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use strict;

# Bigtop Modules
use Bigtop;
use Bigtop::Parser;
use Bigtop::Deparser;
use Bigtop::ScriptHelp;
use Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style;

# Standard Modules
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
use File::Find;

my $usage       = "usage: $0 [options] bigtop_file all|SQL|...\n";

my $create;
my $new;
my $add;
my $keeping_inline;
my $style;

    'create|c'      => \$create,
    'new|n=s'       => \$new,
    'add|a=s'       => \$add,
    'keep_inline|k' => \$keeping_inline,
    'style|s=s'     => \$style,
    'help|h'        => \&full_usage,
    'pg_help'       => \&help_pg,
    'mysql_help'    => \&help_mysql,

my $action_flags = 0;
$action_flags++ if $new;
$action_flags++ if $create;
$action_flags++ if $add;

if ( $action_flags > 1 ) {
    die "--create, --new, and --add are incompatible, try: $0 --help\n";

if ( defined $new and not Bigtop::ScriptHelp::valid_ident( $new ) ) {
    die "invalid name for new app: $new\n";

my $script_help_style = Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style->get_style( $style );

if ( $new ) {
    make_new( $script_help_style, @ARGV );
elsif ( $add ) {
    make_addition( $script_help_style, $add, @ARGV );
else { # default, use a file
    my $bigtop_file = shift or die $usage;

    unless ( @ARGV ) { die $usage; }

    my ( $new_app_name, $bigtop_dir ) =
            Bigtop::Parser->gen_from_file( $bigtop_file, $create, @ARGV );

    if ( $create and defined $new_app_name ) {
        my $built_sqlite = build_sqlite( $new_app_name, $bigtop_dir );

            $new_app_name, $bigtop_dir, $built_sqlite );

# Remove inline directory

if ( not $keeping_inline and -d '_Inline' ) {

    my $purger = sub {
        my $name = $_;

        if    ( -f $name ) { unlink $name; }
        elsif ( -d $name ) { rmdir $name;  }

    finddepth( $purger, '_Inline' );
    rmdir '_Inline';

sub make_new {
    my $style  = shift;
    my @models = @_;
    my $bigtop_string;
    my $things_to_build = 'Init';
    my $made_tables     = 0;

    my $new_dir = $new;
    $new_dir    =~ s/::/-/g;

    # make sure build directory is not already there
    if ( -d $new_dir ) {
        die "cowardly refusing to build $new\n"
            .   "...the $new_dir directory already exists\n";

    if ( @models ) {
        $bigtop_string   = Bigtop::ScriptHelp->get_big_default(
                $style, $new, @models
        $things_to_build = 'all';
        $made_tables     = 1;
    else {
        $bigtop_string   = Bigtop::ScriptHelp->get_minimal_default( $new );

    # form names
    my $bigtop_dir  = $new;
    $bigtop_dir     =~ s/::/-/g;
    my $bigtop_name = lc $bigtop_dir . '.bigtop';

    # do the build
    eval {
                bigtop_string => $bigtop_string,
                bigtop_file   => $bigtop_name,
                create        => 'create',
                build_list    => [ $things_to_build ],
                flags         => "-n @models",
    if ( $@ ) {
        if ( not -f 'tmp.bigtop' and open my $TMP, '>tmp.bigtop' ) {
            print $TMP $bigtop_string;
            close $TMP;
            warn "\nI had a fatal problem parsing my bigtop file.\n"
                .   "I wrote that bigtop file to tmp.bigtop\n\n";
        die $@;

    # make the .bigtop file in docs subdir of build dir
    my $bigtop_file
            = File::Spec->catfile( $bigtop_dir, 'docs', $bigtop_name );

    if ( open my $BIGTOP, ">", $bigtop_file ) {
        # We used to turn off all Init gens, now it thinks most of its
        # files are stubs, so the following is not needed:
        # $bigtop_string =~ s/\{\}/{ no_gen 1; }/;
        print $BIGTOP $bigtop_string;
        close $BIGTOP;
    else {
        die "Couldn't write $bigtop_file: $!\n";

    if ( $made_tables ) {
        my $built_sqlite = build_sqlite( $new, $bigtop_dir );

            $new, $bigtop_dir, $built_sqlite );

sub make_addition {
    my $style       = shift;
    my $source_file = shift;
    my @models      = @_;

    unless ( @models ) {
        die "--add option requires additional data for the style backend\n";

    my $ast   = Bigtop::Parser->parse_file( $source_file );
    my $space = ' ';
    my $art   = join $space, @models;
    $art      =~ s/^\s+//;
    $art      =~ s/\s+$//;

    Bigtop::ScriptHelp->augment_tree( $style, $ast, $art );

