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package Padre::Wx::Editor;


=head1 NAME

Padre::Wx::Editor - Padre document editor object


B<Padre::Wx::Editor> implements the Scintilla-based document editor for
Padre. It implements the majority of functionality relating to visualisation
and navigation of documents.

=head1 METHODS


use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes  ();
use Params::Util ();
use Wx::Scintilla 0.34 ();
use Padre::Constant           ();
use Padre::Config             ();
use Padre::Feature            ();
use Padre::Util               ();
use Padre::DB                 ();
use Padre::Breakpoints        ();
use Padre::Wx                 ();
use Padre::Wx::FileDropTarget ();
use Padre::Wx::Role::Main     ();
use Padre::Wx::Role::Timer    ();
use Padre::Logger;

our $VERSION    = '0.98';
our $COMPATIBLE = '0.91';
our @ISA        = (

use constant {

	# Convenience colour constants
	# NOTE: DO NOT USE "orange" string since it is actually red on win32
	ORANGE     => Wx::Colour->new( 255,  165,  0 ),
	RED        => Wx::Colour->new("red"),
	GREEN      => Wx::Colour->new("green"),
	BLUE       => Wx::Colour->new("blue"),
	YELLOW     => Wx::Colour->new("yellow"),
	DARK_GREEN => Wx::Colour->new( 0x00, 0x90, 0x00 ),
	LIGHT_RED  => Wx::Colour->new( 0xFF, 0xA0, 0xB4 ),
	LIGHT_BLUE => Wx::Colour->new( 0xA0, 0xC8, 0xFF ),
	GRAY       => Wx::Colour->new('gray'),

# End-Of-Line modes:
# MAC is actually Mac classic.
# MAC OS X and later uses UNIX EOLs
# Please note that WIN32 is the API. DO NOT change it to that :)
# Initialize variables after loading either Wx::Scintilla or Wx::STC
my %WXEOL = (
	WIN  => Wx::Scintilla::SC_EOL_CRLF,
	MAC  => Wx::Scintilla::SC_EOL_CR,
	UNIX => Wx::Scintilla::SC_EOL_LF,

# Constructor and Accessors

sub new {
	my $class  = shift;
	my $parent = shift;

	# NOTE: This hack is only here because the Preferences dialog uses
	# an editor object for their style preview thingy.
	my $main = $parent;
	while ( not $main->isa('Padre::Wx::Main') ) {
		$main = $main->GetParent;

	# Create the underlying Wx object
	my $lock = $main->lock( 'UPDATE', 'refresh_windowlist' );
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent);

	# Hide the editor as quickly as possible so it isn't
	# visible during the period we are setting it up.

	# This is supposed to be Wx::Scintilla::CP_UTF8
	# and Wx::wxUNICODE or wxUSE_UNICODE should be on

	# Code always lays out left to right
	if ( $self->can('SetLayoutDirection') ) {

	# Allow scrolling past the end of the document for those of us
	# used to Ultraedit where you can type into a relaxing clear space.

	# Integration with the rest of Padre
	$self->SetDropTarget( Padre::Wx::FileDropTarget->new($main) );

	# Set the code margins a little larger than the default.
	# This seems to noticably reduce eye strain.

	# Clear out all the other margins
	$self->SetMarginWidth( Padre::Constant::MARGIN_LINE,   0 );
	$self->SetMarginWidth( Padre::Constant::MARGIN_MARKER, 0 );
	$self->SetMarginWidth( Padre::Constant::MARGIN_FOLD,   0 );

	# Set the margin types (whether we show them or not)
	if (Padre::Feature::FOLDING) {

	# Set up all of the default markers

		# Wx::Scintilla::MARK_SMALLRECT,

	# CTRL-L or line cut should only work when there is no empty line
	# This prevents the accidental destruction of the clipboard
	$self->CmdKeyClear( ord('L'), Wx::Scintilla::SCMOD_CTRL );

	# Disable CTRL keypad -/+. These seem to emit wrong scan codes
	# on some laptop keyboards. (e.g. CTRL-Caps lock is the same as CTRL -)
	# Please see bug #790
	$self->CmdKeyClear( Wx::Scintilla::SCK_SUBTRACT, Wx::Scintilla::SCMOD_CTRL );
	$self->CmdKeyClear( Wx::Scintilla::SCK_ADD,      Wx::Scintilla::SCMOD_CTRL );

	# Setup the editor indicators which we will use in smart, warning and error highlighting
	# Indicator #0: Green round box indicator for smart highlighting

	# Indicator #1, Orange squiggle for warning highlighting

	# Indicator #2, Red squiggle for error highlighting

	# Indicator #3, underline for mouse-clickable tokens

	# Basic event bindings
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {
		sub {

	# Scintilla specific event bindings
		$self, -1,
		sub {
	$self, -1,
	sub {
		my ( $editor, $event ) = @_;
		my $main    = $self->main;

		my $line_clicked  = $editor->LineFromPosition( $event->GetPosition );
		#my $level_clicked = $editor->GetFoldLevel($line_clicked);

		if ( $event->GetMargin == 2 ) {
			# TO DO check this (cf. ~/contrib/samples/stc/edit.cpp from wxWidgets)
			#if ( $level_clicked && Wx::Scintilla::FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG) > 0) {

		} elsif ( $event->GetMargin == 1 ) {

	# Capture change events that result in an actual change to the text
	# of the document, so we can refire content-dependent editor tools.
		Wx::Scintilla::SC_PERFORMED_USER | Wx::Scintilla::SC_PERFORMED_UNDO | Wx::Scintilla::SC_PERFORMED_REDO
			| Wx::Scintilla::SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT | Wx::Scintilla::SC_MOD_DELETETEXT );
		$self, $self,
		sub {

	# Smart highlighting:
	# Selecting a word or small block of text causes all other occurrences to be highlighted
	# with a round box around each of them
	$self->{styles} = [];

	# Apply settings based on configuration
	# TO DO: Make this suck less (because it really does suck a lot)

	return $self;

sub document {

sub notebook {
	Params::Util::_INSTANCE( $_[0]->GetParent, 'Padre::Wx::Notebook' );

# Event Handlers

# When the focus is received by the editor
sub on_set_focus {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $event    = shift;
	my $document = $self->document or return;
	TRACE( "Focus received file:" . $document->get_title ) if DEBUG;

	# Update the line number width

	# NOTE: The editor focus event fires a LOT, even for trivial things
	# like changing focus to another application and immediately back again,
	# or switching between tools in Padre.
	# Try to avoid refreshing here, it is an excessive waste of resources.
	# Instead, put them in the events that ACTUALLY change application
	# state.

