package PDF::WebKit;
use 5.008008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp ();
use IO::File ();
use IPC::Run ();

use PDF::WebKit::Configuration;
use PDF::WebKit::Source;

our $VERSION = '1.1';

use Moo;
use namespace::clean;

has source      => ( is => 'rw' );
has stylesheets => ( is => 'rw' );
has options     => ( is => 'ro', writer => '_set_options' );

around 'BUILDARGS' => sub {
  my $orig = shift;
  my $class = shift;

  if (@_ % 2 == 0) {
    Carp::croak "Usage: ${class}->new(\$url_file_or_html,%options)";

  my $url_file_or_html = shift;
  my $options          = { @_ };
  return $class->$orig({ source => $url_file_or_html, options => $options });

sub BUILD {
  my ($self,$args) = @_;

  $self->source( PDF::WebKit::Source->new($args->{source}) );
  $self->stylesheets( [] );
    $self->_normalize_options(%{ $self->configuration->default_options }),
    $self->_normalize_options(%{ $args->{options} }),

  if (not -x $self->configuration->wkhtmltopdf) {
    my $msg = "No wkhtmltopdf executable found\n";
    $msg   .= ">> Please install wkhtmltopdf -";
    die $msg;

sub configuration {

sub configure {
  my $class = shift;

sub command {
  my $self = shift;
  my $path = shift;
  my @args = ( $self->_executable, $self->_prepare_options, '--quiet' );
  if ($self->source->is_html) {
    push @args, '-';  # Get HTML from stdin
  else {
    push @args, $self->source->content;

  push @args, $path || '-'; # write to file or stdout

  return grep { defined($_) } @args;

sub _executable {
  my $self = shift;
  my $default = $self->configuration->wkhtmltopdf;
  return $default if $default !~ /^\//; # it's not a path, so nothing we can do
  if (-e $default) {
    return $default;
  else {
    return (split(/\//, $default))[-1];

sub to_pdf {
  my $self = shift;
  my $path = shift;

  my @args = $self->command($path);

  my $input = $self->source->is_html ? $self->source->content : undef;
  my $output;

  IPC::Run::run( \@args, "<", \$input, ">", \$output );

  if ($path) {
    $output = do { local (@ARGV,$/) = ($path); <> };

  if (not (defined($output) && length($output))) {
    Carp::croak "command failed: $args[0]";
  return $output;

sub to_file {
  my $self = shift;
  my $path = shift;
  my $FH = IO::File->new($path,"<")
    || Carp::croak "can't open '$path': $!";
  return $FH;

sub _find_options_in_meta {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return () if $self->source->is_url;
  # if we can't parse for whatever reason, keep calm and carry on.
  my @result = eval { $self->_pdf_webkit_meta_tags };
  return $@ ? () : @result;

sub _pdf_webkit_meta_tags {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return () unless eval { require XML::LibXML };
  my $source = $self->source;

  my $prefix = $self->configuration->meta_tag_prefix;

  # these options do not work at the constructor level in XML::LibXML 1.70, so pass
  # them through to the parser.
  my %options = (
    recover => 2,
    suppress_errors => 1,
    suppress_warnings => 1,
    no_network => 1,

  my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
  my $doc = $source->is_html ? $parser->parse_html_string($source->content,\%options)
          : $source->is_file ? $parser->parse_html_file($source->string,\%options)
          : return ();

  my %meta;
  for my $node ($doc->findnodes('html/head/meta')) {
    my $name = $node->getAttribute('name');
    next unless ($name && ($name =~ s{^\Q$prefix}{}s));
    $meta{$name} = $node->getAttribute('content');

  return %meta;

sub _style_tag_for {
  my ($self,$stylesheet) = @_;
  my $styles = do { local (@ARGV,$/) = ($stylesheet); <> };
  return "<style>$styles</style>";

sub _append_stylesheets {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@{ $self->stylesheets } && !$self->source->is_html) {
    Carp::croak "stylesheets may only be added to an HTML source";
  return unless $self->source->is_html;

  my $styles = join "", map { $self->_style_tag_for($_) } @{$self->stylesheets};
  return unless length($styles) > 0;

