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use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir catfile updir );
use FindBin               qw( $Bin );
use lib               catdir( $Bin, updir, 'lib' );

use Test::More;
use Test::Requires { version => 0.88 };
use Module::Build;

my $notes = {}; my $perl_ver;

   my $builder = eval { Module::Build->current };
      $builder and $notes = $builder->notes;
      $perl_ver = $notes->{min_perl_version} || 5.008;
      $Bin =~ m{ : .+ : }mx and plan skip_all => 'Two colons in $Bin path';

use Test::Requires "${perl_ver}";
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture );
use Config;
use Class::Usul::Constants ();

BEGIN { Class::Usul::Constants->Assert( sub { 1 } ) }

use Class::Usul::Functions qw( :all );
use English qw( -no_match_vars );

is abs_path( catfile( 't', updir, 't' ) ), File::Spec->rel2abs( 't' ),

is app_prefix( 'Test::Application' ), 'test_application', 'app_prefix';
is app_prefix( undef ), q(), 'app_prefix - undef arg';

my $list = arg_list( 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2' );

is $list->{key2}, 'value2', 'arg_list';

is assert, 1, 'assert - can set coderef';

like assert_directory( 't' ), qr{ t \z }mx, 'assert_directory - true';
ok ! assert_directory( 'dummy' ),           'assert_directory - false';

my $encoded = base64_encode_ns( 'This is a test' );

is base64_decode_ns( $encoded ), 'This is a test', 'base64 encode/decode';

my $before = time; my $id = bsonid_time( bsonid ); my $after = time;
my $bool   = $before <= $id && $id <= $after ? 1 : 0;

ok $bool, 'bsonid_time';

$before = time; $id = bson64id_time( bson64id ); $after = time;
$bool   = $before <= $id && $id <= $after ? 1 : 0;

ok $bool, 'bson64id_time';

sub build_test { my $v = shift; $v //= 0; return $v + 1 } my $f = sub { 1 };

is build( \&build_test )->(), 1, 'build';
is build( \&build_test, $f )->(), 2, 'build - non default function';

is class2appdir( 'Test::Application' ), 'test-application', 'class2appdir';

is classdir( 'Test::Application' ), catdir( qw( Test Application ) ),

is classfile( 'Test::Application' ), catfile( qw( Test ) ),

my $token = create_token( 'test' );

ok $token eq q(ee26b0dd4af7e749aa1a8ee3c10ae9923f618980772e473f8819a5d4940e0db27ac185f8a0e1d5f84f88bc887fd67b143732c304cc5fa9ad8e6f57f50028a8ff)
   || $token
      eq q(9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08)
   || $token eq q(a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3)
   || $token eq q(098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6), 'create_token';

is curry( sub { $_[ 0 ].$_[ 1 ] }, 'a' )->( 'b' ), 'ab', 'curry';

is distname( 'Test::Application' ), 'Test-Application', 'distname';

ok defined elapsed, 'elapsed';

my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = capture { emit 'test'; }; chomp $stdout;

is $stdout, 'test', 'emit';

($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = capture { emit_err 'test'; }; chomp $stderr;

is $stderr, 'test', 'emit_err';

eval {
   ensure_class_loaded( 'Class::Usul::Response::Table' );

ok !exception, 'ensure_class_loaded';

is env_prefix( 'Test::Application' ), 'TEST_APPLICATION', 'env_prefix';

is unescape_TT( escape_TT( '[% test %]' ) ), '[% test %]',

my $path = find_source( 'Class::Usul::Functions' );

is $path, abs_path( catfile( qw( lib Class Usul ) ) ),

is first_char 'ab', 'a', 'first_char';

   $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} or skip 'fqdn test only for developers', 1;
   is fqdn( 'localhost' ), 'localhost', 'fqdn';

