The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# Copyright (c) 1999 Doug MacEachern. All rights reserved.
# This module is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.

# portions of this module are based on B::Terse, by Malcolm Beattie

package B::TerseSize;

use strict;
use constant IS_MODPERL => $ENV{MOD_PERL};
use constant MP2        => $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} == 2 ? 1 : 0;

use B ();
use B::Asmdata qw(@specialsv_name);
use B::Size ();

    no strict;
    $VERSION = '0.09';

my $opcount;
my $opsize;
my $copsize;
my $curcop;

sub UNIVERSAL::op_size {
    my $size = shift->size;
    $opsize += $size;
    $copsize += $size;

my $mouse_attr =
  qq( onclick='javascript: return false') .
  qq( onmouseout='window.status=""; return true');

sub op_html_name {
    my($op, $sname) = @_;

    $sname =~ s/(\s+)$//;
    my $pad = $1 || "";
    my $desc = sprintf
      qq(onmouseover='window.status="%s"; return true'),
        B::OP::op_desc($op->type) || "unknown";
    my $href = $curcop ? $curcop->line : "";

    return qq(<a $desc $mouse_attr href="#$href">$sname</a>$pad);

sub peekop {
    my $op = shift;

    my $size = $op->size;
    $opsize += $size;
    $copsize += $size;
    my $name;
    my $sname = sprintf "%-13s", $op->name;

    if (IS_MODPERL) {
        $name = op_html_name($op, $sname);
    else {
        $name = $sname;

    my $addr = sprintf "0x%lx", $$op;
    $addr = qq(<a name="$addr">$addr</a>) if IS_MODPERL;

    return sprintf qq(%-6s $name $addr {%d bytes}),
      B::class($op), $size;

my $hr = "=" x 60;
my %filelex = ();

sub package_size {
    my($package) = @_;

    #local *UNIVERSAL::op_size = \&universal_op_size;

    my %retval = ();
    my $total_opsize = 0;
    my $total_opcount = 0;
    my $stash;
        no strict;
        $stash = \%{"$package\::"};

    for (keys %$stash) {
        my $name = $package . "::$_";
        my $has_code = 0;

            no strict;
            $has_code = *{$name}{CODE}; #defined() expects CvROOT || CvXSUB

        unless ($has_code) { #CV_walk will measure
            $total_opsize += 
              B::Sizeof::GV + B::Sizeof::XPVGV + B::Sizeof::GP;

        #measure global variables
        for my $type (qw(ARRAY HASH SCALAR)) {
            no strict;
            next if $name =~ /::$/; #stash
            next unless /^[\w_]/;
            next if /^_</;
            my $ref = *{$name}{$type};
            next unless $ref;
            my $obj = B::svref_2object($ref);
            next if ref($obj) eq 'B::NULL';
            my $tsize = $obj->size;
            $total_opsize += $tsize;
            $retval{"*${_}{$type}"} = {'size' => $tsize};

        next unless defined $has_code;

        CV_walk('slow', $name, 'op_size');

        for (keys %{ $filelex{$package} }) {
            my $fsize = $filelex{$package}->{$_};
            $total_opsize += $opsize;
            $retval{"my ${_} = ...;"} = 
              {'size' => $fsize};
        %filelex = ();
        $total_opsize  += $opsize;
        $total_opcount += $opcount;
        $retval{$_} = {'count' => $opcount, 'size' => $opsize};

    return (\%retval, $total_opcount, $total_opsize);

my $b_objsym = \&B::objsym;

sub objsym {
    my $obj = shift;
    my $value = $b_objsym->($obj);
    return unless $value;
    sprintf qq(<a href="#0x%lx">$value</a>), $$obj;

sub CV_walk {
    my($order, $objname, $meth) = @_;

    $meth ||= 'terse_size';
    my $cvref = \&{$objname};
    my $cv = B::svref_2object($cvref);
    my($package, $func) = ($objname =~ /(.*)::([^:]+)$/);

    $opsize  = B::Sizeof::GV + B::Sizeof::XPVGV + B::Sizeof::GP;
    $opcount = 0;
    $curcop = "";

    my $gv = $cv->GV;
    $opsize += length $gv->NAME;

    if (my $stash = $cv->is_alias($package)) {

    $opsize += B::Sizeof::XPVCV;