	# TO DO
	# This is called even if the mouse is moved away from padre and back
	# again we should restrict some of the updates to cases when we switch
	# from one file to another.
	if ( $self->needs_manual_colorize ) {
		TRACE("needs_manual_colorize") if DEBUG;
		my $lock  = $self->lock_update;
		my $lexer = $self->GetLexer;
		if ( $lexer == Wx::Scintilla::SCLEX_CONTAINER ) {
		} else {
			$self->Colourise( 0, $self->GetLength );

	# Keep processing

# When the focus is leaving the editor
sub on_kill_focus {
	TRACE( $_[0] ) if DEBUG;
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	# Squelch the change dwell timer

	# Keep processing

# Called when a key is released
sub on_key_up {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	# The new behavior for a non-destructive CTRL-L
	if ( $event->GetKeyCode == ord('L') and $event->ControlDown ) {
		my $line = $self->GetLine( $self->GetCurrentLine );
		if ( $line !~ /^\s*$/ ) {

			# Only cut on non-blank lines
		} else {

			# Otherwise delete the line
		$event->Skip(0); # done processing this nothing more to do

	# Apply smart highlighting when the shift key is down
	if ( $event->ShiftDown and $self->config->editor_smart_highlight_enable ) {

	# Doc specific processing
	my $doc = $self->document or return;
	if ( $doc->can('event_key_up') ) {
		$doc->event_key_up( $self, $event );

	# Keep processing


# Called when a character is added or changed in the editor
sub on_char {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	# Hide the smart highlight when a character is added or changed
	# in the editor

	my $document = $self->document or return;
	if ( $document->can('event_on_char') ) {
		$document->event_on_char( $self, $event );

	# Keep processing

# Called on any change to text.
# NOTE: This gets called twice for every change, it may be a bug.
sub on_change {
	my $self = shift;

	# Tickle the dwell for all the dependant gui refreshing
	$self->dwell_start( 'on_change_dwell', $self->config->editor_dwell );

	# If the document changes, memory of search matches are reset
	delete $self->{match};


# Fires half a second after the user stops typing or otherwise stops changing
sub on_change_dwell {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $main    = $self->main;
	my $current = $main->current;
	my $editor  = $current->editor;

	# Only trigger tool refresh actions if we are the active document
	if ( $editor and $self->GetId == $editor->GetId ) {


# Called while the mouse is moving
sub on_mouse_moving {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	if ( $event->Moving ) {
		my $doc = $self->document or return;
		if ( $doc->can('event_mouse_moving') ) {
			$doc->event_mouse_moving( $self, $event );

	# Keep processing

# Convert the Ctrl-Scroll behaviour of changing the font size
# to the non-Ctrl behaviour of scrolling.
sub on_mousewheel {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	# Ignore this handler if it's a normal wheel movement
	unless ( $event->ControlDown ) {

	if (Padre::Feature::FONTSIZE) {

		# The default handler zooms in the wrong direction
		$self->SetZoom( $self->GetZoom + int( $event->GetWheelRotation / $event->GetWheelDelta ) );
	} else {

		# Behave as if Ctrl wasn't down
		$self->ScrollLines( $event->GetLinesPerAction * int( $event->GetWheelRotation / $event->GetWheelDelta * -1 ) );


sub on_left_down {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	# Keep processing

sub on_left_up {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $event  = shift;
	my $config = $self->config;
	my $text   = $self->GetSelectedText;

	if ( Wx::GTK and defined $text and $text ne '' ) {

		# Only on X11 based platforms
		# if ( $config->mid_button_paste ) {
		# $self->put_text_to_clipboard( $text, 1 );
		# } else {
		# $self->put_text_to_clipboard($text);
		# }

	my $doc = $self->document;
	if ( $doc and $doc->can('event_on_left_up') ) {
		$doc->event_on_left_up( $self, $event );

	# Keep processing

sub on_left_double {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	# Keep processing

sub on_middle_up {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $event  = shift;
	my $config = $self->config;

	# TO DO: Sometimes there are unexpected effects when using the middle button.
	# It seems that another event is doing something but not within this module.
	# Please look at ticket #390 for details!
	if ( $config->mid_button_paste ) {

	if ( Padre::Constant::WIN32 or not $config->mid_button_paste ) {

	my $doc = $self->document;
	if ( $doc->can('event_on_middle_up') ) {
		$doc->event_on_middle_up( $self, $event );

	if ( $config->mid_button_paste ) {
	} else {

sub on_context_menu {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;
	my $main  = $self->main;

	require Padre::Wx::Editor::Menu;
	my $menu = Padre::Wx::Editor::Menu->new( $self, $event );

	# Try to determine where to show the context menu
	if ( $event->isa('Wx::MouseEvent') ) {

		# Position is already window relative
		$self->PopupMenu( $menu->wx, $event->GetX, $event->GetY );

	} elsif ( $event->can('GetPosition') ) {

		# Assume other event positions are screen relative
		my $screen = $event->GetPosition;
		my $client = $self->ScreenToClient($screen);
		$self->PopupMenu( $menu->wx, $client->x, $client->y );

	} else {

		# Probably a wxCommandEvent
		# TO DO Capture a better location from the mouse directly
		$self->PopupMenu( $menu->wx, 1, 1 );

# Setup and Preferences Methods

# An alternative to GetWrapMode that returns the mode in text form,
# primarily so that the view menu does not need to load Wx::Scintilla
# for access to the constants
sub get_wrap_mode {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mode = $self->GetWrapMode;
	return 'WORD' if $mode == Wx::Scintilla::SC_WRAP_WORD;
	return 'CHAR' if $mode == Wx::Scintilla::SC_WRAP_CHAR;
	return 'NONE';

# Fill the editor with the document
sub set_document {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $document = shift or return;
	my $eol      = $WXEOL{ $document->newline_type };
	$self->SetEOLMode($eol) if defined $eol;

	if ( defined $document->{original_content} ) {
		$self->SetText( $document->{original_content} );



sub SetWordChars {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $document = shift;
	if ($document) {
		$self->SUPER::SetWordChars( $document->scintilla_word_chars );
	} else {

sub SetLexer {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $lexer = shift;
	if ( Params::Util::_INSTANCE( $lexer, 'Padre::Document' ) ) {
		$lexer = $lexer->mimetype;
	unless ( Params::Util::_NUMBER($lexer) ) {
		require Padre::Wx::Scintilla;
		$lexer = Padre::Wx::Scintilla->lexer($lexer);
	if ( Params::Util::_NUMBER($lexer) ) {
		return $self->SUPER::SetLexer($lexer);

sub SetKeyWords {
	my $self = shift;

