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package CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes;
use strict;
use Carp;

use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);

our $VERSION = '1.02';

sub import {
    my $pkg     = shift;
    my $callpkg = caller;

    # Do our own exporting.
        no strict qw(refs);
        *{ $callpkg . '::routes' } = \&CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes::routes;
        *{ $callpkg . '::routes_parse' } = \&CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes::routes_parse;
        *{ $callpkg . '::routes_dbg' } = \&CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes::routes_dbg;
        *{ $callpkg . '::routes_root' } = \&CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes::routes_root;
        *{ $callpkg . '::routes_params' } = \&CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes::routes_params;

    if ( ! UNIVERSAL::isa($callpkg, 'CGI::Application') ) {
        warn "Calling package is not a CGI::Application module so not setting up the prerun hook.  If you are using \@ISA instead of 'use base', make sure it is in a BEGIN { } block, and make sure these statements appear before the plugin is loaded";
    elsif ( ! UNIVERSAL::can($callpkg, 'add_callback')) {
        warn "You are using an older version of CGI::Application that does not support callbacks, so the prerun method can not be registered automatically (Lookup the prerun_callback method in the docs for more info)";
    else {
	    #Add the required callback to the CGI::Application app so it executes the routes_parse sub on the prerun stage
        $callpkg->add_callback( prerun => 'routes_parse' );

sub routes {
	my ($self, $table) = @_;
	$self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__dispatch_table'} = $table;
    #register every runmode declared.
	for(my $i = 1 ; $i < scalar(@$table) ; $i += 2) {
        my $rm_name = $table->[$i];

sub routes_dbg {
	my $self = shift;
    require Data::Dumper;
	return Dumper($self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__r_params'});

sub routes_root{
	my ($self, $root) = @_;
	#make sure no trailing slash is present on the root.
	$root =~ s/\/$//;
	$self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__routes_root'} = $root;

sub routes_params{
   my ($self) = shift;
   if ( @_ ){
       $self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__routes_params'} = [ @_ ];
   return $self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__routes_params'};

sub routes_parse {
	#all this routine, except a few own modifications was borrowed from the wonderful
	# Michael Peter's CGI::Application::Dispatch module that can be found here:
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $path = $self->query->path_info;
	# get the module name from the table
	my $table = $self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__dispatch_table'};
	unless(ref($table) eq 'ARRAY') {
		carp "[__parse_path] Invalid or no dispatch table!\n";
	# look at each rule and stop when we get a match
	for(my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@$table) ; $i += 2) {
		my $rule = $self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__routes_root'} . $table->[$i];
		my @names = ();
		# translate the rule into a regular expression, but remember where the named args are
		# '/:foo' will become '/([^\/]*)'
		# and
		# '/:bar?' will become '/?([^\/]*)?'
		# and then remember which position it matches
		$rule =~ s{
						(^|/)                 # beginning or a /
						(:([^/\?]+)(\?)?)     # stuff in between
						push(@names, $3);
						$1 . ($4 ? '?([^/]*)?' : '([^/]*)')
		# '/*/' will become '/(.*)/$' the end / is added to the end of
		# both $rule and $path elsewhere
		if($rule =~ m{/\*/$}) {
			$rule =~ s{/\*/$}{/(.*)/\$};
			push(@names, 'dispatch_url_remainder');
		# if we found a match, then run with it
		if(my @values = ($path =~ m#^$rule$#)) {
			$self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__match'} = $path;
			$self->routes_params( @names );
			my %named_args;

            my $rm_name = $table->[$i];

			@named_args{@names} = @values if @names;
			#force params into $self->query. NOTE that it will overwrite any existing param with the same name
			foreach my $k (keys %named_args){
				$self->query->param("$k", $named_args{$k});
			$self->{'Application::Plugin::Routes::__r_params'} = {"parsed_params: " => \%named_args, "path_received: " => $path, "rule_matched: " => $rule, "runmode: " => $rm_name};


=head1 NAME

CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes - Routes-style dispatching for CGI::Application


CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes tries to bring to Perl some of the goodies of
Rails routes by allowing the creation of a routes table that is parsed at the
prerun stage against $ENV{PATH_INFO}.  The result of the process (if there's
any match at the end of the process) is added to CGI query method from
CGI::Application and available in all the runmodes via 
C<< $self->query->param >>.  By doing this, the plugin provides a
uniform way of accessing GET and POST parameters when using clean URIs.



	package TestApp;
	use strict;
	use warnings;
	use base qw/CGI::Application/;
	use CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes;
	sub setup {
		my $self = shift;

        # routes_root optionally is used to prepend a URI part to every route
			'' => 'home' ,
			'/view/:name/:id/:email'  => 'view',

	sub view {
		my $self  = shift;
		my $q     = $self->query();
		my $name  = $q->param('name');
		my $id    = $q->param('id');
		my $email = $q->param('email');
		my $debug = $self->routes_dbg; #dumps all the C::A::P::Routes info
		my $params = $self->routes_params; #shows params found.
		return $self->dump_html();

Note that we did not have to call run_modes() to register the run modes.
CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes will automatically register each route as run
modes if there is no run mode registered with that name, and your application
can call target as a method.


=head2 routes

Is exported so it can be called from the CGI::Application app to receive the
routes table.  If no routes table is provided to the module, it will warn and
return 0 and no harm will be done to the CGI query params.

=head2 routes_root

This method makes it possible to set a common root for all the routes passed to
the plugin, to avoid unnecessary repetition.

=head2 routes_parse

Is exported in order to make the callback available into the CGI::Application
based app. Not meant to be invoked manually.

=head2 routes_params

This method return a array of all the params found in the query_string


=head2 routes_dbg

Is exported so you can see what happened on the Routes guts.


=head1 AUTHOR

JuliE<aacute>n Porta, C<< <julian.porta at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-cgi-application-plugin-routes at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * github


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Michael Peter's CGI::Application::Dispatch module that can be found here:
I borrowed from him most of the routine that parses the url.

Mark Stosberg L<> Provided very valuable
feedback and some useful patches and changes to the code.


Copyright 2008 JuliE<aacute>n Porta, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of CGI::Application::Plugin::Routes