {		# Array shall only contain objects.
	    if( exists $_->{xLOGGED} ) { # Already defined
	      sprintf '%x', $_;		# The cheapest external representation of a ref.
	    } elsif( exists $_->{'..'} ) { # Mpp::File or similar
	      undef $_->{xLOGGED};
	      if( exists $_->{'..'}{xLOGGED} ) { # Dir already defined
		sprintf "%x\03%s\03%x", $_, $_->{NAME}, $_->{'..'};
	      } else {
		undef $_->{'..'}{xLOGGED};
		sprintf "%x\03%s\03%x\03%s", $_, $_->{NAME}, $_->{'..'}, $_->{'..'}{FULLNAME} || absolute_filename $_->{'..'};
	    } else {
	  } @$_;
# The rest is a verbatim copy of the map block above.  This function is heavy
# duty, and repeating code is 6% faster than calling it as a function, even
# with &reuse_stack semantics.
	} elsif( exists $_->{xLOGGED} ) { # Already defined
	  sprintf '%x', $_;		# The cheapest external representation of a ref.
	} elsif( exists $_->{'..'} ) {	# Mpp::File or similar
	  undef $_->{xLOGGED};
	  if( exists $_->{'..'}{xLOGGED} ) { # Dir already defined
	    sprintf "%x\03%s\03%x", $_, $_->{NAME}, $_->{'..'};
	  } else {
	    undef $_->{'..'}{xLOGGED};
	    sprintf "%x\03%s\03%x\03%s", $_, $_->{NAME}, $_->{'..'}, $_->{'..'}{FULLNAME} || absolute_filename $_->{'..'};
	} else {
      } @_ ),
	or die "$progname: can't write logfile--$!";
  $last_indent_level = $indent_level;

=head2 flush_log

Flush the log file and standard file handles.  This is useful for making sure
that output of a perl action is not lost before the action's process
terminates with POSIX::_exit.


sub flush_log {
  my $fh = select STDOUT; local $| = 1;
  select STDERR; $| = 1;
  if( defined $logfh ) { select $logfh; $| = 1 }
  select $fh;

my $hires_time;
sub print_profile {
  print $profile ? "$progname: Begin \@" . &$hires_time() . " $_[0]\n" : "$_[0]\n";

sub print_profile_end {
  print "$progname: End \@" . &$hires_time() . " $_[0]\n";

sub perform(@) {
  #my @targets = @_;		# Arguments passed to build and then wait_for.
  our $error_found = 0;		# Non-zero if we found an error.  This is used
				# to stop cleanly when we are doing a parallel
				# build (unless -k is specified).
  my $status;
  my $start_pid = $$;
  print $logfh "\f\n" if $Mpp::loop && &maybe_stop && defined $logfh;
  my @handles = map {
    exists $_->{DONT_BUILD} or undef $_->{DONT_BUILD};
    Mpp::build $_ or ();	# Try to build the file, return handle if necessary.
  } @_;
  my $error_message = $@;
  unless( $error_message ) {
    eval { $status = wait_for( @handles ) }; # Wait for args to be built.
				# Wait for all the children to complete.
    $error_message = $@ if $@;	# Record any new error messages.
    my $orig = '';
    if($error_message) {
        chomp($orig = $error_message);
        $orig = " (Original error was $orig)";

    if( $$ != $start_pid ) {
      print STDERR qq{makepp internal error: sub-process died or returned to outer scope.
If we had not caught this, it would cause exit blocks to run multiple times.
Use POSIX::_exit instead.$orig Stopped};
      close $_ for @close_fhs;
      POSIX::_exit 3;

