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package Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::Kickstart;
use strict; use warnings;

use base 'Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style';

use Text::Balanced qw( extract_multiple extract_bracketed );

use Bigtop::ScriptHelp qw( valid_ident );

sub get_default_base_columns {
    return {
        is_normal_default => {
            id       => {
                where => 'front',
                types => [ 'int4', 'primary_key', 'auto' ]
            created  => {
                where => 'rear',
                types => [ 'datetime' ],
            modified => {
                where => 'rear',
                types => [ 'datetime' ],
        normal_defaults => [
            qw( id created modified )

sub get_default_filler_columns {
    return 'ident,description';

sub get_db_layout {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $art    = shift || '';
    my $tables = shift || {};

        no warnings;  # don't tell me about unsuccessful stats on $art

        if ( -f $art ) { # take art from file

            open my $ART, '<', $art;
            my $actual_art = join '', <$ART>;
            close $ART;

            $art = $actual_art;

    my @new_tables;
    my @joiners;
    my %foreign_key_for;
    my %columns;
    my $default_columns = $self->get_default_filler_columns();

    $art =~ s/^\s+//;
    $art =~ s/\s+$//;

    foreach my $art_element ( split /\s+/, $art ) {
        if ( $art_element =~ /<|-|>/ ) {
            # split tables from operator
            my ( $table1, $op, $table2 ) =
                    split /(<->|->|<-|\*>|<\*|-)/, $art_element;

            # now pull column descriptions, if present
            my ( $cols1, $cols2 );

            ( $table1, $cols1 ) = $self->get_columns( $table1 );
            ( $table2, $cols2 ) = $self->get_columns( $table2 );

            unless ( defined $table1 and valid_ident( $table1 )
                     defined $table2 and valid_ident( $table2 )
                     defined $op
            ) {
                die "Invalid ASCII art (1): $art_element\n";

            # make sure tables are in the list of all tables
            unless ( defined $tables->{ $table1 } ) {
                push @new_tables, $table1;
                $tables->{ $table1 }++;
            $columns{ $table1 } = $cols1 if defined $cols1;

            unless ( defined $tables->{ $table2 } ) {
                push @new_tables, $table2;
                $tables->{ $table2 }++;
            $columns{ $table2 } = $cols2 if defined $cols2;

            # process based on operator
            if ( $op eq '<-' or $op eq '*>' ) {
                push @{ $foreign_key_for{ $table2 } },
                     { table => $table1, col => 1};
            elsif ( $op eq '->' or $op eq '<*' ) {
                push @{ $foreign_key_for{ $table1 } },
                     { table => $table2, col => 1};
            elsif ( $op eq '-' ) {
                push @{ $foreign_key_for{ $table2 } },
                     { table => $table1, col => 1 };
                push @{ $foreign_key_for{ $table1 } },
                     { table => $table2, col => 1 };
            elsif ( $op eq '<->' ) {
                push @joiners, [ $table1, $table2 ];
            else {
                die "Invalid ASCII art (2): $art_element\n";
        elsif ( valid_ident( $art_element ) ) {
            unless ( defined $tables->{ $art_element } ) {
                push @new_tables, $art_element;
                $tables->{ $art_element }++;
                $columns{ $art_element } =
                    $self->parse_columns( $default_columns )
                        unless $columns{ $art_element };
        else {
            my ( $table, $cols ) = $self->get_columns( $art_element );

            unless ( valid_ident( $table ) ) {
                die "Invalid ASCII art (3): $art_element\n";

            unless ( defined $tables->{ $table } ) {
                push @new_tables, $table;
                $tables->{ $table }++;
            $columns{ $table } = $cols if defined $cols;

    my $parsed_defaults = $self->parse_columns( $default_columns );
    foreach my $new_table ( @new_tables ) { # add default cols as needed
        next NEW_TABLE if defined $columns{ $new_table };
        $columns{ $new_table } = $parsed_defaults;

    return {
        all_tables => $tables,
        new_tables => \@new_tables,
        joiners    => \@joiners,
        foreigners => \%foreign_key_for,
        columns    => \%columns,

sub get_columns {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $table = shift;

    my ( $name, $raw ) = extract_multiple(
        $table, [
            qr/([^(]*)/, sub { extract_bracketed( $_[0], '()' ) }