	# Handle the pass through case
	return shift->SUPER::SetKeyWords(@_) if @_ == 3;

	# Handle the higher order cases
	my $keywords = shift;
	if ( Params::Util::_INSTANCE( $keywords, 'Padre::Document' ) ) {
		$keywords = $keywords->mimetype;
	unless ( Params::Util::_ARRAY0($keywords) ) {
		require Padre::Wx::Scintilla;
		$keywords = Padre::Wx::Scintilla->keywords($keywords);
	if ( Params::Util::_ARRAY($keywords) ) {
		foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$keywords ) {
			$self->SUPER::SetKeyWords( $i, $keywords->[$i] );

sub StyleAllForeground {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $colour = shift;
	foreach my $i ( 0 .. 31 ) {
		$self->StyleSetBackground( $i, $colour );

sub StyleAllBackground {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $colour = shift;
	foreach my $i ( 0 .. 31 ) {
		$self->StyleSetBackground( $i, $colour );

# Allow projects to override editor preferences
sub config {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $project = $self->current->project;
	return $project->config if $project;
	return $self->SUPER::config(@_);

# Apply global configuration settings to the editor
sub setup_config {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $config = $self->config;

	# Apply various settings that largely map directly
	$self->SetCaretPeriod( $config->editor_cursor_blink );
	$self->SetCaretLineVisible( $config->editor_currentline );
	$self->SetViewEOL( $config->editor_eol );
	$self->SetViewWhiteSpace( $config->editor_whitespace );
	$self->show_line_numbers( $config->editor_linenumbers );
	$self->SetIndentationGuides( $config->editor_indentationguides );

	# Enable or disable word wrapping
	if ( $config->editor_wordwrap ) {
	} else {

	# Enable or disable the right hand margin guideline
	if ( $config->editor_right_margin_enable ) {
		$self->SetEdgeColumn( $config->editor_right_margin_column );
	} else {

	# Enable the symbol margin if anything needs it
	if ( Padre::Feature::DIFF_DOCUMENT or $config->main_syntax ) {
		if ( $self->GetMarginWidth(1) == 0 ) {

			# Set margin 1 as a 16 pixel symbol margin
			$self->SetMarginWidth( Padre::Constant::MARGIN_MARKER, 16 );


# Most of this should be read from some external files
# but for now we use this if statement
sub setup_document {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $config   = $self->config;
	my $document = $self->document;

	# Reset word characters, most languages don't change it

	# Configure lexing for the editor based on the document type
	if ($document) {
		$self->SetStyleBits( $self->GetStyleBitsNeeded );

		# Setup indenting
		my $indent = $document->get_indentation_style;
		$self->SetTabWidth( $indent->{tabwidth} );  # Tab char width
		$self->SetIndent( $indent->{indentwidth} ); # Indent columns
		$self->SetUseTabs( $indent->{use_tabs} );

		# Enable or disable folding (if folding is turned on)
		# Please enable it when the lexer is changed because it is
		# the one that creates the code folding for that particular
		# document
		if (Padre::Feature::FOLDING) {
			$self->show_folding( $config->editor_folding );

	# Apply the current style to the editor

	# When we apply the style, refresh the line number margin in case
	# the changed style results in a different size font.


# Selection and Introspection

# Return the character at a given position as a perl string
sub GetTextAt {
	chr $_[0]->GetCharAt( $_[1] );

sub GetSelectionLength {
	$_[0]->GetSelectionStart - $_[0]->GetSelectionEnd;

sub GetFirstDocumentLine {
	$_[0]->DocLineFromVisible( $_[0]->GetFirstVisibleLine );

sub get_selection_lines {
	return (

sub get_selection_lines_start {
	$_[0]->LineFromPosition( $_[0]->GetSelectionStart );

sub get_selection_lines_end {
	$_[0]->LineFromPosition( $_[0]->GetSelectionEnd );

sub get_selection_block {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $startp = $self->GetSelectionStart;
	my $startl = $self->LineFromPosition($startp);
	my $endp   = $self->GetSelectionEnd;
	my $endl   = $self->LineFromPosition($endp);

	# Do nothing unless the selection spans lines
	return ( $startl, $endl ) if $startl == $endl;

	# Trim off the bottom lines while no content is selected
	while ( $endp == $self->PositionFromLine($endl) ) {
		$endp = $self->GetLineEndPosition( --$endl );
		return ( $startl, $endl ) if $startl == $endl;

	# Trim off the top lines while no content is selected
	while ( $startp == $self->GetLineEndPosition($startl) ) {
		$startp = $self->PositionFromLine( ++$startl );
		return ( $startl, $endl ) if $startl == $endl;

	# The final result is the range of lines containing content
	# within the original selection.
	return ( $startl, $endl );

# Indicate a selection based on a search match and remember where it was
# so we know whether to continue or start a new search next time they hit F3
sub match {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $search = shift;
	my $from   = shift;
	my $to     = shift;

	# Set the selection
	$self->goto_selection_centerize( $from, $to );

	# Save the match details
	$self->{matched} = [ $search, $from, $to ];

	return 1;

# Fetch the search result the current selection is a match for, if any
sub matched {

# General Methods

# Take a temporary readonly lock on the object
sub lock_readonly {
	require Padre::Wx::Editor::Lock;

# Recalculate the line number margins whenever we change the zoom level
sub SetZoom {
	my $self = shift;
	my @rv   = $self->SUPER::SetZoom(@_);
	return @rv;

# Error Message
sub error {
	my $self = shift;
	my $text = shift;

sub remove_color {
	TRACE( $_[0] ) if DEBUG;
	my $self = shift;

	# TO DO this is strange, do we really need to do it with all?
	foreach my $i ( 0 .. 31 ) {
		$self->StartStyling( 0, $i );
		$self->SetStyling( $self->GetLength, 0 );


=head2 get_brace_info

Look at a given position in the editor if there is a brace (according to the
setting editor_braces) before or after, and return the information about the context
It always look first at the character after the position.

		pos - the cursor position in the editor [defaults to cursor position) : int

		undef if no brace, otherwise [brace, actual_pos, is_after, is_opening]
			brace - the brace char at actual_pos
			actual_pos - the actual position where the brace has been found
			is_after - true iff the brace is after the cursor : boolean
			is_opening - true iff only the brace is an opening one


		|{} => should find the { : [0,{,1,1]
		{|} => should find the } : [1,},1,0]
		{| } => should find the { : [0,{,0,1]


sub get_brace_info {
	my ( $self, $pos ) = @_;
	$pos = $self->GetCurrentPos unless defined $pos;

