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package Test::Clustericious::Command;

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010001;
use if !$INC{'File/HomeDir/'}, 'File::HomeDir::Test';
use base qw( Exporter Test::Builder::Module );
use Exporter qw( import );
use Mojo::Loader;
use Path::Class qw( file dir );
use File::HomeDir;
use Env qw( @PERL5LIB @PATH );
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture );
use File::Which qw( which );
use File::Glob qw( bsd_glob );
use YAML::XS ();
use File::Temp qw( tempdir );

# ABSTRACT: Test Clustericious commands
our $VERSION = '1.22'; # VERSION

our @EXPORT      = qw( extract_data mirror requires run_ok generate_port note_file clean_file create_symlink );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT );

unshift @INC, dir(File::HomeDir->my_home, 'lib')->stringify;
unshift @PERL5LIB, map { dir($_)->absolute->stringify } @INC;
unshift @PATH, dir(File::HomeDir->my_home, 'bin')->stringify;

sub _can_execute_in_tmp
  my $script = file( tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ), 'mytest' );
  $script->spew("#!$^X\nexit 0");
  chmod 0755, "$script";
  my $exit;
  capture { system "$script", "okay"; $exit = $? };
  $exit == 0;

sub requires
  my($command, $num) = @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;

  $tb->plan( skip_all => 'test requires execute in tmp') unless __PACKAGE__->_can_execute_in_tmp;

  unless(defined $command)
    $tb->plan( tests => $num ) if defined $num;

  if($command =~ /^(.*)\.conf$/)
    my $name = $1;
      my $config = do {
        require Clustericious::Config;
        my $config = Clustericious::Config->new($ENV{CLUSTERICIOUS_COMMAND_TEST});
        my %config = %$config;
      $tb->plan( skip_all => "developer test not configured" ) unless defined $config;
      unshift @PATH, $config->{path} if defined $config->{path};
      unshift @PATH, dir(File::HomeDir->my_home, 'bin')->stringify;
      $ENV{$_} = $config->{env}->{$_} for keys %{ $config->{env} };
      $command = $config->{exe} // $name;
      $tb->plan( skip_all => "developer only test" );

  if(which $command)
    $tb->plan( tests => $num ) if defined $num;
    $tb->plan( skip_all => "test requires $command to be in the PATH" );

sub extract_data
  my(@values) = @_;
  my $caller = caller;
  Mojo::Loader::load_class($caller) unless $caller eq 'main';
  my $all = Mojo::Loader::data_section $caller;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  foreach my $name (sort keys %$all)
    my $file = file(File::HomeDir->my_home, $name);
    my $dir  = $file->parent;
    unless(-d $dir)
      $tb->note("[extract] DIR  $dir");
    unless(-f $file)
      $tb->note("[extract] FILE $file@{[ $name =~ m{^bin/} ? ' (*)' : '']}");
      if($name =~ m{^bin/})
        my $content = $all->{$name};
        $content =~ s{^#!/usr/bin/perl}{#!$^X};
        chmod 0700, "$file";

sub mirror
  my($src, $dst) = map { ref($_) ? $_ : dir($_) } @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;

  $dst = dir(File::HomeDir->my_home, $dst) unless $dst->is_absolute;
  unless(-d $dst)
    $tb->note("[mirror ] DIR  $dst");
  foreach my $child ($src->children)
      mirror($child, $dst->subdir($child->basename));
      my $dst = $dst->file($child->basename);
      unless(-f $dst)
        if(-x $child)
          $tb->note("[mirror ] FILE $dst (*)");
          my $content = scalar $child->slurp;
          $content =~ s{^#!/usr/bin/perl}{#!$^X};
          chmod 0700, "$dst";
          $tb->note("[mirror ] FILE $dst");
          $dst->spew(scalar $child->slurp);
          chmod 0600, "$dst";

sub run_ok
  my(@cmd) = @_;
  my($out, $err, $error, $exit) = capture { system @cmd; ($!,$?) };
  my $ok = ($exit != -1) && ! ($exit & 128);
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $tb->ok($ok, "run: @cmd");
  $tb->diag("  @cmd failed") unless $ok;
  $tb->diag("    - execute failed: $error") if $exit == -1;
  $tb->diag("    - died from signal: " . ($exit & 128)) if $exit & 128;

    cmd => \@cmd,
    out => $out, err => $err, exit => $exit >> 8,

sub generate_port
  require IO::Socket::INET;
  IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 5, LocalAddr => "")->sockport;

sub note_file
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;

  foreach my $file (sort map { file $_ } map { bsd_glob "~/$_" } @_)
    $tb->note("[content] $file");
    $tb->note(scalar $file->slurp);

sub clean_file
  foreach my $file (sort map { file $_ } map { bsd_glob "~/$_" } @_)

sub create_symlink
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  my($old,$new) = map { file(File::HomeDir->my_home, $_) } @_;
  $new->remove if -f $new;
  $tb->note("[symlink] $old => $new");
  use autodie;
  symlink "$old", "$new";
  %Clustericious::Config::singletons = ();

package Test::Clustericious::Command::Run;

use base qw( Test::Builder::Module );

sub new
  my($class, %args) = @_;
  bless \%args, $class;

sub cmd { @{ shift->{cmd} // [] } }
sub out { shift->{out} }
sub err { shift->{err} }
sub exit { shift->{exit} }

sub exit_is
  my($self, $value, $name) = @_;
  $name //= "exit with $value";
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $tb->is_eq($self->exit, $value, $name);
  unless($self->exit == $value)
    $tb->diag("[cmd]\n", join(' ', $self->cmd)) if $self->cmd;
    $tb->diag("[out]\n", $self->out) if $self->out;
    $tb->diag("[err]\n", $self->err) if $self->err;

sub note
  my($self) = @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $tb->note("[out]\n" . $self->out) if $self->out;
  $tb->note("[err]\n" . $self->err) if $self->err;

sub diag
  my($self) = @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $tb->diag("[out]\n" . $self->out) if $self->out;
  $tb->diag("[err]\n" . $self->err) if $self->err;

sub out_like
  my($self, $pattern, $name) = @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $name ||= "output matches";
  $tb->like($self->out, $pattern, $name);


sub out_unlike
  my($self, $pattern, $name) = @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $name ||= "output does not match";
  $tb->unlike($self->out, $pattern, $name);


sub err_like
  my($self, $pattern, $name) = @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $name ||= "error matches";
  $tb->like($self->err, $pattern, $name);


sub err_unlike
  my($self, $pattern, $name) = @_;
  my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
  $name ||= "error does not match";
  $tb->unlike($self->err, $pattern, $name);

sub tap
  my($self, $sub) = @_;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Test::Clustericious::Command - Test Clustericious commands

=head1 VERSION

version 1.22


 use Test::Clustericious::Command;


This is currently a private module used internally by L<Clustericious>.  This may change in the future,
but for now you should not depend on it providing any functionality.

=head1 AUTHOR

Original author: Brian Duggan

Current maintainer: Graham Ollis E<lt>plicease@cpan.orgE<gt>


Curt Tilmes


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by NASA GSFC.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
