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use t::boilerplate;

use Test::More;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use Math::BigInt;

Math::BigInt->config()->{lib} eq q(Math::BigInt::GMP)
   and plan skip_all => 'Math::BigInt::GMP installed RT#33816';

use Class::Usul::Time qw(str2date_time str2time time2str);

is time2str( undef, 0, q(UTC) ), q(1970-01-01 00:00:00), 'stamp';

my $dt = q().str2date_time( q(11/9/2007 14:12), q(GMT) );

is $dt, q(2007-09-11T14:12:00), 'str2date_time';

is str2time( q(2007-07-30 01:05:32), q(BST) ), q(1185753932), 'str2time/1';

is str2time( q(30/7/2007 01:05:32), q(BST) ), q(1185753932), 'str2time/2';

is str2time( q(30/7/2007), q(BST) ), q(1185750000), 'str2time/3';

is str2time( q(2007.07.30), q(BST) ), q(1185750000), 'str2time/4';

is str2time( q(1970/01/01), q(GMT) ), q(0), 'str2time/epoch';

is time2str( q(%Y-%m-%d), 0, q(UTC) ), q(1970-01-01), 'time2str/1';

is time2str( q(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S), 1185753932, q(BST) ),
   q(2007-07-30 01:05:32), 'time2str/2';


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