    # write the file
    my $deparse = Bigtop::Deparser->deparse( $ast );

    Bigtop::write_file( $source_file, $deparse );

    # do the build
    Bigtop::Parser->gen_from_file( $source_file, 0, 'all' );

sub build_sqlite {
    my $app_name   = shift;
    my $bigtop_dir = shift;

    my $built_sqlite  = 0;
    my $sqlite_db     = File::Spec->catfile( $bigtop_dir, 'app.db' );
    my $sqlite_schema = File::Spec->catfile(
            $bigtop_dir, 'docs', 'schema.sqlite'

    my $version   = `sqlite -version`;

    if ( -f $sqlite_schema and substr( $version, 0, 1 ) >= 3 ) {
        my $command   = `sqlite $sqlite_db < $sqlite_schema 2>&1`;
        my $failure   = $?;

        if ( $failure or $command ) {
            warn "I tried to make your database, sqlite said:\n\n$command";
        else {
            $built_sqlite = 1;

    return $built_sqlite;

sub bprint_instructions {
    my $app_name     = shift;
    my $build_dir    = shift;
    my $built_sqlite = shift;

    my $heading   = << "EO_SQLite_Basic";

I have generated your '$app_name' application.  To run the application:

    cd $build_dir
    sqlite app.db < docs/schema.sqlite
    ./app.server [ port ]

    if ( $built_sqlite ) {
        $heading = << "EO_SQLite_Prebuilt";

I have generated your '$app_name' application.  I have also taken the liberty
of making an sqlite database for it to use.  To run the application:

    cd $build_dir
    ./app.server [ port ]

    print << "EO_Instructions";
The app.server runs on port 8080 by default.

Once the app.server starts, it will print a list of the urls it can serve.
Point your browser to one of those and enjoy.

If you prefer to run the app with Postgres or MySQL type one of these:

    bigtop --pg_help
    bigtop --mysql_help



sub help_pg {
    my $script_help_style = Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style->get_style( $style );
    exit 0;

sub help_mysql {
    my $script_help_style = Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style->get_style( $style );
    exit 0;

sub full_usage {
    print << 'EO_HELP';
usage: bigtop [options] file.bigtop something_to_gen [something_to_gen...]


    -h  --help        - this message
    -c  --create      - initial build, makes directories
    -n  --new         - initial build, give it an app name (not a
                        file name), and a list of tables
        --pg_help     - steps to starting a brand new app with postgres
        --mysql_help  - steps to starting a brand new app with mysql
    -k  --keep_inline - does not remove _Inline

    somethings_to_gen is either 'all' or a list of
    backend types (like 'SQL' or 'Control')

    exit 0;

=head1 NAME

bigtop - the parser/generater for the bigtop langauge


For regnerating pieces of an existing app:

    bigtop [options] file.bigtop all

Or, for brand new apps:

    bigtop --new AppName 'ascii_art'

Or, to augment an existing app:

    bigtop --add app.bigtop 'ascii_art'

Or, to bring a postgres 8 databases into bigtop:

    bigtop -n AppName -s Pg8Live 'dbi:Pg:dbname=yourdb' user pass [schema]

See L</STYLES> below for how this script handles ASCII art or other
extra command line args (and possibly standard in).


To learn more about bigtop, consult Bigtop::Docs::TOC.  It has a list
of all the documentation along with suggestions of where to start.

This script usually takes a bigtop input file and a list of things to build.
The things you can build have the same names as the blocks in the config
section of your bigtop file.  You may also choose C<all> which will
build all of those things in the order they appear in the config section.

If you are starting a new app from scratch, you can get a jump start with
the --new flag (or -n):

    bigtop --new AppName table1 table2

If you already have a bigtop file, you can add to it with the --add (or

    bigtop --add file.bigtop table3 table4

But, see L</STYLES> below for more interesting options than a list of
table names.

Both new and add options do an all build when they finish making/updating
the bigtop file.  If you don't want an immediate all build, try tentmaker
with the same flags.

The new option will also try to build a database for the app to use
immediately, by invoking sqlite (if it can find it in your path).


=over 4

=item --create (or -c)

Use this if you already have a bigtop source file and want to make
a brand new app from it.  Perhaps someone gave you a bigtop file, you
copied one from the examples directory of the bigtop distribution, or
you built one with tentmaker.

This will make an h2xs style path under the current directory for the
app described in your bigtop file.  It will even copy that bigtop file
into the docs directory while it builds whatever you ask for.

Without this option, if the current directory looks like a bad place to
build, a fatal error will result and you will have to use this option.
A bad place to build is a place where building seems not to have happened
before.  If any of these are missing, then the directory is bad:


When create is in effect, the following bigtop config options affect the
location of the initial build:

=over 4

=item base_dir

the directory under which all building will happen. Defaults to the
current directory.

