The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package Alien::Base::ModuleBuild;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.017';

use parent 'Module::Build';

use Capture::Tiny 0.17 qw/capture tee/;
use File::chdir;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename qw/fileparse/;
use Carp;
no warnings;
use Archive::Extract;
use warnings;
use Sort::Versions;
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq first_index/;
use ExtUtils::Installed;
use File::Copy qw/move/;
use Env qw( @PATH );
use Shell::Guess;
use Shell::Config::Generate;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use Config;
use Text::ParseWords qw( shellwords );

use Alien::Base::PkgConfig;
use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Cabinet;
use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository;

use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::HTTP;
use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::FTP;
use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::Local;

# setup protocol specific classes
# Alien:: author can override these defaults using alien_repository_class property
my %default_repository_class = (
  default => 'Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository',
  http    => 'Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::HTTP',
  https   => 'Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::HTTP',
  ftp     => 'Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::FTP',
  local   => 'Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Repository::Local',

our $Verbose;
$Verbose = $ENV{ALIEN_VERBOSE} if defined $ENV{ALIEN_VERBOSE};

our $Force;
$Force = $ENV{ALIEN_FORCE} if defined $ENV{ALIEN_FORCE};

#  Parameters  #

## Extra parameters in A::B::MB objects (all (toplevel) should start with 'alien_')

# alien_name: name of library (pkg-config)

# alien_ffi_name: name of library (the "foo" in libfoo)

# alien_temp_dir: folder name for download/build
__PACKAGE__->add_property( alien_temp_dir => '_alien' );

# alien_share_dir: folder name for the "install" of the library
# this is added (unshifted) to the @{share_dir->{dist}}  
# N.B. is reset during constructor to be full folder name 
__PACKAGE__->add_property('alien_share_dir' => '_share' );

# alien_selection_method: name of method for selecting file: (todo: newest, manual)
#   default is specified later, when this is undef (see alien_check_installed_version)
__PACKAGE__->add_property( alien_selection_method => 'newest' );

# alien_build_commands: arrayref of commands for building
  alien_build_commands => 
  default => [ '%c --prefix=%s', 'make' ],

# alien_test_commands: arrayref of commands for testing the library
# note that this might be better tacked onto the build-time commands
  alien_test_commands => 
  default => [ ],

# alien_build_commands: arrayref of commands for installing the library
  alien_install_commands => 
  default => [ 'make install' ],

# alien_version_check: command to execute to check if install/version
__PACKAGE__->add_property( alien_version_check => Alien::Base::PkgConfig->pkg_config_command . ' --modversion %n' );

# pkgconfig-esque info, author provides these by hand for now, will parse .pc file eventually
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_provides_cflags' );
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_provides_libs' );

# alien_repository: hash (or arrayref of hashes) of information about source repo on ftp
#   |-- protocol: ftp or http
#   |-- protocol_class: holder for class type (defaults to 'Net::FTP' or 'HTTP::Tiny')
#   |-- host: ftp server for source
#   |-- location: ftp folder containing source, http addr to page with links
#   |-- pattern: qr regex matching acceptable files, if has capture group those are version numbers
#   |-- platform: src or platform, matching os_type M::B method
#   |
#   |-- (non-api) connection: holder for Net::FTP-like object (needs cwd, ls, and get methods)
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_repository'         => [] );
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_repository_default' => {} );
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_repository_class'   => {} );

# alien_isolate_dynamic
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_isolate_dynamic' => 0 );
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_autoconf_with_pic' => 1 );

# alien_inline_auto_include
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_inline_auto_include' => [] );

# use MSYS even if %c isn't found
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_msys' => 0 );

# Alien packages that provide build dependencies
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_bin_requires' => {} );

# Alien packages that can/should be installed directory into the blib directory by the `./Build' command
# rather than to the final location during the `./Build install` step.
# This is the default when building an ACTIVESTATE_PPM_BUILD because AS does not do `./Build install` at
# all when building a PPM
__PACKAGE__->add_property( 'alien_stage_install' => $ENV{ACTIVESTATE_PPM_BUILD} ? 1 : 0 );

