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package WebService::iThenticate::Client;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = 0.16;

use constant DEFAULT_URL => '';    ## no critic

use URI;
use RPC::XML::Client;
use WebService::iThenticate::Request;
use WebService::iThenticate::Response;

=head1 NAME

WebService::iThenticate::Client - a client class to access the iThenticate service


 # construct a new client
 $client = WebService::iThenticate::Client->new({
     username => $username,
     password => $password,
     url     => '', # default

 # authenticate the client, returns an WebService::iThenticate::Response object
 $response = $client->login;

 # access the session id from the response object
 $sid = $response->sid;

 # submit a document
 $response = $client->add_document({
     title               => 'Moby Dick',
     author_first        => 'Herman',
     author_last         => 'Melville',
     filename            => 'moby_dick.doc',
     folder              => 72,    # folder id
     submit_to           => 1,     # 1 => 'Generate Report Only'
     upload              => `cat moby_dick.doc`, # binary content of document
                                             # the client module will base64 and chunk it
     non_blocking_upload => 1,

 # get the newly created document id
 $document_id = $response->id;
 $document    = $response->document;

 # get the document parts (note use of hash reference instead of object method)
 $parts = $document->{parts};


This module provides a client library interface to the iThenticate API web
services.  It encapsulates different transport engines to provide a set
of methods through which the user can access the iThenticate API programmatically.

See the iThenticate API reference web page at
for more details.

=head1 METHODS


=over 4

=item new()

 # construct a new client
 $client = WebService::iThenticate::Client->new({
     username => $username,
     password => $password,
     host     => '', # default
     path     => 'rpc',                 # default rpc
     port     => 3000,                  # default 3000

 Returns an WebService::iThenticate::Response object


sub new {
    my ( $class, $args_ref ) = @_;

    # need some auth credentials to proceed
    die 'username needed to create new client object' unless $args_ref->{username};
    die 'password needed to create new client object' unless $args_ref->{password};

    # don't allow RPC::XML::Client to make use of Compress::Zlib
    # Bill Moseley: related to
    local $RPC::XML::Client::COMPRESSION_AVAILABLE = q{};

    # set defaults
    my $url = $args_ref->{url} || DEFAULT_URL;

    # canonicalize the url
    $url = URI->new( $url )->canonical;
    die "invalid url $url\n" unless $url;

    # create a new rpc client
    my $rpc_client = RPC::XML::Client->new( $url );
    die "unable to create rpc client from url $url" unless $rpc_client;

    # make an object
    my %self;
    bless \%self, $class;

    # stash the auth object
    $self{auth} = {
        username => $args_ref->{username},
        password => $args_ref->{password},

    # stash the rpc object
    $self{rpc_client} = $rpc_client;

    return \%self;
} ## end sub new

=item credentials()

 # pass basic auth credentials to the client
     realm    => 'My Authenticated Realm',
     username => '',
     password => 'zimzamfoo123',


sub credentials {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    my $realm    = $args->{realm}    || die 'no realm';
    my $username = $args->{username} || die 'no username';
    my $password = $args->{password} || die 'no password';

    return $self->{rpc_client}->credentials( $realm, $username, $password );

=item login()

 # authenticate the client, returns an WebService::iThenticate::Response object
 $response = $client->login;

 # access the session id from the response object
 $sid = $response->sid;

The session id (sid) is stored internally in the client for future 
authentication so there is no need to pass it explicitly


sub login {
    my $self = shift;

    # we don't use _dispatch_request here because we set the sid as the authentication token

    my $request = WebService::iThenticate::Request->new( {
            method => 'login',
            auth   => $self->{auth},
    } );

    die 'unable to create login request' unless $request;

    my $response = $self->_make_request( $request );

    # check for errors
    return $response if $response->errors;

    if ( my $sid = $response->sid ) {

        # successful login, stash the sid for future auth
        $self->{auth} = $sid;

    return $response;
} ## end sub login



=over 4

=item add_folder_group()

 # add a folder group
 $response = $client->add_folder_group({
     name => 'iThenticate',

 $folder_group_id = $response->id;


sub add_folder_group {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'group.add', $args );

=item list_folder_groups()

 # list folder groups
 $response = $client->list_folder_groups;

 # returns an array reference of hash references holding the folder group data owned by the api user
 $folder_groups = $response->groups;

 # Example response data:
 # $folder_groups->[0] = { id => 1, name => 'First Folder Group' };


sub list_folder_groups {
    return shift->_dispatch_request( 'group.list' );