	# try the after position first (default one for BraceMatch)
	my $is_after = 1;
	my $brace    = $self->GetTextAt($pos);
	my $is_brace = $self->get_brace_type($brace);
	if ( !$is_brace && $pos > 0 ) { # try the before position
		$brace    = $self->GetTextAt( --$pos );
		$is_brace = $self->get_brace_type($brace) or return undef;
		$is_after = 0;
	my $is_opening = $is_brace % 2; # odd values are opening
	return [ $pos, $brace, $is_after, $is_opening ];

=head2 get_brace_type

Tell if a character is a brace, and if it is an opening or a closing one

		char - a character : string

		int : 0 if this is not a brace, an odd value if it is an opening brace and an even
		one for a closing brace


my %_cached_braces;

sub get_brace_type {
	my $self = shift;
	my $char = shift;
	unless (%_cached_braces) {
		my $i = 1; # start from one so that all values are true
		$_cached_braces{$_} = $i++ foreach ( split //, '{}[]()' );
	my $v = $_cached_braces{$char} or return 0;
	return $v;

my $previous_expr_hiliting_style;

sub highlight_braces {
	my $self                    = shift;
	my $expression_highlighting = $self->config->editor_brace_expression_highlighting;

	# remove current highlighting if any
	$self->BraceHighlight( Wx::Scintilla::INVALID_POSITION, Wx::Scintilla::INVALID_POSITION );
	if ($previous_expr_hiliting_style) {
		$previous_expr_hiliting_style = undef;

	my $pos1          = $self->GetCurrentPos;
	my $info1         = $self->get_brace_info($pos1) or return;
	my ($actual_pos1) = @$info1;

	my $actual_pos2 = $self->BraceMatch($actual_pos1);

	return if $actual_pos2 == Wx::Scintilla::INVALID_POSITION; #Wx::Scintilla::INVALID_POSITION  #????

	$self->BraceHighlight( $actual_pos1, $actual_pos2 );

	if ($expression_highlighting) {
		my $pos2 = $self->find_matching_brace($pos1) or return;
		my %style = (
			start => $pos1 < $pos2 ? $pos1 : $pos2,
			len => abs( $pos1 - $pos2 ), style => Wx::Scintilla::STYLE_DEFAULT
		$previous_expr_hiliting_style = $self->apply_style( \%style );


# some uncorrect behaviour (| is the cursor)
# {} : never highlighted
# { } : always correct

sub apply_style {
	my $self           = shift;
	my $style_info     = shift;
	my %previous_style = %$style_info;
	$previous_style{style} = $self->GetStyleAt( $style_info->{start} );

	$self->StartStyling( $style_info->{start}, 0xFF );
	$self->SetStyling( $style_info->{len}, $style_info->{style} );

	return \%previous_style;

=head2 find_matching_brace

Find the position of to the matching brace if any. If the cursor is inside the braces the destination
will be inside too, same it is outside.

		pos - the cursor position in the editor [defaults to cursor position) : int

		matching_pos - the matching position, or undef if none


sub find_matching_brace {
	my ( $self, $pos ) = @_;
	$pos = $self->GetCurrentPos unless defined $pos;
	my $info1 = $self->get_brace_info($pos) or return;
	my ( $actual_pos1, $brace, $is_after, $is_opening ) = @$info1;

	my $actual_pos2 = $self->BraceMatch($actual_pos1);
	return if $actual_pos2 == Wx::Scintilla::INVALID_POSITION;
	$actual_pos2++ if $is_after; # ensure is stays inside if origin is inside, same four outside
	return $actual_pos2;

=head2 goto_matching_brace

Move the cursor to the matching brace if any. If the cursor is inside the braces the destination
will be inside too, same it is outside.

		pos - the cursor position in the editor [defaults to cursor position) : int


sub goto_matching_brace {
	my ( $self, $pos ) = @_;
	my $pos2 = $self->find_matching_brace($pos) or return;

=head2 select_to_matching_brace

Select to the matching opening or closing brace. If the cursor is inside the braces the destination
will be inside too, same it is outside.

		pos - the cursor position in the editor [defaults to cursor position) : int


sub select_to_matching_brace {
	my ( $self, $pos ) = @_;
	$pos = $self->GetCurrentPos unless defined $pos;
	my $pos2 = $self->find_matching_brace($pos) or return;
	my $start = ( $pos < $pos2 ) ? $self->GetSelectionStart : $self->GetSelectionEnd;
	$self->SetSelection( $start, $pos2 );

sub refresh_notebook {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $document = $self->document or return;
	my $notebook = Params::Util::_INSTANCE(
	) or return;

	# Find the page we are in
	my $id = $notebook->GetPageIndex($self);
	return if $id == Wx::NOT_FOUND;

	# Generate the page title
	my $old      = $notebook->GetPageText($id);
	my $filename = $document->filename || '';
	my $modified = $self->GetModify ? '*' : ' ';
	my $title    = $modified
		. (
		? File::Basename::basename($filename)
		: substr( $old, 1 )

	# Fixed ticket #190: Massive GDI object leakages
	# Please remember to call SetPageText once per the same text
	# This still leaks but far less slowly (just on undo)
	return if $old eq $title;
	$notebook->SetPageText( $id, $title );

sub refresh_line_numbers {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->show_line_numbers( $self->config->editor_linenumbers );

# Calculate the maximum possible width, and set to that plus a few pixels.
# We don't allow any excess space for future growth as we anticipate calling
# this function relatively frequently.
sub show_line_numbers {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $on    = shift;
	my $width = 0;

	if ($on) {
		$width = $self->TextWidth(
			"m" x List::Util::max( 2, length $self->GetLineCount )
		) + 5; # 5 pixel left "margin of the margin


sub show_calltip {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $config = $self->config;
	return unless $config->editor_calltips;

	my $pos    = $self->GetCurrentPos;
	my $line   = $self->LineFromPosition($pos);
	my $first  = $self->PositionFromLine($line);
	my $prefix = $self->GetTextRange( $first, $pos ); # line from beginning to current position
	$self->CallTipCancel if $self->CallTipActive;

	my $doc      = $self->current->document or return;
	my $keywords = $doc->get_calltip_keywords;
	my $regex    = join '|', sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %$keywords;

	my $tip;
	if ( $prefix =~ /(?:^|[^\w\$\@\%\&])($regex)[ (]?$/ ) {
		my $z = $keywords->{$1};
		return if not $z or not ref($z) or ref($z) ne 'HASH';
		$tip = "$z->{cmd}\n$z->{exp}";
	if ($tip) {
		$self->CallTipShow( $self->CallTipPosAtStart + 1, $tip );

