The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# NEVER EDIT this file.  It was generated and will be overwritten without
# notice upon regeneration of this application.  You have been warned.
package Apps::Checkbook::GEN::Trans;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Apps::Checkbook';
use JSON;
use Gantry::Utils::TablePerms;

use SomePackage::SomeModule qw( a_method $b_scalar );
use SomePackage::OtherModule;

use Apps::Checkbook::Model::trans qw(

# $self->do_main(  )
sub do_main {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    $self->stash->view->template( '' );
    $self->stash->view->title( 'Transactions' );

    my $real_location = $self->location() || '';
    if ( $real_location ) {
        $real_location =~ s{/+$}{};
        $real_location .= '/';

    my @header_options = (
            text => 'Add',
            link => $real_location . "add",
            type => 'create',

    my $retval = {
        headings       => [
            'Status 3',
            '<a href=' . $site->location() . '/date_order' . '>Date</a>',
            q[Paid To/Rec'v'd From],

    my $params = $self->params;

    my $search = {
        cleared => 't',
        amount => { '>', 0 },
    if ( $params->{ search } ) {
        my $form = $self->form();

        my @searches;
        foreach my $field ( @{ $form->{ fields } } ) {
            if ( $field->{ searchable } ) {
                push( @searches,
                    ( $field->{ name } => { 'like', "%$params->{ search }%"  } )

        $search = {
            -or => \@searches
        } if scalar( @searches ) > 0;

    my @row_options = (
            text => 'Edit',
            type => 'update',
            text => 'Delete',
            type => 'delete',

    my $perm_obj = Gantry::Utils::TablePerms->new(
            site           => $self,
            real_location  => $real_location,
            header_options => \@header_options,
            row_options    => \@row_options,

    $retval->{ header_options } = $perm_obj->real_header_options;

    my $limit_to_user_id = $perm_obj->limit_to_user_id;
    $search->{ user_id } = $limit_to_user_id if ( $limit_to_user_id );

    my @rows = $TRANS->get_listing( { order_by => 'trans_date DESC', } );

    foreach my $row ( @rows ) {
        last ROW if $perm_obj->hide_all_data;

        my $id = $row->id;
        my $payee_payor = ( $row->payee_payor )
                ? $row->payee_payor->foreign_display()
                : '';

            @{ $retval->{rows} }, {
                orm_row => $row,
                data => [
                options => $perm_obj->real_row_options( $row ),

    if ( $params->{ json } ) {
        $self->template_disable( 1 );

        my $obj = {
            headings        => $retval->{ headings },
            header_options  => $retval->{ header_options },
            rows            => $retval->{ rows },

        my $json = to_json( $obj, { allow_blessed => 1 } );
        return( $json );

    $self->stash->view->data( $retval );
} # END do_main

# $self->form( $row )
sub form {
    my ( $self, $row ) = @_;

    my $selections = $TRANS->get_form_selections();

    return {
        row        => $row,
        legend => $self->path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit' : 'Add',
        javascript => $self->calendar_month_js( 'trans' ),
        extraneous => 'uninteresting',
        fields     => [
                display_size => 2,
                name => 'status',
                label => 'Status2',
                type => 'text',
                is => 'int',
                options => [
                    { label => 'Yes', value => '1' },
                    { label => 'No', value => '0' },
                name => 'cleared',
                constraint => qr{^1|0$},
                label => 'Cleared',
                type => 'select',
                is => 'boolean',
                display_size => 10,
                date_select_text => 'Select',
                name => 'trans_date',
                label => 'Trans Date',
                type => 'text',
                is => 'date',
                display_size => 10,
                name => 'amount',
                label => 'Amount',
                type => 'text',
                is => 'int',
                options => $selections->{payee},
                name => 'payee_payor',
                label => q[Paid To/Rec'v'd From],
                type => 'select',
                is => 'int',
                name => 'descr',
                optional => 1,
                label => 'Descr',
                type => 'textarea',
                is => 'varchar',
                rows => 3,
                cols => 60,
                options => $selections->{sch_tbl},
                name => 'sch_tbl',
                type => 'select',
                is => 'int4',
} # END form


=head1 NAME

Apps::Checkbook::GEN::Trans - generated support module for Apps::Checkbook::Trans


In Apps::Checkbook::Trans:

    use base 'Apps::Checkbook::GEN::Trans';


This module was generated by bigtop and IS subject to regeneration.
Use it in Apps::Checkbook::Trans to provide the methods below.
Feel free to override them.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item do_main

=item form


=head1 AUTHOR

Generated by bigtop and subject to regeneration.
