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\chapter{Deployment Issues}

% make sure this says something about controlling database connection
% info
% If you want to change to a different database, you can arrange that now.
% Click on the `App Config', you'll see something like Figure
% \ref{fig:appconfig}.
% \begin{figure}
% \includegraphics[width=6in]{appconfig}
% \caption{Application configuration table.}
% \label{fig:appconfig}
% \end{figure}
% To change databases, simply change the dbconn config parameter, so it
% has the proper DBI dsn string for connecting to your database.  You probably
% also need to supply a dbuser.  Further, you will need to add a new
% config param called dbpass, if your database expects a password for
% your dbuser.  If so, type `dbpass' into the input box next to the
% `New Config Statement' button, then press the button, and add the password.

In the last chapter, we saw how to build an app with tentmaker and run it
with a test server (app.server).  Bigtop also made a cgi script for us, which
we could immediately deploy merely by moving it to the cgi-bin directory.
Here we will look at two additional deployment issues.  First, we will
move the app into a \verb+mod_perl+ environment.  Second, we will extract the
conf from the app into the Gantry::Conf scheme.  The latter will allow us
to easily deploy multiple instances of our app and share the app's conf info
with external scripts.

\section{Moving to Mod Perl}

I'm not going to explain how to put a working \verb+mod_perl+ installation onto
your server.  But, I am going to explain how to deploy a Gantry app via
\verb+mod_perl+, once you have \verb+mod_perl+ working.

Bigtop can help with much of our work, so begin by restarting the tentmaker
and giving it the contact.bigtop file from the last chapter:

tentmaker docs/addressbook.bigtop

First -- and foremost -- on the `Bigtop Config' tab, change the engine to
the \verb+mod_perl+ engine you have installed (mine was 1.3 when I wrote this).

Now, click on the `Backends' tab.  Uncheck the box for CGI Gantry, which will
stop bigtop from making app.cgi and app.server.  Then check the box for
HttpdConf Gantry, to start generating docs/httpd.conf.

Since our app is not installed on the system yet, we need to tell
\verb+mod_perl+ where to find it.  A regular \verb+use lib+ statement will do,
but we need to place it carefully.  One good place to put it is at the top
of a $<$Perl$>$ block in httpd.conf.  Here's how to make bigtop do that.

Go to the `App Body' tab.  Create a new block of type `Literal' (leave the
`Name:' box blank).  Scroll down to that block and select `Literal Type:'
`PerlTop.'  This is the instruction telling bigtop to put a statement into
the $<$Perl$>$ block in httpd.conf.  In the `String:' box, type a complete
use lib statement (right down to the semi-colon) which will lead perl to the
blib/lib directory of the build directory.  Mine looks like this:

use lib '/home/pcrow/AddressBook/lib';

You might even want to include four leading spaces, if you care about the
indentation in the generated conf file.

Now we need to deal with some paths, which were relative for app.server,
but must now be absolute.  While still in tentmaker, go to the `App Config'
tab.  Add a new config variable called \verb+root+.  Make its value
an absolute path to the html directory of the AddressBook build directory.
This directory will need to be readable by the Apache User.

The other path that needs adjustment is for app.db.  For the app to work,
the Apache User needs to own both the app.db file and the directory where
it lives.  In addition to ownership, it obviously needs write permissions.
After you decide where to locate app.db, add a fully qualified absolute path
to it in the `dbconn' value.

Alternatively, you could switch to a different database engine.  Make that
change in the same place, by altering the database connection info string.
Then, don't forget to build the database.  There should be schema files
for use with Postgres and MySQL in the docs directory.

Save the file and regenerate the app:

bigtop docs/addressbook.bigtop all

There is only one more thing we need to do to launch under \verb+mod_perl+.
We, need to modify the system httpd.conf for our server to tell it about our

For this app, I added the following to my \verb+mod_perl+ enabled httpd.conf:

    DocumentRoot     /home/pcrow/AddressBook/html
    CustomLog        /home/pcrow/logs/combined.log combined
    ErrorLog         /home/pcrow/logs/addressbook.err

    Include /home/pcrow/AddressBook/docs/httpd.conf

You might need to make a DNS entry to use the above approach.  We
have a wild card which lets anything.devel... map to these virtual hosts,
so we can make them on the fly.

