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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# Copyright 1998-2013, Paul Johnson (

# This software is free.  It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

# The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage:

# Version 1.18 - 24th January 2013

use strict;

require 5.005;

use diagnostics;

use Tk::FileSelect;
use Tk::Font;
use Tk::Listbox;
use Tk::WaitBox;
use Tk;

use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;

use Gedcom 1.18;

use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = "1.18";

eval "use Date::Manip";
Date_Init("DateFormat=UK") if $INC{"Date/"};

my %Options =
  font_point => 240,
  font_width => "*",

my %Colour_scheme =
  background => "grey75",
  foreground => "blue2",

my $Grammar_file = "gedcom-5.5.grammar";
my $Grammar;
my $Ged;
my $Top;
my $Rec;
my $Fontname;

# TODO - put in
my %Tags =
  BAPL => "Baptism",
  BIRT => "Birth",
  BURI => "Burrial",
  CHR  => "Christening",
  DEAT => "Death",
  ENDL => "Endownment",
  MARR => "Marriage",
  NAME => "Name",
  REFN => "Reference",
  SEX  => "Sex",
  SLGC => "Sealing to Parents",
  TITL => "Title",

  FAMC => "Child of Family Id",
  FAMS => "Family Id",

  DATE => "Date",
  PLAC => "Place",

  COMM => "Comment",
  NOTE => "Note",


sub main()
  $| = 1;
  $Top = MainWindow->new;
  my %font_spec =
#   foundry  => "adobe",
    family   => "times",
    weight   => "bold",
    slant    => "r",
    point    => $Options{font_point},
#   space    => "m",
#   registry => "iso8859",
  my $font = $Top->Font(%font_spec);
  confess "Cannot allocate font - try changing some parameters" unless $font;
  $Fontname = $font->Name;
  $Top->optionAdd('*font' => $Fontname);
  while (my($col, $val) = each %{$Top->Palette})
    # print "setting $col to $val\n";
    $Top->optionAdd('*' . $col => $val);
  $Top->bind("all", "<Delete>", "Backspace");
  load(shift @ARGV); # if @ARGV;

sub load($)
  my ($gedcom_file) = @_;
  my $cont = 1;
  my $progress;
  $progress = $Top->WaitBox(-title         => "Reading...",
                            -txt1          => "",
                            -canceltext    => "Cancel",
                            -cancelroutine => sub { $cont = 0 });
   my $u = $progress->{SubWidget}{uframe};
   my $utxt;
   my @pk = (-expand => 1, -fill => "both");
   $u->Label(-textvariable => \$utxt)->pack(@pk);
   my $width  = 700;
   my $height = 25;
   my $canv = $u->Canvas(-width      => $width,
                         -height     => $height,
                         -background => "red")
                ->pack(-expand => 0);
  $Ged = Gedcom->new( # grammar_file => $Grammar_file,
                     gedcom_file  => $gedcom_file,
                     callback     => sub
      my ($title, $txt1, $txt2, $current, $total) = @_;
      if ($total)
        my $ratio = $current / $total;
        $utxt = sprintf("%5.2f%% complete", $ratio * 100);
        $canv->createLine(0, $height / 2, $ratio * $width, $height / 2,
                          -width => $height,
                          -fill  => "green");
      $progress->configure(-title => $title,
                           -txt1  => $txt1,
                           -txt2  => $txt2);
        unless $cont ||= (box("No", "Do you really want to cancel?",
                              -title => "Cancel",
                              -buttons => ["Yes", "No"]) eq "No");
  $progress->unShow if $cont;
  my @individuals = $Ged->{record}->get_children("INDI");
  if (@individuals)
    show_record("", $individuals[0], "full");

sub save($)
  my ($gedcom_file) = @_;

sub updown($$)
  my ($list, $pos) = @_;
  $list->activate($pos =~ /^[+-]\d+$/ ? $list->index("active") + $pos : $pos);
  $list->selectionClear(0, "end");

