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# Copyright 1999-2013, Paul Johnson (

# This software is free.  It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

# The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage:

# documentation at __END__

use strict;

require 5.005;

package Gedcom::LifeLines;

use Exporter;
{                                        # We'll use these if they are available
  eval "use Date::Manip";
  eval "use Roman ()";

use Gedcom 1.19;

use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
$VERSION = "1.19";
@ISA     = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT  = qw
  set_ged display flush
  name fullname surname givens trimname
  birth death baptism burial
  father mother nextsib prevsib
  sex male female pn
  nspouses nfamilies parents
  title key soundex inode root
  indi firstindi nextindi previndi
  marriage husband wife nchildren firstchild lastchild fnode
  fam firstfam nextfam prevfam
  xref tag value parent child sibling
  date place year long short gettoday
  dayformat monthformat dateformat stddate
  extractdate extractnames extractplaces extracttokens
  getindi getindiset getfam getint getstr
  getindimsg getintmsg getstrmsg
  choosechild choosefam chooseindi choosesubset
  lower upper capitalize trim rjustify
  save strsave concat strconcat strlen
  substring index
  d card ord alpha roman
  strtoint atoi
  strcmp eqstr nestr
  linemode pagemode col row pos pageout
  nl sp qt
  newfile outfile
  copyfile print
  addtoset deletefromset lengthset
  union intersect difference
  parentset childset spouseset siblingset
  ancestorset descendentset descendantset
  uniqueset namesort keysort valuesort
  genindiset gengedcom
  createnode addnode deletenode
  reference dereference getrecord
  lock unlock
  database version

my ($Day_format, $Month_format, $Date_format)   = (0, 0, 0);
my ($Line_mode, $Rows, $Columns, $Row, $Column) = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
my ($Line, @Lines) = ("");

my $Ged;

sub set_ged
  $Ged = shift

sub display
  my ($text) = @_;
  return unless defined $text && length $text;
  if ($Line_mode)
    $Line .= $text;
    print $1 if $Line =~ s/^(.*\n)//s;
    # print STDERR "$Row, $Column: <$text>\n";
    $Lines[$Row] .= " " x ($Column - length $Lines[$Row]);
    substr $Lines[$Row], $Column, length $text, $text;
    $Column += length $text;

sub flush
  if ($Line_mode)
    print $Line;
    $Line = "";

sub name
  my ($indi, $cased) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  my $name = !defined $cased || $cased ? $indi->cased_name : $indi->name;
  $name =~ s|/||g;

sub fullname
  my ($indi, $cased, $inorder, $length) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  my $name = $inorder
    ? name($indi, $cased)
    : ($cased ? uc $indi->surname : $indi->surname) . ", " . $indi->given_names;
  $name = substr $name, 0, $length if defined $length;

sub surname
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub givens
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub trimname
  my ($indi, $length) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  substr $indi->name, 0, $length

sub birth
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub death
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub baptism
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  $indi->tag_record("BAPM") ||
  $indi->tag_record("BAPL") ||
  $indi->tag_record("CHR")  ||

sub burial
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub father
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return undef unless $indi;
  scalar $indi->father

sub mother
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return undef unless $indi;
  scalar $indi->mother

sub nextsib
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return undef unless $indi;
  scalar $indi->younger_siblings

sub prevsib
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return undef unless $indi;
  scalar $indi->older_siblings

sub sex
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub male
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  $indi->sex eq "M"

sub female
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  $indi->sex eq "F"

sub pn
  my ($indi, $type) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  (qw(He She he she His Her his her him her))[$type * 2 +
                                              ($indi->sex eq "F" ? 1 : 0)]

sub nspouses
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  my @a = $indi->spouse;
  scalar @a

sub nfamilies
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  my @a = $indi->fams;
  scalar @a

sub parents
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  my $a = $indi->famc;

sub title
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub key
  my ($record, $type) = @_;
  return unless $record;
  my $key = $record->xref;
  $key =~ s/^[a-z]*//i if $type;

