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package Padre::Wx::Dialog::SessionSave;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Padre::Wx       ();
use Padre::Wx::Icon ();

our $VERSION = '1.00';
our @ISA     = 'Wx::Dialog';

use Class::XSAccessor {
	accessors => {
		_butsave => '_butsave', # save button
		_combo   => '_combo',   # combo box holding the session names
		_names   => '_names',   # list of all session names
		_sizer   => '_sizer',   # the window sizer
		_text    => '_text',    # text control holding the description

# -- constructor

sub new {
	my ( $class, $parent ) = @_;

	# create object
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
		Wx::gettext('Save session as...'),

	# create dialog

	return $self;

# -- public methods

sub show {
	my $self = shift;

# -- gui handlers

# $self->_on_butclose_clicked;
# handler called when the close button has been clicked.
sub _on_butclose_clicked {
	my $self = shift;

# $self->_on_butsave_clicked;
# handler called when the save button has been clicked.
sub _on_butsave_clicked {
	my $self    = shift;
	my $main    = $self->GetParent;
	my $lock    = $main->lock('DB');
	my $session = $self->_current_session;

	# TO DO: This must be switched to use the main methods:
	if ( defined $session ) {

		# session exist, remove all files associated to it
			'session = ?',

		# Save Session description:
			'UPDATE session SET description = ? WHERE id = ?',
	} else {

		# session did not exist, create a new one
		$session = Padre::DB::Session->create(
			name        => $self->_combo->GetValue,
			description => $self->_text->GetValue,
			last_update => time,

	# Capture session and save it
	my @session = $main->capture_session;
	$main->save_session( $session, @session );

	# close dialog

# $self->_on_combo_item_selected( $event );
# handler called when a combo item has been selected. it will in turn update
# the description text.
# $event is a Wx::CommandEvent.
sub _on_combo_item_selected {
	my ( $self, $event ) = @_;

	my $name    = $self->_combo->GetValue;
	my $session = $self->_current_session;
	return unless $session;
	$self->_text->SetValue( $session->description );

# $self->_on_combo_text_changed( $event );
# handler called when user types in the combo box. it will update the
# description text, but only if the new session matches an existing one.
# $event is a Wx::CommandEvent.
sub _on_combo_text_changed {
	my ( $self, $event ) = @_;

	my $name = $self->_combo->GetValue;
	my $method = $name ? 'Enable' : 'Disable';
	my $session = $self->_current_session;
	return unless $session;
	$self->_text->SetValue( $session->description );

# -- private methods

# $self->_create;
# create the dialog itself.
# no params, no return values.
sub _create {
	my $self = shift;

	# create sizer that will host all controls
	my $box = Wx::BoxSizer->new(Wx::VERTICAL);
	my $sizer = Wx::GridBagSizer->new( 5, 5 );
	$box->Add( $sizer, 1, Wx::EXPAND | Wx::ALL, 5 );


	# Update description/button status in case of preloaded values
	# Better re-use the existing functions than rewrite the same
	# code during component creation

# $dialog->_create_fields;
# create the combo box with the sessions. it will hold a list of
# available sessions (but still allowing user to add another value), and
# a description field.
# no params. no return values.
sub _create_fields {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $sizer = $self->_sizer;

	my $Current_Session;
	if ( defined( Padre->ide->{session} ) ) {
		my $CS = Padre::DB::Session->select(
			'name where id = ?',

		# was $CS->[0]->{name};
		# but it crashed
		$Current_Session = $CS->[0]->[1];
	$Current_Session ||= ''; # Empty value for combo box, better than undef

	# session name
	my $lab1 = Wx::StaticText->new( $self, -1, Wx::gettext('Session name:') );
	my $combo = Wx::ComboBox->new( $self, -1, $Current_Session );
	$sizer->Add( $lab1, Wx::GBPosition->new( 0, 0 ) );
	$sizer->Add( $combo, Wx::GBPosition->new( 0, 1 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 3 ), Wx::EXPAND );
	Wx::Event::EVT_COMBOBOX( $self, $combo, \&_on_combo_item_selected );
	Wx::Event::EVT_TEXT( $self, $combo, \&_on_combo_text_changed );

	# session descritpion
	my $lab2 = Wx::StaticText->new( $self, -1, Wx::gettext('Description:') );
	my $text = Wx::TextCtrl->new( $self, -1, '' );
	$sizer->Add( $lab2, Wx::GBPosition->new( 1, 0 ) );
	$sizer->Add( $text, Wx::GBPosition->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 3 ), Wx::EXPAND );

# $dialog->_create_buttons;
# create the buttons pane.
# no params. no return values.
sub _create_buttons {
	my $self = shift;

	my $sizer = $self->_sizer;

	# the buttons
	my $bs = Wx::Button->new( $self, Wx::ID_OK,     Wx::gettext('Save') );
	my $bc = Wx::Button->new( $self, Wx::ID_CANCEL, Wx::gettext('Close') );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self, $bs, \&_on_butsave_clicked );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self, $bc, \&_on_butclose_clicked );
	$sizer->Add( $bs, Wx::GBPosition->new( 2, 2 ) );
	$sizer->Add( $bc, Wx::GBPosition->new( 2, 3 ) );


	# save button is disabled at first if there is nothing to save

# my $session = $self->_current_session;
# return the padre::db::session object corresponding to combo text.
# return undef if no object selected.
sub _current_session {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($current) = Padre::DB::Session->select(
		'where name = ?',
	return $current;

# $dialog->_refresh_combo;
# refresh combo box with list of sessions.
sub _refresh_combo {
	my ( $self, $column, $reverse ) = @_;

	# get list of sessions, sorted.
	my @names = map { $_->name } Padre::DB::Session->select('ORDER BY name');
	$self->_names( \@names );

	# clear list & fill it again
	my $combo        = $self->_combo;
	my $preselection = $combo->GetValue;
	$combo->Append($_) foreach @names;



=head1 NAME

Padre::Wx::Dialog::SessionSave - dialog to save a Padre session


Padre supports sessions, and this dialog provides Padre with a way to
save a session.


=head2 Constructor

=head3 C<new>

    my $dialog = PWD::SS->new( $parent )

Create and return a new Wx dialog allowing to save a session. It needs a
C<$parent> window (usually Padre's main window).

=head2 Public methods

=head3 C<show>


Request the dialog to be shown.


Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.


# Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.