sub select_record($)
  my ($type) = @_;
  return undef unless $Ged->{record};
  my @records = $Ged->{record}->get_children($type);
  # print "records are ", Dumper \@records;
  unless (exists $Top->{_box})
    my $box = $Top->{_box} =
      $Top->DialogBox(-default_button => "Ok",
                      -title          => "Select",
                      -buttons        => [ "Ok", "Cancel" ]);
    my $frame = $box->add("Frame")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);
    my $list = $frame->Scrolled("Listbox",
                                -scrollbars => "w")
                                ->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);
    my $listbox = $Top->{_list} = $list->Subwidget("listbox");
    my %font_spec =
      family   => "courier",
      weight   => "bold",
      slant    => "r",
      point    => $Options{font_point} * .75,
    my $font = $Top->Font(%font_spec);
    confess "Cannot allocate font - try changing some parameters" unless $font;
    $listbox->configure(-font   => $font,
                        -width  => 65,
                        -height => 20);
    $box->bind("<Double-Button-1>" =>
               sub { $box->{selected_button} = $listbox->curselection });
  $Top->{_list}->delete(0, "end");
  for my $i (@records)
    $Top->{_list}->insert("end", $i->summary)
  updown($Top->{_list}, "+0");
  my $i = $Top->{_box}->Show;
  return undef if $i eq "Cancel";
  $i = $Top->{_list}->curselection if $i eq "Ok";

# TODO - put in
sub get_tag($)
  my ($tag) = @_;
  return $tag unless my ($t, $n) = $tag =~ /^([A-z]+)(\d*)$/;

# print "Checking tag for <$t> <$n> => <$Tags{$t}>\n";
  my $r = (exists($Tags{$t}) ? $Tags{$t} : $t) . $n;
# print "got <$r>\n";

# TODO - put in
sub get_name($)
  my ($tag) = @_;
# print "tag for $tag\n";
  join(" ", map { get_tag($_) } split(/_/, $tag));

sub create_items(%)
  my (%a) = @_;

  my $height = $a{height} || 40;
# print "lines is $a{canv}{_lines}\n";
  my $y = $a{canv}{_lines}++ * ($height * 1.1);
  my $width = 850;
  $a{canv}->configure(-scrollregion => [0, 0, $width, $y + $height]);

# print "size is ($width, $y + $height)\n";

  my $x = 0;
  for my $item (@{$a{items}})
    my $tag = $item->{tag};
    warn "no record for $tag"
      unless exists $a{canv}->{_ged}{$tag};
    my $rec = $a{canv}->{_ged}{$tag};
    if (exists $item->{widget})
      my $widget= $rec->{"_Frame"} =
                  $a{canv}->Frame(-width  => $width * $item->{relwidth},
                                  -height => $height);
      my $w = $item->{widget};
      my $bind = $rec->{"_$w"} = $widget->$w(%{$item->{options}})
                                        ->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both");
      $a{canv}->createWindow($width * $x, $y,
                             -width  => $width * $item->{relwidth},
                             -height => $height,
                             -tags   => [ $tag ],
                             -anchor => "nw", -window => $widget);
      while (exists $item->{"bind"} && @{$item->{"bind"}})
        $bind->bind(splice @{$item->{"bind"}}, 0, 2);
    elsif (exists $item->{item})
      my $i = "create" . ucfirst $item->{item};
      my $inc = $item->{item} eq "text" ? 8 : 0;
      my $t = "${tag}_$item->{item}";
      my @tags = ($tag, $t);
      push (@tags, @{$item->{tags}}) if exists $item->{tags};
      if ($item->{change})
        my $change = $tag . "_change";
        push @tags, $change;
        ($rec->{_canvas_text} = $tag) =~ s/(NAME|XREF)1$/value/;
        # print "canvas text is $rec->{_canvas_text}\n";
      $a{canv}->$i($width * $x + $inc, $y + $inc,
                   -tags   => \@tags,
                   -anchor => "nw", -font => $Fontname,
                   -fill   => $item->{colour} || "black",
      if (exists $item->{"bind"} && @{$item->{"bind"}})
        while (@{$item->{"bind"}})
          $a{canv}->bind(splice @{$item->{"bind"}}, 0, 3);
      die "No widget or item specified for ", Dumper $item;
    $x += $item->{relwidth};
    $rec->{$tag =~ /_XREF1$/ ? "xref" : "value"} |= "";
#   print "$w is ", $rec->{"_$w"},
#         " and ", $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{$tag}{"_$w"}, "\n";
  confess "Width of $x should be 1" unless abs($x - 1) < 0.01;