sub soundex
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;

sub inode
  my ($indi) = @_;

sub root
  my ($record) = @_;

sub indi
  my ($name) = @_;

sub firstindi
  (sort { key($a, 1) <=> key($b, 1) } $Ged->individuals)[0]

sub nextindi
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  my @a = sort { key($a, 1) <=> key($b, 1) } $Ged->individuals;
  my $i;
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $#a; $i++)
    last if $a[$i]->{xref} eq $indi->{xref}
  splice @a, 0, $i + 1;
  wantarray ? @a : $a[0]

sub previndi
  my ($indi) = @_;
  return unless $indi;
  my @a = sort { key($a, 1) <=> key($b, 1) } $Ged->individuals;
  my $i;
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $#a; $i++)
    last if $a[$i]->{xref} eq $indi->{xref}
  splice @a, $i;
  wantarray ? @a : $a[-1]

sub marriage
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return unless $fam;

sub husband
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return undef unless $fam;
  scalar $fam->husband

sub wife
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return undef unless $fam;
  scalar $fam->wife

sub nchildren
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return unless $fam;

sub firstchild
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return undef unless $fam;
  scalar $fam->children

sub lastchild
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return undef unless $fam;
  scalar $fam->children

sub fnode
  my ($fam) = @_;

sub fam
  my ($xref) = @_;

sub firstfam
  (sort { key($a, 1) <=> key($b, 1) } $Ged->families)[0]

sub nextfam
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return unless $fam;
  my @a = sort { key($a, 1) <=> key($b, 1) } $Ged->families;
  my $i;
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $#a; $i++)
    last if $a[$i]->{xref} eq $fam->{xref}
  splice @a, 0, $i + 1;
  wantarray ? @a : $a[0]

sub prevfam
  my ($fam) = @_;
  return unless $fam;
  my @a = sort { key($a, 1) <=> key($b, 1) } $Ged->families;
  my $i;
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $#a; $i++)
    last if $a[$i]->{xref} eq $fam->{xref}
  splice @a, $i;
  wantarray ? @a : $a[-1]

sub xref
  my ($record) = @_;
  return unless $record;

sub tag
  my ($record) = @_;
  return unless $record;

sub value
  my ($record) = @_;
  return unless $record;

sub parent
  my ($record) = @_;
  return unless $record;

sub child
  my ($record) = @_;
  return unless $record;

sub sibling
  my ($record) = @_;
  return unless $record;

  my $parent = $record->parent;
  return unless $parent;

  my $r = "$record";
  my $n = 0;
  for (@{$parent->_items})
    last if $r eq "$_";

  return unless $n < $#{$parent->{items}};

  $parent->{items}[$n + 1]

sub savenode
  my ($record) = @_;
  return unless $record;

sub date
  my ($event) = @_;
  return unless $event;
  $event->date || ""

sub place
  my ($event) = @_;
  return unless $event;
  $event->place || ""

sub year
  my ($event) = @_;
  return unless $event;
  $event->date =~ /(\d{3,4})/;
  $1 || "";

sub long
  my ($event) = @_;
  return unless $event;
  date($event) . ", " . place($event)

sub short
  my ($event) = @_;
  return unless $event;
  year($event) . ", " . ((split(/,\s*/, place($event)))[-1] || "")

sub gettoday
  my $event = Gedcom::Event->new(gedcom => $Ged);
  $event->add("date", uc join " ", (localtime)[2, 1, 4])

sub dayformat
  $Day_format = shift || 0;

sub monthformat
  $Month_format = shift || 0;

sub dateformat
  $Date_format = shift || 0;