    if ( defined $raw ) {

        $raw =~ s/^\(//;
        $raw =~ s/\)$//;

        return ( $name, $self->parse_columns( $raw ) );
    else {
        return ( $name );

sub parse_columns {
    my $self = shift;
    my $raw  = shift;

    my @pieces = split /,/, $raw;

    my $you_dont_want_em  = 0;
    my $defaults = $self->get_default_base_columns;
    my $is_normal_default = $defaults->{ is_normal_default };
    my %you_dont_want;

    my @columns;
    foreach my $piece ( @pieces ) {
        my ( $name_type, $default ) = split /=/, $piece;
        my ( $name, @types ) = split /:/, $name_type;

        # pull optional plus from name
        my $optional;
        $optional = 1 if ( $name =~ s/^\+// );

        @types = ( 'varchar' ) unless ( @types > 0 );

        # begin building columns sub hash with required keys
        my %col_hash = ( name => $name, types => \@types );

        # fill in other keys if we need them
        $col_hash{ default  } = $default  if $default;
        $col_hash{ optional } = $optional if $optional;

        push @columns, \%col_hash;

        $you_dont_want{ $name }++ if defined $is_normal_default->{ $name };

    foreach my $col ( @{ $defaults->{ normal_defaults } } ) {
        unless ( $you_dont_want{ $col } ) {
            if ( not defined $is_normal_default->{ $col }{ where } ) {
                warn "normal_defaults column '$col' has no where "
                    . "in is_normal_default\n";
                next COL;
            if ( not defined $is_normal_default->{ $col }{ types } ) {
                warn "normal_defaults column '$col' has no types "
                    . "in is_normal_default\n";
                next COL;
            if ( $is_normal_default->{ $col }{ where } eq 'front' ) {
                unshift @columns, {
                    name  => $col,
                    types => $is_normal_default->{ $col }{ types },
            else {
                push @columns, {
                    name  => $col,
                    types => $is_normal_default->{ $col }{ types },

    return \@columns;

sub print_instructions {
    my $class        = shift;
    my $app_name     = shift;
    my $build_dir    = shift;
    my $built_sqlite = shift;

    my $heading   = << "EO_SQLite_Basic";

I have generated your '$app_name' application.  To run the application:

    cd $build_dir
    sqlite app.db < docs/schema.sqlite
    ./app.server [ port ]

    if ( $built_sqlite ) {
        $heading = << "EO_SQLite_Prebuilt";

I have generated your '$app_name' application.  I have also taken the liberty
of making an sqlite database for it to use.  To run the application:

    cd $build_dir
    ./app.server [ port ]

    print << "EO_Instructions";
The app.server runs on port 8080 by default.

Once the app.server starts, it will print a list of the urls it can serve.
Point your browser to one of those and enjoy.

If you prefer to run the app with Postgres or MySQL type one of these:

    bigtop --pg_help
    bigtop --mysql_help



sub help_pg {
    print << "EO_pg_help";

For PostgreSQL, in your build directory:

    createdb app.db -U postgres
    psql app.db -U regular_user < docs/schema.postgres
    ./app.server --dbd=Pg --dbuser=regular_user --dppass='secret'

Supply passwords as prompted when creating and building the database.
You may abbreviate --dbd as -d, --dbuser as -u, and --dbpass as -p.

If you change the name from app.db, supply --dbname (aka -n) to app.server.


    exit 0;

sub help_mysql {
    my $class     = shift;
    my $build_dir = shift;

    print << "EO_mysql_help";

For MySQL, in your build directory:

    mysqladmin create app_db -u root -p
    mysql -u root -p app_db < docs/schema.mysql
    ./app.server --dbd=mysql --dbuser=regular_user \
                 --dbpass='secret' --dbname=app_db

Supply passwords as prompted when creating and building the database.
You may abbreviate --dbd as -d, --dbuser as -u, --dbpass as -p,
and --dbname as -n.


    exit 0;


=head1 NAME

Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::Kickstart - handles kickstart syntax for scripts


Most users use this module as the default style for the bigtop and
tentmaker scripts:

    bigtop -n AppName [kickstart]

See L<KICKSTART SYNTAX> below for details, but note that kickstart could
be a file whose contents are in kickstart syntax.