#  ConfigData  #

# working_directory: full path to the extracted source or binary of the library
# pkgconfig: hashref of A::B::PkgConfig objects created from .pc file found in working_directory
# install_type: either system or share
# version: version number installed or available
# Cflags: holder for cflags if manually specified
# Libs:   same but libs
# name: holder for name as needed by pkg-config
# finished_installing: set to true once ACTION_install is finished, this helps testing now and real checks later

#  Initialization Methods  #

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my %args = @_;

  # merge default and user-defined repository classes
  $args{alien_repository_class}{$_} ||= $default_repository_class{$_} 
    for keys %default_repository_class;

  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);

  # setup additional temporary directories, and yes we have to add File::ShareDir manually
  $self->_add_prereq( 'requires', 'File::ShareDir', '1.00' );

  # this just gets passed from the Build.PL to the config so that it can
  # be used by the auto_include method
  $self->config_data( 'inline_auto_include' => $self->alien_inline_auto_include );

  if($Force || !$self->alien_check_installed_version) {
    if (grep /(?<!\%)\%c/, map { ref($_) ? @{$_} : $_ } @{ $self->alien_build_commands }) {
      $self->config_data( 'autoconf' => 1 );

    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && ($self->config_data( 'autoconf') || $self->alien_msys)) {
      $self->_add_prereq( 'build_requires', 'Alien::MSYS', '0' );
      $self->config_data( 'msys' => 1 );
    } else {
      $self->config_data( 'msys' => 0 );
    while(my($tool, $version) = each %{ $self->alien_bin_requires }) {
      $self->_add_prereq( 'build_requires', $tool, $version );

  # force newest for all automated testing 
  #TODO (this probably should be checked for "input needed" rather than blindly assigned)

  $self->config_data( 'finished_installing' => 0 );

  return $self;

sub alien_init_temp_dir {
  my $self = shift;
  my $temp_dir = $self->alien_temp_dir;
  my $share_dir = $self->alien_share_dir;

  # make sure we are in base_dir
  local $CWD = $self->base_dir;

  unless ( -d $temp_dir ) {
    mkdir $temp_dir or croak "Could not create temporary directory $temp_dir";
  $self->add_to_cleanup( $temp_dir );

  unless ( -d $share_dir ) {
    mkdir $share_dir or croak "Could not create temporary directory $share_dir";
  $self->add_to_cleanup( $share_dir );

  # add share dir to share dir list
  my $share_dirs = $self->share_dir;
  unshift @{ $share_dirs->{dist} }, $share_dir;
  $self->share_dir( $share_dirs );
    local $CWD = $share_dir;
    open my $fh, '>', 'README' or die "Could not open README for writing (in directory $share_dir)\n";
    print $fh <<'END';
This README file is autogenerated by Alien::Base. 

Currently it exists for testing purposes, but it might eventually contain information about the file(s) installed.

#  ACTION methods  #

sub ACTION_alien_fakebuild {
  my $self = shift;

  print "# Build\n";
  foreach my $cmd (@{ $self->alien_build_commands })
    my @cmd = map { $self->alien_interpolate($_) } ref($cmd) ? @$cmd : ($cmd);
    print "+ @cmd\n";
  print "# Build install\n";
  foreach my $cmd (@{ $self->alien_install_commands })
    my @cmd = map { $self->alien_interpolate($_) } ref($cmd) ? @$cmd : ($cmd);
    print "+ @cmd\n";

sub ACTION_code {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->notes( 'alien_blib_scheme' => $self->alien_detect_blib_scheme );

  if ( $self->notes('ACTION_alien_completed') ) {


  } else {

  my $module = $self->module_name;
  my $file   = File::Spec->catfile($self->blib, 'lib', split /::/, "$module\");
  unless (-e $file) {
    mkpath(File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'lib', split /::/, "$module\::Install"), { verbose => 0 });
    open my $fh, '>', $file;
    print $fh <<EOF;
package $module\::Install::Files;
require $module;
sub Inline { shift; $module->Inline(\@_) }

=begin Pod::Coverage


=end Pod::Coverage

    close $fh;

sub process_share_dir_files {
  my $self = shift;
  # copy the compiled files into blib if running under blib scheme
  $self->depends_on('alien_install') if $self->notes('alien_blib_scheme') || $self->alien_stage_install;

sub ACTION_alien_code {
  my $self = shift;
  local $| = 1; # don't buffer stdout