sub create_record($$)
  my ($canv, $tag) = @_;
  # print "creating record for $tag\n";
    canv => $canv,
    items =>
        tag      => $tag,
        item     => "text",
        options  => { -text => get_name($tag) },
        "bind"   => [ $tag, "<1>" => sub { print "qaz\n" } ],
        relwidth => 0.25,
        widget  => "Entry",
        tag     => $tag,
        options => {},
        relwidth => 0.75,

sub create_person($$$)
  my ($canv, $label, $tag) = @_;
  my $ref = "${tag}_XREF1";
  # print "getting $ref\n";
  my $xref = $canv->{_ged}{$ref}{xref};
  my $me = $xref ? $Ged->{xrefs}{$canv->{_ged}{$ref}{xref}} : undef;
  # print "I am ", Dumper $me;
    canv => $canv,
    items =>
        tag      => "${tag}_NAME1",
        item     => "text",
        tags     => [ $tag, "${tag}_title" ],
        options  => { -text => $label },
        relwidth => 0.15,
      ? {
          tag      => "${tag}_NAME1",
          item     => "text",
          tags     => [ $tag, "${tag}_value" ],
          change   => 1,
          options  => { -text => $me ? $me->child_value("NAME1") : ""},
          colour   => "blue",
          "bind"   =>
            $tag, "<1>" => sub
              my $me = $Ged->{xrefs}{$canv->{_ged}{"${tag}_XREF1"}{xref}};
              # print "me is $me\n";
              show_record("", $me, "full");

            $tag, "<3>" => sub
              my $ind = select_record("INDI");
              # print "ind is ", Dumper $ind;
              return unless $ind;

              if (my ($fam, $person) = $tag =~ /^(_FAM[CS]\d*)_([^_]+)/)
                                     -text => $ind->{xref});
                                     -text => $ind->child_value("NAME1"));


            $tag, "<Any-Enter>" => sub
              my $c = shift;
              $canv->itemconfigure("${tag}_title", -fill => "red");

            $tag, "<Any-Leave>" => sub
              my $c = shift;
              $canv->itemconfigure("${tag}_title", -fill => "black");
          relwidth => 0.65,
      : {
          tag      => "${tag}_NAME1",
          widget   => "Entry",
          options  => {},
          relwidth => 0.65,
        tag      => "${tag}_XREF1",
        item     => "text",
        tags     => [ $tag, "${tag}_title" ],
        options  => { -text => "Id" },
        relwidth => 0.05,
      ? {
          tag      => "${tag}_XREF1",
          item     => "text",
          tags     => [ $tag, "${tag}_value" ],
          change   => 1,
          options  => { -text => $me ? $me->{xref} : "" },
          colour   => "blue",
          relwidth => 0.15,
      : {
          tag      => "${tag}_XREF1",
          widget   => "Entry",
          options  => {},
          relwidth => 0.15,

sub create_event($$$)
  my ($canv, $label, $tag) = @_;
    canv => $canv,
    items =>
        tag      => "${tag}_DATE1",
        item     => "text",
        options  => { -text => $label },
        relwidth => 0.15,
        widget   => "Entry",
        tag      => "${tag}_DATE1",
        options  => {},
        relwidth => 0.2,
        tag      => "${tag}_PLAC1",
        item     => "text",
        options  => { -text => "At" },
        relwidth => 0.05,
        widget   => "Entry",
        tag      => "${tag}_PLAC1",
        options  => {},
        relwidth => 0.6,

sub create_windows()
  my $top_fr = $Top->Frame->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);
  my $menu_fr = $Top->{_menu_fr} =
  $top_fr->Frame(-relief      => "raised",
                 -borderwidth => 5)
         ->pack(-fill => "x", -expand => 0);
  my $main_fr = $top_fr->Frame->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);

  my $load = sub
    my $gedcom_file = $Top->FileSelect(-filter => "*.ged")->Show or return;

  my $save = sub
    my $gedcom_file = $Top->FileSelect(-filter => "*.ged")->Show or return;