=item app_dir

the subdirectory of base_dir where Build.PL and friends will live.
Defaults to the h2xs style directory name based on your app's
name.  If your app section starts:

    app App::Name::SubName

then the default app_dir is:



When create is not in effect, these config parameters are ignored WITH a

=item --new (or -n) App::Name style_info...

See L</STYLES> below for what C<style_info> can be.  (Hint: it depends on
which style you are using.)

Use this option to create a working application from scratch.  If you only
provide an app name, it will use a minimal bigtop specification.  The
resulting app will not run (or have any code in it).  You must then
augment the bigtop file with tentmaker or a text editor and regenerate
to get a running app.

If you supply optional table names or provide data for a style, enough
additional items will be added to the bigtop file to make a running app
(except that you might need to build the database).  Some of the extra
items will be repeated for each model you request.

In either case, when bigtop finishes, there will be an App-Name subdirectory
of the current directory.  In it will be all the usual pieces describing an
app.  The bigtop file will be in the docs directory.

If you have a working sqlite in your path -- and you specified tables
or used a style -- -n will also make an sqlite database called app.db in
the build directory.  As it will tell you, you can change to that directory
and start the app immediately.

If you don't have sqlite, a message will explain what to do to start the
app.  Mostly this boils down to changing into the new build directory,
creating a database called app.db, and running app.server with the proper
flags for your database engine.

This flag uses the default bigtop file from L<Bigtop::ScriptHelp> (which you
can see by examining examples/default.bigtop in the distrubution).  If you
like, you may override that default.  To do so, copy examples/default.bigtop
to either bigtopdef in the directory from which you plan to run bigtop -n, or
to .bigtopdef in your home directory.  Edit the file to your heart's content.

The result must be a valid bigtop file, with one exception.  The file
you create will be used as a template toolkit template.  But, only three
things are available for subsitution:

=over 4

=item app_name

The name of the app from the command line.

=item no_colon_name

The app name, where all ::'s are replaced with underscores.

=item short_name

Everything after the last :: in the app_name in lower case.


For example see examples/

If you have a ./bigtopdef or ~/.bigtopdef, but don't want to use it
for a particular instance, set the BIGTOP_REAL_DEF enivornment variable
in your shell.

=item --add (-a )

If you have an existing bigtop file and want to add tables and their
controllers to it, use this option like this:

    bigtop --add file.bigtop style_info...

See L</STYLES> below for how to specify table relationships.

This option reads an existing file.bigtop and adds tables and controllers
to it, before doing an all build.  (If you don't want an all build,
use the same options with tentmaker.)

Any new tables will be created.  Whether existing tables are updated
depends on you style.

Note that this option may disturb comments and whitespace in your original.
It uses Bigtop::Deparser, which cannonicalizes the whitespace.  Basically
extraneous whitespace is removed (and indenting is regularized).  When new
lines are removed, subsequent comments drift down in the revised file.

Revision control is always a good idea.  It is especially important
here.  Make sure file.bigtop is commited to your revision control system
prior to running bigtop in add mode.

=item --keep_inline (or -k)

Normally, this script removes all traces of the _Inline directory it
used while building your app.  Use this option if you want to save
a microscopic amount of time on each regeneration or if you have an
incurable curiosity.

Note that the directory will only be removed if it is really _Inline
in the current directory.  If you have a .Inline directory under
home directory etc., the script will not affect it.

=item --style (or -s)

Defaults to Kickstart.  This can be the name of any Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::
module.  These styles control how your command line args, and
standard input, turn into bigtop descriptions.  See the docs for you
style to see what input is legal and how it is treated.



In addition to the flags that do useful things, there are help flags:

=over 4

=item --help or -h

Prints a multi-line usage message showing all the options.

=item --pg_help and --mysql_help

Print advice on how to start your app.server with a Postgres or MySQL
database instead of sqlite.  This includes instructions on creating and
building the database, as well as flags app.server needs in order to
reach that database.


=head1 STYLES

This section used to explain ASCII art, which was the original style of
command line input.  Since then, that code has been factored out.
The original style is now called the kickstart style, or more precisely
C<Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::Kickstart> and is still the default.  See
its docs for a description of ASCII art.

You may explicitly choose the original style:

    bigtop -n|-a -s Kickstart 'ascii_art'

But, you may omit -s to get Kickstart by default.  Further, you can
replace Kickstart with any module in the Bigtop::ScriptHelp::Style::
namespace.  For example:

    bigtop -n|-a -s Pg8Live 'dbi:Pg:dbname=yourdb' user pass [schema]

Again, see the docs for your style to see what command line parameters
to use.

=head1 AUTHOR

Phil Crow E<lt>crow.phil@gmail.comE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2005-7 by Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