   $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} or skip 'fullname test only for developers', 1;
   ok defined fullname(), 'fullname';

is hex2str( '41' ), 'A', 'hex2str - A';

is home2appldir( catdir( qw( opt myapp v0.1 lib MyApp ) ) ),
   catdir( qw( opt myapp v0.1 ) ), 'home2appldir';

ok is_arrayref( [] ),   'is_arrayref - true';
ok ! is_arrayref( {} ), 'is_arrayref - false';

ok is_coderef( sub {} ), 'is_coderef - true';
ok ! is_coderef( {} ),   'is_coderef - false';

ok is_hashref( {} ),   'is_hashref - true';
ok ! is_hashref( [] ), 'is_hashref - false';

ok is_member( 2, 1, 2, 3 ),   'is_member - true';
ok ! is_member( 4, 1, 2, 3 ), 'is_member - false';

ok defined loginid(), 'loginid';
ok defined logname(), 'logname';

my $src = { 'key2' => 'value2', }; my $dest = {};

merge_attributes $dest, $src, { 'key1' => 'value3', }, [ 'key1', 'key2', ];

is $dest->{key1}, q(value3), 'merge_attributes - default';
is $dest->{key2}, q(value2), 'merge_attributes - source';

is my_prefix( catfile( 'dir', 'prefix_name' ) ), 'prefix', 'my_prefix';

is pad( 'x', 7, 'X', 'both' ), 'XXXxXXX', 'pad';

is prefix2class( q(test-application) ), qw(Test::Application), 'prefix2class';

is product( 1, 2, 3, 4 ), 24, 'product';

$path = &Class::Usul::Functions::_read_variable( 't', '', 'APPLDIR' );

is $path, '/opt/appname', 'reads variables from shell files';

is split_on__( q(a_b_c), 1 ), q(b), 'split_on__';

is split_on_dash( 'a-b-c', 1 ), 'b', 'split_on_dash';

is squeeze( q(a  b  c) ), q(a b c), 'squeeze';

is strip_leader( q(test: dummy) ), q(dummy), 'strip_leader';

is sub_name(), q(main), 'sub_name';

is sum( 1, 2, 3, 4 ), 10, 'sum';

   $Config{d_symlink} or skip 'No symlink support', 1;

   my $path = catfile( qw( t test_symlink ) );
   my $src  = File::Spec->rel2abs( catdir( qw( t locale ) ) );

   symlink [ qw( t locale ) ], [ qw( t test_symlink ) ];
   ok -l $path, 'Creates default symlink';  -e $path and unlink $path;

   symlink [ qw( locale ) ], [ qw( test_symlink ) ], 't';
   ok -l $path, 'Creates relative symlink'; -e $path and unlink $path;

   symlink $src, [ qw( test_symlink ) ], 't';
   ok -l $path, 'Creates relative symlink from absolute path';
   -e $path and unlink $path;

   #symlink 'tmp', File::Spec->rel2abs( catdir( qw( t test_symlink ) ) ), q();
   #ok -l $path, 'Creates null symlink';
   #-e $path and unlink $path;

   # TODO: Test with an absolute path for base

eval { throw( error => q(eNoMessage) ) }; my $e = exception;

like $e->as_string, qr{ eNoMessage }msx, 'try/throw/catch';

is trim( q(  test string  ) ), q(test string), 'trim - spaces';

is trim( q(/test string/), q(/) ), q(test string), 'trim - other chars';

eval { untaint_cmdline( '&&&' ) }; $e = exception;

is $e->class, q(Tainted), 'untaint_cmdline';

eval { untaint_identifier( 'no-chance' ) }; $e = exception;

is $e->class, q(Tainted), 'untaint_identifier';

eval { untaint_path( '$$$' ) }; $e = exception;

is $e->class, q(Tainted), 'untaint_path';

   $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} or skip 'UUID test only for developers', 1;
   ok length uuid, 'uuid';

is { zip( qw( a b c ), qw( 1 2 3 ) ) }->{b}, 2, 'zip';


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