  # can't modify in-place, because the source might be a reference to a
  # read-only constant string literal
  my $html = $self->source->content;
  if (not ($html =~ s{(?=</head>)}{$styles})) {
    $html = $styles . $html;

sub _prepare_options {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $options = $self->options;
  my @args;
  while (my ($name,$val) = each %$options) {
    next unless defined($val) && length($val);
    if (lc($val) eq 'yes') {
      push @args, $name;
    else {
      push @args, $name, $val;
  return @args;

sub _normalize_options {
  my $self = shift;
  my %orig_options = @_;
  my %normalized_options;
  while (my ($key,$val) = each %orig_options) {
    my $normalized_key = $self->_normalize_arg($key);
    $normalized_options{$normalized_key} = $val;
  return %normalized_options;

sub _normalize_arg {
  my ($self,$arg) = @_;
  $arg =~ lc($arg);
  $arg =~ s{[^a-z0-9]}{-}g;
  $arg =~ s{^-*}{--};
  return $arg;


=head1 NAME

PDF::WebKit - Use WebKit to Generate PDFs from HTML (via wkhtmltopdf)


  use PDF::WebKit;

  # PDF::WebKit->new takes the HTML and any options for wkhtmltopdf
  # run `wkhtmltopdf --extended-help` for a full list of options
  my $kit = PDF::WebKit->new(\$html, page_size => 'Letter');
  push @{ $kit->stylesheets }, "/path/to/css/file";

  # Get an inline PDF
  my $pdf = $kit->to_pdf;

  # save the PDF to a file
  my $file = $kit->to_file('/path/to/save/pdf');

  # PDF::WebKit can optionally accept a URL or a File
  # Stylesheets cannot be added when source is provided as a URL or File.
  my $kit = PDF::WebKit->new('');
  my $kit = PDF::WebKit->new('/path/to/html');

  # Add any kind of option through meta tags
  my $kit = PDF::WebKit->new(\'<html><head><meta name="pdfkit-page_size" content="Letter"...');


PDF::WebKit uses L<wkhtmltopdf|> to
convert HTML documents into PDFs. It is a port of the elegant
L<PDFKit|> Ruby library.

wkhtmltopdf generates beautiful PDFs by leveraging the rendering power
of Qt's WebKit browser engine (used by both Apple Safari and Google
Chrome browsers).

=head2 Configuration

Configuration of PDF::WebKit is configured globally by calling the
C<PDF::WebKit->configure> class method:

  PDF::WebKit->configure(sub {
    # default `which wkhtmltopdf`

    # default 'pdf-webkit-'

    $_->default_options->{'--orientation'} = 'Portrait';

See the L<new|/Constructor> method for the standard default options.

=head2 Constructor

=over 4




Creates and returns a new instance. If the first parameter looks like a
URL, it is treated as a URL and handed off to wkhtmltopdf verbatim. If
it is is a reference to a scalar, it is an HTML document body.
Otherwise, the parameter is interpreted as a filename.

The %OPTIONS hash is a list of name/value pairs for command-line
options to wkhtmltopdf. These options can augment or override the
default options. For options with no associated value, pass "YES" (case
insensitive) as the value, e.g. C<grayscale =E<gt> "YES">.

The default options are:

  --page-size     Letter
  --margin-top    0.75in
  --margin_right  0.75in
  --margin_bottom 0.75in
  --margin_left   0.75in
  --encoding      UTF-8


=head2 Methods

=over 4

=item command

Returns the list of command-line arguments that would be used to execute

=item to_pdf

Processes the source material and returns a PDF as a string.

=item to_file($PATH)

Processes the source material and creates a PDF at C<$PATH>. Returns a
filehandle opened on C<$PATH>.


=head1 SEE ALSO

(a lower-level wrapper for wkhtmltopdf).

=head1 AUTHOR

Philip Garrett <>


If you'd like to contribute, just fork my repository on Github, commit
your changes and send me a pull request.


This code is nearly a line-by-line port of Jared Pace's PDFKit.


Copyright (c) 2011 by Informatics Corporation of America.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
