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package File::DataClass::Types;

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::DataClass::IO;
use Scalar::Util          qw( blessed dualvar );
use Type::Library             -base, -declare =>
                          qw( Cache DummyClass HashRefOfBools Lock
                              OctalNum Result Path Directory File );
use Type::Utils           qw( as coerce extends from
                              message subtype via where );
use Unexpected::Functions qw( inflate_message );

use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';

BEGIN { extends q(Unexpected::Types) };

subtype Cache, as Object,
   where   { $_->isa( 'File::DataClass::Cache' ) or $_->isa( 'Class::Null' ) },
   message { __exception_message_for_cache( $_ ) };

subtype DummyClass, as Str,
   where   { $_ eq 'none' },
   message { inflate_message( 'Dummy class [_1] is not "none"', $_ ) };

subtype HashRefOfBools, as HashRef;

subtype Lock, as Object,
   where   { ($_->can( 'set' ) and $_->can( 'reset' ) )
                                or $_->isa( 'Class::Null' ) },
   message { __exception_message_for_lock( $_ ) };

subtype OctalNum, as Str,
   where   { __constraint_for_octalnum( $_ ) },
   message { inflate_message( 'String [_1] is not an octal number', $_ ) };

subtype Path, as Object,
   where   { $_->isa( 'File::DataClass::IO' ) },
   message { __exception_message_for_path( $_ ) };

subtype Result, as Object,
   where   { $_->isa( 'File::DataClass::Result' ) },
   message { __exception_message_for_result( $_ ) };

subtype Directory, as Path,
   where   { $_->exists and $_->is_dir  },
   message { inflate_message( 'Path [_1] is not a directory', $_ ) };

subtype File, as Path,
   where   { $_->exists and $_->is_file },
   message { inflate_message( 'Path [_1] is not a file', $_ ) };

coerce HashRefOfBools, from ArrayRef,
   via { my %hash = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $_ }; return \%hash; };

coerce OctalNum, from Str, via { __coercion_for_octalnum( $_ ) };

coerce Directory,
   from ArrayRef, via { io( $_ ) },
   from CodeRef,  via { io( $_ ) },
   from HashRef,  via { io( $_ ) },
   from Str,      via { io( $_ ) },
   from Undef,    via { io( $_ ) };

coerce File,
   from ArrayRef, via { io( $_ ) },
   from CodeRef,  via { io( $_ ) },
   from HashRef,  via { io( $_ ) },
   from Str,      via { io( $_ ) },
   from Undef,    via { io( $_ ) };

coerce Path,
   from ArrayRef, via { io( $_ ) },
   from CodeRef,  via { io( $_ ) },
   from HashRef,  via { io( $_ ) },
   from Str,      via { io( $_ ) },
   from Undef,    via { io( $_ ) };

# Private functions
sub __coercion_for_octalnum {
   my $x = shift; length $x or return $x;

   $x =~ s{ \A 0 }{}mx; $x =~ m{ [^0-7] }mx and return $x;

   return dualvar oct "0${x}", "0${x}"

sub __constraint_for_octalnum {
   my $x = shift; length $x or return 0;

  (my $strx = "${x}") =~ s{ [0-7]+ }{}mx; length $strx != 0 and return 0;

   $x < 8 and return 1; ($strx = "${x}") =~ s{ \A 0 }{}mx;

   return $strx eq $x + 0 ? 0 : 1;

sub __exception_message_for_cache {
   blessed $_[ 0 ] and return inflate_message
      ( 'Object [_1] is not of class File::DataClass::Cache', blessed $_[ 0 ] );

   return __exception_message_for_object_reference( $_[ 0 ] );

sub __exception_message_for_lock {
   blessed $_[ 0 ] and return inflate_message
      ( 'Object [_1] is missing set / reset methods', blessed $_[ 0 ] );

   return __exception_message_for_object_reference( $_[ 0 ] );

sub __exception_message_for_object_reference {
   return inflate_message( 'String [_1] is not an object reference', $_[ 0 ] );

sub __exception_message_for_path {
   blessed $_[ 0 ] and return inflate_message
      ( 'Object [_1] is not of class File::DataClass::IO', blessed $_[ 0 ] );

   return __exception_message_for_object_reference( $_[ 0 ] );

sub __exception_message_for_result {
   blessed $_[ 0 ] and return inflate_message
      ( 'Object [_1] is not of class File::DataClass::Result', blessed $_[ 0 ]);

   return __exception_message_for_object_reference( $_[ 0 ] );




=head1 Name

File::DataClass::Types - A type constraint library

=head1 Synopsis

   use Moo;
   use File::DataClass::Types qw( Path Directory File );

=head1 Description

Defines the type constraints used in this distribution

=head1 Configuration and Environment

Defines these subtypes

=over 3

=item C<Cache>

Is a L<File::DataClass::Cache>

=item C<DummyClass>

A string value 'none'

=item C<HashRefOfBools>

Coerces a hash ref of boolean true values from the keys in an array ref

=item C<Lock>

Is a L<Class::Null> or can C<set> and C<reset>

=item C<OctalNum>

Coerces a string to a number which is stored in octal

=item C<Path>

Is a L<File::DataClass::IO>. Can be coerced from either a string or
an array ref

=item C<Result>

Is a L<File::DataClass::Result>

=item C<Directory>

Subtype of C<Path> which is a directory. Can be coerced from
either a string or an array ref

=item C<File>

Subtype of C<Path> which is a file. Can be coerced from either a
string or an array ref


=head1 Subroutines/Methods


=head1 Diagnostics


=head1 Dependencies

=over 3

=item L<File::DataClass::IO>

=item L<Type::Tiny>

=item L<Unexpected>


=head1 Incompatibilities

There are no known incompatibilities in this module

=head1 Bugs and Limitations

There are no known bugs in this module.
Please report problems to the address below.
Patches are welcome

=head1 Author

Peter Flanigan, C<< <Support at> >>

=head1 License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


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