  $self->config_data( name => $self->alien_name );
  $self->config_data( ffi_name => $self->alien_ffi_name );

  my $version;
  $version = $self->alien_check_installed_version
    unless $Force;

  if ($version) {
    $self->config_data( install_type => 'system' );
    $self->config_data( version => $version );

  my @repos = $self->alien_create_repositories;

  my $cabinet = Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::Cabinet->new;

  foreach my $repo (@repos) {
    $cabinet->add_files( $repo->probe() );


    local $CWD = $self->alien_temp_dir;

    my $file = $cabinet->files->[0];
    $version = $file->version;
    $self->config_data( alien_version => $version ); # Temporary setting, may be overridden later

    print "Downloading File: " . $file->filename . " ... ";
    my $filename = $file->get;
    croak "Error downloading file" unless $filename;
    print "Done\n";

    print "Extracting Archive ... ";
    my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $filename );
    print "Done\n";

    my $extract_path = _catdir($ae->extract_path);
    $self->config_data( working_directory => $extract_path );
    $CWD = $extract_path;

    if ( $file->platform eq 'src' ) {
      print "Building library ... ";
      unless ($self->alien_do_commands('build')) {
        print "Failed\n";
        croak "Build not completed";

    print "Done\n";


  $self->config_data( install_type => 'share' );
  $self->config_data( original_prefix => $self->alien_library_destination );

  my $pc = $self->alien_load_pkgconfig;
  my $pc_version = (
    $pc->{$self->alien_name} || $pc->{_manual}

  unless (defined $version) {
    local $CWD = $self->config_data( 'working_directory' );
    $version = $self->alien_check_built_version

  if (! $version and ! $pc_version) {
    print STDERR "If you are the author of this Alien dist, you may need to provide a an\n";
    print STDERR "alien_check_built_version method for your Alien::Base::ModuleBuild\n";
    print STDERR "class.  See:\n";
    print STDERR "\n";
    carp "Library looks like it installed, but no version was determined";
    $self->config_data( version => 0 );    

  if ( $version and $pc_version and versioncmp($version, $pc_version)) {
    carp "Version information extracted from the file name and pkgconfig data disagree";

  $self->config_data( version => $pc_version || $version );

  # prevent building multiple times (on M::B::dispatch)
  $self->notes( 'ACTION_alien_completed' => 1 );


sub ACTION_test {
  my $self = shift;

  local $CWD = $self->config_data( 'working_directory' );
  print "Testing library (if applicable) ... ";
  $self->alien_do_commands('test') or die "Failed\n";
  print "Done\n";

sub ACTION_install {
  my $self = shift;
  if($self->alien_stage_install) {
  } else {

sub ACTION_alien_install {
  my $self = shift;

  local $| = 1; # don't buffer stdout

  return if $self->config_data( 'install_type' ) eq 'system';

  my $destdir = $self->destdir;

    my $target = $self->alien_library_destination;
    # prefix the target directory with $destdir so that package builds
    # can install into a fake root
    $target = File::Spec->catdir($destdir, $target) if defined $destdir;
    local $CWD = $target;

    # The only form of introspection that exists is to see that the README file
    # which was placed in the share_dir (default _share) exists where we expect 
    # after installation.
    unless ( -e 'README' ) {
      die "share_dir mismatch detected ($target)\n"

    local $CWD = $self->config_data( 'working_directory' );
    local $ENV{DESTDIR} = $ENV{DESTDIR};
    $ENV{DESTDIR} = $destdir if defined $destdir;
    print "Installing library to $CWD ... ";
    $self->alien_do_commands('install') or die "Failed\n";
    print "Done\n";
  if ( $self->alien_isolate_dynamic ) {
    my $target = $self->alien_library_destination;
    # prefix the target directory with $destdir so that package builds
    # can install into a fake root
    $target = File::Spec->catdir($destdir, $target) if defined $destdir;
    local $CWD = $target;
    print "Isolating dynamic libraries ... ";
    mkdir 'dynamic' unless -d 'dynamic';
    foreach my $dir (qw( bin lib )) {
      next unless -d $dir;
      opendir(my $dh, $dir);
      my @dlls = grep { /\.so/ || /\.(dylib|bundle|la|dll|dll\.a)$/ } grep !/^\./, readdir $dh;
      closedir $dh;
      foreach my $dll (@dlls) {
        my $from = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $dll);
        my $to   = File::Spec->catfile('dynamic', $dll);
        unlink $to if -e $to;
        move($from, $to);
    print "Done\n";