sub stddate
  my ($event) = @_;
  my $date = date($event);
  return "" unless $date;
  unless ($INC{"Date/"})
    warn " is required to use stddate()";
    return $date;
  my $dt = ParseDate($date);
  my $d = UnixDate($dt, $Day_format == 1 ? "%d" : "%e");
  $d = int $d if $Day_format == 2;
  my $m = UnixDate($dt, $Month_format > 4
                        ? "%B"
                        : $Month_format > 2
                          ? "%b"
                          : $Month_format == 1
                            ? "%m"
                            : "%f");
  $m = int $m if $Month_format == 2;
  $m = uc  $m if $Month_format == 3 || $Month_format == 5;
  my $y = UnixDate($dt, "%Y");
    "$d $m $y",
    "$m $d, $y",
    "$y $m $d",

sub extractdate
  my $record =  shift;
  return unless $record;
  my $d      = \shift;
  my $m      = \shift;
  my $y      = \shift;
  $$d = $$m = $$y = 0;
  my $date = $record->tag eq "DATE" ? $record->full_value : $record->date;
  return unless $date;
  unless ($INC{"Date/"})
    warn " is required to use extractdate()";
  my $dt = ParseDate($date);
  return unless $dt;
  $$d = int UnixDate($dt, "%e");
  $$m = int UnixDate($dt, "%f");
  $$y = int UnixDate($dt, "%Y");

sub extractnames
  my $record  =  shift;
  my $names   = \shift;
  my $count   = \shift;
  my $surname = \shift;
  $$names = [];
  $$count = $$surname = 0;
  my $name = $record->tag eq "NAME" ? $record->full_value : $record->name;
  return unless $name;

  my ($before, $sn, $after) = split "/", $name;
  my @bf    = split " ", $before;
  my @af    = split " ", $after;
  $$count   = @bf + @af; $$count++ if $sn;
  $$names   = [@bf, $sn || (), @af];
  $$surname = $sn ? @bf + 1 : 0;

  # print "[$name] [", join("|", @$$names), "], $$count, $$surname, \n";

sub extractplaces
  my $record =  shift;
  my $places = \shift;
  my $count  = \shift;
  $$places = [];
  $$count  = 0;
  my $place = $record->tag eq "PLACE" ? $record->full_value : $record->place;
  return unless $place;
  @$$places = split /\s*,\s*/, $place;
  $$count   = scalar @$$places;

sub extracttokens
  my $string     =  shift;
  my $tokens     = \shift;
  my $count      = \shift;
  my $delimiters =  shift;
  $$tokens = [];
  $$count  = 0;
  return unless $string;
  @$$tokens = split /[\Q$delimiters\E]/, $string;
  $$count   = scalar @$$tokens;

sub getindi
  my $indi   = \shift;
  my $string =  shift || "Please specify an individual";
  print STDERR $string, " ";
  my $i = <STDIN>;
  chomp $i;
  # print "looking for $i\n";
  $$indi = indi($i);
  # print "found $$indi - ", $$indi->name, "\n";

sub getindimsg

sub getindiset
  die "LifeLines getindiset function not yet implemented"

sub getfam
  my $fam = \shift;
  my $string =  shift || "Please enter a family:";
  print STDERR $string, " ";
  my $f = <STDIN>;
  chomp $f;
  $$fam = $Ged->resolve_xref($f) ||
          $Ged->resolve_xref(uc $f) ||

sub getint
  my $number = \shift;
  my $string =  shift || "Please enter an integer:";
  print STDERR $string, " ";
  $$number = <STDIN>;
  chomp $$number;

sub getintmsg

sub getstr
  my $str    = \shift;
  my $string =  shift || "Please enter a string:";
  print STDERR $string, " ";
  $$str = <STDIN>;

sub getstrmsg

sub choosechild
  die "LifeLines choosechild function not yet implemented"

sub choosefam
  die "LifeLines choosefam function not yet implemented"

sub chooseindi
  die "LifeLines chooseindi function not yet implemented"

sub choosesubset
  die "LifeLines choosesubset function not yet implemented"

sub menuchoose
  die "LifeLines menuchoose function not yet implemented"