# For auto-indentation (i.e. one more level), we do the following:
# 1) get the white spaces of the previous line and add them here as well
# 2) after a brace indent one level more than previous line
# 3) while doing all this, respect the current (sadly global) indentation settings
# For auto-de-indentation (i.e. closing brace), we remove one level of indentation
# instead.
# FIX ME/TO DO: needs some refactoring
sub autoindent {
	my ( $self, $mode ) = @_;

	my $config = $self->config;
	return unless $config->editor_autoindent;
	return if $config->editor_autoindent eq 'no';

	if ( $mode eq 'deindent' ) {
	} else {

		# default to "indent"


sub _auto_indent {
	my ( $self, $config ) = @_;

	my $pos       = $self->GetCurrentPos;
	my $prev_line = $self->LineFromPosition($pos) - 1;
	return if $prev_line < 0;

	my $indent_style = $self->document->get_indentation_style;

	my $content = $self->GetLine($prev_line);
	my $eol     = $self->document->newline;
	$content =~ s/$eol$//;
	my $indent = ( $content =~ /^(\s+)/ ? $1 : '' );

	if ( $config->editor_autoindent eq 'deep' and $content =~ /\{\s*$/ ) {
		my $indent_width = $indent_style->{indentwidth};
		my $tab_width    = $indent_style->{tabwidth};
		if ( $indent_style->{use_tabs} and $indent_width != $tab_width ) {

			# do tab compression if necessary
			# - First, convert all to spaces (aka columns)
			# - Then, add an indentation level
			# - Then, convert to tabs as necessary
			my $tab_equivalent = " " x $tab_width;
			$indent =~ s/\t/$tab_equivalent/g;
			$indent .= $tab_equivalent;
			$indent =~ s/$tab_equivalent/\t/g;
		} elsif ( $indent_style->{use_tabs} ) {

			# use tabs only
			$indent .= "\t";
		} else {
			$indent .= " " x $indent_width;
	if ( $indent ne '' ) {
		$self->InsertText( $pos, $indent );
		$self->GotoPos( $pos + length($indent) );


sub _auto_deindent {
	my ( $self, $config ) = @_;

	my $pos  = $self->GetCurrentPos;
	my $line = $self->LineFromPosition($pos);

	my $indent_style = $self->document->get_indentation_style;

	my $content = $self->GetLine($line);
	my $indent = ( $content =~ /^(\s+)/ ? $1 : '' );

	# This is for } on a new line:
	if ( $config->editor_autoindent eq 'deep' and $content =~ /^\s*\}\s*$/ ) {
		my $prev_line    = $line - 1;
		my $prev_content = ( $prev_line < 0 ? '' : $self->GetLine($prev_line) );
		my $prev_indent  = ( $prev_content =~ /^(\s+)/ ? $1 : '' );

		# de-indent only in these cases:
		# - same indentation level as prev. line and not a brace on prev line
		# - higher indentation than pr. l. and a brace on pr. line
		if ( $prev_indent eq $indent && $prev_content !~ /^\s*{/
			or length($prev_indent) < length($indent) && $prev_content =~ /\{\s*$/ )
			my $indent_width = $indent_style->{indentwidth};
			my $tab_width    = $indent_style->{tabwidth};
			if ( $indent_style->{use_tabs} and $indent_width != $tab_width ) {

				# do tab compression if necessary
				# - First, convert all to spaces (aka columns)
				# - Then, add an indentation level
				# - Then, convert to tabs as necessary
				my $tab_equivalent = " " x $tab_width;
				$indent =~ s/\t/$tab_equivalent/g;
				$indent =~ s/$tab_equivalent$//;
				$indent =~ s/$tab_equivalent/\t/g;
			} elsif ( $indent_style->{use_tabs} ) {

				# use tabs only
				$indent =~ s/\t$//;
			} else {
				my $indentation_level = " " x $indent_width;
				$indent =~ s/$indentation_level$//;

		# replace indentation of the current line
		$self->GotoPos( $pos - 1 );
		$pos = $self->GetCurrentPos;
		$self->InsertText( $pos, $indent );
		$self->GotoPos( $self->GetLineEndPosition($line) );

	# this is if the line matches "blahblahSomeText}".
	elsif ( $config->editor_autoindent eq 'deep' and $content =~ /\}\s*$/ ) {

		# TO DO: What should happen in this case?


sub text_selection_mark_start {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{selection_mark_start} = $self->GetCurrentPos;

	# Change selection if start and end are defined
	if ( defined $self->{selection_mark_end} ) {

sub text_selection_mark_end {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{selection_mark_end} = $self->GetCurrentPos;

	# Change selection if start and end are defined
	if ( defined $self->{selection_mark_start} ) {

sub text_selection_clear {
	my $editor = shift;
	$editor->{selection_mark_start} = undef;
	$editor->{selection_mark_end}   = undef;

# my ($begin, $end) = $self->current_paragraph;
# return $begin and $end position of current paragraph.
sub current_paragraph {
	my ($editor) = @_;

	my $curpos = $editor->GetCurrentPos;
	my $lineno = $editor->LineFromPosition($curpos);

	# check if we're in between paragraphs
	return ( $curpos, $curpos ) if $editor->GetLine($lineno) =~ /^\s*$/;

	# find the start of paragraph by searching backwards till we find a
	# line with only whitespace in it.
	my $para1 = $lineno;
	while ( $para1 > 0 ) {
		my $line = $editor->GetLine($para1);
		last if $line =~ /^\s*$/;

	# now, find the end of paragraph by searching forwards until we find
	# only white space
	my $lastline = $editor->GetLineCount;
	my $para2    = $lineno;
	while ( $para2 < $lastline ) {
		my $line = $editor->GetLine($para2);
		last if $line =~ /^\s*$/;

	# return the position
	my $begin = $editor->PositionFromLine( $para1 + 1 );
	my $end   = $editor->PositionFromLine($para2);
	return ( $begin, $end );

# TO DO: include the changing of file type in the undo/redo actions
# or better yet somehow fetch it from the document when it is needed.
sub convert_eols {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $newline = shift;
	my $mode    = $WXEOL{$newline};

	# Apply the change to the underlying document
	my $document = $self->document or return;

	# Convert and Set the EOL mode in the editor

	return 1;

sub CanPaste {
	my $self = shift;
	return 0 unless $self->SUPER::CanPaste;
	return 0 unless $self->clipboard_length;
	return 1;

sub Paste {
	my $self = shift;

	# Workaround for Copy/Paste bug ticket #390
	my $text = $self->get_text_from_clipboard;

	if ($text) {

		# Conversion of pasted text is really needed since it usually comes
		# with the platform's line endings
		# Please see ticket:589, "Pasting in a UNIX document in win32
		# corrupts it to MIXEd"
		$self->ReplaceSelection( $self->_convert_paste_eols($text) );

	return 1;

