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package Module::Provision::TraitFor::VCS;

use namespace::autoclean;

use Class::Usul::Constants;
use Class::Usul::Functions  qw( io is_win32 throw );
use Class::Usul::Types      qw( Bool Str );
use Perl::Version;
use Scalar::Util            qw( blessed );
use Unexpected::Functions   qw( Unspecified );
use Moo::Role;

requires qw( add_leader appbase appldir branch chdir config default_branch
             dist_version distname editor exec_perms get_line
             loc next_argv output quiet run_cmd vcs );

# Public attributes
has 'no_auto_rev'  => is => 'ro',  isa => Bool, default => FALSE,
   documentation   => 'Do not turn on Revision keyword expansion';

has '_new_version' => is => 'rwp', isa => Str;

# Construction
around 'dist_post_hook' => sub {
   my ($next, $self, @args) = @_; $self->_initialize_vcs;

   my $r = $self->$next( @args );

   $self->vcs eq 'git' and $self->_reset_rev_file( TRUE );
   $self->vcs eq 'svn' and $self->_svn_ignore_meta_files;
   return $r;

around 'substitute_version' => sub {
   my ($next, $self, $path, @args) = @_; my $r = $self->$next( $path, @args );

   $self->vcs eq 'git' and $self->_reset_rev_keyword( $path );
   return $r;

around 'update_version_pre_hook' => sub {
   my ($next, $self, @args) = @_;

   return $self->$next( $self->_get_version_numbers( @args ) );

around 'update_version_post_hook' => sub {
   my ($next, $self, @args) = @_; $self->_set__new_version( $args[ 1 ] );

   my $result = $self->$next( @args );

   $self->vcs eq 'git' and $self->_reset_rev_file( FALSE );

   return $result;

# Public methods
sub add_hooks : method {
   my $self = shift;

   $self->vcs eq 'git' and $self->_add_git_hooks( @{ $self->config->hooks } );

   return OK;

sub add_to_vcs {
   my ($self, $target, $type) = @_;

   $target or throw class => Unspecified, args => [ 'VCS target' ];
   $self->vcs eq 'git' and $self->_add_to_git( $target, $type );
   $self->vcs eq 'svn' and $self->_add_to_svn( $target, $type );

sub get_emacs_state_file_path {
   my ($self, $file) = @_; my $home = $self->config->my_home;

   return $home->catfile( '.emacs.d', 'config', "state.${file}" );

sub release : method {
   my $self = shift;

   $self->update_version; $self->_commit_release;

   $self->_add_tag( $self->_new_version );

   return OK;

sub set_branch : method {
   my $self = shift; my $bfile = $self->branch_file;

   my $old_branch = $self->branch;
   my $new_branch = $self->next_argv || $self->default_branch;

   not $new_branch and $bfile->exists and $bfile->unlink and return OK;
       $new_branch and $bfile->println( $new_branch );

   my $method = 'get_'.$self->editor.'_state_file_path';

   $self->can( $method ) or return OK;

   my $sfname = __get_state_file_name( $self->project_file );
   my $sfpath = $self->$method( $sfname );
   my $sep    = is_win32 ? "\\" : '/';

   $sfpath->substitute( "${sep}\Q${old_branch}\E${sep}",
                        "${sep}${new_branch}${sep}" );
   return OK;

# Private methods
sub _add_git_hooks {
   my ($self, @hooks) = @_;

   for my $hook (grep { -e ".git${_}" } @hooks) {
      my $dest = $self->appldir->catfile( '.git', 'hooks', $hook );

      $dest->exists and $dest->unlink; link ".git${hook}", $dest;
      chmod $self->exec_perms, ".git${hook}";


sub _add_tag {
   my ($self, $tag) = @_;

   $tag or throw class => Unspecified, args => [ 'VCS tag version' ];
   $self->output( 'Creating tagged release v[_1]', { args => [ $tag ] } );
   $self->vcs eq 'git' and $self->_add_tag_to_git( $tag );
   $self->vcs eq 'svn' and $self->_add_tag_to_svn( $tag );

sub _add_tag_to_git {
   my ($self, $tag) = @_;

   my $message = $self->loc( $self->config->tag_message );
   my $sign    = $self->config->signing_key; $sign and $sign = "-u ${sign}";