    $opsize += B::Sizeof::SV;
    if ($cv->FLAGS & B::SVf_POK) {
        $opsize += B::Sizeof::XPV + length $cv->PV;
    else {
        $opsize += B::Sizeof::XPVIV; #IVX == -1 for no prototype


    no strict;
    local *B::objesym = \&objsym if IS_MODPERL;

    if ($order eq 'exec') {
        B::walkoptree_exec($cv->START, $meth);
    } else {
        B::walkoptree_slow($cv->ROOT, $meth);

    curcop_info() if $curcop;

    my($padsize, $padsummary) = PADLIST_size($cv);
    $opsize += $padsize;


sub terse_size {
    my($order, $objname) = @_;

    my $padsummary = CV_walk($order, $objname);

    print "\n$hr\nTotals: $opsize bytes | $opcount OPs\n$hr\n";

    if ($padsummary) {
        print "\nPADLIST summary:\n";
        print @$padsummary;

my @curpad_names = ();

sub init_curpad_names {
    my $cv = B::svref_2object(shift);
    my $padlist = $cv->PADLIST;
    return if ref($padlist) eq 'B::SPECIAL';
    @curpad_names = ($padlist->ARRAY)[0]->ARRAY;

sub compile {
    my $order = shift;
    my @options = @_;
    B::clearsym() if defined &B::clearsym;

    if (@options) {
        return sub {
            my $objname;
            foreach $objname (@options) {
                $objname = "main::$objname" unless $objname =~ /::/;
                terse_size($order, $objname);
    } else {
        if ($order eq "exec") {
            return sub { B::walkoptree_exec(B::main_start, "terse_size");
                         curcop_info() if $curcop}
        } else {
            return sub { B::walkoptree_slow(B::main_root, "terse_size");
                         curcop_info() if $curcop}

sub indent {
    my $level = shift;
    return "    " x $level;

#thanks B::Deparse
sub padname {
    my $obj = shift;
    return '?' unless ref $obj;
    my $str = $obj->PV;
    my $ix = index($str, "\0");
    $str = substr($str, 0, $ix) if $ix != -1;
    return $str;

sub B::OP::terse_size {
    my ($op, $level) = @_;
    my $t = $op->targ;
    my $targ = "";
    if ($t > 0) {
        my $name = B::OP::op_name($op->targ);
        my $desc = B::OP::op_desc($op->targ);
        if ($op->type == 0) { #OP_NULL
            $targ = $name eq $desc ? " [$name]" : 
              sprintf " [%s - %s]", $name, $desc;
        else {
            $targ = sprintf " [targ %d - %s]", $t, 
    print indent($level), peekop($op), $targ, "\n";

sub B::SVOP::terse_size {
    my ($op, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level), peekop($op), "  ";

sub B::GVOP::terse_size {
    my ($op, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level), peekop($op), "  ";

sub B::PMOP::terse_size {
    my ($op, $level) = @_;
    my $precomp = $op->precomp;
    print indent($level), peekop($op),
    (defined($precomp) ? " /$precomp/\n" : " (regexp not compiled)\n");

sub B::PVOP::terse_size {
    my ($op, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level), peekop($op), " ", B::cstring($op->pv), "\n";

my $hr2 = "-" x 60;

*cop_file = B::COP->can('file') || sub {

sub curcop_info {
    my $line = $curcop->line;
    my $linestr = "line $line";

    if ($line > 0 && IS_MODPERL) {
        my $anchor = "";
        if ($line > 10) {
            $anchor = "#" . ($line - 10);
        my $window = sprintf "offset=%d&len=%d", $line - 100, $line + 100;
        my $args = sprintf "noh_fileline=1&filename=%s&line=%d&$window",
        cop_file($curcop), $line;
        my $uri = MP2 ? Apache2::RequestUtil->request()->location() : Apache->request->location;
        $linestr = qq(<a name="$line" target=top href="$uri?$args$anchor">$linestr</a>);

    print "\n[$linestr size: $copsize bytes]\n";

sub B::COP::terse_size {
    my ($op, $level) = @_;

    my $label = $op->label || "";
    if ($label) {
        $label = " label ".B::cstring($label);

    curcop_info() if $curcop;

    $copsize = 0;
    $curcop = $op;

    print "\n$hr2\n", indent($level), peekop($op), "$label\n";

sub B::PV::terse_size {
    my ($sv, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level);
    my $pv = B::cstring($sv->PV);
    B::Size::escape_html(\$pv) if IS_MODPERL;
    printf "%s %s\n", B::class($sv), $pv;

sub B::AV::terse_size {
    my ($sv, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level);
    printf "%s FILL %d\n", B::class($sv), $sv->FILL;

sub B::GV::terse_size {
    my ($gv, $level) = @_;
    my $stash = $gv->STASH->NAME;
    if ($stash eq "main") {
        $stash = "";
    } else {
        $stash = $stash . "::";
    print indent($level);
    printf "%s *%s%s\n", B::class($gv), $stash, $gv->NAME;

sub B::IV::terse_size {
    my ($sv, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level);
    printf "%s %d\n", B::class($sv), $sv->IV;