# This method converts line ending based on current document EOL mode
# and the newline type for the current text
sub _convert_paste_eols {
	my ( $self, $paste ) = @_;

	my $newline_type = Padre::Util::newline_type($paste);
	my $eol_mode     = $self->GetEOLMode;

	# Handle the 'None' one-liner case
	if ( $newline_type eq 'None' ) {
		$newline_type = $self->config->default_line_ending;

	#line endings
	my $CR   = "\015";
	my $LF   = "\012";
	my $CRLF = "$CR$LF";
	my ( $from, $to );

	# From what to convert from?
	if ( $newline_type eq 'WIN' ) {
		$from = $CRLF;
	} elsif ( $newline_type eq 'UNIX' ) {
		$from = $LF;
	} elsif ( $newline_type eq 'MAC' ) {
		$from = $CR;

	# To what to convert to?
	if ( $eol_mode eq Wx::Scintilla::SC_EOL_CRLF ) {
		$to = $CRLF;
	} elsif ( $eol_mode eq Wx::Scintilla::SC_EOL_LF ) {
		$to = $LF;
	} else {

		#must be Wx::Scintilla::EOL_CR
		$to = $CR;

	# Convert only when it is needed
	if ( $from ne $to ) {
		$paste =~ s/$from/$to/g;

	return $paste;

# Toggle the commenting for the content block at the selection
sub comment_toggle {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $document = $self->document or return;
	my $comment  = $document->mime->comment or return;
	my ( $start, $end ) = @_ ? @_ : $self->get_selection_block;

	# The block is uncommented if any non-blank line within it is
	my $commented = $comment->line_match;
	foreach my $line ( $start .. $end ) {
		my $text = $self->GetLine($line);
		next unless $text =~ /\S/;
		next if $text =~ $commented;

		# Block is NOT commented, comment it
		return $self->comment_indent( $start, $end );

	# Block IS commented, uncomment it
	return $self->comment_outdent( $start, $end );

# Indent commenting for a line range representing a block of code
sub comment_indent {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $document = $self->document or return;
	my $comment  = $document->mime->comment or return;
	my $left     = $comment->left;
	my $right    = $comment->right;
	my @targets  = ();

	my ( $start, $end ) = @_ ? @_ : $self->get_selection_block;
	if ($right) {

		# Handle languages which use multi-line comment
		push @targets, [ $end,   $end,   "$left " ];
		push @targets, [ $start, $start, " $right" ];

	} else {

		# Handle line-by-line comments
		$comment .= ' ';
		for ( my $line = $end; $line >= $start; $line-- ) {
			my $text = $self->GetLine($line);
			next unless $text =~ /\S/;

			# Insert the comment after the indent to retain safe tab
			# usage for those people that use them.
			my $pos = $self->GetLineIndentPosition($line);
			push @targets, [ $pos, $pos, "$left " ];

	# Apply the changes to the editor
	require Padre::Delta;
	Padre::Delta->new( position => @targets )->to_editor($self);

# Outdent commenting for a line range representing a block of code
sub comment_outdent {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $document = $self->document or return;
	my $comment  = $document->mime->comment or return;
	my $left     = $comment->left;
	my $right    = $comment->right;
	my @targets  = ();

	my ( $start, $end ) = @_ ? @_ : $self->get_selection_block;
	if ( Params::Util::_ARRAY($comment) ) {

		# Handle languages which use multi-line comment
		# TO DO to be completed

	} else {

		# Handle line-by-line comments
		my $regexp = qr/^(\s*)(\Q$left\E ?)/;
		for ( my $line = $end; $line >= $start; $line-- ) {
			my $text = $self->GetLine($line);
			next unless $text =~ /\S/;

			# Special hack, don't uncomment #! lines
			if ( $line == 0 and $text =~ /^#!/ ) {

			# Remove the comment characters
			next unless $text =~ $regexp;
			my $left  = $self->PositionFromLine($line) + length($1);
			my $right = $left + length($2);
			push @targets, [ $left, $right, '' ];

	# Apply the changes to the editor
	require Padre::Delta;
	Padre::Delta->new( position => @targets )->to_editor($self);


=head2 find_line

  my $line_number = $editor->find_line( 123, "sub foo {" );

The C<find_line> method locates a line in a document using a line number
and the content of the line.

It is intended for use in situations where a search function has determined
that a particular line is of interest, but the document may have changed in
the time since the original search was made.

Starting at the suggested line, it will locate the line containing the text
which is the closest to line provided. If no text is provided the method
acts as a simple pass-through.

Returns an integer line number guaranteed to exist in the document, or
C<undef> if the hint text could not be found anywhere in the document.


sub find_line {
	my $self = shift;
	my $line = shift;

	# Handle the trivial case with no hint text
	unless (@_) {
		return $self->line($line);

	# Look for the text on the specific expected line
	my $text  = quotemeta shift;
	my $regex = qr/^$text[\012\015]*\Z/;
	if ( $line == $self->line($line) ) {
		if ( $self->GetLine($line) =~ $regex ) {
			return $line;
	} else {
		$line = $self->line($line);

	# Search outwards from the expected line
	my $max  = $self->GetLineCount;
	my $low  = $line;
	my $high = $line;
	while ( $low >= 0 or $high <= $max ) {

		# Search down one line
		if ( $high <= $max ) {
			if ( $self->GetLine($high) =~ $regex ) {
				return $high;
		if ( $low >= 0 ) {
			if ( $self->GetLine($low) =~ $regex ) {
				return $low;

	# If we can't find the content text anywhere,
	# fall back to the explicit line number.
	return $line;

sub find_function {
	my $self     = shift;
	my $name     = shift;
	my $document = $self->document or return;
	my $regex    = $document->get_function_regex($name) or return;

	# Run the search
	require Padre::Search;
	my ( $from,  $to )  = $self->GetSelection;
	my ( $start, $end ) = Padre::Search->matches(
		text     => $self->GetText,
		regex    => $regex,
		submatch => 1,
		from     => $from,
		to       => $to,

	return $start;

sub has_function {
	defined shift->find_function(@_);


=head2 position

  my $position = $editor->position($untrusted);

The C<position> method is used to clean parameters that are supposed to
refer to a position within the editor. It takes what should be an numeric
document position, constrains the value to the actual position range of
the document, and removes any fractional characters.

This method should generally be used when doing something to a document
somewhere in it preferable aborting that functionality completely.

