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package Treex::Core::Node::A;
  $Treex::Core::Node::A::VERSION = '0.08664';

use namespace::autoclean;
use Moose;
use Treex::Core::Common;
extends 'Treex::Core::Node';
with 'Treex::Core::Node::Ordered';
with 'Treex::Core::Node::InClause';
with 'Treex::Core::Node::EffectiveRelations';
#with 'Treex::Core::Node::Interset';

# Original w-layer and m-layer attributes
has [qw(form lemma tag no_space_after)] => ( is => 'rw' );

# Original a-layer attributes
has [
    qw(afun is_parenthesis_root edge_to_collapse is_auxiliary)
] => ( is => 'rw' );

sub get_pml_type_name {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->is_root() ? 'a-root.type' : 'a-node.type';

# the node is a root of a coordination/apposition construction
sub is_coap_root {
    my ($self) = @_;
    log_fatal('Incorrect number of arguments') if @_ != 1;
    return defined $self->afun && $self->afun =~ /^(Coord|Apos)$/;

sub n_node {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ($first_n_node) = $self->get_referencing_nodes('a.rf'); 
    return $first_n_node;

# Figures out the real function of the subtree. If its own afun is AuxP or
# AuxC, finds the first descendant with a real afun and returns it. If this is
# a coordination or apposition root, finds the first member and returns its
# afun (but note that members of the same coordination can differ in afuns if
# some of them have 'ExD').
sub get_real_afun
    my $self     = shift;
    my $warnings = shift;
    my $afun     = $self->afun();
    if ( not defined($afun) ) {
        $afun = '';
    if ( $afun =~ m/^Aux[PC]$/ )
        my @children = $self->children();
        my $n        = scalar(@children);
        if ( $n < 1 )
            if ($warnings)
                my $i_sentence = $self->get_bundle()->get_position() + 1;    # tred numbers from 1
                my $form       = $self->form();
                log_warn("$afun node does not have children (sentence $i_sentence, '$form')");
            if ( $n > 1 && $warnings )
                my $i_sentence = $self->get_bundle()->get_position() + 1;    # tred numbers from 1
                my $form       = $self->form();
                log_warn("$afun node has $n children so it is not clear which one bears the real afun (sentence $i_sentence, '$form')");
            return $children[0]->get_real_afun();
    elsif ( $self->is_coap_root() )
        my @members = $self->get_coap_members();
        my $n       = scalar(@members);
        if ( $n < 1 )
            if ($warnings)
                my $i_sentence = $self->get_bundle()->get_position() + 1;    # tred numbers from 1
                my $form       = $self->form();
                log_warn("$afun does not have members (sentence $i_sentence, '$form')");
            return $members[0]->get_real_afun();
    return $afun;

# Sets the real function of the subtree. If its current afun is AuxP or AuxC,
# finds the first descendant with a real afun replaces it. If this is
# a coordination or apposition root, finds all the members and replaces their
# afuns (but note that members of the same coordination can differ in afuns if
# some of them have 'ExD'; this method can only set the same afun for all).
sub set_real_afun
    my $self     = shift;
    my $new_afun = shift;
    my $warnings = shift;
    my $afun     = $self->afun();
    if ( not defined($afun) ) {
        $afun = '';
    if ( $afun =~ m/^Aux[PC]$/ )
        my @children = $self->children();
        my $n        = scalar(@children);
        if ( $n < 1 )
            if ($warnings)
                my $i_sentence = $self->get_bundle()->get_position() + 1;    # tred numbers from 1
                my $form       = $self->form();
                log_warn("$afun node does not have children (sentence $i_sentence, '$form')");
            if ( $warnings && $n > 1 )
                my $i_sentence = $self->get_bundle()->get_position() + 1;    # tred numbers from 1
                my $form       = $self->form();
                log_warn("$afun node has $n children so it is not clear which one bears the real afun (sentence $i_sentence, '$form')");
            foreach my $child (@children)
    elsif ( $self->is_coap_root() )
        my @members = $self->get_coap_members();
        my $n       = scalar(@members);
        if ( $n < 1 )
            if ($warnings)
                my $i_sentence = $self->get_bundle()->get_position() + 1;    # tred numbers from 1
                my $form       = $self->form();
                log_warn("$afun does not have members (sentence $i_sentence, '$form')");
            foreach my $member (@members)
    return $afun;