  my $quit = sub

  my $iselect = sub
    show_record("", select_record("INDI"), "full");

  my $inew = sub
    my $max = 0;
    for ($Ged->{record}->get_children("INDI"))
      if (my ($val) = $_->{xref} =~ /I(\d+)/)
        $max = $val if $val > $max;
    my $indi_id = "I$max";
    my $rec = Gedcom::Record->new
      tag     => "INDI",
      xref    => $indi_id,
      grammar => $Ged->{record}{grammar}->child("INDI"),
    add_record($rec, "_NAME1");
    add_record($rec, "_BIRT1_DATE1");
    add_record($rec, "_BIRT1_PLAC1");
    # print "new record is ", Dumper $rec;
    splice @{$Ged->{record}{children}}, -1, 0, $rec;
    $Ged->{xrefs}{$rec->{xref}} = $rec;
    show_record("", $rec, "full");

  my $idelete = sub
    if (box("No", "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
            -title   => "Delete record",
            -buttons => ["Yes", "No"]) eq "Yes")
      my $i = 0;
      for (; $i < @{$Ged->{record}{children}}; $i++)
        last if exists $Ged->{record}{children}[$i]{xref} &&
                $Ged->{record}{children}[$i]{xref} eq $Rec->{xref};
      unless ($i < @{$Ged->{record}{children}})
            "I can't find record $Rec->{xref}",
            -title   => "Unknown record id");
      delete $Ged->{xrefs}{$Rec->{xref}};
      splice @{$Ged->{record}{children}}, $i, 1;

      for my $fam ($Ged->{record}->get_children("FAM"))
        my $i = 0;
        for (; $i < @{$fam->{children}}; $i++)
          # print "$fam->{tag} $fam->{children}[$i]{tag} ",
          #       "checking $fam->{children}[$i]{value} eq $Rec->{xref}\n";
          last if exists $fam->{children}[$i]{value} &&
                  $fam->{children}[$i]{value} eq $Rec->{xref};
        if ($i < @{$fam->{children}})
          splice @{$fam->{children}}, $i, 1;

      my @individuals = $Ged->{record}->get_children("INDI");
      if (@individuals)
        show_record("", $individuals[0], "full", "no_save");

  my $rsave = sub

  my $fselect = sub
    show_record("", select_record("FAM"), "full");

  my $file_menu = $Top->{_file_menu} =
    $menu_fr->Menubutton(-text => "File", -underline => 0)
            ->pack(-side => "left");
  $file_menu->command(-label => "Load", -underline => 0, -command => $load);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-l>", $load);
  $file_menu->command(-label => "Save", -underline => 2, -command => $save);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-v>", $save);
  $file_menu->command(-label => "Quit", -underline => 0, -command => $quit);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-q>", $quit);

  my $ind_menu = $Top->{_ind_menu} =
    $menu_fr->Menubutton(-text => "Individual", -underline => 0)
            ->pack(-side => "left");
  $ind_menu->command(-label => "Select", -underline => 0, -command => $iselect);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-e>", $iselect);
  $ind_menu->command(-label => "New", -underline => 0, -command => $inew);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-n>", $inew);
  $ind_menu->command(-label => "Save", -underline => 2, -command => $rsave);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-v>", $rsave);
  $ind_menu->command(-label => "Delete", -underline => 0, -command => $idelete);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-d>", $rsave);

  my $fam_menu = $Top->{_fam_menu} =
    $menu_fr->Menubutton(-text => "Family", -underline => 5)
            ->pack(-side => "left");
  $fam_menu->command(-label => "Select", -underline => 0, -command => $fselect);
  $Top->bind("<Alt-c>", $fselect);
  $fam_menu->command(-label => "Save", -underline => 2, -command => $rsave);

