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=head1 NAME


This is an incredibly simple (and awful) script to show new programmers
the OAuth steps required to connect to LOVEFiLM. Please use it as a guide
only as programming style has moved on since the 90's, however it does keep
the dependancies down.

Also, it will only work for one user.

=head1 RUNNING

Having a checkout/download version of the code, I setup apache to have a
virtual server with its cgi-bin set like this

    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /the/full/path/WWW-Lovefilm-API/examples

The lib dir is at /the/full/path/WWW-Lovefilm-API/lib, and the required
package WWW::Lovefilm::API can be found in there. Hence you don't have
to install the package to run it since it is relative and it will be found.

Make sure "" in the examples directory has your consumer_key
and consumer_secret set for your app.



use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
use URI::Escape;
use XML::Simple;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use WWW::Lovefilm::API;

# I've not tested this code on a Windows machine, so the below code may or may not work.
my $store_filename = '/tmp/store'; # UNIX/Linux only

if (! -e '/tmp') {
    if ($ENV{TEMP}) {
        $store_filename = $ENV{TEMP};
    else {
        die "No /tmp or TEMP environment variable set.\n";

my $q = CGI->new;

# Prepare various HTTP responses
    $q->header() .
    $q->start_html('My LOVEFiLM App Demo');

my %auth = (

my %store = _read();

my $lovefilm = WWW::Lovefilm::API->new({
    content_filter => sub { XMLin(@_) },

if ( defined($store{access_token}) ) {
    # If we have a access_token the users account is linked to out app

elsif ( $q->param('myuser') ) {
    # Been redirect back to this script by LOVEFiLM, the param 'myuser' we asked to to be sent back to us
else {
    # Fresh request to talk to LOVEFiLM, get a token

print $q->end_html;

=head2 _store

This is a cheap way of storing state when the user gets redirected.


sub _store {
    my %data = @_;
    my $dd   = Data::Dumper->new([\%data], [ qw(data) ]);

    open my $handle, ">$store_filename" or die "ERROR: could not write to file $store_filename: $!";
    print $handle $dd->Dump();
    close $handle;

=head2 _append

This appends any new key values onto the existing state.


sub _append {
    my %append   = @_;
    my %data     = (_read(), %append);
    my $dd       = Data::Dumper->new([\%data], [ qw(data) ]);

    _store(%data, %append);

=head2 _read

return a hash of representing the stored state


sub _read {
    unless (-f $store_filename) {

    my $data = do {
        if( open my $fh, '<', $store_filename ) { local $/; <$fh> }
        else { undef }

    eval $data;

    return %{$data};

=head2 _redirect

Assume the user has accepted a use signup, hence get the access_token, store it, then display the titles
they have at home.


sub _redirect {
        $q->p("You must have been redirected back from LOVEFiLM after authorising this app for your account ".
              "as I picked up the parameter I asked LOVEFiLM to send back to me.");

    my %data = $lovefilm->RequestAccessToken(
        oauth_token  => $store{token},
        token_secret => $store{token_secret},

    unless (defined($data{access_token}) && $data{access_token} ) {
        print $q->p("Error: Please look at the error.log file to see what went wrong");
    else {
        _store( %store, %data );

        %store = _read();

        print $q->p("The details we have are: " . $q->pre(Dumper(\%store)));

=head2 _link_user_account

Create a link for the user to click on that will take them to the LOVEFiLM site.
In the link is the oauth_token (request token) which we asked the LOVEFiLM API for
first, hence when the user goes to their website they know our app sent them.


sub _link_user_account {
    my %data = $lovefilm->RequestToken(  );

    if ($data{token} && $data{login_url}) {
        _store( %data );
        my $encoded  = uri_escape('?myuser=123'); # params will be sent back to us
        my $this_url = $q->url();
        my $url      = $data{login_url} . '?oauth_token=' . $data{token}. ";oauth_callback=$this_url" . $encoded;

            $q->h1('Ask LOVEFiLM for permission...');

        print $q->p("You need to click this link and tell LOVEFiLM to give access to MyAppName : " .
                    $q->a({-href => $url}, "GOTO LOVEFiLM")
    else {
            $q->h1('Error') .
            $q->p("Could not access LOVEFiLM! ") .
            $q->p("Have you updated in the examples directory with your ".
                  "consumer key and secret?");

=head2 _user_logged_in_page

This function will only work if the user has given permission to your
app to access your account at LOVEFiLM.


sub _user_logged_in_page {
    # Who has authorised this app?
    $lovefilm->REST->Users(); # user_id automatically added in i.e. /users/1234567

    my $content = $lovefilm->content;

    my $first_name = $content->{first_name};
    my $last_name  = $content->{last_name};

    print $q->p("Welcome $first_name $last_name, at_home you have:");

    # What discs do they have at home?
    $content = $lovefilm->content;

    if (!defined($content->{'at_home_item'})) {
        print "<p>Nothing yet! Please go and select some great films, games and shows!</p>"
    else {
            $q->start_table() .
            $q->Tr($q->th(), $q->th("Name"), $q->th("Rating"));

        foreach my $item (@{$content->{'at_home_item'}}) {
            my $catalog_title   = $item->{catalog_title};
            my $art_href =_get_artwork_href($catalog_title);
                    $q->td($q->img({src => $art_href, alt => $catalog_title->{title}->{clean}, rowspan => 2})),
                    $q->td($catalog_title->{rating} . "/5")

    print $q->end_table;;

=head2 _get_artwork_href

The images for a given film (title) are split into different directories so we can't construct
a URL by just knowing the ID of the title.

This function performs an API call to get the href of the correct image size.


sub _get_artwork_href {
    my $catalog_title = shift;
    my $size          = shift || 'small';
    my $type          = shift || 'title';
    my $href_id       = $catalog_title->{id};
    my ($id)          = ($href_id =~ /(\d+)$/ );

    $lovefilm->REST->catalog->title($id)->artworks; # user_id automatically added in i.e. /users/1234567
    my $content = $lovefilm->content;

    foreach my $arttype ( @{$content->{artwork}} ) {
        if ($arttype->{type} eq $type) { # title or hero

            foreach my $image_data ( @{$arttype->{image}} ) {

                if ($image_data->{size} eq $size) {
                    return $image_data->{href};

    return "";