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package WebService::Beeminder;

# ABSTRACT: Access the Beeminder API

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use MooseX::Method::Signatures;
use Moose;
use JSON::Any;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Carp qw(croak);

our $VERSION = '0.001'; # VERSION: Generated by DZP::OurPkg:Version

has 'token'   => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1);
has 'username'=> (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'me');
has 'agent'   => (              is => 'rw'); # Must act like LWP::UserAgent
has 'dryrun'  => (isa => 'Bool',is => 'ro', default => 0);
has 'apibase' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => ''); 

# Everything needs to be able to read/write JSON.
my $json = JSON::Any->new;

sub BUILD {
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Make sure we have a user-agent, if none provided.
    if (not $self->agent) {
        $self->agent(LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => "perl/$], WebService::Beeminder/" . $self->VERSION));


# Get information about a user
# TODO: Accept optional parameters
method user(Str $user = "me") {

    # AFAIK, the $user here is irrelevant, since we can only query
    # the user we're logged in as. Still, we'll respect it, in
    # case that changes in the future.

    return $self->_get('users',"$user.json");


# Gets the datapoints for a goal
# DONE: 2011-11-25. This takes no parameters.
method datapoints(Str $goal) {
    return $self->_userget( 'goals', $goal, 'datapoints.json');

method add_datapoint(
    Str  :$goal!,
    Int  :$timestamp,     # TODO: Change to a proper timestamp type.
    Num  :$value!,
    Str  :$comment = "",
    Bool :$sendmail = 0
) {
    $timestamp //= time();

    return $self->_userpost( 
        { timestamp => $timestamp, value => $value, comment => $comment, sendmail => $sendmail },
        'goals', $goal, 'datapoints.json' 

# Posts to the API. Takes a hashref of parameters. Remaining arguments
# are interpreted as a path.
sub _userpost {
    my ($self, $params, @path) = @_;

    my $url  = $self->_path('users', $self->username, @path);

    my $resp = $self->agent->post( $url, $params );

    unless ($resp->is_success) { 
        croak "Failed to fetch $url - ".$resp->status_line; 

    return $json->decode($resp->content);


# Builds a path, and adds appropriate auth tokens, etc.
sub _path {
    my ($self, @path) = @_;

    my $url  = join('/', $self->apibase, @path) . "?auth_token=" . $self->token;

    if ($self->dryrun) {
        $url .= "&dryrun=1";
    return $url;

# Fetches something from the API. Automatically prepends the API path,
# adds the token to the end, and decodes the JSON.

sub _get {
    my ($self, @path) = @_;

    my $url  = $self->_path(@path);
    my $resp = $self->agent->get( $url );

    unless ($resp->is_success) { 
        croak "Failed to fetch $url - ".$resp->status_line; 

    return $json->decode($resp->content);

# As for _get, but prepends 'users' and the current user.
sub _userget {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    return $self->_get('users', $self->username, @args);




=head1 NAME

WebService::Beeminder - Access the Beeminder API

=head1 VERSION

version 0.001


    my $bee = WebService::Beeminder->new( token => $token );

    # I flossed my teeth today.
    $bee->add_datapoint( goal => 'floss', value => 1 );

    # When did I last take dance lessons?
    my $result = $bee->datapoints('dance');

    say "I danced $result->[-1]{timestamp} seconds from the epoch at " .


This is a I<thin-ish> wrapper around the Beeminder API.  All results are
exactly what's returned by the underlying API, with the JSON being
converted into Perl data structures.

You need a Beeminder API token to use this module.  The easiest way
to get a personal token is just to login to L<Beeminder|>
and then go to L<>.
Copy'n'paste the token into your code (or a config file your code uses),
and you're good to go!

More information on tokens is available in the
L<Beeminder API documentation|>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 user

    my $result = $bee->user();

Obtains information about the current user. This returns a user resource
(as defined by the Beeminder API), which looks like this:

        username   => "alice",
        timezone   => "America/Los_Angeles",
        updated_at => 1343449880,                       
        goals      =>  ['gmailzero', 'weight']

Note: Presently only basic parameters are returned, even though the
beeminder API supports additional filters.

=head2 datapoints

    my $results = $bee->datapoints($goal);

This method returns an array reference of data points for the given goal:

            id         => 'abc123'
            timestamp  => 1234567890,
            value      => 1.1,
            comment    => "Frobnicated a widget",
            updated_at => 1234567890
            id         => 'abc124'
            timestamp  => 1234567891,
            value      => 1.2,
            comment    => "Straightened my doohickies",
            updated_at => 1234567891

=head2 add_datapoint

    my $point = $bee->add_datapoint(
        goal      => 'floss',
        timestamp => time(),        # Optional, defaults to now
        value     => 1,
        comment   => 'Floss every tooth for great justice!',
        sendmail  => 0,             # Optional, defaults to false

Adds a data-point to the given goal. Mail will be sent to the user if
the C<sendmail> parameter is true.

Returns the data-point that was created:

        id         => 'abc125'
        timestamp  => 1234567892,
        value      => 1,
        comment    => 'Floss every tooth for great justice!'
        updated_at => 1234567892


This module presently uses L<MooseX::Method::Signatures>.  If you're
not experienced in installing module dependencies, it's recommend you
use L<APP::cpanminus>, which doesn't require any special privileges
or software.

Perl v5.10.0 or later is required for this module.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item * 

L<The Beeminder API|>


=for Pod::Coverage BUILD

=head1 AUTHOR

Paul Fenwick <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Paul Fenwick.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