Now start or restart the web server and hit the app again at its new URL.

\section{Moving to Gantry::Conf}

The approach to app configuration in the last section and the last chapter
both end up tying the conf info to the app rather tightly.  We want
to move to a more flexible system.  Later subsections will explain two
key example scenarios in which this flexibility is needed: deploying multiple
instances of the same app in the same server and sharing conf info with
external scripts or other apps.

Gantry::Conf was Frank Wiles' idea (he's my boss, do don't be surprised
if I gush in this section).  He was tired of being told by external
app suppliers how he should store his conf info.  He didn't want to do the
same to other people when we deliver an app.  Further, he knew that
our shop was suffering from the difficulty of conf info duplication due
to web apps relying on httpd.conf, while scripts did something different.
This section explains how Gantry::Conf works by showing how to move our
existing AddressBook app to it.

We can turn again to tentmaker to get us started.  Click on `Backends.'
Check the box for Conf Gantry.  Add an instance name for the app in the
box at the far right labeled `Conf Instance.'  I'll call mine \verb+address+.
Then, check the `Use Gantry::Conf' box in the far right hand column in the
HttpdConf Gantry row.  This tells that backend to omit the conf information,
since we are trying to centralize it, not adjust how it is duplicated.
(HttpdConf Gantry will set a variable for the conf instance, and another
for the conf file if that is defined, taking the values from the Conf
Gantry backend).  If you were still using the CGI Gantry backend, you
could do the same thing for it.

Save the file, regenerate with bigtop.  If you restart the server and hit
it now, you will receive an error, because Gantry::Conf does not know where
to find your config.  Copy `AddressBook.gantry.conf' from the docs
directory to the /etc/gantry.d directory, or make a symbolic link.  Make
sure your /etc/gantry.conf has a wild card include:

include /etc/gantry.d/*.conf

If you can't create or modify /etc/gantry.conf, make a file somewhere which
the Apache User can read.  Put that file's name in the `Conf File' box
in tentmaker for the Conf Gantry backend.  Save and regenerate.
Then, create the master conf file with a wild card like the one shown
above, but pick a directory you can write to and the Apache User can read

Now it is safe to restart the app and point the browser to it.

\subsection{Multiple instances}

One of the key uses of Gantry::Conf is in easing deployment of multiple
instances of the same app.  For instance, if my wife and I each want a
separate address book, we can deploy two instances of the app.  Both will
share some things, like the site appearance and even the database user and
password.  But, they will store data in different databases.  This section
explains how to accomplish this.

First, there is no difficulty in setting up a second virtual server using
the same code.  Just duplicate the VirtualHost shown above and change the
names until it looks more like this:

    DocumentRoot     /home/pcrow/AddressBook/html
    CustomLog        /home/pcrow/logs/combined.log combined
    ErrorLog         /home/pcrow/logs/addressbook.err

    Include /home/pcrow/AddressBook/docs/phil.conf

Notice that I'm letting Lisa keep the original URL, in case she set
a bookmark to it.  Also note that I referred to phil.conf.  I'll have to
copy her conf and update it, but only by changing the GantryConfInstance:

PerlSetVar GantryConfInstance philaddress

This is slightly painful, since I have to remember to repeat this copy and
change process each time the httpd.conf changes.  (I have a back burner
TODO item to address this.)

With the web server conf updated, I need to correct the conf.  The easiest
way to do that is to again copy the conf, but I want a more robust solution.
I'm going to move the shared conf values into /etc/gantry.conf.  Everything
is shared in this case except the dbconn value, so it will be the lone entry
in each instance's conf file.  Here are the files, starting with

<shared contact_shared>
    dbuser apache
    root /home/pcrow/AddressBook/html
<instance contact>
    ConfigureVia FlatFile Config::General \
    use contact_shared
<instance philcontact>
    use contact_shared
    dbconn dbi:Pg:dbname=philcontact

Lisa's instance now wants an individual conf files which has one line:

dbconn dbi:Pg:dbname=contact

Now when I restart the server, users hitting
\verb+ will access Lisa's
data.  Users hitting \verb+
will access my data.