    # Wait for our last jobs to finish.  This can be the case when running
    # with -kj<n>, a job failed and we ran out of queued jobs.
      while $Mpp::Event::n_external_processes;

    die qq{makepp internal error: dangling critical section.
This means that there was a live process in the background when makepp
died, so makepp did not have a chance to create build info files for
targets generated by that process.  It also means that makepp can't
propagate signals.  This could instead mean that you need an extra 'eval'
somewhere to prevent an exception from bypassing process accounting and
signal propagation.$orig Stopped}
      if $critical_sections;

    if( $error_found && $error_found =~ /^signal ($int_signo|$quit_signo)$/ ) {
      my $sig = $1;
      handle_signal signame($sig);

  unless( $quiet_flag ) {
    my $found;
    my $msg = join ', ', map {
      $found ||= $_->[1];
      $_->[1] || $_->[2] ?
	sprintf( $_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[1] == 1 ? '' : 's' ) : # plural?
    } ['%d file%s updated', $n_files_changed, 1],
      ['%d repository import%s', $Mpp::Repository::hits],
      ['%d build cache import%s', $Mpp::BuildCache::hits],
      ['%d phony target%s built', $n_phony_targets_built],
      [($error_message || $status || !MAKEPP ? '%d' : '%d unimportant').' target%s failed', $failed_count];
				# See FAQ for unimportant.
    if( $found ) {
      $msg =~ s/,(?=[^,]+$)/ and/;
      print "$progname: $msg\n";
    } elsif( !$error_message ) {
      print "$progname: no update necessary\n";

  print "$progname: Ending \@" . &$hires_time() . "\n" if $profile;
  if( $error_message ) {
    $error_message =~ s/^(\S+: )?(?!error: )/($1 ? $1 : '') . 'error: '/e;
    $error_message =~ s/\s*\Z/\n/;
    warn $error_message;

  if( $Mpp::loop ) {
    if( defined $logfh ) {
      Mpp::log N_REP_HITS => $Mpp::Repository::hits
	if $log_level && $Mpp::Repository::hits;
      Mpp::log N_CACHE_HITS => $Mpp::BuildCache::hits
	if $log_level && $Mpp::BuildCache::hits;
      Mpp::log N_FILES => $n_files_changed, $n_phony_targets_built, $failed_count;
    $n_files_changed = $Mpp::Repository::hits = $Mpp::BuildCache::hits = $n_phony_targets_built =
      $failed_count = 0;
    $Mpp::stop = 1;
    my @dirs = $Mpp::File::root;
    while( @dirs ) {
      my $dinfo = pop @dirs;
      next if exists $dinfo->{xREPOSITORY};
      for( values %{$dinfo->{DIRCONTENTS}} ) {
	if( $_->{DIRCONTENTS} ) {
	  push @dirs, $_ unless Mpp::File::is_symbolic_link( $_ );
                                # Don't traverse it if it's a symbolic link,
                                # because then we'll find the same files twice.
	} else {
	  may_have_changed $_;
	  delete $_->{BUILD_HANDLE}; # Also forget we may have already built it.

    goto &perform;		# Start over w/o loading makefiles or repositories again.

  exit 1 if $error_message || $status || !MAKEPP && $failed_count;
				# 2004_12_06_scancache has a use case for not failing despite $failed_count
  exit 0;

our @common_opts =
    ['k', qr/keep[-_]?going/, \our $keep_going],

    [undef, qr/log(?:[-_]?file)?/, \$logfile, 1],

    ['n', qr/(?:just[-_]?print|dry[-_]?run|recon)/, \our $dry_run],
    [undef, qr/no[-_]?log/, \$log_level, undef, 0], # Turn off logging.
    [undef, qr/no[-_]?print[-_]?directory/, \$print_directory, 0, undef],
    [undef, qr/no[-_]?warn/, \$warn_level, undef, 0],

    [undef, 'profile', \$profile, undef, sub {
       if( !$hires_time ) {
	 eval { require Time::HiRes };
	 $hires_time = $@ ? sub { time } : \&Time::HiRes::time;
	 print "$progname: Beginning \@" . &$hires_time() . "\n";

    ['s', qr/quiet|silent/, \$quiet_flag],

    [qw(v verbose), undef, undef, sub {
       $verbose = 2;		# Value 2 queried only by Mpp/Cmds.
       $log_level = 1;		# Send the log to stdout instead.  Don't make
				# this the option variable, as it must be
				# exactly 1, not just true.
       $warn_level = 0;		# Warnings will be output via logging.

    splice @Mpp::Text::common_opts