sub lower
  my ($string) = @_;
  lc $string

sub upper
  my ($string) = @_;
  uc $string

sub capitalize
  my $string = \shift;
  $$string = ucfirst $$string

sub trim
  my ($string, $length) = @_;
  substr $string, 0, $length

sub rjustify
  my ($string, $length) = @_;
  $string = substr $string, 0, $length;
  " " x ($length - length $string) . $string

sub save
  my ($string) = @_;

sub strsave
  my ($string) = @_;

sub concat
  join "", @_

sub strconcat
  join "", @_

sub strlen
  my ($string) = @_;
  length $string

sub substring
  my ($string, $start, $end) = @_;
  substr $string, $start - 1, $end - $start + 1

sub index
  my ($string, $substring, $occurrence) = @_;
  my $pos = 0;
  while ($occurrence-- && ($pos = index $string, $substring, $pos) >= 0) {}
  $pos + 1

sub d
  my ($number) = @_;
  $number ? int $number : 0

sub card
  my ($number) = @_;
  my @cardinals = qw
    zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

  $number < 0 || $number > $#cardinals ? $number : $cardinals[$number]

sub ord
  my ($number) = @_;
  my @ordinals = qw
    zeroth first second third fourth fifth sixth
    seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth
  my @suffixes = qw( th st nd rd th th th th th th );

  return if $number < 0;
  return $ordinals[$number] if $number < @ordinals;
  my $n = $number % 100;
  return $number . "th" if $n < 10 && $n < 14;
  return $number . $suffixes[$number % 10];

sub alpha
  my ($number) = @_;
  chr CORE::ord 'a' - $number

sub roman
  my ($number) = @_;
  unless ($INC{""})
    warn " is required to use roman()";
    return $number;

sub strsoundex
  my ($string) = @_;

sub strtoint
  my ($string) = @_;
  local $^W;
  int $string

sub atoi

sub strcmp
  my ($string1, $string2) = @_;
  $string1 cmp $string2

sub eqstr
  my ($string1, $string2) = @_;
  $string1 eq $string2

sub nestr
  my ($string1, $string2) = @_;
  $string1 ne $string2

sub linemode
  $Line_mode = 1;

sub pagemode
  my ($rows, $columns) = @_;
  $Line_mode = 0;
  $Rows      = $rows    || 0;
  $Columns   = $columns || 0;
  $#Lines    = $Rows;
  $Lines[$_] = "" for 0..$Rows - 1;

sub col
  my ($column) = @_;
  if ($Line_mode)
    display(length $Line > $column
            ? "\n" . " " x $column
            : " " x ($column - length $Line))
    $Column = $column

sub row
  my ($row) = @_;
  unless ($Line_mode)
    $Row = $row - 1;
    $Column = 0;

sub pos
  my ($row, $column) = @_;
  ($Row, $Column) = ($row - 1, $column - 1) unless $Line_mode;

sub pageout
  # print join "\n", map { substr($_, 0, $Columns) } @Lines[0..$Rows - 1];
  print substr($Lines[$_], 0, $Columns), "\n" for 0..$Rows - 1;
  $Lines[$_] = "" for 0..$Rows - 1;
  $Row = $Column = 0;

sub nl

sub sp
  " "

sub qt

  my $Openfile;

  sub newfile
    my ($filename, $append) = @_;

    my $mode = $append ? ">>" : ">";
    open LLOUT, "$mode$filename" or die "Cannot open $filename\n";
    select LLOUT;
    $Openfile = $filename;

  sub outfile

sub copyfile
  my ($file) = @_;
  $file = "$ENV{LLPROGRAMS}/$file" unless -e $file;
  unless (open(F, $file))
    warn "Error: Cannot open file $file in copyfile: $!";
  print while <F>;
  close F or warn "Error: Cannot close file $file in copyfile: $!";

sub print
  print STDERR @_;

sub addtoset
  my ($set, $indi, $data) = @_;
  push @$set, [$indi, $data];

