The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
/* @(#)$Id: colour-green.css 83 2007-07-02 14:33:09Z PFlanigan $ */

@import url(presentation.css);

body { background: url(background.jpg) #e9f7dc repeat; color: black; }
/* body { background-color: #E08F2F; color: black; } */

abbr, acronym, fieldset, ins { border-color: #336; }
ins { color: #f00; }
hr { border-color: #336 transparent transparent; }

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.accordion_panel_container { background-color: #ffc; }
.accordion_panel_container .active { background-color: #663; color: #ffc; }
.accordion_panel_container .inactive, .sdata_item .tree,
.slider, .spinner-js { background-color: #cc9; }
.accordion_panel_container .inactive, .error, .navigation,
.tabs, .tree a.selected a.selected-inactive { color: #000; }
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.submit_button { border-color: #cc9; color: #336; }
.button, .dialog-body, .navigation:hover, .pod h2, .pod p.toplink,
.results legend, .sdata_item legend, .sdata_item input.button, .slider,
.slider .knob, .sidebar_panel, .spinner-js, .tabset .panel_content, .tabset
.tab, .tick, .tree { border-color: #336; }
.button_item input.button:hover, .slider .knob, .tree_link:hover {
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.company_logo { background-color: #663; border-bottom-color: #336; }
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   color: #ffc;
.checkbox_container, .navigation { border-color: transparent; }
.checkbox_container:hover { background-color: #9c9; border-color: #336; }
.chooser_grid { color: #000; }
.chooser_grid:hover { background-color: #ffc; border-color: #336; }
.cut_here { background-color: transparent; border-top-color: #f00; }
.error { background-color: #fcc; }
.even_row { background-color: #c1d9a9; }
.footer_item_panel { background-color: #cc9; }
.footer_panel { background-color: transparent; }
.grid_subheader { background-color: #9c9; color: #000; }
.groupmember_container span.title { background: #663; color: #ffc; }
.header_link, .search, .tree_link { color: #336; }
.header_title { color: #336; }
.header_top { background: #663 url(header.png) repeat-x; color: #ffc; }
.info { color: #8b8b32; }
.mask { background: rgba( 64,64,64,0.5 ); }
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.sidebar_switch {
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.split { color: #ffc; }
.tabset .tab_selected { border-color: #336 #336 #ffc; }
.tips-mark0 { border-color: transparent transparent #336 #336; }
.tips-mark1 { border-color: transparent transparent #9c9 #9c9; }
.tips-defn { color: #000; }
.tips-term { color: Yellow; }
.tools_menu .menu dd { background: transparent; }
.tools_menu a.tools_selected {
   border-color: transparent #336 transparent #336; color: #000;
.tools_menu a.tools_selected:hover { background-color: #ffc; }
.tools_menu a.tools_title {
   background-color: #cc9; border-color: transparent; color: #000;
.tools_menu a.tools_title:hover { background-color: #ffc; }
.tools_menu a.tools_link {
   background-color: #cc9; border-color: transparent #336 transparent #336;
   color: #000;
.tools_menu a.tools_link:hover { background-color: #ffc; }
.warning { background: Yellow; }
.wysiwyg_container iframe { background-color: #cc9; border-color: #336; }
.wysiwyg_container .toolbar { background-color: #663; }
.wysiwyg_container .toolbar * { background-color: #ffc; }
.wysiwyg_container .toolbar *:hover { background-color: #9c9; }
.wysiwyg_container .toolbar.disabled *:hover {
   background-color: transparent; border-color: #663;
.wysiwyg_container .toolbar .spacer {
   background-color: #663; border-color: #ffc;

input.ifield, password.ifield, select.ifield, textarea.ifield {
   background-color: #cc9; border-color: #336; color: #336;
input:focus, password:focus, select:focus, textarea:focus {
   background-color: #9c9; color: #000;
input.required, password.required, select.required, textarea.required {
   border-right-color: #f00;
span.error { border-color: #336; }
table.editable td.row_select,
table.editable td.row_drag { background-color: #c1d9a9; border-color: #336; }
table.editable th { border-color: #336; }
table.editable .even_row, table.editable .odd_row { background-color: #ffc; }
table.source .even_row { background-color: #cc9; }
table.grid, .grid_container { background-color: #cc9; }
td.first { border-right-color: #336; }
th.grid_header { border-bottom-color: #336; }
th.normal { background-color: #663; color: #ffc; }