  # refresh metadata after library installation
  $self->alien_refresh_manual_pkgconfig( $self->alien_library_destination );
  $self->config_data( 'finished_installing' => 1 );

  if ( $self->notes( 'alien_blib_scheme') || $self->alien_stage_install) {
    ### TODO: empty if should be claned up before 0.017.
    ### we used to call process_files_by_extension('pm')
    ### here, but with gh#121 it is unecessary
    ## reinstall config_data to blib

  } else {

    # to refresh config_data

    # reinstall config_data

    # refresh the packlist
    $self->alien_refresh_packlist( $self->alien_library_destination );

#  Pre-build Methods  #

sub alien_check_installed_version {
  my $self = shift;
  my $command = $self->alien_version_check;

  my %result = $self->do_system($command, {verbose => 0});
  my $version = $result{stdout} || 0;

  return $version;

sub alien_create_repositories {
  my $self = shift;

  ## get repository specs
  my $repo_default = $self->alien_repository_default;
  my $repo_specs = $self->alien_repository;

  # upconvert to arrayref if a single hashref is passed
  if (ref $repo_specs eq 'HASH') {
    $repo_specs = [ $repo_specs ];
    print STDERR "If you are the author of this Alien dist, you need to provide at least\n";
    print STDERR "one repository in your Build.PL.  See:\n";
    print STDERR "\n";
    croak "No repositories specified.";

  my @repos;
  foreach my $repo ( @$repo_specs ) {
    #merge defaults into spec
    foreach my $key ( keys %$repo_default ) {
      next if defined $repo->{$key};
      $repo->{$key} = $repo_default->{$key};

    $repo->{platform} = 'src' unless defined $repo->{platform};
    my $protocol = $repo->{protocol} || 'default';

    push @repos, $self->alien_repository_class($protocol)->new( $repo );

  # check validation, including c compiler for src type
  @repos = 
    grep { $self->alien_validate_repo($_) }

  unless (@repos) {
    croak "No valid repositories available";

  return @repos;


sub alien_validate_repo {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($repo) = @_;
  my $platform = $repo->{platform};

  # return true if platform is undefined
  return 1 unless defined $platform;

  # if $valid is src, check for c compiler
  if ($platform eq 'src') {
    return !$repo->{c_compiler_required} || $self->have_c_compiler;

  # $valid is a string (OS) to match against
  return $self->os_type eq $platform;

sub alien_library_destination {
  my $self = shift;

  # send the library into the blib if running under the blib scheme
  my $lib_dir = 
    $self->notes('alien_blib_scheme') || $self->alien_stage_install
    ? File::Spec->catdir( $self->base_dir, $self->blib, 'lib' )
    : $self->install_destination('lib');

  my $dist_name = $self->dist_name;
  my $dest = _catdir( $lib_dir, qw/auto share dist/, $dist_name );
  return $dest;

# CPAN testers often run tests without installing modules, but rather add
# blib dirs to @INC, this is a problem, so here we try to deal with it
sub alien_detect_blib_scheme {
  my $self = shift;

  return 0 if $self->alien_stage_install;
  return $ENV{ALIEN_BLIB} if defined $ENV{ALIEN_BLIB};

  # check to see if Alien::Base::ModuleBuild is running from blib.
  # if so it is likely that this is the blib scheme

  (undef, my $dir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( __FILE__ );
  my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);

  my $index = first_index { $_ eq 'blib' } @dirs;
  return 0 if $index == -1;

  if ( $dirs[$index+1] eq 'lib' ) {
    print qq{'blib' scheme is detected. Setting ALIEN_BLIB=1. If this has been done in error, please set ALIEN_BLIB and restart build process to disambiguate.\n};
    return 1;

  carp q{'blib' scheme is suspected, but uncertain. Please set ALIEN_BLIB and restart build process to disambiguate. Setting ALIEN_BLIB=1 for now.};
  return 1;