# $Top->bind("<Button>" => sub { shift->afterIdle(sub { record_changed() }) });
  $Top->bind("<Key>" => sub
    my $w = shift;
    my $ev = $w->XEvent;
#   print "Pressed ", $ev->K, "\n";
    $w->afterIdle(sub { record_changed() });

  my $c = $Top->{_canv_frame} =
     $main_fr->Scrolled("Canvas", -scrollbars => "osoe")
             ->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);
  my $canv = $Top->{_canv} = $c->Subwidget("scrolled");


sub set_entry($)
  my ($entry) = @_;
  # print "entry $entry\n";
  my $t = $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{$entry};
  if (exists $t->{_Entry} && $t->{_Entry}->Exists)
    my $val = $t->{value} || $t->{xref};
    $t->{_Entry}->delete(0, "end");
    $t->{_Entry}->insert(0, $val) if $val;

sub set_entries()
  for my $t (keys %{$Top->{_canv}->{_ged}})

sub record_changed()
  my $changed = 0;
  for my $tag (sort keys %{$Top->{_canv}{_ged}})
    my $t = $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{$tag};
    # print "checking $tag as ", Dumper $t;
    if (exists $t->{_Entry} && $t->{_Entry}->Exists)
      my $val = "";
      $val = $t->{xref} if exists $t->{xref};
      $val = $t->{value} if (!$val && exists $t->{value});
      warn "no val for $tag" unless $val;
      $val = "" unless $val;
      my $c = $t->{_Entry}->Exists && $t->{_Entry}->get ne $val;
      $changed |= $c;
      $t->{_Entry}->configure(-fg => $c ? "red" : $Colour_scheme{foreground})
        if $t->{_Entry}->Exists;
      # print " entry ", $c ? "changed" : "same";
    elsif (exists $t->{_canvas_text} and
           my ($fam, $person) = $tag =~ /^(_FAM[CS]\d*)_([^_]+)_XREF1$/)
      # print "getting $fam $person from $tag with $t->{_canvas_text}\n";
      my $me = $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{_XREF1}{xref};
      # print "me is $me\n";
      my $id = $Ged->{xrefs}{$me}->child_value($fam);
      # print "$fam id is $id\n";
      my $family = $Ged->{xrefs}{$id};
      # print "family is ", Dumper $family;
      my $pers = $family->get_child($person);
      (my $item_tag = $t->{_canvas_text}) =~ s/value/XREF1_change/;
      my $pid = $Top->{_canv}->itemcget($item_tag, "-text");
      if ($pid)
        my $nid = $pid;
        # print "changing from $pers->{value} to $nid\n";
        my $c = $pers->{value} ne $nid;
        $changed |= $c;
                              -fill => $c ? "red" : $Colour_scheme{foreground});
        # print "$t->{_canvas_text} has gone\n";
    # print "\n";

sub save_changes(;$)
  my ($no_ask) = @_;
  if (record_changed())
    if ($no_ask || box("No", "Do you want to save changes to this record?",
                       -title   => "Save changes",
                       -buttons => ["Yes", "No"]) eq "Yes")
      my $g = $Top->{_canv}{_ged};

      my $ind = $g->{_XREF1};

      for my $tag (sort keys %{$g})
        # print "tag $tag\n";
        my $t = $g->{$tag};
        if (exists $t->{_Entry} && $t->{_Entry}->Exists)
          # print "checking entry for $tag ", Dumper $t;;
          if (exists $t->{value})
            my ($v, $g) = ($t->{value}, $t->{_Entry}->get);
            if ($v ne $g)
              $t->{value} = $g;
              # print "$tag value <$v> -> <$g> ", Dumper $t;
          elsif (exists $t->{xref})
            $t->{xref} = $t->{_Entry}->get;
            confess "What do I set it to?";
        elsif (exists $t->{_canvas_text} and
               my ($fam, $person) = $tag =~ /^(_FAM[CS]\d*)_([^_]+)_XREF1$/)
          # print "getting $fam $person from $tag\n";
          my $me = $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{_XREF1}{xref};
          # print "me is $me\n";
          my $id = $Ged->{xrefs}{$me}->child_value($fam);
          # print "$fam id is $id\n";
          my $family = $Ged->{xrefs}{$id};
          # print "family is ", Dumper $family;
          my $pers = $family->get_child($person);
          (my $item_tag = $t->{_canvas_text}) =~ s/value/XREF1_change/;
          my $nid = $Top->{_canv}->itemcget($item_tag, "-text");
          # print "changing from $pers->{value} to $nid\n";
          my $xref = $nid;
          if ($pers->{value} ne $xref)
            $pers->{value} = $xref;

