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package Xacobeo::UI::DomView;

=head1 NAME

Xacobeo::UI::DomView - DOM tree view


	use Xacobeo::DomView;
	use Xacobeo::UI::SourceView;
	my $view = Xacobeo::UI::SourceView->new();
	# Load a document
	my $document = Xacobeo::Document->new_from_file($file, $type);


The application's main window. This widget is a L<Gtk2::TreeView>.


The following properties are defined:

=head2 ui-manager

The UI Manager used by this widget.

=head2 action-group

The action group that provides the values in the context menu.

=head2 menu

The context menu of the widget.

=head2 document

The document being displayed.

=head2 namespaces

The namespaces registered in the document.

=head1 METHODS

The following methods are available:

=head2 new

Creates a new instance. This is simply the parent's constructor.


use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Gtk2;
use Xacobeo::I18n;
use Xacobeo::XS;
use Xacobeo::Document;

use Xacobeo::GObject;

Xacobeo::GObject->register_package('Gtk2::TreeView' =>
	properties => [
			"UI Manager",
			"The UI Manager that provides the UI",
			['readable', 'writable'],

			"Action Group",
			"The action group with context menu entries",
			['readable', 'writable'],

			"Context Menu",
			"The context menu for the tree items",
			['readable', 'writable'],

			"The main document being displayed",
			['readable', 'writable'],

		# FIXME this property is redundant as we can use $self->document->namespaces
			"The namespaces in the main document",
			['readable', 'writable'],

	signals => {
		'node-selected' => {
			flags       => ['run-last'],
			# Parameters:   Node 
			param_types => ['Glib::Scalar'],

my $NODE_POS = 0;
my $NODE_DATA     = $NODE_POS++;
my $NODE_ICON     = $NODE_POS++;
my $NODE_NAME     = $NODE_POS++;

	my $self = shift;

	my $model = Gtk2::TreeStore->new(
		'Glib::Scalar', # A reference to the XML::LibXML::Node
		'Glib::String', # The icon to use (ex: 'gtk-directory')
		'Glib::String', # The name of the Element
		'Glib::String', # The name of the ID field
		'Glib::String', # The value of the ID field

	my $column = $self->_add_text_column($NODE_NAME, __('Element'), 150);

	# Icon
	my $node_icon = Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new();
	$column->pack_start($node_icon, FALSE);
	$column->set_attributes($node_icon, 'stock-id' => $NODE_ICON);

	# Node attribute name (ID attribute)
	$self->_add_text_column($NODE_ID_NAME, __('ID name'), 75);

	# Node attribute value (ID attribute)
	$self->_add_text_column($NODE_ID_VALUE, __('ID value'), 75);

	my $ui_manager = $self->_build_ui_manager();

	my $menu = $ui_manager->get_widget('/DomViewPopup');

	$self->signal_connect('row-activated' => \&callback_row_activated);
	$self->signal_connect('popup-menu' => \&callback_popup_menu);
	$self->signal_connect('button-press-event' => \&callback_button_press_event);

sub _build_ui_manager {
	my $self = shift;

	my $entries = [
		# Entries (name, stock id, label, accelerator, tooltip, callback)
			__("_Jump to"),
			__("Show the node"),
			sub { $self->do_select_node() }
			__("_Copy XPath"),
			__("Copy the node's XPath"),
			sub { $self->do_copy_xpath() }

	my $actions = Gtk2::ActionGroup->new("DomViewActions");
	$actions->add_actions($entries, undef);

	my $ui_manager = Gtk2::UIManager->new();

	my $ui_string = <<'__XML__';
	<popup name="DomViewPopup">
		<menuitem action='DomViewSelectNode'/>
		<placeholder name="DomViewPlaceholder_1"/>
		<menuitem action='DomViewCopyXPath'/>
		<placeholder name="DomViewPlaceholder_2"/>

	$ui_manager->insert_action_group($actions, 0);
	return $ui_manager;

# Transform the signal 'row-activated' into 'node-selected'.
sub callback_row_activated {
	my ($self, $path) = @_;

	my $model = $self->get_model;
	my $iter = $model->get_iter($path);
	my $node = $model->get($iter, $NODE_DATA);
	$self->signal_emit('node-selected' => $node);

sub do_copy_xpath {
	my $self = shift;

	my $node = $self->get_selected_node or return;
	my $xpath = Xacobeo::XS->get_node_path($node, $self->namespaces);

	foreach my $selection (qw(SELECTION_CLIPBOARD SELECTION_PRIMARY)) {
		my $clipboard = Gtk2::Clipboard->get(Gtk2::Gdk->$selection);

sub do_select_node {
	my $self = shift;

	my $node = $self->get_selected_node or return;
	$self->signal_emit('node-selected' => $node);

sub get_selected_node {
	my $self = shift;
	# Get the selected node and find its xpath
	my $selection = $self->get_selection;
	my ($model, $iter) = $selection->get_selected or return;
	my $node = $model->get($iter, $NODE_DATA);
	return $node;

# Display a context menu for a given node when right clicking.
sub callback_button_press_event {
	my ($self, $event) = @_;

	return FALSE unless $event->button == 3;

	my $path = $self->get_path_at_pos($event->x, $event->y) or return FALSE;

	my $selection = $self->get_selection;


	$self->menu->popup(undef, undef, undef, undef, $event->button, $event->time);

	return TRUE;

# Display a context menu for a given node when right clicking.
sub callback_popup_menu {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->menu->popup(undef, undef, undef, undef, 0, 0);
	return TRUE;

sub set_document {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($document) = @_;

		$self->document ? $self->document->namespaces : undef

=head2 load_node

Sets the tree view nodes hierarchy based on the given node. This is the method
that will actually add items to the widget.



=item * $node

The node to be loaded into the tree widget; an instance of L<XML::LibXML::Node>.



sub load_node {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($node) = @_;

	my $store = $self->get_model;

	if (defined $node and defined $store) {
		Xacobeo::XS->load_tree_store($store, $node, $self->namespaces);
	elsif (defined $store) {

	# Expand the first level
	if (my $iter = $store->get_iter_first) {
		my $path = $store->get_path($iter);
		$self->expand_row($path, FALSE);

# Adds a text column to the tree view
sub _add_text_column {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($field, $title, $width) = @_;

	my $cell = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new();
	my $column = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new();
	$column->pack_end($cell, TRUE);

	$column->set_attributes($cell, text => $field);


	return $column;

# A true value

=head1 AUTHORS

Emmanuel Rodriguez E<lt>potyl@cpan.orgE<gt>.


Copyright (C) 2008,2009 by Emmanuel Rodriguez.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