# Recursively copy children from myself to another node.
# This function is specific to the A layer because it contains the list of
# attributes. If we could figure out the list automatically, the function would
# become general enough to reside directly in
# NOTE: We could possibly make just copy_attributes() layer-dependent and unify
# the main copy_atree code.
sub copy_atree
    my $self      = shift;
    my $target    = shift;

    # TODO probably we should do deepcopy
    # Why is this here ? the attributes of the root node are NOT copied, are they ??
    my %copy_of_wild = %{$self->wild};

    my @children0 = $self->get_children( { ordered => 1 } );
    foreach my $child0 (@children0)

        # Create a copy of the child node.
        my $child1 = $target->create_child();

        # Copy all attributes of the original node to the new one

        # Call recursively on the subtrees of the children.


sub copy_attributes {
    my ($self, $other) = @_;

    # We should copy all attributes that the node has but it is not easy to figure out which these are.
    # TODO: As a workaround, we list the attributes here directly.
    foreach my $attribute (
        'form', 'lemma', 'tag', 'no_space_after', 'ord', 'afun', 'is_member', 'is_parenthesis_root',
        'conll/deprel', 'conll/cpos', 'conll/pos', 'conll/feat', 'is_shared_modifier', 'morphcat',
        my $value = $self->get_attr($attribute);
        $other->set_attr( $attribute, $value );

    # TODO probably we should do deepcopy
    my %copy_of_wild = %{$self->wild};


# -- linking to p-layer --

sub get_terminal_pnode {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $p_rf = $self->get_attr('p_terminal.rf') or return; 
    my $doc  = $self->get_document();
    return $doc->get_node_by_id($p_rf);

sub set_terminal_pnode {
    my ($self, $pnode) = @_;
    my $new_id = defined $pnode ? $pnode->id : undef;
    $self->set_attr( 'p_terminal.rf', $new_id );

sub get_nonterminal_pnodes {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $pnode = $self->get_terminal_pnode() or return;
    my @nonterminals = ();
    while ( $pnode->is_head ) {
        $pnode = $pnode->get_parent();
        push @nonterminals, $pnode;
    return @nonterminals;

sub get_pnodes {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return ( $self->get_terminal_pnode, $self->get_nonterminal_pnodes );

# -- referenced node ids --

override '_get_reference_attrs' => sub {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return ('p_terminal.rf');

# -- other --

# Used only for Czech, so far.
sub reset_morphcat {
    my ($self) = @_;
    foreach my $category (
        qw(pos subpos gender number case possgender possnumber
        person tense grade negation voice reserve1 reserve2)
        my $old_value = $self->get_attr("morphcat/$category");
        if ( !defined $old_value ) {
            $self->set_attr( "morphcat/$category", '.' );

# Used only for reading from PCEDT/PDT trees, so far.
sub get_subtree_string {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return join '', map { $_->form . ( $_->no_space_after ? '' : ' ' ) } $self->get_descendants( { ordered => 1 } );

#----------- CoNLL attributes -------------

sub conll_deprel { return $_[0]->get_attr('conll/deprel'); }
sub conll_cpos   { return $_[0]->get_attr('conll/cpos'); }
sub conll_pos    { return $_[0]->get_attr('conll/pos'); }
sub conll_feat   { return $_[0]->get_attr('conll/feat'); }

sub set_conll_deprel { return $_[0]->set_attr( 'conll/deprel', $_[1] ); }
sub set_conll_cpos   { return $_[0]->set_attr( 'conll/cpos',   $_[1] ); }
sub set_conll_pos    { return $_[0]->set_attr( 'conll/pos',    $_[1] ); }
sub set_conll_feat   { return $_[0]->set_attr( 'conll/feat',   $_[1] ); }




# For backward compatibility with PDT-style
# TODO: This should be handled in format converters/Readers.
sub is_coap_member {
    my ($self) = @_;
    log_fatal("Incorrect number of arguments") if @_ != 1;
    return (
            || ( ( $self->afun || '' ) =~ /^Aux[CP]$/ && grep { $_->is_coap_member } $self->get_children )
        ? 1 : undef;

