The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
- Enhancements:
  - Different criteria for different runs
  - Marking of unreachable code - commandline tool and gui
  - Threads support - at least for some coverage criteria
  - Test analysis
  - Profiling and speedups
  - Collect data for path coverage
  - Mutation coverage
  - Regular Expression coverage
  - Indicate how to increase coverage?
  - BEGIN and CHECK blocks and code in modules.  Requires callbacks from perl?
  - Create a base class for Devel::Cover::Branch and Devel::Cover::Condition
  - Handle C< $y || "${p}qqq" >
    - 22:09 <@nothingmuch> return, redo, next, last, goto should probably all
                           be treated as short circuiting
  - Add aliased subroutines to subroutine coverage
  - Accommodate reloading modules at runtime (Mark Glines)
  - Don't count BEGIN blocks as subroutines
  - Only collect boolean data for coverage information (no counts)
  - cpancover
    - Extend cpancover so people can upload databases
    - Provide a view by author
    - Make cpancover more general to be able to work on local modules
  - Add verbosity option and set silent option from it
  - Get Sort report working
- Reports:
  - Improve textual output
  - Remove >= 100% in customisable thresholds
  - Move HTML version and platform info to main page and allow for multiples
  - Add -db option to cover
  - Diff functionality
  - Merge CSS from basic_html and cpancover
  - Provide a way to control syntax colouring
  - Cyclomatic complexity annotation
- Bugs:
  - Work with memoize.  Is this still a problem?
  - See if the XS code leaks, and fix it if it does
  - Look at time coverage again - collecting for too many ops?
  - Sort out time coverage on Windows
  - Check for core dumps with pod coverage
  - Fix "ignored" errors - see IO::Pager
  - cpancover on CPAN:
    - PerlIO-eol-0.13 hangs
    - CPAN@1432 hangs with bleadperl@29642
  - cover -delete uses too much memory when cover_db doesn't exist. (clkao)
  - Games::Bingo broken
  - Class::Unload only giving 50% coverage on return unless ... (losing data?)
  - JSON error in Archive::Extract and Test::LeakTrace
  - cover -write new_db doesn't work (needs structure?)
- Testing:
  - Be able to run Devel::Cover on itself
  - More comprehensive
  - Functional tests
  - Overhaul test system.  Include patt?
  - Tests for INIT and END blocks included in required files when the
    files are used in some runs
  - Make sure dor is handled correctly and add more tests to cond_or
- Build:
  - Fix up make text and friends for module_ignore
  - Check for matching threadedness, 64bits etc. between build and run?
- Documentation:
  - General improvement
  - Examples
  - Cookbook including +/-inc, +/-ignore and +/-select
  - Document cpancover options
  - Pod in private modules
  - Developer documentation
  - Better DB API docs (including writing?)