=item group_folders()

 # returns all the folders in a group
 $response = $client->group_folders({ id => $folder_group_id });

 # returns an array reference of folder hashes
 $folders = $response->folders;

 # Example response data:
 # $folders->[0] = { id => 1, 
 #                   name => 'First Folder',
 #                   group => { 
 #                       id    => 1, 
 #                       name  => 'First Folder Group', }, };


sub group_folders {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'group.folders', $args );

=item drop_group()

 # remove a folder group
 $response = $client->drop_group({ id => $folder_group_id });

 # Returns a message on successful response, with no errors
 if (!$response->errors && 
     $response->messages->[0] eq "Group \"$folder_group_id\" removed") {
     print "Group $folder_group_id dropped successfully\n";


sub drop_group {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'group.drop', $args );


=head2 FOLDERS

=over 4

=item add_folder()

 # add a folder
 $response = $client->add_folder({
     name           => 'API Specification',
     description    => 'Holds documentation referencing the iThenticate API',
     folder_group   => 79, # id of the folder group
     exclude_quotes => 1,  # 1 (true), or 0 (false)
     add_to_index   => 1,  # 1 (true), or 0 (false), needed if account has
	                       # a private storage node

 # returns the id of the newly created folder
 $folder_id = $response->id;


sub add_folder {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'folder.add', $args );

=item get_folder()

 # get a folder and related documents
 $response = $client->get_folder({ id => $folder_id });

 # see group_folders() for folder response data format
 $folder = $response->folder;

 # get the documents for this folder
 $documents = $response->documents;

 # Example document data
 # $documents->[0] = { author_first   => 'Jules', author_last   => 'Varne',
 #                     is_pending     => 1,       percent_match => '83.2',
 #                     processed_time => '94.3',  title         => '10,000 Leagues Over The Sea',
 #                     parts          => $parts,  uploaded_time  => '2008-03-13 07:35:35 PST',
 #                     id    => 1, };

 # Example document parts data
 # $parts->[0] = { part_id => 1, doc_id => 1, score => '95.2', word => 456, };


sub get_folder {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'folder.get', $args );

=item list_folders()

 # returns all the folders for a user
 $response = $client->list_folders();

 # returns an array reference of folder hashes
 $folders = $response->folders;

 # see get_folder() for the response folder data example


sub list_folders {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'folder.list', $args );

=item trash_folder()

 # move a folder to the trash
 $response = $client->trash_folder({ id => $folder_id });

 print "Folder trashed ok!" if ( !$response->errors && 
                                 $response->messages->[0] eq 'Moved to Trash' );


sub trash_folder {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'folder.trash', $args );



=over 4

=item add_document()

 # submit a document
 $response = $client->add_document({
     title           => 'Moby Dick',
     author_first    => 'Herman',
     author_last     => 'Melville',
     filename        => 'moby_dick.doc',

     # binary content of document
     # the client module will base64 and chunk it
     # note - don't actually use backticks like shown here :)
     upload          => `cat moby_dick.doc`,

     folder          => 72,    # folder id

     # options 2 and 3 only available for accounts with private nodes
     submit_to       => 1,     # 1 => 'Generate Report Only'
                               # 2 => 'to Document Repository Only'
                               # 3 => 'to Document Repository & Generate Report'

     # use the non-blocking upload option (this method returns faster)
     non_blocking_upload => 1,

 # get the newly created document id
 $document_id = $response->id;
 $document = $response->document;

 # see get_folder() for the response data format for the document


sub add_document {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    $args->{uploads}->[0] = RPC::XML::struct->new( {
            title        => RPC::XML::string->new( delete $args->{title} ),
            author_first => RPC::XML::string->new( delete $args->{author_first} ),
            author_last  => RPC::XML::string->new( delete $args->{author_last} ),
            filename     => RPC::XML::string->new( delete $args->{filename} ),
            upload       => RPC::XML::base64->new( delete $args->{upload} ), } );

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'document.add', $args, 1 );

=item get_document()

 # check the status of a document submission
 $response = $client->get_document({
    id => $document_id,

 # access the document attributes from the response
 $document_id   = $response->id;

 # returns an array reference of document part hash references
 $document_parts = $document->{parts};

 # see get_folder() for the document and document parts data formats


sub get_document {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'document.get', $args );

=item trash_document()

 # move a document to the trash
 $response = $client->trash_document({ id => $document_id });


sub trash_document {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'document.trash', $args );



=over 4

=item get_report()

 # get an get report
 $response = $client->get_report({
     id                   => $document_part_id,

 # see if the report is ready
 if ( $response->errors && ( $response->status == 404 ) ) {

    # the report may still be in progress
    if ( $response->messages->[0] =~ m/report in progress/i ) {
        print "Report is still being prepared, please try later\n";
    } else {
        print STDERR "Report not found found document part $document_part_id\n";

 } else {

    # report is ready, see WebService::iThenticate::Response for report object details
    $report = $response->report;

    $report_url = $report->{view_only_url};

    # save the report content to disk
    $grab_report = `wget --output-document=$HOME/reports/new.html $report_url`;


sub get_report {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'report.get', $args );



=over 4

=item get_account()

 # get the account status
 $response = $client->get_account;

 $account_status = $response->account_status;


sub get_account {
    return shift->_dispatch_request( 'account.get' );


=head2 USERS

=over 4

=item add_user()

 # add a user
 $response = $client->add_user({
     first_name => 'Joe',
     last_name  => 'User',
     email      => '',
     password   => 'swizzlestick123',

 $user_id = $response->id;


sub add_user {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'user.add', $args );

=item put_user()

  # update a user's information
  $response = $client->put_user({
      email => '',

  if ( $response->messages->[1] eq 'Email updated for user' ) {
      print 'got the right message';


sub put_user {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'user.put', $args );

=item drop_user()

 # delete a user from the account
 $response = $client->drop_user({ id => $user_id });

 print 'some errors occurred' if $response->errors;


sub drop_user {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    return $self->_dispatch_request( 'user.drop', $args );

=item list_users()

 # users listing
 $response = $client->list_users;

 # returns a an array reference of user data in hashes
 $users = $response->users;

 # Example user data format
 # $users->[0] = { id => 1,               email => '',
 #                 first_name => 'Jules', last_name => 'Varne', };


sub list_users {
    return shift->_dispatch_request( 'user.list' );

# internal dispatch method to dispatch common requests

sub _dispatch_request {
    my ( $self, $method, $args, $novalidate ) = @_;

    my $request = WebService::iThenticate::Request->new( {
            method     => $method,
            auth       => { sid => $self->{auth} },
            req_args   => $args,
            novalidate => $novalidate,
    } );

    die "unable to create $method request" unless $request;

    my $response = $self->_make_request( $request );

    return $response;

# internal dispatch method which makes the request based
# on what transport mechanism we are using, rpc, soap, etc.

sub _make_request {
    my ( $self, $request ) = @_;

    die 'need a request object' unless $request;

    my $response = $self->{rpc_client}->send_request( $request->{rpc_request} );

    # When no connection can be made RPC::XML returns a string (error)
    if ( ref( \$response ) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
        die "Error: $response\n";

    # else check for RPC::XML::fault
    elsif ( $response->isa( 'RPC::XML::fault' ) ) {
        require Data::Dumper;
        die sprintf( "Error code:  %s\nError string:  %s\nRequest object:  %s\n",
            $response->{faultCode}->value, $response->{faultString}->value,
            Data::Dumper::Dumper( $request ), );

        # if it isn't a fault and not a struct it is an unknown error
    } elsif ( ref( $response ) ne 'RPC::XML::struct' ) {

        # unknown response
        require Data::Dumper;
        die 'unknown response returned, unable to handle: ' . Data::Dumper::Dumper( $response );

    # at this point we have a valid response
    # transform the response to an object
    my $ithenticate_response = WebService::iThenticate::Response->_new( $response );    ## no critic

    return $ithenticate_response;
} ## end sub _make_request


=head1 TESTING

To enable testing against the iThenticate live test API, set the following
environment variables before running 'make test'.


See your iThenticate account representative to obtain these credentials
to the API testing environment.

=head1 BUGS

=over 4

=item IT_API_URL

If you receive an error back from the server that looks like 'mismatched tag'
then you likely have an invalid url specified for IT_API_URL instead of an
actual mismatched tag in the request xml.


=head1 FAQ

Q:  Why doesn't this code do X?

A:  Because that feature hasn't been requested yet :)

Q:  How is this module related to iThenticate::API::Client?

A:  This module takes the place of iThenticate::API::Client in a more
    generally accepted namespace

=head1 SEE ALSO

WebService::iThenticate::Request, WebService::iThenticate::Response, RPC::XML, SOAP::Lite

=head1 AUTHOR

Fred Moyer <>


Copyright (C) (2011) iParadigms, LLC.  All rights reserved.

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