sub B::NV::terse_size {
    my ($sv, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level);
    printf "%s %s\n", B::class($sv), $sv->NV;

sub B::RV::terse_size {
    my ($sv, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level);
    printf "%s \n", B::class($sv);

sub B::NULL::terse_size {
    my ($sv, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level);
    printf "%s \n", B::class($sv);
sub B::SPECIAL::terse_size {
    my ($sv, $level) = @_;
    print indent($level);
    printf "%s #%d %s\n", B::class($sv), $$sv, $specialsv_name[$$sv];

my $padname_max = 0;

sub PADLIST_size {
    my $cv = shift;
    my $obj = UNIVERSAL::isa($cv, "B::CV") ? $cv : B::svref_2object($cv);

    my $size = (B::Sizeof::AV + B::Sizeof::XPVAV) * 3; #padlist, names, values

    if ($obj->PADLIST->isa('B::SPECIAL')) {
        return B::Sizeof::AV; #XXX???

    my($padnames, $padvals) = $obj->PADLIST->ARRAY;
    my @names = $padnames->ARRAY;
    $padname_max = 0;
    my @names_pv = map {
        my $pv = padname($_);
        $padname_max = length($pv) > $padname_max ? 
          length($pv) : $padname_max;
    } @names;

    my @vals = $padvals->ARRAY;
    my $fill = $padnames->FILL;
    my $fill_len = length $fill;
    my @retval = ();
    my $wantarray = wantarray;

    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $fill; $i++) {
        my $entsize = $names[$i]->size;
        my $is_fake = $names[$i]->FLAGS & B::SVf_FAKE;
        if ($is_fake) {
            $entsize += B::Sizeof::SV; # just a reference to outside scope
            if (B::class($obj->OUTSIDE->GV) eq 'SPECIAL') {
                $filelex{ $obj->GV->STASH->NAME }->{ $names_pv[$i] } = 
            else {
                #XXX nested/anonsubs
        else {
            $entsize += $vals[$i]->size;
        $size += $entsize;
        next unless $wantarray;

        my $class = B::class($vals[$i]);
        my $byteinfo = sprintf "[%-4s %3d bytes]",
        $class, $entsize;

        no warnings;
        push @retval, sprintf "%${fill_len}d: %${padname_max}s %s %s\n", 
        $is_fake ? '__SvFAKE__' : $vals[$i]->sizeval;

    return $wantarray ? ($size, \@retval) : $size;

#hmm, I wonder if B::Deparse could be used instead
sub Apache::Status::noh_fileline {
    my $r = shift;
    my %args = $r->args;
    my $offset = $args{offset} || 0;
    my $len = $args{len} || 0;

    local *FH;
    my $filename = $args{filename};

    unless (Apache::Status::status_config($r, "StatusTerseSize")) {
        print "sorry, StatusTerseSize not enabled\n";
        return 0;

    unless (exists $main::{"_<$filename"}) {
        #useithreads doesnt gv_fetchfile()
        my $in_inc = 0;
        for (keys %INC) {
            if ($INC{$_} eq $filename) {
                $in_inc = 1;
                $main::{"_<$filename"} = $_;
        unless ($in_inc) {
            print "sorry, `$filename' is not a file used by Perl\n";
            return 0;

    my $i = 0;
    if ($offset > 0) {
        printf "%4d..%d [...]\n", 1, $offset-1;
    open FH, $filename or die $!;
    while (<FH>) {
        next if $len > 0 and $i > $len;
        next if $offset > 0 and $i < $offset;
        s/^\t/        /; #indent proper
        my $lineno = sprintf "%4d", $i;
        my $line = ($i == $args{line}) ? 
          \qq(<font color="#FF0000">$_</font>) : \$_;
        print qq($lineno: <a name=$i>$$line</a>\n);

    if ($len > 0 and $i > $len) {
        printf "%4d..%d [...]\n", $len+1, $i;
    close FH;


sub Apache2::Status::noh_fileline {
    my $r = shift;
    my $args = $r->args;
    require CGI;
    my $CGI = CGI->new($args);
    my %params = map { $_ => $CGI->param($_) } $CGI->param();

    my $offset = $params{offset} || 0;
    my $len = $params{len} || 0;

    local *FH;
    my $filename = $params{filename};

    unless (Apache2::Status::status_config($r, "StatusTerseSize")) {
        print "sorry, StatusTerseSize not enabled\n";
        return 0;

    unless (exists $main::{"_<$filename"}) {
        #useithreads doesnt gv_fetchfile()
        my $in_inc = 0;
        for (keys %INC) {
            if ($INC{$_} eq $filename) {
                $in_inc = 1;
                $main::{"_<$filename"} = $_;
        unless ($in_inc) {
            print "sorry, '$filename' is not a file used by Perl\n";
            return 0;

