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use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir catfile updir );
use FindBin               qw( $Bin );
use lib               catdir( $Bin, updir, 'lib' );

use Test::More;
use Test::Requires { version => 0.88 };
use Module::Build;

my $notes = {}; my $perl_ver;

   my $builder = eval { Module::Build->current };
   $builder and $notes = $builder->notes;
   $perl_ver = $notes->{min_perl_version} || 5.008;

use Test::Requires "${perl_ver}";
use Test::Requires 'Hash::MoreUtils';
use Test::Requires { Moo => 1.003001 };
use Cwd qw( getcwd );
use File::DataClass::IO;

use_ok 'Module::Provision';

my $owd = getcwd; my $prog;

sub test_mp {
   my ($builder, $method) = @_; $method ||= 'dist';

   return Module::Provision->new_with_options
      ( appclass  => 'Module::Provision',
        base      => 't',
        builder   => $builder,
        config    => { tempdir => 't', },
        method    => $method,
        nodebug   => 1,
        quiet     => 1,
        project   => 'Foo::Bar',
        templates => catdir( 't', 'code_templates' ),
        vcs       => 'none', );

sub test_cleanup {
   my $owd = shift; chdir $owd;

   io( catdir( qw( t Foo-Bar )        ) )->rmtree();
   io( catdir( qw( t code_templates ) ) )->rmtree();

$prog = test_mp( 'MB', 'init_templates' ); $prog->run;

ok -f catfile( qw( t code_templates index.json ) ), 'Creates template index';


like $prog->appbase->name, qr{ Foo-Bar \z }mx, 'Sets appbase';


ok -d catdir( qw( lib Foo ) ), 'Creates lib/Foo dir';
ok -d 'inc', 'Creates inc dir';
ok -d 't', 'Creates t dir';


ok -f catfile( qw( lib Foo ) ), 'Creates lib/Foo/';
ok -f 'Build.PL', 'Creates Build.PL';

test_cleanup( $owd );

   $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} or skip 'extended testing', 1;

   $prog = test_mp( 'DZ' );

   is $prog->run, 0, 'Dist DZ returns zero';

   test_cleanup( $owd );

   $prog = test_mp( 'MB' );

   is $prog->run, 0, 'Dist MB returns zero';

   test_cleanup( $owd );

   $prog = test_mp( 'MI' );

   is $prog->run, 0, 'Dist MI returns zero';

   test_cleanup( $owd );


unlink catfile( qw( t .foo-bar.rev ) );
unlink catfile( qw( t ipc_srlock.lck ) );
unlink catfile( qw( t ipc_srlock.shm ) );

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# mode: perl
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