There are many other ways to configure the app to work with two instances
using Gantry::Conf.  As with Perl, there is more than one way to do it.
Picking one you like takes a bit of experience.  I've shown a couple of
approaches here to get you started.  Note that all of these have abandoned
conf generation for a manual approach.  One day it may be possible to
generate instance specific conf, but that day has not yet dawned.

\subsection{Sharing conf with batch processes}

Half of the reason for developing Gantry::Conf was to ease the sharing of
conf between the web delivered pieces of an app and its batch processes.
Suppose we want the contact app to spam us with upcoming birthdays.
We can now write a little script to accomplish that and configure it via
the same conf that the app uses.

To show how this works, suppose that I want an email reminder on a periodic
basis (say once a week) of all the birthdays near the the current date.
This would enable me to send cards, if I weren't so mean spirited.

Here is the program which does the job for me:

% /home/pcrow/play/AddressBook/scripts/reminder
use strict; use warnings;

use lib '/home/pcrow/AddressBook/lib';

use Date::Manip qw( ParseDate DateCalc UnixDate );
use Gantry::Conf;
use AddressBook::Model;
use AddressBook::Model::bday    qw( $BDAY    );

my $instance = shift || 'address';

my $conf = Gantry::Conf->retrieve( { instance => $instance } );

my $schema = AddressBook::Model->connect(
    $conf->{ dbconn }, $conf->{ dbuser }, $conf->{ dbpass },

my $today = ParseDate( 'today' );
my $comp_err;

my @bdays = $BDAY->ssearch( $schema );

foreach my $bday_row ( @bdays ) {
    ( my $db_date = $bday_row->bday ) =~ s{-}{/}g;
    my $bday    = ParseDate( $db_date );
    my $name    = $bday_row->name;
    my $family  = $bday_row->address->foreign_display();

    my $separation       = DateCalc( $today, $bday, \$comp_err );
    my ( $weeks, $days ) = ( split /:/, $separation )[2,3];
    my $sign             = substr $separation, 0, 1;

    my $prep = ( $sign eq '+' ) ? 'from now' : 'ago';

    $days += 7 * $weeks;

    my $short_bdate = UnixDate( $bday, "%B %e" );

    if ( abs( $days ) < 14 ) {
            print "$name belonging to $family birth day:\n"
                    .   "   $days days $prep on $short_bdate.\n";

The program begins like any other with a shebang line.  Then it uses the
same lib path as the web server, so they will share the code modules.
I wouldn't need the use lib statement, if I had installed the application.

I chose Date::Manip to handle the dates, since it is standard.  From it
I need ParseDate to turn strings into dates, DateCalc to compare dates,
and UnixDate for pretty output.

The rest of the uses bring in the model (and its abbreviation),
Gantry::Conf itself, and a helper which will connect me to my database.

The user supplies the conf instance name at the command line, so Lisa
and I can each receive separate birthday updates.  That instance is
passed to Gantry::Conf's retrieve method, which returns the proper hash
of conf info.

After storing today's date in a Date::Manip string, I ask the bday
table model to return all of its rows.  I could have let the database do
the date work, but chose to do it in Perl in a -- probably vain -- attempt
to be database agnostic.

Looping through each birthday row, I pull out the data I want to use.
Note that I can call \verb+foreign_display+ on the \verb+address+ attribute
of each birth day row, to get the family name from the address table.
This is why we always want a \verb+foreign_display+ for each table.

The rest is just a bit of Date::Manip work and pretty printing.
I'll leave the actual scheduling of the job up to you.  If I really installed
this, I would use cron.  Note that the email is indirect.  The cronned
program prints to standard out, which cron will send to my mail on the local
system.  That's enough for me.  Feel free to add a genuine email feature.

Gantry::Conf is even more flexible than what I've shown here.  Unfortunately,
it is beyond the scope of this book to show more of its details.  For instance,
If I had more room, I could show how to set up a secure conf server which apps
on multiple boxes could contact via https to retrieve shared conf.  Further,
we could explore how to write your own provider, so you could replace flat
file conf with LDAP or some other clever scheme.  Alas, we'll have to turn
away from the fascinating subject of configuration and return to the world
of web apps.  For more information on Gantry::Conf see the perldoc for
Gantry::Conf::FAQ, Gantry::Conf::Tutorial, and the other modules in the
Gantry::Conf namespace.