#  Build Methods  #

sub _shell_config_generate
  my $scg = Shell::Config::Generate->new;
    'this script sets the environment needed to build this package.',
    'generated by: ' . __FILE__,

sub _filter_defines
  join ' ', grep !/^-D/, shellwords($_[0]);

sub _env_do_system {
  my $self = shift;
  my $command = shift;
  local $ENV{PATH} = $ENV{PATH};
  if ($self->config_data( 'msys' )) {
    $self->alien_bin_requires->{'Alien::MSYS'} ||= 0
  my $config;
  foreach my $mod (keys %{ $self->alien_bin_requires }) {
    my $version = $self->alien_bin_requires->{$mod};
    eval qq{ use $mod $version () }; # should also work for version = 0
    die $@ if $@;
    my %path;
    if ($mod eq 'Alien::MSYS') {
      $path{Alien::MSYS->msys_path} = 1;
    } elsif ($mod eq 'Alien::CMake') {
    } elsif ($mod eq 'Alien::TinyCC') {
      $path{Alien::TinyCC->path_to_tcc} = 1;
    } elsif ($mod eq 'Alien::Autotools') {
      $path{$_} = 1 for map { Alien::Autotools->$_ } qw( autoconf_dir automake_dir libtool_dir );
    } elsif (eval { $mod->can('bin_dir') }) {
      $path{$_} = 1 for $mod->bin_dir;
    # remove anything already in PATH
    delete $path{$_} for @PATH;
    # add anything else to start of PATH
    unshift @PATH, sort keys %path;

    $config ||= _shell_config_generate();
    $config->prepend_path( PATH => sort keys %path );

  # If we are using autoconf, then create a site.config file
  # that specifies the same compiler and compiler linker flags
  # as were used for building Perl.  This is helpful for
  # mixed 32/64bit platforms where 32bit is the default but
  # Perl is 64bit.
  if($self->config_data('autoconf') && !defined $ENV{CONFIG_SITE}) {
    local $CWD;
    pop @CWD;
    my $ldflags = $Config{ldflags};
    $ldflags .= " -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names"
      if $^O eq 'darwin';
    open my $fh, '>', '';
    print $fh "CC='$Config{cc}'\n";
    # -D define flags should be stripped because they are Perl
    # specific.
    print $fh "CFLAGS='", _filter_defines($Config{ccflags}), "'\n";
    print $fh "CPPFLAGS='", _filter_defines($Config{cppflags}), "'\n";
    print $fh "CXXFLAGS='", _filter_defines($Config{ccflags}), "'\n";
    print $fh "LDFLAGS='$ldflags'\n";
    close $fh;
    my $config ||= _shell_config_generate();
    my $config_site = File::Spec->catfile($CWD, '');
    $config_site =~ s{\\}{/}g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
    $config->set( CONFIG_SITE => $config_site );
    $ENV{CONFIG_SITE} = $config_site;

  if($config) {  
    if($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
      local $CWD;
      pop @CWD;
      $config->generate_file( Shell::Guess->command_shell, 'env.bat' );
      $config->generate_file( Shell::Guess->cmd_shell,     'env.cmd' );
      $config->generate_file( Shell::Guess->power_shell,   'env.ps1' );
    } else {
      local $CWD;
      pop @CWD;
      $config->generate_file( Shell::Guess->bourne_shell,  ''  );
      $config->generate_file( Shell::Guess->c_shell,       'env.csh' );

  $self->do_system( ref($command) ? @$command : $command );

sub alien_check_built_version {

sub alien_do_commands {
  my $self = shift;
  my $phase = shift;

  my $attr = "alien_${phase}_commands";
  my $commands = $self->$attr();

  print "\n+ cd $CWD\n";

  foreach my $command (@$commands) {

    my %result = $self->_env_do_system( $command );
    unless ($result{success}) {
      carp "External command ($result{command}) failed! Error: $?\n";
      return 0;

  return 1;