            # now we need to point the new person at the appropriate family
            my $new = $Ged->{xrefs}{$pers->{value}};
            my $fam_tag = add_record($new, $fam);
            # print "fam_tag is $fam_tag xref $family->{xref}\n";
            $new->get_child($fam_tag)->{value} = $family->{xref};
            # print "new is ", Dumper $new;


sub has_entry($)
  my ($tag) = @_;
  exists $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{$tag}{_Entry} &&

sub add_record($$)
  my ($ind, $tag) = @_;
  my @tags = $tag =~ /_([^_\d]+)(\d*)/g;
  # print "Tags are ", join(",", @tags), "\n";
  my $rec = $ind;
  my $final_tag = "";
  while (@tags)
    my $t = shift @tags;
    my $n = shift @tags;
    # print "n is <$n>\n";

    my $child;
    my $count = 0;
    for (@{$rec->{children}})
      if ($_->{tag} eq $t)
        $child = $_ if !defined $n || $count == $n;
        last if $n && $count == $n;
    # print "count is <$count>\n";
    # print "child is <$child>\n";
    unless ($child)
      $n = 1 unless defined $n;
      $n = $count + 1 unless $n;
      # print "n is <$n>\n";
      while ($count < $n)
        $child = Gedcom::Record->new
          tag     => $t,
          grammar => $rec->{grammar}->child($t),
        push @{$rec->{children}}, $child;
        my $newtag = "${final_tag}_$t$count";
        # print "new tag is $newtag\n";
        $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{$newtag} = $child;
        # print "adding $t $count in ", Dumper $rec;
    $rec = $child;
    $final_tag .= "_$t$count";
  # print "$final_tag from $tag\n";

sub show_menu_children($;$$)
  my ($record, $parent, $ind) = @_;
  # TODO - fix this tag
  my $tag = defined $parent ? "${parent}_$record->{tag}1" : "";
  my $canv = $Top->{_canv};
  my $cascade = [];
  push @$cascade,
         Button   => "Self",
         -state   => has_entry($tag) ? "disabled" : "normal",
         -command => sub
                       create_record($canv, $tag);
                       add_show_menu($ind || $record);
    if defined $parent;
  my %c;
  push @$cascade,
       map {
             my $t = $_->{tag} . ++$c{$_->{tag}};
               ? [
                   Cascade    => get_name($t),
                   -menuitems => show_menu_children($_, $tag, $ind || $record)
               : do {
                      my $tg = "${tag}_$t";
                        Button   => get_name($t),
                        -state   => has_entry($tg) ? "disabled" : "normal",
                        -command => sub
                                      create_record($canv, $tg);
                                      add_show_menu($ind || $record);
           sort { get_name($a->{tag}) cmp get_name($b->{tag}) }
# print "returning ", Dumper $cascade;

sub add_menu_children($;$$)
  my ($grammar, $parent, $menu_items) = @_;
  # print "grammar is $grammar->{tag}\n";
  my $tag = defined $parent ? "${parent}_$grammar->{tag}1" : "";
  my $cascade = [];
  push @$cascade,
         Button   => "Self",
#        -state   => has_entry($tag) ? "disabled" : "normal",
         -command => sub
                       my $t = add_record($Rec, $tag);
                       create_record($Top->{_canv}, $t);
    if $parent;
  push @$cascade,
       map {
             my $c = $grammar->child($_);
             my $t = $_;
#            print "child <$t> in <$tag>\n";
             (@{$c->{children}} &&
              (($tag =~ tr/_//) < 1) &&
              ($tag !~ /_${t}\d*_/))
               ? [
                   Cascade    => get_name($t),
                   -menuitems => add_menu_children($c, $tag)
               : do {
                      my $tg = "${tag}_${t}1";
                        Button   => get_name($t),
#                       -state   => has_entry($tg) ? "disabled" : "normal",
                        -command => sub
#                                     print "ind is $Rec\n";
                                      my $t = add_record($Rec, $tg);
                                      create_record($Top->{_canv}, $t);
           sort { get_name($a) cmp get_name($b) }
                keys %{$grammar->valid_children};
# print "returning ", Dumper $cascade;
  if (@$cascade <= 20)
    unshift @$cascade, @$menu_items if $menu_items;
    return $cascade;
  my $index = [];
  while (@$cascade)
    my @items = splice(@$cascade, 0, @$cascade > 20 ? 20 : @$cascade);
    push @$index,
           Cascade    => "$items[0][1] - $items[-1][1]",
           -menuitems => \@items,
  unshift @$index, @$menu_items if $menu_items;