    my $i = 0;
    if ($offset > 0) {
        printf "%4d..%d [...]\n", 1, $offset-1;
    open FH, $filename or die $!;
    while (<FH>) {
        next if $len > 0 and $i > $len;
        next if $offset > 0 and $i < $offset;
        s/^\t/        /; #indent proper
        my $lineno = sprintf "%4d", $i;
        my $line = ($i == $params{line}) ? 
          \qq(<font color="#FF0000">$_</font>) : \$_;
        print qq($lineno: <a name=$i>$$line</a>\n);

    if ($len > 0 and $i > $len) {
        printf "%4d..%d [...]\n", $len+1, $i;
    close FH;


sub max {
    my($cur, $maybe) = @_;
    $maybe > $cur ? $maybe : $cur;

my %summary_cache = ();

sub apache_package_size {
    my $package = shift;
    my($subs, $opcount, $opsize);
    my $keys = 0;
    my $cache = {};

        no strict 'refs';
        $keys = keys %{"$package\::"};

    if ($cache = $summary_cache{$package}) {
        if ($cache->{'keys'} == $keys) {
            return @{ $cache->{'data'} } if $cache->{'data'};

    $cache->{'keys'} = $keys;
    $summary_cache{$package} = $cache;
    @{ $cache->{'data'} } = B::TerseSize::package_size($package);

sub status_memory_usage {
    my($r, $q) = @_;

    if (MP2) {
        unless (Apache2::Status::status_config($r, "StatusTerseSize")) {
            return ["StatusTerseSize is not enabled"];
    else {
        unless (Apache::Status::status_config($r, "StatusTerseSize")) {
            return ["StatusTerseSize is not enabled"];

    unless ($r->dir_config("StatusTerseSizeMainSummary")) {
        return ["StatusTerseSizeMainSummary is not enabled"];

    my $script = MP2 ? $r->uri : $q->script_name;
    my $stab = Devel::Symdump->rnew('main');
    my %total;
    my @retval = ('<pre>');
    my($clen, $slen, $nlen);

    for my $package ('main', $stab->packages) {
        my($subs, $opcount, $opsize) = apache_package_size($package);
        $total{$package} = {'count' => $opcount, 'size' => $opsize};
        $nlen = max($nlen, length $package);
        $slen = max($slen, length $opsize);
        $clen = max($clen, length $opcount);

    for (sort { $total{$b}->{size} <=> $total{$a}->{size} } keys %total) {
        my $link = qq(<a href="$script/$_?noh_b_package_size">);
        push @retval,
        sprintf "$link%-${nlen}s</a> %${slen}d bytes | %${clen}d OPs\n", 
        $_, $total{$_}->{size}, $total{$_}->{count};

if (MP2) {
        'status_memory_usage' => "Memory Usage",
elsif (IS_MODPERL and Apache->module("Apache::Status")) {
        'status_memory_usage' => "Memory Usage",



=head1 NAME

B::TerseSize - Printing info about ops and their (estimated) size


	perl -MO=TerseSize[,OPTIONS]


The I<B::Size> and I<B::TerseSize> modules attempt to measure the size 
of Perl op codes.  The output of B<B::TerseSize> is similar to that of 
I<B::Terse>, but includes the size of each OP in the tree and the
PADLIST (subroutine lexical variables).  The module can be run just as 
other compiler backends or used via I<Apache::Status> (version 2.02
and higher).

If the I<Apache::Status> I<StatusTerseSize> option is enabled, there
will be a main menu item added, "Memory Usage".  Clicking on this link 
will cause I<B::TerseSize> to produce a summary of package memory
usage.  This summary can take quite a while to produce, as each
package subroutine syntax tree will be walked, adding up the
information.  This information will be cached, so running httpd in
I<-X> (non-forking mode) is a good choice.

When browsing the Apache::Status "Symbol Table Dump", a "Memory
Usage" link will be at the bottom of each page.  These summaries
also include measurements of package global variables.

The Apache::Status symbol table browser will also provide an option to 
dump a subroutine tree along with the other subroutine options.

=head1 CAVEATS

The memory measurements are only an estimate.  But, chances are, if a 
measurement is not accurate, it is smaller than the actual size.

The "execution order" option under Apache::Status can only be run once
unless you are using Perl 5.6.0+ or apply the
I<patches/b_clearsym_60.pat> to older Perls.

=head1 SEE ALSO

B(3), B::Size(3), B::LexInfo(3), Apache::Status(3)

=head1 AUTHOR

Currently Maintained by Philip M. Gollucci
Previously Developed by Doug MacEachern
based in part on B::Terse by Malcolm Beattie