If you are writing a script that wants to leverage styles do this:

    use Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style;

    my $style = Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style->get_style( 'Kickstart' );

    # then pass $style to methods of Bigtop::ScriptHelp


See C<Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style> for a description of what this module
must do in general.


As of version 0.33, this module has been revised to make subclassing
easier.  This allows you complete control over what columns are generated
by default.  All you need to do is subclass this module and implement
two methods: C<get_default_base_columns> and C<get_default_filler_columns>.
But, you can rely on this module to handle the original kickstart syntax.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item get_columns

This method is for internal use, but is exposed so subclasses don't have
to implement it.  It specifies that definitions like


will be parsed with C<parse_columns> (see below).

=item get_db_layout

This method does not use standard in.  Instead, it expects
kickstart syntax.  See L<KICKSTART SYNTAX> below.

=item get_default_base_columns

Subclasses override this method to control which columns are created by
default.  Note that if a user explicitly declares a column in the
parentheses of a table definition, the corresponding column in this
collection is ignored.

Returns a hash with two keys: C<is_normal_default> and C<normal_defaults>.
C<is_normal_defaults> is a hash keyed by the name of each column with two
keys: C<where> (either front or rear) and C<typees> (an anonymous array
of Bigtop C<is> values, usually these are SQL types or other column
definition phrases).  C<normal_defaults> is an anonymous array of column
names, they must correspond to keys in C<is_normal_defaults>.  The order
of the columns in the array controls when they are added to the list of
columns.  But, remember that C<where> decides whether to unshift or push them
into the list.

For example, the method in this module does this:

    return {
        is_normal_default => {
            id       => {
                where => 'front',
                types => [ 'int4', 'primary_key', 'auto' ]
            created  => {
                where => 'rear',
                types => [ 'datetime' ],
            modified => {
                where => 'rear',
                types => [ 'datetime' ],
        normal_defaults => [
            qw( id created modified )

=item get_default_filler_columns

Suppose a table is in the kickstart file, but has no column definitions.
It will get columns.  First, this method returns a string which is
the default art for the table.  Second, as with all tables, columns
returned by C<get_default_base_columns> are added.

The method in this module returns:

    return 'ident,description';

If you return the empty string, no filler columns will be added to
your tables.

=item parse_columns

This method is exposed so subclasses don't have to implement it.  It
receives a kickstart art string and parses it into an anonymous array
of columns.  Each element in the array is a hash with keys C<name> (the
name of the SQL column) and C<types> (an anonymous hash of Bigtop
C<is> values, which are an SQL type and a list of other column definition
phrases).  There are other keys: C<default> and C<optional>.  These
are used when the art includes C<=> or C<+>.

=item print_instructions

Called by bigtop script when it makes a new application containing
table definitions (you used art with this style).  Prints instructions
on how to start the development application using sqlite.

=item help_pg

Revises the instructions from C<print_instructions> so they are good
for PostgreSQL.

=item help_mysql

Revises the instructions from C<print_instructions> so they are good
for mysql.



Bigtop's kickstart syntax allows you to describe your tables, their columns,
and how they are related to other tables in a compressed text style.

Note well: Since the descriptions use punctuation that your shell probably
loves, you must surround them with single quotes on the command line.  But,
there's no need to do that if you put the kickstart description in a file.
To use the file method, put your kickstart in a file and give that
file's name as in:

    tentmaker -a docs/app.bigtop kickstart_file

It is easiest to understand kickstart syntax is by seeing an example.  So,
suppose we have a four table data model describing a bit of our personnel

    +-----------+       +----------+
    |    job    |<------| position |
    +-----------+       +----------+
    +-----------+       +----------+
    | job_skill |------>|  skill   |
    +-----------+       +----------+

What this data model shows is that each position refers to a job,
each job could require many skills, and each skill could be associated with
many jobs.  The last two mean that job and skill share a many-to-many

Here's how to specify this data model with bigtop kickstart syntax:

    bigtop --new HR 'job<-position job<->skill'

This indicates a foreign key from position to job and an implied
table, called job_skill, to hold the many-to-many relationship between
job and skill.

