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package Treex::Core::Config;
$Treex::Core::Config::VERSION = '2.20160630';
use strict;
use warnings;

use 5.010;    # operator //
use File::HomeDir 0.97;
use File::ShareDir;
use File::Spec;
use File::Slurp 9999;    # prior versions had different interface
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use Treex::Core::Log;
use Treex::Core::Loader 'load_module';
use YAML 0.72 qw(LoadFile DumpFile);

# this should be somehow systematized, since there will be probably many switches like this one
our $debug_run_jobs_locally;    ## no critic (ProhibitPackageVars)

# 0: Treex::Core::Common::pos_validated_list() called if params needed, skipped otherwise
# 1: Treex::Core::Common::pos_validated_list() called always
# 2: MooseX::Params::Validate::pos_validated_list called always
our $params_validate = 0;       ## no critic (ProhibitPackageVars)

my $config = __PACKAGE__->_load_config();
my $dirty  = 0;                             #indicates that configuration has changed. N/A yet, no method changes config to something else than default
my $running_in_tred;                        ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedVariables)

sub _load_config {
    my $self     = shift;
    my %args     = @_;
    my $from     = $args{from} // $self->config_file(); #/
    return {} if !-e $from;
    my $yaml     = read_file( $from, { err_mode => 'quiet' } );
    my $toReturn = YAML::Load($yaml);
    return $toReturn // {};                 #rather than undef return empty hashref

sub _save_config {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $to   = $args{to} // $self->config_file(); #/
    return if ( -e $to && !$dirty );        #skip when config file already exists and no changes made from this run of treex so we won't overwrite existing configuration
    return if ( !scalar %{$config} );       #skip when config is empty
    eval {
        DumpFile( $to, $config );
    } or log_warn(qq(Couldn't save config file $to));


sub config_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dirname = $ENV{TREEX_CONFIG} // File::Spec->catdir( File::HomeDir->my_home(), '.treex' );  #/ # if evironment variable not set defaults to ~/.treex
    if ( !-e $dirname ) {
        mkdir $dirname;
    if ( -d $dirname ) {
        return $dirname;
    else {
        return File::HomeDir->my_dist_config( 'Treex-Core', { create => 1 } );    #last fallback, hidden somewhere under ~/.local directory

sub config_file {
    my $self = shift;
    return File::Spec->catfile( $self->config_dir(), 'config.yaml' );

sub _default_resource_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my @path;
    push @path, File::Spec->catdir( $self->config_dir(), 'share' );
    push @path, File::HomeDir->my_dist_data( 'Treex-Core', { create => 0 } );
    if ( defined $ENV{TMT_ROOT} ) {
        push @path, File::Spec->catdir( $ENV{TMT_ROOT}, 'share' );
    return @path if wantarray;
    return \@path;

sub resource_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my @path;
    if ( defined $config->{resource_path} ) {
        @path = @{ $config->{resource_path} };
    else {
        @path = $self->_default_resource_path();
        $config->{resource_path} = \@path;
    return @path if wantarray;
    return \@path;

sub _devel_version {
    my $self = shift;
    return -d $self->lib_core_dir() . "/share/";

    # to je otazka, jak to co nejelegantneji poznat, ze jde o work.copy. a ne nainstalovanou distribuci

sub share_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( defined $config->{share_dir} && defined realpath( $config->{share_dir} ) ) {
        return $config->{share_dir};
    else {
        delete $config->{share_dir};
        my $share_dir;

        # return File::HomeDir->my_home."/.treex/share"; # future solution, probably symlink
        if ( $self->_devel_version() ) {
            $share_dir = realpath( $self->lib_core_dir() . "/../../../../share/" );    # default on UFAL machines
        else {
            $share_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->config_dir(), 'share' );           # by default take ~/.treex/share

        #$config->{share_dir} = $share_dir;
        return $share_dir;


sub share_url {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( !defined $config->{share_url} ) {
        $config->{share_url} = '';
    return $config->{share_url};

sub tred_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( !defined $config->{tred_dir} || !defined realpath( $config->{tred_dir} ) ) {
        delete $config->{tred_dir};
        return realpath( File::Spec->catdir( $self->share_dir(), 'tred' ) );
    return $config->{tred_dir};

sub pml_schema_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( !defined $config->{pml_schema_dir} || !defined realpath( $config->{pml_schema_dir} ) ) {
        delete $config->{pml_schema_dir};
        if ( $self->_devel_version() ) {