/* The main calendar widget.  DIV containing a table. */

.calendar, .calendar table {
  background: #efe; border-color: #336; color: #000;

/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */

.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
  background: #663; color: #ffc;
.calendar .nav {
  background-color: #663;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
  background: #250; color: #efa;
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
  border-color: #336; color: #000;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
  color: #a66;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
  border-color: #336; background-color: #afa; color: #000;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
  background-color: #7c7;
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
  background: #dfb;

/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */

.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
  color: #564;
.calendar tbody .day.othermonth { color: #bbb; }
.calendar tbody .day.othermonth.oweekend { color: #fbb; }
.calendar table .wn { border-color: #336; background: #dfb; }
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td { background: #dfd; }
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn { background: #efe; }
.calendar tbody td {
   border-color: transparent;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
  border-color: #bbb; background: #efd;
.calendar tbody { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
  background: #dec;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing today date */
  border-color: #000; background: #f8fff8; color: #000;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
  color: #a66;
.calendar tbody { color: #0a0; }
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }

/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */

.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
  background: #565; color: #fff;
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
  background: #250; color: #efa;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
  border-color: #084; background: #afa; color: #000;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
  background: #7c7;

/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */

.calendar .combo { border-color: #336; background: #efd; color: #000; }
.calendar .combo .hilite { background: #af8; }
.calendar .combo .active { border-color: #6a4; background: #efe; }
.calendar td.time { border-color: #336; background-color: #dfb; }
.calendar td.time .hour, .calendar td.time .minute, .calendar td.time .ampm {
   border-color: #336; background-color: #ffc;
.calendar td.time span.hilite {
   border-color: #000; background-color: #686; color: #fff;
.calendar td.time {
   border-color: #f00; background-color: #000; color: #0f0;

/* Chosens - Smarter select menus */

.chzn-container-single .chzn-drop, .chzn-container .chzn-drop,
.chzn-container a.chzn-single {
   background-color: #cc9; border-color: #336; color: #336;
.chzn-container div,
.chzn-container a.chzn-single div { border-color: #336; }
.chzn-container ul.chzn-results li em { background-color: #abbd6b; }
.chzn-container ul.chzn-results li.highlighted {
   background-color: #abbd6b; color: #000;
.chzn-container ul.chzn-results li.highlighted em {
   background-color: transparent;
.chzn-container ul.chzn-results { background-color: #e9f7dc; }
.chzn-container ul.chzn-results { color: #336; }
.chzn-container-active a.chzn-single { border-color: #336; }
.chzn-container-active a.chzn-single-with-drop {
   background-color: #cc9;
   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, white 0%, #cc9 50%);
/*   background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, white), color-stop(0.5, #cc9));
   background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, white 0%, #cc9 50%); */
   border-color: #336;
.chzn-container-active ul.chzn-choices,
.chzn-container ul.chzn-choices {
   background-color: #cc9; color: #336;
.chzn-container ul.chzn-choices,
.chzn-container-active ul.chzn-choices {
   background-color: #abbd6b;
.chzn-container .chzn-search input { background-color: #9c9; }

/* For syntax highlighting source code */
/* Standard token classes */
.source .cast          { color: #339999; }
.source .comment       { color: #771616; }
.source .double        { color: #de610a; }
.source .interpolate   { color: #de610a; }
.source .literal       { color: #de610a; }
.source .magic         { color: #0099FF; }
.source .match         { color: #9900FF; }
.source .number        { color: #990000; }
.source .operator      { color: #000000; }
.source .regex         { color: #9900FF; }
.source .single        { color: #de610a; }
.source .substitute    { color: #9900FF; }
.source .symbol        { color: #aa7700; }
.source .transliterate { color: #9900FF; }
.source .words         { color: #de610a; }
/* Special classes */
.source .core          { color: #FF0000; }
.source .keyword       { color: #008200; }
.source .line_number   { color: #666666; }
.source .pod           { color: #008080; }
.source .pragma        { color: #990000; }

/* Application specific */

.library { color: #000; }
.library:hover { background-color: #ffc; border-color: #336; }
.library_panel { border-color: #336; }
a.library_header { color: #000; }
div.library_header { border-color: #336; background-color: #cc9; }
table.recipe td.label { background-color: #cc9; }
th.grid_header { background-color: #663; color: #ffc; }