   $self->run_cmd( "git tag -d v${tag}", { err => 'null', expected_rv => 1 } );
   $self->run_cmd( "git tag ${sign} -m '${message}' v${tag}" );

sub _add_tag_to_svn {
   my ($self, $tag) = @_; my $params = $self->quiet ? {} : { out => 'stdout' };

   my $repo    = $self->_get_svn_repository;
   my $from    = "${repo}/trunk";
   my $to      = "${repo}/tags/v${tag}";
   my $message = $self->loc( $self->config->tag_message )." v${tag}";
   my $cmd     = "svn copy --parents -m '${message}' ${from} ${to}";

   $self->run_cmd( $cmd, $params );

sub _add_to_git {
   my ($self, $target, $type) = @_;

   my $params = $self->quiet ? {} : { out => 'stdout' };

   $self->run_cmd( "git add ${target}", $params );

sub _add_to_svn {
   my ($self, $target, $type) = @_;

   my $params = $self->quiet ? {} : { out => 'stdout' };

   $self->run_cmd( "svn add ${target} --parents", $params );
   $self->run_cmd( "svn propset svn:keywords 'Id Revision Auth' ${target}",
                   $params );
   $type and $type eq 'program'
      and $self->run_cmd( "svn propset svn:executable '*' ${target}", $params );

sub _commit_release {
   my $self = shift; my $msg = $self->config->tag_message;

   $self->vcs eq 'git' and $self->_commit_release_to_git( $msg );
   $self->vcs eq 'svn' and $self->_commit_release_to_svn( $msg );

sub _commit_release_to_git {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;

   $self->run_cmd( 'git add .'  ); $self->run_cmd( "git commit -m '${msg}'" );


sub _commit_release_to_svn {
   # TODO: Fill this in

sub _get_rev_file {
   my $self = shift; ($self->no_auto_rev or $self->vcs ne 'git') and return;

   return $self->appldir->parent->catfile( lc '.'.$self->distname.'.rev' );

sub _get_svn_repository {
   my $self = shift; my $info = $self->run_cmd( 'svn info' )->stdout;

   return (split m{ : \s }mx, (grep { m{ \A Repository \s Root: }mx }
                               split  m{ \n }mx, $info)[ 0 ])[ 1 ];

sub _get_version_numbers {
   my ($self, @args) = @_; $args[ 0 ] and $args[ 1 ] and return @args;

   my $prompt = $self->add_leader( $self->loc( 'Enter major/minor 0 or 1'  ) );
   my $comp   = $self->get_line( $prompt, 1, TRUE, 0 );
      $prompt = $self->add_leader( $self->loc( 'Enter increment/decrement' ) );
   my $bump   = $self->get_line( $prompt, 1, TRUE, 0 ) or return @args;
   my ($from, $ver);

   if ($from = $args[ 0 ]) { $ver = Perl::Version->new( $from ) }
   else {
      $ver  = $self->dist_version or return @args;
      $from = __tag_from_version( $ver );

   $ver->component( $comp, $ver->component( $comp ) + $bump );
   $comp == 0 and $ver->component( 1, 0 );

   return ($from, __tag_from_version( $ver ));

sub _initialize_git {
   my $self = shift;
   my $msg  = $self->loc( 'Initialised by [_1]', blessed $self );

   $self->chdir( $self->appldir ); $self->run_cmd( 'git init' );

   $self->add_hooks; $self->_commit_release_to_git( $msg );


sub _initialize_svn {
   my $self = shift; my $class = blessed $self; $self->chdir( $self->appbase );

   my $repository = $self->appbase->catdir( $self->repository );

   $self->run_cmd( "svnadmin create ${repository}" );

   my $branch = $self->branch;
   my $url    = 'file://'.$repository->catdir( $branch );
   my $msg    = $self->loc( 'Initialised by [_1]', $class );

   $self->run_cmd( "svn import ${branch} ${url} -m '${msg}'" );

   my $appldir = $self->appldir; $appldir->rmtree;

   $self->run_cmd( "svn co ${url}" );
   $appldir->filter( sub { $_ !~ m{ \.git }msx and $_ !~ m{ \.svn }msx } );

   for my $target ($appldir->deep->all_files) {
      $self->run_cmd( "svn propset svn:keywords 'Id Revision Auth' ${target}" );