            #$config->{pml_schema_dir} = realpath( $self->lib_core_dir() . "/share/tred_extension/treex/resources/" );
            return realpath( $self->lib_core_dir() . "/share/tred_extension/treex/resources/" );
        else {

            #$config->{pml_schema_dir} = realpath( File::ShareDir::dist_dir('Treex-Core') . "/tred_extension/treex/resources/" );    #that's different share than former TMT_SHARE
            return realpath( File::Spec->catdir( File::ShareDir::dist_dir('Treex-Core'), qw(tred_extension treex resources) ) );    #that's different share than former TMT_SHARE
    return $config->{pml_schema_dir};

sub tred_extension_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( !defined $config->{tred_extension_dir} || !defined realpath( $config->{tred_extension_dir} ) ) {
        delete $config->{tred_extension_dir};
        return realpath( File::Spec->catdir( $self->pml_schema_dir(), q(..), q(..) ) );
    return $config->{tred_extension_dir};

sub lib_core_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    return realpath( $self->_caller_dir() );

sub tmp_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( !defined $config->{tmp_dir} || !defined realpath( $config->{tmp_dir} ) ) {
        delete $config->{tmp_dir};
        return $self->_default_tmp_dir();
    return $config->{tmp_dir};

sub treex_server_url {
    return exists $ENV{TREEX_SERVER_URL} ?
      $ENV{TREEX_SERVER_URL} : $config->{treex_server_url} || 'tcp://';

sub use_services {
    return $ENV{USE_SERVICES} if defined $ENV{USE_SERVICES};

    if ($config->{use_services}) {
        $config->{use_services} = 0 unless load_module('Treex::Service::Role');

    return $config->{use_services} || 0;

sub _default_tmp_dir {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $dot_treex = File::HomeDir->my_dist_data( 'Treex-Core', { create => 1 } );
    my $suffix    = 'tmp';
    my $tmp_dir   = File::Spec->catdir( $dot_treex, $suffix );
    if ( !-e $tmp_dir ) {
        mkdir $tmp_dir or log_fatal("Cannot create temporary directory");
    return $tmp_dir;

sub _caller_dir {
    my $self = shift;
    my %call_info;
        qw(pack file line sub has_args wantarray evaltext is_require)
        } = caller(0);
    $call_info{file} =~ s/[^\/]+$//;
    return $call_info{file};



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Treex::Core::Config - centralized info about Treex configuration

=head1 VERSION

version 2.20160630


  use Treex::Core::Config;
  print "TrEd in available in " . Treex::Core::Config->tred_dir() . "\n";
  print "PML schema is available in " . Treex::Core::Config->pml_schema_dir() . "\n";


This module provides information about the current installed Treex framework,
for instance paths to its components.
By default the configuration is stored in C<$HOME/.treex/config.yaml>.
You can specify an alternative directory for C<config.yaml>
by setting the C<$TREEX_CONFIG> environment variable.
You can edit C<config.yaml>, so it suits your needs.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Following methods returns values which are present in config file

=over 4

=item resource_path()

return list of directories where resources will be searched

=item tmp_dir()

return temporary directory, should be used instead of /tmp or similar

=item share_dir()

returns the Treex shared directory (formerly C<$TMT_SHARE>)

=item share_url()

returns base url from shared data are downloaded

=item pml_schema_dir()

return the directory in which the PML schemata for .treex files are located

=item tred_dir()

the directory in which the tree editor TrEd is installed

=item tred_extension_dir()

the directory in which the TrEd extension for Treex files is stored


=head2 Rest of methods is not configurable by config file

=over 4

=item config_dir()

returns directory where configuration of Treex will reside (currently just F<path> file)

=item default_resource_dir()

returns default path for resources, it uses dist data for C<Treex-Core> and if $TMT_ROOT variable set also $TMT_ROOT/share

=item _devel_version()

returns C<true> iff the current Treex instance is running from the svn working copy
(which means that it is the development version, not installed from CPAN)

=item lib_core_dir()

returns the directory in which this module is located (and where
the other L<Treex::Core> modules are expected too)


=head1 AUTHOR

Zdeněk Žabokrtský <>

Tomáš Kraut <>


Copyright © 2011 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.