# deprecated, use get_coap_members
sub get_transitive_coap_members {    # analogy of PML_T::ExpandCoord
    my ($self) = @_;
    log_fatal("Incorrect number of arguments") if @_ != 1;
    if ( $self->is_coap_root ) {
        return (
            map { $_->is_coap_root ? $_->get_transitive_coap_members : ($_) }
                grep { $_->is_coap_member } $self->get_children
    else {

        #log_warn("The node ".$self->get_attr('id')." is not root of a coordination/apposition construction\n");
        return ($self);

# deprecated,  get_coap_members({direct_only})
sub get_direct_coap_members {
    my ($self) = @_;
    log_fatal("Incorrect number of arguments") if @_ != 1;
    if ( $self->is_coap_root ) {
        return ( grep { $_->is_coap_member } $self->get_children );
    else {

        #log_warn("The node ".$self->get_attr('id')." is not root of a coordination/apposition construction\n");
        return ($self);

# too easy to implement and too rarely used to be a part of API
sub get_transitive_coap_root {    # analogy of PML_T::GetNearestNonMember
    my ($self) = @_;
    log_fatal("Incorrect number of arguments") if @_ != 1;
    while ( $self->is_coap_member ) {
        $self = $self->get_parent;
    return $self;

=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME


=head1 VERSION

version 0.08664


a-layer (analytical) node


For each attribute (e.g. C<tag>), there is
a getter method (C<< my $tag = $anode->tag(); >>)
and a setter method (C<< $anode->set_tag('NN'); >>).

=head2 Original w-layer and m-layer attributes


=item form

=item lemma

=item tag

=item no_space_after


=head2 Original a-layer attributes


=item afun

=item is_parenthesis_root

=item edge_to_collapse

=item is_auxiliary


=head1 METHODS

=head2 Links from a-trees to phrase-structure trees

=over 4

=item $node->get_terminal_pnode

Returns a terminal node from the phrase-structure tree
that corresponds to the a-node.

=item $node->set_terminal_pnode($pnode)

Set the given terminal node from the phrase-structure tree
as corresponding to the a-node.

=item $node->get_nonterminal_pnodes

Returns an array of non-terminal nodes from the phrase-structure tree
that correspond to the a-node.

=item $node->get_pnodes

Returns the corresponding terminal node and all non-terminal nodes.


=head2 Other

=over 4

=item reset_morphcat

=item get_pml_type_name

Root and non-root nodes have different PML type in the pml schema
(C<a-root.type>, C<a-node.type>)

=item is_coap_root

Is this node a root (or head) of a coordination/apposition construction?
On a-layer this is decided based on C<afun =~ /^(Coord|Apos)$/>.

=item get_real_afun()

Figures out the real function of the subtree. If its own afun is C<AuxP> or
C<AuxC>, finds the first descendant with a real afun and returns it. If this is
a coordination or apposition root, finds the first member and returns its
afun (but note that members of the same coordination can differ in afuns if
some of them have C<ExD>).

=item set_real_afun($new_afun)

Sets the real function of the subtree. If its current afun is C<AuxP> or C<AuxC>,
finds the first descendant with a real afun replaces it. If this is
a coordination or apposition root, finds all the members and replaces their
afuns (but note that members of the same coordination can differ in afuns if
some of them have C<ExD>; this method can only set the same afun for all).

=item copy_atree()

Recursively copy children from myself to another node.
This method is specific to the A layer because it contains the list of
attributes. If we could figure out the list automatically, the method would
become general enough to reside directly in

=item get_n_node()

If this a-node is a part of a named entity,
this method returns the corresponding n-node (L<Treex::Core::Node::N>).
If this node is a part of more than one named entities,
only the most nested one is returned.
For example: "Bank of China"

 $n_node_for_china = $a_node_china->get_n_node();
 print $n_node_for_china->get_attr('normalized_name'); # China
 $n_node_for_bank_of_china = $n_node_for_china->get_parent();
 print $n_node_for_bank_of_china->get_attr('normalized_name'); # Bank of China

=item $node->get_subtree_string

Return the string corresponding to a subtree rooted in C<$node>.
It's computed based on attributes C<form> and C<no_space_after>.


=head1 AUTHOR

Zdeněk Žabokrtský <>

Martin Popel <>


Copyright © 2011-2012 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.