sub deletefromset
  my ($set, $indi, $all) = @_;
  my $count = 0;
  my @new = grep
    my $keep = ($count && !$all) || $_->[0] ne $indi;
    $count++ unless $keep;
  } @$set;
  $_[0] = \@new;

sub lengthset
  my ($set) = @_;
  scalar @$set

sub union
  my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
  my %s;
  for my $e (@$s1, @$s2)
    $s{$e->[0]} = $e->[1] unless exists $s{$e->[0]}
  my @s;
  while (my ($indi, $data) = each %s)
    push @s, [$indi, $data]

sub intersect
  my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
  my (%s1, %s2);
  for my $e (@$s1)
    $s1{$e->[0]} = $e->[1] unless exists $s1{$e->[0]}
  for my $e (@$s2)
    $s2{$e->[0]} = $e->[1] unless exists $s2{$e->[0]}
  my @s;
  while (my ($indi, $data) = each %s1)
    push @s, [$indi, $data] if exists $s2{$indi}

sub difference
  my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
  my (%s1, %s2);
  for my $e (@$s1)
    $s1{$e->[0]} = $e->[1] unless exists $s1{$e->[0]}
  for my $e (@$s2)
    $s2{$e->[0]} = $e->[1] unless exists $s2{$e->[0]}
  my @s;
  while (my ($indi, $data) = each %s1)
    push @s, [$indi, $data] unless exists $s2{$indi}

sub parentset
  my ($set) = @_;
  [ map { my ($i, $d) = @$_; map { [ $_ => $d ] } $i->parents } @$set ]

sub childset
  my ($set) = @_;
  [ map { my ($i, $d) = @$_; map { [ $_ => $d ] } $i->children } @$set ]

sub spouseset
  my ($set) = @_;
  [ map { my ($i, $d) = @$_; map { [ $_ => $d ] } $i->spouse } @$set ]

sub siblingset
  my ($set) = @_;
  [ map { my ($i, $d) = @$_; map { [ $_ => $d ] } $i->siblings } @$set ]

sub ancestorset
  my ($set) = @_;
  # TODO - set the data appropriately
  [ map { my $c = $_->[0]; map { [ $_ => 0 ] } $c->ancestors } @$set ]

sub descendentset
  my ($set) = @_;
  # TODO - set the data appropriately
  [ map { my $c = $_->[0]; map { [ $_ => 0 ] } $c->descendents } @$set ]

sub descendantset

sub uniqueset
  my ($set) = @_;
  union($set, [])

sub namesort
  my ($set) = @_;
  @$set = sort { fullname($a->[0]) cmp fullname($b->[0]) } @$set;

sub keysort
  my ($set) = @_;
  @$set = sort { key($a->[0]) cmp key($b->[0]) } @$set;

sub valuesort
  my ($set) = @_;
  # TODO - should this be cmp?
  @$set = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @$set;

sub genindiset
  my $name = shift;
  my $set  = \shift;
  $$set = [ map { $_ => 0 } $Ged->get_individual($name) ];

sub gengedcom
  my ($set) = @_;
  die "LifeLines gengedcom function not yet implemented"

sub createnode
  die "LifeLines createnode function not yet implemented"

sub addnode
  die "LifeLines addnode function not yet implemented"

sub deletenode
  die "LifeLines deletenode function not yet implemented"

sub reference
  my ($ref) = @_;

sub dereference
  my ($ref) = @_;

sub getrecord

sub lock

sub unlock

sub database

sub version

sub system



=head1 NAME

Gedcom::LifeLines - functions for lines2perl

Version 1.19 - 18th August 2013


  use Gedcom::LifeLines;


A selection of subroutines to emulate Lifelines functions.

For details about the functions, see the Lifelines documentation.

I general, this module should only be used by the output of the
lines2perl program.  Anything in here that finds a more general use
should probably be abstracted away to one of the more standard modules.

Functions yet to be implemented include:
