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#! /usr/bin/perl
#        This Perl script is Copyright (c) 2011, Peter J Billam         #
#     c/o P J B Computing, GPO Box 669, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia      #
#                                                                       #
#     This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      #
#            modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.             #
# Simulates a metronome, on real-time MIDI, as an ALSA client

use Term::ReadKey;
use Time::HiRes;
use bytes;

my $Version      = '1.4'; # use the new MIDI-ALSA 1.11 to handle portnames
my $VersionDate  = '03nov2011';
my $Tempo        = 120;   # beats per minute
my $BarLength    = 0;     # beats per bar
my $Volume       = 100;   # MIDI velocity 0..127
my $Debug        = 0;
my $Quiet        = 0;     # no display; for use in background, and in scripts
my $Paused       = 0;
my $OutputPort   = q{};
# vt100 globals
my $CursorRow    = 5;
my $Irow         = 1;
my $Icol         = 1;
my $MidCol       = 32;

eval 'require MIDI::ALSA'; if ($@) {
	die "you'll need to install the MIDI-ALSA module from\n";

# check format of options args...
while ($ARGV[$[] =~ /^-(\w)/) {
	if ($1 eq 'V')      { shift;
		my $n = $0; $n =~ s{^.*/([^/]+)$}{$1};
		print "$n version $Version $VersionDate\n";
		exit 0;
	} elsif ($1 eq 't')      { shift;
		my $a = shift; if ($a !~ /^\d[\d.]*$/) { die "bad -t arg: $a\n"; }
		$Tempo     = 0 + $a;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'b') { shift;
		my $a = shift; if ($a !~ /^\d+$/) { die "bad -b arg: $a\n"; }
		$BarLength = 0 + $a;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'v') { shift;
		my $a = shift; if ($a !~ /^\d+$/) { die "bad -v arg: $a\n"; }
		$Volume    = 0 + $a;
		if ($Volume < 1) { $Volume = 1;
		} elsif ($Volume > 127) { $Volume = 127;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'o') { shift; $OutputPort = shift;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'p') { shift; $Paused     = 1;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'Q') { shift; $Quiet      = 1;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'D') { shift; $Debug      = 1;
	} else {
		my $n = $0; $n =~ s#^.*/([^/]+)$#$1#;
		print "usage:\n";
		my $synopsis = 0;
		while (<DATA>) {
			if (/^=head1 SYNOPSIS/) { push @Synopsis,$_; $synopsis=1; next; }
			if ($synopsis && /^=head1/) { last; }
			if ($synopsis)      { print $_; next; }
		exit 1;
if ($Quiet) { $Paused = 0; }

my $RealTimeMode = 1;  # an anacronism from midiecho; we're always RealTime.
if ($RealTimeMode) {
	eval 'require MIDI::ALSA'; if ($@) {
		die "you need to install the MIDI::ALSA module from\n";

	#if ($OutputPort =~ /^$|^\d+(:\d)?(,\d+(:\d)?)*$/)  {
	#} else { die "bad -o arg: $OutputPort\n";
	if (! MIDI::ALSA::client( "midiclick pid=$$", 0, 1, 1 )) {
	   	die "can't create the  MIDI::ALSA::client\n";

	if (!$OutputPort) { $OutputPort = $ENV{'ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS'}; }
	if (!$OutputPort) {
		warn "OutputPort not specified and ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS not set\n";
	foreach my $cl_po (split /,/, $OutputPort) {  # 3.6
		#$cl_po =~ /^(\d+):?(\d*)$/;
		#my $cl = $1; my $po = $2 or 0;
		#if ($cl == MIDI::ALSA::id()) {
		#	die "can't connect to $cl_po, which is myself\n";
		if (! MIDI::ALSA::connectto( 1, $cl_po )) {  # 1.4
			die "can't connect to ALSA client $cl_po\n";
	if (! MIDI::ALSA::start()) {
		die "can't start the queue of the ALSA client\n";
	# system "aconnect -oil";
	display_alsa(); display_keystrokes(); display_tempo();
	display_paused(); display_volume();

	# The child responds to keystrokes and the parent emits the alsaevents
	if (! $Quiet) {  # 3.1
		my $parent_pid = $$;
		my $child_pid  = open(CHILD_STDOUT, "-|");
		sub handle_child_output {
			my $cmd = <CHILD_STDOUT>;
			eval $cmd; if ($@) { warn "can't eval $cmd $@\n"; }
		if (! $child_pid) {   # The child does all the UI
			while (1) {
				ReadMode(4, STDIN);
				my $c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
				if ($c =~ /^\e$/) { # reduce an escape sequence to just 1 char
					$c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
					if ($c eq '[') {
						$c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
						if ($c =~ /^\d$/) {   # e.g. Delete; throw away the ~
							my $tilde = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
				if ($c =~ /^q$/i) {
					gotoxy(1, $CursorRow); display_keystrokes('quit');
					ReadMode(0, STDIN);
					print STDOUT "wait; exit;\n"; kill 'HUP', $parent_pid;
				if ($c eq 't') {
					my $ch = get_int('tempo (beats per minute) ?');
					if (defined $ch) {
						$Tempo = $ch;
						print STDOUT "\$Tempo  = $ch;\n";
						kill 'HUP', $parent_pid;
					display_tempo(); display_keystrokes();
				} elsif ($c eq 'b') {
					my $d = get_int('bar length (in beats) ?');
					if (defined $d) {
						$BarLength = $d;
						print STDOUT "\$BarLength  = $d;\n";
						kill 'HUP', $parent_pid;
					display_tempo(); display_keystrokes();
				} elsif ($c eq 'v') {
					my $d = get_int('volume ?');
					if (defined $d) {
						$Volume = $d;
						print STDOUT "\$Volume  = $d;\n";
						kill 'HUP', $parent_pid;
					display_volume(); display_keystrokes();
				} elsif ($c eq ' ') {
					if ($Paused) { $Paused=0; } else { $Paused = 1; }
					print STDOUT "\$Paused  = $Paused;\n";
					kill 'HUP', $parent_pid;
					display_paused(); display_keystrokes();
				# every second or so, the child should display_alsa()
				# print STDOUT "$cmd\n"; kill 'HUP', $parent_pid;
		$SIG{'HUP'} = \&handle_child_output;
		close STDIN;  # end of child
	}  # end of   if(!$Quiet)

	my $beat = 0;   # 0 .. ($BarLength-1)
	my $next_click = 0;
	while (1) {  # the parent...
		# on my system, sleep is interrupted by HUP...
		if ($Paused) { $beat = 0; Time::HiRes::sleep(10.0); next; }
		my ($is_running,$now,$nevents) = MIDI::ALSA::status();
		my $pitch = 33;
		if ($beat == 0 and $BarLength > 0) { $pitch = 34; }
		$next_click += 60/$Tempo;
		my @alsaevent=MIDI::ALSA::noteevent(9,$pitch,$Volume,$next_click,0.3);
		my $rc = MIDI::ALSA::output(@alsaevent);
		# HUP aborts this sleep, therefore must syncoutput as well;
		# but on its own, syncoutput lurches on BarLength change, not sure why
		$beat += 1;
		if ($beat >= $BarLength) { $beat = 0; }
	exit 0;   # end of RealTime mode

#--------- RealTime UI and infrastructure, recycled from midikbd ---------
sub display_alsa {
	return if $Quiet;
	@ConnectedTo = ();
	my $id = MIDI::ALSA::id();
	foreach (MIDI::ALSA::listconnectedto()) {
		my @cl = @$_;
		push @ConnectedTo, "$cl[1]:$cl[2]"
	@ConnectedFrom = ();
	foreach (MIDI::ALSA::listconnectedfrom()) {
		my @cl = @$_;
		push @ConnectedFrom, "$cl[1]:$cl[2]"
	gotoxy(1,1);       puts_30c("ALSA client $id");
	gotoxy($MidCol,1); puts_clr("midiclick pid=$$");
	gotoxy(1,2); puts_clr($s);
	my $s = "Ouput port $id:0 is ";
	if (@ConnectedTo) { $s .= "connected to ".join(',',@ConnectedTo);
	} else {            $s .= "not connected to anything";
	gotoxy(1,2); puts_clr($s);

sub display_tempo {
	return if $Quiet;
	gotoxy(1,3);       puts_30c("Tempo $Tempo beats/min");
	gotoxy($MidCol,3); puts_clr("BarLength $BarLength beats");

sub display_paused {
	return if $Quiet;
	if ($Paused) {
	} else {

sub display_volume {
	return if $Quiet;
	gotoxy($MidCol,4); puts_clr("Volume $Volume");

sub display_keystrokes { my $arg = $_[$[];
	if ($Quiet) { return; }
	my $s = " t=Tempo  b=Barlength  <spacebar>=";
	if ($Paused) { $s .= "Play"; } else { $s .= "Pause"; }
	$s .= "  v=Volume  q=Quit" ;
	if ($arg eq 'quit') { $s = ''; gotoxy(1,4); puts_30c("Quit"); }
	gotoxy(1, $CursorRow+1); puts_clr($s); gotoxy(1,$CursorRow);

sub get_int { my $s = $_[$[];   # this runs in the child
	my $min_int = 0;
	my $max_int = 127;
	if      ($s =~ /bar/i)    { $max_int = 50;
	} elsif ($s =~ /tempo/i)  { $min_int = 30; $max_int = 300;
	} elsif ($s =~ /output/i) { $min_int = 10; $max_int = 200;
	ReadMode(0, STDIN);
	my $int;
	while (1) {
		puts_clr("$s ($min_int..$max_int) ? ");
		$int = <STDIN>;
		print STDERR "\e[A"; $Icol = 1;
		if ($int =~ /^-?[0-9]+$/ and $int >= $min_int and $int <= $max_int) {
			ReadMode(4, STDIN);
			return 0+$int;
		if ($int =~ /^\s*$/) {
			ReadMode(4, STDIN);
			return undef;

# --------------- vt100 stuff, evolved from Term::Clui ---------------
sub puts   { my $s = join q{}, @_;
	$Irow += ($s =~ tr/\n/\n/);
	if ($s =~ /\r\n?$/) { $Icol = 0;
	} else { $Icol += length($s);   # BUG, wrong on multiline strings!
	# print STDERR "$s\e[K";   # and clear-to-eol
	# should be caller's responsibility ? or an option ? a different sub ?
	print STDERR $s;
sub puts_30c {  my $s = $_[$[];   # assumes no newlines
	my $rest = 30-length($s);
	print STDERR $s, " "x$rest, "\e[D"x$rest;
	$Icol += length($s);
sub puts_clr {  my $s = $_[$[];   # assumes no newlines
	my $rest = 30-length($s);
	print STDERR "$s\e[K";
	$Icol += length($s);
sub clrtoeol {
	print STDERR "\e[K";
sub up    {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { down(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\e[A" x $_[$[]; $Irow -= $_[$[];
sub down  {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { up(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\n" x $_[$[]; $Irow += $_[$[];
sub right {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { left(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\e[C" x $_[$[]; $Icol += $_[$[];
sub left  {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { right(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\e[D" x $_[$[]; $Icol -= $_[$[];
sub gotoxy { my $newcol = shift; my $newrow = shift;
	if ($newcol == 0) { print STDERR "\r" ; $Icol = 0;
	} elsif ($newcol > $Icol) { right($newcol-$Icol);
	} elsif ($newcol < $Icol) { left($Icol-$newcol);
	if ($newrow > $Irow)      { down($newrow-$Irow);
	} elsif ($newrow < $Irow) { up($Irow-$newrow);

#sub usecs {
#	my ($secs, $usecs) = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
#	return 1000000*$secs + $usecs;



=head1 NAME

midiclick - generates a metronome click-track on MIDI channel 9


 midiclick -t 108           # tempo is (starts at) 108 beats/min
 midiclick -t 108 -b 4      # Four beats in a bar
 midiclick -Q -t 108 -b 4   # Quiet mode; no User-Interface
 midiclick -o 14:1 -t 108   # Output to ALSA-port 14:1
 midiclick -p               # starts up in Paused mode
 xterm -geometry 80x7-1+1 -exec 'midiclick -t 165 -b 5' &

 ~> midiclick -o TiMidity -t 144 -b 5 -p
 ALSA client 129                midiclick pid=2157
 Output port 129:1 is connected to 128:0
 Tempo 144 beats/min            BarLength 5 beats
 PAUSED                         Volume 100
  t=Tempo  b=Barlength  <spacebar>=Play  v=Volume  q=Quit


The MIDI::ALSA module is used to create an ALSA client.

The keyboard interface,
allows real-time adjustment of the delay parameters.
If you don't want the interface (e.g. in a Makefile),
the -Q option sets Quiet-mode.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 3

=item I<-t 72>

The Tempo will be set; to 72 beats per minute in this example.
The default is 120.

=item I<-b 3>

The Bar length will be set;
the bell will sound every 3 beats in this example
The default is 0, which means every beat clicks and there are no bells.

=item I<-v 80>

This option sets the Volume (or Velocity) of the midi output.
The default is 100.

=item I<-p>

This option starts I<midiclick> in Paused state;
you can then start it Playing with spacebar.
This option is ignored in -Q Quiet mode.

=item I<-o 128:0> or I<-o TiMidity>

This option sets the ouput-port to which the midi output will be sent.
You can check out the available ports with the command
I<aplaymidi -l> or I<aconnect -ol>.
The default ouput-port
is the environment variable $ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS

=item I<-Q>

This option runs I<midiclick> in Quiet mode;
there is no user-interface, and the metronome just runs
with its Tempo and BarLength as given on the command-line,
until it is interrupted.  It can be useful in scripts.

=item I<-V>

This option displays the Version number.


=head1 AUTHOR

Peter J Billam

=head1 CREDITS

Based on the MIDI::Perl CPAN module in midi-file mode,
and the MIDI::ALSA CPAN module in real-time mode.

=head1 SEE ALSO