# wrapper for M::B::do_system which interpolates alien_ vars first
# futher it either captures or tees depending on the value of $Verbose
sub do_system {
  my $self = shift;
  my $opts = ref $_[-1] ? pop : { verbose => 1 };

  my $verbose = $Verbose || $opts->{verbose};

  # prevent build process from cwd-ing from underneath us
  local $CWD;
  my $initial_cwd = $CWD;

  my @args = map { $self->alien_interpolate($_) } @_;

  print "+ @args\n";

  my ($out, $err, $success) = 
    ? tee     { $self->SUPER::do_system(@args) }
    : capture { $self->SUPER::do_system(@args) }

  my %return = (
    stdout => $out,
    stderr => $err,
    success => $success,
    command => join(' ', @args),

  # restore wd
  $CWD = $initial_cwd;

  return wantarray ? %return : $return{success};

sub alien_interpolate {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($string) = @_;

  my $prefix = $self->alien_exec_prefix;
  my $configure = $self->alien_configure;
  my $share  = $self->alien_library_destination;
  my $name   = $self->alien_name || '';

  # substitute:
  #   install location share_dir (placeholder: %s)
  $string =~ s/(?<!\%)\%s/$share/g;
  #   local exec prefix (ph: %p)
  $string =~ s/(?<!\%)\%p/$prefix/g;
  #   correct incantation for configure on platform
  $string =~ s/(?<!\%)\%c/$configure/g;
  #   library name (ph: %n)
  $string =~ s/(?<!\%)\%n/$name/g;
  #   current interpreter ($^X) (ph: %x)
  my $perl = $self->perl;
  $string =~ s/(?<!\%)\%x/$perl/g;

  # Version, but only if needed.  Complain if needed and not yet
  # stored.
  if ($string =~ /(?<!\%)\%v/) {
    my $version = $self->config_data( 'alien_version' );
    if ( ! defined( $version ) ) {
      carp "Version substution requested but unable to identify";
    } else {
      $string =~ s/(?<!\%)\%v/$version/g;

  #remove escapes (%%)
  $string =~ s/\%(?=\%)//g;

  return $string;

sub alien_exec_prefix {
  my $self = shift;
  if ( $self->is_windowsish ) {
    return '';
  } else {
    return './';

sub alien_configure {
  my $self = shift;
  my $configure;
  if ($self->config_data( 'msys' )) {
    $configure = 'sh configure';
  } else {
    $configure = './configure';
  if ($self->alien_autoconf_with_pic) {
    $configure .= ' --with-pic';

#  Post-Build Methods  #

sub alien_load_pkgconfig {
  my $self = shift;

  my $dir = _catdir($self->config_data( 'working_directory' ));
  my $pc_files = $self->rscan_dir( $dir, qr/\.pc$/ );

  my %pc_objects = map { 
    my $pc = Alien::Base::PkgConfig->new($_);
    $pc->make_abstract( pcfiledir => $dir );
    ($pc->{package}, $pc)
  } @$pc_files;

  $pc_objects{_manual} = $self->alien_generate_manual_pkgconfig($dir)
    or croak "Could not autogenerate pkgconfig information";

  $self->config_data( pkgconfig => \%pc_objects );
  return \%pc_objects;

sub alien_refresh_manual_pkgconfig {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($dir) = @_;

  my $pc_objects = $self->config_data( 'pkgconfig' );
  $pc_objects->{_manual} = $self->alien_generate_manual_pkgconfig($dir)
    or croak "Could not autogenerate pkgconfig information";
  $self->config_data( pkgconfig => $pc_objects );

  return 1;

sub alien_generate_manual_pkgconfig {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($dir) = _catdir(shift);

  my $paths = $self->alien_find_lib_paths($dir);

  my @L = 
    map { "-L$_" }
    map { _catdir( '${pcfiledir}', $_ ) }

  my $provides_libs = $self->alien_provides_libs;