sub add_show_menu($)
  my ($ind) = @_;
  $Top->{_show_menu}->destroy if exists $Top->{_show_menu};
  $Top->{_show_menu} = $Top->{_menu_fr}->Menubutton
      -text      => "Show",
      -underline => 0,
      -menuitems => show_menu_children($ind)
    )->pack(-side => "left");

sub add_add_menu(;$)
  my ($new) = @_;
  # print "adding menu for $Rec->{tag}\n";
  if ($new)
    delete $Top->{_add_menu}{$Rec->{tag}};
  unless (exists $Top->{_add_menu}{$Rec->{tag}})
    # my $fams_id = $Rec->child_value("FAMS");
    # my $fams = $fams_id ? $Ged->{xrefs}{$fams_id} : undef;
    my $extras =
      INDI =>
          Button   => "Husband",
#         -state   => $fams && $fams->get_child("_HUSB")
#                       ? "disabled"
#                       : "normal",
          -command => sub { create_fams("_WIFE", "_HUSB", "_FAMS") }
          Button   => "Wife",
#         -state   => $fams && $fams->get_child("_WIFE")
#                       ? "disabled"
#                       : "normal",
          -command => sub { create_fams("_HUSB", "_WIFE", "_FAMS") }
          Button   => "Child",
          -command => sub { create_fams("_HUSB", "_CHIL0", "_FAMC") }

    $Top->{_add_menu}{$Rec->{tag}} = $Top->{_menu_fr}->Menubutton
      -text      => "Add",
      -underline => 0,
      -menuitems => add_menu_children
        $extras->{$Rec->{tag}} || []
    )->pack(-side => "left");

  for (values %{$Top->{_add_menu}})
    $_->configure(-state => "disabled");
  $Top->{_add_menu}{$Rec->{tag}}->configure(-state => "normal");


sub create_fams($$$)
  my ($me, $child, $fam_type) = @_;
  my $fams_id = $Rec->child_value("FAMS");
  unless ($fams_id)
    # TODO - this should be in
    my $max = 0;
    for ($Ged->{record}->get_children("FAM"))
      if (my ($val) = $_->{xref} =~ /F(\d+)/)
        $max = $val if $val > $max;
    $fams_id = "F$max";
    my $fam = Gedcom::Record->new
      tag     => "FAM",
      xref    => $fams_id,
      grammar => $Ged->{record}{grammar}->child("FAM"),
    # print "new record is ", Dumper $fam;
    splice @{$Ged->{record}{children}}, -1, 0, $fam;               # before TRLR
    $Ged->{xrefs}{$fam->{xref}} = $fam;
    my $me_ref = $Rec->{xref};                    # TODO should be current value
    my $fam_tag = add_record($Rec, "_FAMS");
    $Rec->get_child($fam_tag)->{value} = $fams_id;
    my $me_tag = add_record($fam, $me);
    $fam->get_child($me_tag)->{value} = $me_ref;
  my $fams = $fams_id ? $Ged->{xrefs}{$fams_id} : undef;
  die "No family $fams_id" unless defined $fams;

  my $child_tag = add_record($fams, $child);
  $fams->get_child($child_tag)->{value} = "";
  show_record("", $Rec, "full");

sub show_record($$;$$)
  my ($prefix, $rec, $full, $no_save) = @_;