Returns an integer character position guaranteed to exist in the document.


sub position {
	my $self = shift;
	my $pos  = shift;
	my $max  = $self->GetLength;
	$pos = 0 unless $pos;
	$pos = 0 unless $pos > 0;
	$pos = $max if $pos > $max;
	return int $pos;


=head2 line

  my $line = $editor->line($untrusted);

The C<line> method is used to clean parameters that are supposed to
refer to a line within the editor. It takes what should be an numeric
document line, constrains the value to the actual line range of
the document, and removes any fractional characters.

This method should generally be used when doing something to a document
somewhere in it preferable aborting that functionality completely.

Returns an integer line number guaranteed to exist in the document.


sub line {
	my $self = shift;
	my $line = shift;
	my $max  = $self->GetLineCount - 1;
	$line = 0 unless $line;
	$line = 0 unless $line > 0;
	$line = $max if $line > $max;
	return int $line;

sub goto_function {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $start = $self->find_function(shift);
	return unless defined $start;

sub goto_line_centerize {
	my $self = shift;
	my $line = $self->find_line(@_);
	$self->goto_pos_centerize( $self->GetLineIndentPosition($line) );

# CREDIT: Borrowed from Kephra
sub goto_pos_centerize {
	my $self = shift;
	my $pos  = $self->position(shift);
	my $line = $self->LineFromPosition($pos);

	# Set the selection

	# Move to the position
	$self->ScrollToLine( $self->line( $line - $self->LinesOnScreen / 2 ) );

	return 1;

sub goto_selection_centerize {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $spos  = $self->position(shift);
	my $epos  = $self->position(shift);
	my $sline = $self->LineFromPosition($spos);
	my $eline = $self->LineFromPosition($epos);

	# Set the selection

	# Move to the mid-point of the selection as a starting point.
	# If the selection is bigger than the screen,
	# move the caret back onto the screen.
	$self->ScrollToLine( $self->line( ( $sline + $eline - $self->LinesOnScreen ) / 2 ) );

	return 1;

sub insert_text {
	my $self = shift;
	my $text = shift;
	my $size = Wx::TextDataObject->new($text)->GetTextLength;
	my $pos  = $self->GetCurrentPos;
	$self->InsertText( $pos, $text );
	$self->GotoPos( $pos + $size + 1 );
	return 1;

sub insert_from_file {
	my $self = shift;
	my $file = shift;
	open( my $fh, '<', $file ) or return;
	local $/ = undef;
	my $text = <$fh>;
	close $fh;

# Default (fast) method for deleting all leading spaces
sub delete_leading_spaces {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $lines   = $self->GetLineCount;
	my $changed = 0;

	foreach my $i ( 0 .. $self->GetLineCount ) {
		my $line = $self->GetLine($i);
		unless ( $line =~ /\A([ \t]+)/ ) {
		my $start = $self->PositionFromLine($i);
		$self->SetTargetEnd( $start + length $1 );
		$self->BeginUndoAction unless $changed++;
	$self->EndUndoAction if $changed;

	return $changed;

# Default (fast) method for deleting all trailing spaces
sub delete_trailing_spaces {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $lines   = $self->GetLineCount;
	my $changed = 0;

	foreach my $i ( 0 .. $self->GetLineCount ) {
		my $line = $self->GetLine($i);
		unless ( $line =~ /\A(.*?)([ \t]+)([\015\012]*)\z/ ) {
		my $start = $self->PositionFromLine($i) + length $1;
		$self->SetTargetEnd( $start + length $2 );
		$self->BeginUndoAction unless $changed++;
	$self->EndUndoAction if $changed;

	return $changed;

sub vertically_align {
	my $self = shift;

	# Get the selected lines
	my $begin = $self->LineFromPosition( $self->GetSelectionStart );
	my $end   = $self->LineFromPosition( $self->GetSelectionEnd );
	if ( $begin == $end ) {
		$self->error( Wx::gettext("You must select a range of lines") );
	my @line = ( $begin .. $end );
	my @text = ();
	foreach (@line) {
		my $x = $self->PositionFromLine($_);
		my $y = $self->GetLineEndPosition($_);
		push @text, $self->GetTextRange( $x, $y );

	# Get the align character from the selection start
	# (which must be a non-whitespace non-word character)
	my $start = $self->GetSelectionStart;
	my $c = $self->GetTextRange( $start, $start + 1 );
	unless ( defined $c and $c =~ /^[^\s\w]$/ ) {
		$self->error( Wx::gettext("First character of selection must be a non-word character to align") );

	# Locate the position of the align character,
	# and the position of the earliest whitespace before it.
	my $qc       = quotemeta $c;
	my @position = ();
	foreach (@text) {
		if (/^(.+?)(\s*)$qc/) {
			push @position, [ length("$1"), length("$2") ];
		} else {

			# This line is not a member of the align set
			push @position, undef;

	# Find the latest position of the starting whitespace.
	my $longest = List::Util::max map { $_->[0] } grep {$_} @position;

	# Generate the target list to line them all up
	my @targets = ();
	foreach ( 0 .. $#line ) {
		next unless $position[$_];
		my $spaces = $longest - $position[$_]->[0] - $position[$_]->[1] + 1;
		if ( $_ == 0 ) {
			$start = $start + $spaces;

		my $insert = $self->PositionFromLine( $line[$_] ) + $position[$_]->[0] + 1;
		if ( $spaces > 0 ) {
			push @targets, [ $insert, $insert, ' ' x $spaces ];
		} elsif ( $spaces < 0 ) {
			push @targets, [ $insert, $insert - $spaces, '' ];

	# Apply the changes via a delta object
	require Padre::Delta;
	my $delta = Padre::Delta->new( position => reverse @targets );

sub needs_manual_colorize {
	if ( defined $_[1] ) {
		$_[0]->{needs_manual_colorize} = $_[1];
	return $_[0]->{needs_manual_colorize};

# Clipboard Methods

# This is not necesarily the right place for these, since things other
# than editors might want to make use of the clipboard.
# But it will do for now as a starting point.


=head2 clipboard_length

  my $chars = Padre::Wx::Editor->clipboard_length;

The C<clipboard_length> method returns the number of characters of text
currently in the clipboard, if any.