  #if no provides_libs then generate -l list from found files
  unless ($provides_libs) {
    my @files = map { "-l$_" } @{$paths->{lib_files}};
    $provides_libs = join( ' ', @files );

  my $libs = join( ' ', @L, $provides_libs );

  my @I = 
    map { "-I$_" }
    map { _catdir( '${pcfiledir}', $_ ) }

  my $provides_cflags = $self->alien_provides_cflags;
  push @I, $provides_cflags if $provides_cflags;
  my $cflags = join( ' ', @I );

  my $manual_pc = Alien::Base::PkgConfig->new({
    package  => $self->alien_name,
    vars     => {
      pcfiledir => $dir,
    keywords => {
      Cflags  => $cflags || '',
      Libs    => $libs || '',
      Version => '',

  return $manual_pc;

sub _alien_file_pattern_dynamic {
  my $self = shift;
  my $ext = $self->config('so'); #platform specific .so extension
  return qr/\.[\d.]*(?<=\.)$ext[\d.]*(?<!\.)|(\.h|$ext)$/;

sub _alien_file_pattern_static {
  my $self = shift;
  my $ext = quotemeta $self->config('lib_ext');
  return qr/(\.h|$ext)$/;

sub alien_find_lib_paths {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($dir) = @_;

  my $libs = $self->alien_provides_libs;
  my @libs;
  @libs = grep { s/^-l// } split /\s+/, $libs if $libs;

  my (@lib_files, @lib_paths, @inc_paths);

  foreach my $file_pattern ($self->_alien_file_pattern_static, $self->_alien_file_pattern_dynamic) {

    my @files =     
      map { File::Spec->abs2rel( $_, $dir ) }  # make relative to $dir
      grep { ! -d }
      @{ $self->_rscan_destdir( $dir, $file_pattern ) };

    for (@files) {

      my ($file, $path, $ext) = fileparse( $_, $file_pattern );
      next unless $ext; # just in case

      $path = File::Spec->catdir($path); # remove trailing /

      if ($ext eq '.h') {
        push @inc_paths, $path;

      $file =~ s/^lib//;
      if (@libs) {
        next unless grep { $file eq $_ } @libs;
      next if grep { $file eq $_ } @lib_files;

      push @lib_files, $file;
      push @lib_paths, $path;

  @lib_files = uniq @lib_files;
  @lib_files = sort @lib_files;

  @lib_paths = uniq @lib_paths;
  @inc_paths = uniq @inc_paths;

  return { lib => \@lib_paths, inc => \@inc_paths, lib_files => \@lib_files };

sub alien_refresh_packlist {
  my $self = shift;
  my $dir = shift || croak "Must specify a directory to include in packlist";

  return unless $self->create_packlist;

  my %installed_args;
  $installed_args{extra_libs} = [map { File::Spec->catdir($self->destdir, $_) } @INC]
    if defined $self->destdir;

  my $inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new( %installed_args );
  my $packlist = $inst->packlist( $self->module_name );
  print "Using " .  $packlist->packlist_file . "\n";

  my $changed = 0;
  my $files = $self->_rscan_destdir($dir);
  # This is kind of strange, but MB puts the destdir paths in the
  # packfile, when arguably it should not.  Usually you will want 
  # to turn off packlists when you you are building an rpm anyway,
  # but for the sake of maximum compat with MB we add the destdir
  # back in after _rscan_destdir has stripped it out.
  $files = [ map { File::Spec->catdir($self->destdir, $_) } @$files ]
    if defined $self->destdir;
  for my $file (@$files) {
    next if $packlist->{$file};
    print "Adding $file to packlist\n"; 

  $packlist->write if $changed;

sub alien_relocation_fixup {
  my($self) = @_;
  # so far relocation fixup is only needed on OS X
  return unless $^O eq 'darwin';

  my $dist_name = $self->dist_name;  
  my $share = _catdir( $self->install_destination('lib'), qw/auto share dist/, $dist_name );
  require File::Find;
  File::Find::find(sub {
      # save the original mode and make it writable
      my $mode = (stat $File::Find::name)[2];
      chmod 0755, $File::Find::name unless -w $File::Find::name;
      my @cmd = (
        '-id' => $File::Find::name,
      print "+ @cmd\n";
      system @cmd;
      # restore the original permission mode
      chmod $mode, $File::Find::name;
  }, $share);

sub _rscan_destdir {
  my($self, $dir, $pattern) = @_;
  my $destdir = $self->destdir;
  $dir = _catdir($destdir, $dir) if defined $destdir;
  my $files = $self->rscan_dir($dir, $pattern);
  $files = [ map { s/^$destdir//; $_ } @$files ] if defined $destdir;