   $msg = $self->loc( 'Add RCS keywords to project files' );
   $self->run_cmd( "svn commit ${branch} -m '${msg}'" );
   $self->chdir( $self->appldir );
   $self->run_cmd( 'svn update' );

sub _initialize_vcs {
   my $self = shift;

   $self->vcs ne 'none' and $self->output( 'Initialising VCS' );
   $self->vcs eq 'git'  and $self->_initialize_git;
   $self->vcs eq 'svn'  and $self->_initialize_svn;

sub _reset_rev_file {
   my ($self, $create) = @_; my $file = $self->_get_rev_file;

   $file and ($create or $file->exists)
         and $file->println( $create ? '1' : '0' );

sub _reset_rev_keyword {
   my ($self, $path) = @_;

   my $zero = 0; # Zero variable prevents unwanted Rev keyword expansion

   $self->_get_rev_file and $path->substitute
      ( '\$ (Rev (?:ision)?) (?:[:] \s+ (\d+) \s+)? \$', '$Rev: '.$zero.' $' );

sub _should_add_tag {
   my ($self, $from, $to) = @_;

   ($self->vcs ne 'none' and $from and $to) or return FALSE;

   my $from_ver = Perl::Version->new( $from );
   my $to_ver   = Perl::Version->new( $to   );

   return $to_ver > $from_ver ? TRUE : FALSE;

sub _svn_ignore_meta_files {
   my $self = shift; $self->chdir( $self->appldir );

   my $ignores = "LICENSE\nMANIFEST\nMETA.json\nMETA.yml\nREADME\";

   $self->run_cmd( "svn propset svn:ignore '${ignores}' ." );
   $self->run_cmd( 'svn commit -m "Ignoring meta files" .' );
   $self->run_cmd( 'svn update' );

# Private functions
sub __get_state_file_name {
   return (map  { m{ load-project-state \s+ [\'\"](.+)[\'\"] }mx; }
           grep { m{ eval: \s+ \( \s* load-project-state }mx }
           io( $_[ 0 ] )->getlines)[ -1 ];

sub __tag_from_version {
   my $ver = shift; return $ver->component( 0 ).'.'.$ver->component( 1 );




=encoding utf8

=head1 Name

Module::Provision::TraitFor::VCS - Version Control

=head1 Synopsis

   use Module::Provision::TraitFor::VCS;
   # Brief but working code examples

=head1 Description

Interface to Version Control Systems

=head1 Configuration and Environment

where it initialises the VCS, ignore meta files and resets the
revision number file

where it resets the Revision keyword values

where it prompts for version numbers and creates tagged releases

where it resets the revision number file

Requires these attributes to be defined in the consuming class;
C<appldir>, C<distname>, C<vcs>

Defines the following attributes;

=over 3

=item C<no_auto_rev>

Do not turn on automatic Revision keyword expansion. Defaults to C<FALSE>


=head1 Subroutines/Methods

=head2 add_hooks - Adds and re-adds any hooks used in the VCS

   $exit_code = $self->add_hooks;

Returns the exit code

=head2 add_to_vcs

   $self->add_to_vcs( $target, $type );

Add the target file to the VCS

=head2 get_emacs_state_file_path

   $io_object = $self->get_emacs_state_file_path( $file_name );

Returns the L<File::DataClass::IO> object for the path to the Emacs editor's
state file

=head2 release - Update version, commit and tag

   $exit_code = $self->release;

Updates the distribution version, commits the change and tags the new release

=head2 set_branch - Set the VCS branch name

   $exit_code = $self->set_branch;

Sets the current branch to the value supplied on the command line

=head1 Diagnostics


=head1 Dependencies

=over 3

=item L<Class::Usul>

=item L<Moose::Role>

=item L<Perl::Version>


=head1 Incompatibilities

There are no known incompatibilities in this module

=head1 Bugs and Limitations

There are no known bugs in this module.
Please report problems to the address below.
Patches are welcome

=head1 Acknowledgements

Larry Wall - For the Perl programming language

=head1 Author

Peter Flanigan, C<< <> >>

=head1 License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2013 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


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