The same kickstart can be used with --new and --add for both bigtop
and tentmaker scripts.

There are four kickstart table relationship operators:

=over 4

=item <->

Many-to-many.  A new table will be made with foreign keys to each operand
table.  Each operand table will have a has_many relationship.  Note
that your Model backend may not understand these relationships.  At the
time of this writing only Model GantryDBIxClass did, by luck it happens
to be the default.

=item <- or *>

The second table has a foreign key pointing to the first.

The *> form is useful if you want to read the relationship with the phrase
'has-many' as in


Each book has many chapters.  Instead of


Each chapter belongs to a book.  But, both forms are equivalent.

=item -> or <*

The first table has a foreign key pointing to the second.  This is really
a convenience synonymn for <-.

Note that tables will appear in the generated SQL so that foreign keys
appear after the tables they refer to (at least that is the goal).  Hence
the order of your tables in the kickstart has no bearing on
their order in the bigtop file.

=item -

The two tables have a one-to-one relationship.  Each of them will have
a foreign key pointing to the other.  Note that this will create SQL which
is unlikely to load well due to foreign key forward references.



As of Bigtop 0.23, you may use the syntax below to specify information
about the columns in your tables, in addition to the table relationships

Note Well:  When following the instructions below, never be tempted to
use spaces inside column definitions.  If you need spaces, colons might
work.  If not, you'll need to edit the generated bigtop file, just like
old times.

Column definitions must be placed inside parnetheses immediately after the
table name and immediately before any table relationship operator.  Separate
columns with commas.  Specify type definitions with colons.  Use equals
for defaults and leading plus signs for optional fields.  For example:

    bigtop -n App 'family(name,+phone)<-child(name,birth_day:date)'

By default all columns will have type varchar (but note that SQL backends
translate that into a valid string type for each supported database,
if a bare varchar wouldn't work).  If you need some other type, use a colon,
as I did for birth_day.  If your type definition needs multiple words, use
colons instead of spaces.

Do not include foreign key columns in the list.  They will be generated
based on the relationship punctuation between the tables.

The phone column in the family table has a leading plus sign, and will
therefore be optional on the HTML form.

You can still augment the bigtop file later.  Existing tables in the bigtop
file will have foreign keys added as specified by relation operators, but
parenthetical column lists will be used only for new tables.  For example:

    bigtop -a docs/app.bigtop '

This will add a new table called anniversary with anniversary (a date) and
gift_pref columns.  The later will have a default value in the database
and on HTML forms of 'money.'  Finally, a new foreign key will be added
to the existing family table pointing to the anniversary table.

You may find it easier to supply the kickstart text by first specifying the
relationships without including the columns, then defining the columns later:

    tentmaker -n App \
    'child->family anniversary->family

You may mention a table as many times as you like, but only define its
columns once.

Finally, as mentioned in the L<SYNOPSIS>, and described in more detail below
(see L<KICKSTART FILES>), you may put the kickstart in
a file and supply the file name on the command line:

    tentmaker -n App app.kickstart

None of the syntax changes when you use the file approach, except that
you don't need the shell quotes.  In paricular, using a file does not
allow you to include spaces within a table's definition.


Here is the formal syntax for each table definition:


I'm following the convention that brackets enclose optional elements.
Everything else appears as is, or is defined below.

Where name is a valid SQL table name and COL_DEF is as follows:


Where plus makes the HTML form field for the column optional,
col_name is a valid SQL column name, and
all defaults are literal strings (they will be quoted in SQL).  If you need
more interesting defaults, edit the bigtop file after it is updated.
TYPE_INFO is a colon separated list of column declaration words.

Suppose you want this column definition:

    state int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 4,

Say this:



Traditionally, kickstart text was specified on the command line.  Now you
can put it in a file and invoke bigtop or tentmaker like this:

    bigtop -n NewApp file.kickstart

Unfortunately, you cannot currently pipe to bigtop or tentmaker, they
do not read from standard in.

Here is an example kickstart file for a blogging application:


Note again that spaces are not allowed in column definition lists, since
whitespace is the separator of table and table relationship entries.

=head1 AUTHOR

Phil Crow, E<lt>crow.phil@gmail.comE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2007, Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