Returns an integer number of characters, or zero if the clipboard is empty
or contains non-text data.


sub clipboard_length {
	my $class = shift;
	my $chars = 0;

	if ( Wx::TheClipboard->IsSupported(Wx::DF_TEXT) ) {
		my $data = Wx::TextDataObject->new;
		if ( Wx::TheClipboard->GetData($data) ) {
			$chars = $data->GetTextLength if defined $data;

	return $chars;

# TODO Change this to clipboard_set
sub put_text_to_clipboard {
	my ( $self, $text, $clipboard ) = @_;
	@_ = (); # Feeble attempt to kill Scalars Leaked

	return if $text eq '';

	my $config = $self->config;

	$clipboard ||= 0;

	# Backup last clipboard value:
	$self->{Clipboard_Old} = $self->get_text_from_clipboard;

	#         if $self->{Clipboard_Old} ne $self->get_text_from_clipboard;


	# Wx::TheClipboard->UsePrimarySelection($clipboard)
	# if $config->mid_button_paste;
	Wx::TheClipboard->SetData( Wx::TextDataObject->new($text) );


# TODO Change this to clipboard_text
sub get_text_from_clipboard {
	my $self = shift;
	my $text = '';
	if ( Wx::TheClipboard->IsSupported(Wx::DF_TEXT) ) {
		my $data = Wx::TextDataObject->new;
		if ( Wx::TheClipboard->GetData($data) ) {
			$text = $data->GetText if defined $data;
	if ( $text eq $self->GetSelectedText ) {
		$text = $self->{Clipboard_Old};

	return $text;

# Highlighting

# The main purpose of these manual highlighting methods is to prevent
# the document classes from having to use Wx code directly.

sub manual_highlight_show {
	my $self       = shift;
	my $position   = shift;
	my $characters = shift;
	$self->IndicatorFillRange( $position, $characters );
	return 1;

sub manual_highlight_hide {
	my $self       = shift;
	my $position   = shift;
	my $characters = shift;
	$self->IndicatorClearRange( $position, $characters );

sub smart_highlight_show {
	my $self             = shift;
	my $selection        = $self->GetSelectedText;
	my $selection_length = length $selection;

	# Zero length selection should be ignored
	return if $selection_length == 0;

	# Whitespace should be ignored
	return if $selection =~ /^\s+$/;

	my $selection_re = quotemeta $selection;
	my $line_count   = $self->GetLineCount;
	my $line_num     = $self->GetCurrentLine;

	# Limits search to C+N..C-N from current line respecting limits ofcourse
	# to optimize CPU usage
	my $NUM_LINES = 400;
	my $from      = ( $line_num - $NUM_LINES <= 0 ) ? 0 : $line_num - $NUM_LINES;
	my $to        = ( $line_count <= $line_num + $NUM_LINES ) ? $line_count : $line_num + $NUM_LINES;

	# Clear previous smart highlights

	# find matching occurrences
	foreach my $i ( $from .. $to ) {
		my $line_start = $self->PositionFromLine($i);
		my $line       = $self->GetLine($i);
		while ( $line =~ /$selection_re/g ) {
			my $start = $line_start + pos($line) - $selection_length;

			push @{ $self->{styles} },
				start => $start,
				len   => $selection_length,

	# smart highlight if there are more than one occurrence...
	if ( scalar @{ $self->{styles} } > 1 ) {
		foreach my $style ( @{ $self->{styles} } ) {
			$self->IndicatorFillRange( $style->{start}, $style->{len} );


sub smart_highlight_hide {
	my $self = shift;

	my @styles = @{ $self->{styles} };
	if ( scalar @styles ) {

		# Clear indicators for all available text
		my $text_length = $self->GetTextLength;
		$self->IndicatorClearRange( 0, $text_length ) if $text_length > 0;

		# Clear old styles
		$#{ $self->{styles} } = -1;

# Code Folding

no warnings 'once';

	*show_folding = sub {
		my $self = shift;
		my $on   = shift;

		if ($on) {

			# Setup a margin to hold fold markers
			# This one needs to be mouse-aware.

			# Define folding markers. The colours are really dummy
			# as the themes will override them
			my $w = Wx::Colour->new("white");
			my $b = Wx::Colour->new("black");
			$self->MarkerDefine( Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED, $w, $b );
			$self->MarkerDefine( Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED, $w,
			$self->MarkerDefine( Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARK_TCORNER,  $w, $b );
			$self->MarkerDefine( Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL,    Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARK_LCORNER,  $w, $b );
			$self->MarkerDefine( Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB,     Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARK_VLINE,    $w, $b );
			$self->MarkerDefine( Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER,        Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARK_BOXPLUS,  $w, $b );
			$self->MarkerDefine( Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN,    Wx::Scintilla::SC_MARK_BOXMINUS, $w, $b );

			# Activate
			$self->SetProperty( 'fold' => 1 );

		} else {

			# Deactivate
			$self->SetProperty( 'fold' => 1 );

		if Padre::Feature::FOLDING;

	*fold_this = sub {
		my $self        = shift;
		my $currentLine = $self->GetCurrentLine;

		unless ( $self->GetFoldExpanded($currentLine) ) {

		while ( $currentLine >= 0 ) {
			if ( ( my $parentLine = $self->GetFoldParent($currentLine) ) > 0 ) {
			} else {

		if Padre::Feature::FOLDING;

	*fold_all = sub {
		my $self        = shift;
		my $lineCount   = $self->GetLineCount;
		my $currentLine = $lineCount;

		while ( $currentLine >= 0 ) {
			if ( ( my $parentLine = $self->GetFoldParent($currentLine) ) > 0 ) {
				if ( $self->GetFoldExpanded($parentLine) ) {
					$currentLine = $parentLine;
				} else {
			} else {

		if Padre::Feature::FOLDING;

	*unfold_all = sub {
		my $self        = shift;
		my $lineCount   = $self->GetLineCount;
		my $currentLine = 0;

		while ( $currentLine <= $lineCount ) {
			if ( !$self->GetFoldExpanded($currentLine) ) {

		if Padre::Feature::FOLDING;

	*fold_pod = sub {
		my $self        = shift;
		my $currentLine = 0;
		my $lastLine    = $self->GetLineCount;

		while ( $currentLine <= $lastLine ) {
			if ( $self->GetLine($currentLine) =~ /^=(pod|head)/ ) {
				if ( $self->GetFoldExpanded($currentLine) ) {
					my $foldLevel = $self->GetFoldLevel($currentLine);
					$currentLine = $self->GetLastChild( $currentLine, $foldLevel );
			} else {

		if Padre::Feature::FOLDING;

# Cursor Memory


	# $doc->store_cursor_position
	# store document's current cursor position in padre's db.
	# no params, no return value.
	*store_cursor_position = sub {
		my $self     = shift;
		my $document = $self->document or return;
		my $file     = $document->{file} or return;
		if Padre::Feature::CURSORMEMORY;

	# $doc->restore_cursor_position
	# restore document's cursor position from padre's db.
	# no params, no return value.
	*restore_cursor_position = sub {
		my $self     = shift;
		my $document = $self->document or return;
		my $file     = $document->{file} or return;
		my $filename = $file->filename;
		my $position = Padre::DB::LastPositionInFile->get_last_pos($filename);
		return unless defined $position;
		if Padre::Feature::CURSORMEMORY;




Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in

This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.


# Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.