# File::Spec uses \ as the file separator on MSWin32, which makes sense
# since it is the default "native" file separator, but in practice / is
# supported everywhere that matters and is significantly less problematic
# in a number of common use cases (e.g. shell quoting).  This is a short
# cut _catdir for this rather common pattern where you want catdir with
# / as the file separator on Windows.
sub _catdir {
  my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(@_);
  $dir =~ s{\\}{/}g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';



=head1 NAME

Alien::Base::ModuleBuild - A Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and their libraries


In your Build.PL:

 use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild;
 my $builder = Alien::Base::Module::Build->new(
   module_name => 'Alien::MyLibrary',
   configure_requires => {
     'Alien::Base' =>   '0.005',
     'Module::Build' => '0.28'
   requires => {
     'Alien::Base' => '0.005',
   alien_name => 'mylibrary', # the pkg-config name if you want
                              # to use pkg-config to discover
                              # system version of the mylibrary
   alien_repository => {
     protocol => 'http',
     host     => '',
     location => '/path/to/tarballs',
     pattern  => qr{^mylibrary-([0-9\.]+)\.tar\.gz$},
   # this is the default:
   alien_build_commands => [
     "%c --prefix=%s", # %c is a platform independent version of ./configure
   # this is the default for install:
   alien_install_commands => [
     "make install",
   alien_isolate_dynamic => 1,


This is a subclass of L<Module::Build>, that with L<Alien::Base> allows
for easy creation of Alien distributions.  This module is used during the
build step of your distribution.  When properly configured it will

=over 4

=item use pkg-config to find and use the system version of the library

=item download, build and install the library if the system does not provide it


=head1 METHODS

=head2 alien_check_installed_version

 my $version = $abmb->alien_check_installed_version;

This function determines if the library is already installed as part of
the operating system, and returns the version as a string.  If it can't
be detected then it should return empty list.

The default implementation relies on C<pkg-config>, but you will probably
want to override this with your own implementation if the package you are
building does not use C<pkg-config>.

=head2 alien_check_built_version

 my $version = $amb->alien_check_built_version;

This function determines the version of the library after it has been
built from source.  This function only gets called if the operating
system version can not be found and the package is successfully built.

The default implementation relies on C<pkg-config>, and other huristics,
but you will probably want to override this with your own implementation
if the package you are building does not use C<pkg-config>.

When this method is called, the current working directory will be the
build root.

If you see an error message like this:

 Library looks like it installed, but no version was determined

After the package is built from source code then you probably need to
provide an implementation for this method.


The documentation for C<Module::Build> is broken up into sections:

=item General Usage (L<Module::Build>)
This is the landing document for L<Alien::Base::ModuleBuild>'s parent class.
It describes basic usage and background information.
Its main purpose is to assist the user who wants to learn how to invoke 
and control C<Module::Build> scripts at the command line.

It also lists the extra documentation for its use. Users and authors of Alien:: 
modules should familiarize themselves with these documents. L<Module::Build::API>
is of particular importance to authors. 
=item Alien-Specific Usage (L<Alien::Base::ModuleBuild>)
This is the document you are currently reading.
=item Authoring Reference (L<Alien::Base::Authoring>)
This document describes the structure and organization of 
C<Alien::Base> based projects, beyond that contained in
C<Module::Build::Authoring>, and the relevant concepts needed by authors who are
writing F<Build.PL> scripts for a distribution or controlling
C<Alien::Base::ModuleBuild> processes programmatically.

Note that as it contains information both for the build and use phases of 
L<Alien::Base> projects, it is located in the upper namespace.
=item API Reference (L<Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::API>)
This is a reference to the C<Alien::Base::ModuleBuild> API beyond that contained
in C<Module::Build::API>.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item * 


=item *


=item *





=head1 AUTHOR

Original author: Joel Berger, E<lt>joel.a.berger@gmail.comE<gt>

Current maintainer: Graham Ollis E<lt>plicease@cpan.orgE<gt> and the L<Alien::Base> team


Copyright (C) 2012-2015 by Joel Berger

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