  # print "showing ", Dumper $rec;

  save_changes() if $full && !$no_save;
  $Rec = $rec unless $prefix;

  my $canv = $Top->{_canv};
  $canv->{_lines} = 0;

  if ($full)
    $canv->Walk(sub { shift->destroy });
    for my $record (values %{$canv->{_ged}})
      for (qw( Entry Label Button ))
        delete $record->{"_$_"};
    delete $canv->{_ged};
  if (!$rec ||
        exists $canv->{_ged}{_XREF1}{xref} &&
        $canv->{_ged}{_XREF1}{xref} eq $rec->{xref})

  my $key = $prefix . "_XREF1";
  $canv->{_ged}{$key} = $rec;

  show_children($prefix, $rec, $full);

  if ($full)
    if ($rec->{tag} eq "INDI")
      my $fams_id = $rec->child_value("FAMS");
      my $famc_id = $rec->child_value("FAMC");

      my $fams = $fams_id ? $Ged->{xrefs}{$fams_id} : undef;
      my $famc = $famc_id ? $Ged->{xrefs}{$famc_id} : undef;

      create_person($canv, "Name", "");
      create_event ($canv, "Born", "_BIRT1");
      create_event ($canv, "Died", "_DEAT1")
        if $rec->get_child("DEAT");
      # print "displaying rec $rec->{xref} fams ", Dumper $fams;
      if ($fams)
        my $husb = $fams->child_value("HUSB");
        create_person($canv, "Husband", "_FAMS1_HUSB1")
          if defined $husb && $husb ne $rec->{xref};
        my $wife = $fams->child_value("WIFE");
        create_person($canv, "Wife", "_FAMS1_WIFE1")
          if defined $wife && $wife ne $rec->{xref};
        create_event ($canv, "Married", "_FAMS1_MARR1")
          if $fams->get_child("MARR");
      create_person($canv, "Father", "_FAMC1_HUSB1")
        if $famc && $famc->get_child("HUSB");
      create_person($canv, "Mother", "_FAMC1_WIFE1")
        if $famc && $famc->get_child("WIFE");
      if ($fams)
        for (1 .. $fams->child_values("CHIL"))
          create_person($canv, "Child", "_FAMS1_CHIL$_");
    elsif ($rec->{tag} eq "FAM")
      # print "showing a full family record ", Dumper $rec;

    # print "setting ", join(", ", sort keys %{$canv->{_ged}}), "\n";



sub show_children($$$)
  my ($prefix, $ind, $full) = @_;
  my %counts;
  for my $child (@{$ind->{children}})
    my $key = $prefix . "_" . $child->{tag} . ++$counts{$child->{tag}};
    # print "key $key for ", Dumper $child;
    # print "setting $key to $child->{value}\n" if exists $child->{value};
    if (exists $child->{grammar}{value} &&
        $child->{grammar}{value} eq '@<XREF:INDI>@')
      if ($full)
        show_record($key, $Ged->{xrefs}{$child->{value}});
    elsif (exists $child->{grammar}{value} &&
           $child->{grammar}{value} eq '@<XREF:FAM>@')
      if ($full)
        show_children($key, $Ged->{xrefs}{$child->{value}}, 1);
      $Top->{_canv}{_ged}{$key} = $child;
      show_children($key, $child) if exists $child->{children};

sub box($@)
  my ($button, $text, @params) = @_;
  my $box = $Top->DialogBox(-default_button => $button,
                            -buttons        => [ $button ],
  my $label = $box->add("Label")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);
  $label->configure(-text => $text);


=head1 NAME

tkged - an interactive program to manipulate Gedcom genealogy files

Version 1.18 - 24th January 2013


  tkged gedcom_file.ged


This is a pre-alpha version of tkged.  It doesn't work properly, some
parts are not implemented, and the parts that are have got bugs.  Most
of it has been written late at night, with a baby in one arm, and so it
is not written very well, there is no documentation, and I am not
particularly proud of most of it.

Much of the functionality has now been broken out into member functions,
and a lot more should be.  In a way, I am using tkged to show me what
member functions may be required.

This should probably be mostly re-written.  I suspect that when I have a
more clear idea of what I want, I will do just that.

If that sounds like it was supposed to put you off, you are right.  I
didn't even include this program until version 1.01, but under the
principle of "release it early, release it often", I decided to include
it because:

=over 4

=item *

It will show how the use

=item *

I want to improve it, but I don't want people to duplicate the work

=item *

It actually has some utility as it is


If you would like to use it, then please do, and I would welcome any

Good luck...
