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use warnings;
use strict;

use version; our $VERSION = qv('1.1.0');    # based on powerdiff-0.1.1

use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);

## no critic (ProhibitLeadingZeros)
use constant MODE_SOCK  => 0140000;
use constant MODE_LINK  => 0120000;
use constant MODE_REG   => 0100000;
use constant MODE_BLK   => 0060000;
use constant MODE_DIR   => 0040000;
use constant MODE_CHR   => 0020000;
use constant MODE_FIFO  => 0010000;

use constant PERM_FILE  => 0666 & ~ umask;
use constant PERM_DIR   => 0777 & ~ umask;
use constant PERM_ALL   => 07777;
## use critic (ProhibitLeadingZeros)
## no critic (RequireCarping)

use constant USAGE => <<"EOUSAGE";
Usage: $0 [options] /dir1 /dir2
 -o, --output=pathname      Output differences to files with names starting
                            with "pathname" (use "powerdiff" by default).
 -f, --exclude-from=file    File with perl regexes to exclude from diff (one
                            regex per line).
 -x, --exclude=regex        Perl regex to exclude from diff (this option can
                            be used multiple times).
 -h, --help                 Show this screen.
     --version              Show version and exit.

Will prepare diff between given two directories and store in up to 4 files:



sub main { ## no critic (ProhibitExcessComplexity)
    my $output = 'powerdiff';
    my (@exclude, $exclude_from);
        'output|o=s'        => \$output,
        'exclude-from|f=s'  => \$exclude_from,
        'exclude|x=s'       => \@exclude,
        'help|h'            => sub { warn USAGE; exit 1 },
        'version'           => sub { warn "powerdiff $VERSION\n"; exit 1 },
    ) and @ARGV == 2 or die USAGE;
    my ($dir1, $dir2) = @ARGV;
    die "not a directory: $_\n" for grep {!-d $_} $dir1, $dir2; ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls)
    chomp(my $cwd = `pwd`);
    $dir1 = "$cwd/$dir1" if $dir1 !~ m{\A/}xms;                 ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls)
    $dir2 = "$cwd/$dir2" if $dir2 !~ m{\A/}xms;                 ## no critic (ProhibitPostfixControls)
    if (defined $exclude_from) {
        open my $f, '<', $exclude_from or die "can't open '$exclude_from': $!\n";
        chomp(my @regex = <$f>);
        close $f or die "close: $!";
        push @exclude, @regex;

    $EXCLUDE = join q{|}, qr/\A\z/ms, map {qr/$_/xms} grep {$_ ne q{}} @exclude; ## no critic (ProhibitFixedStringMatches)

    my ($f1, $f2) = (load_dir($dir1, q{.}), load_dir($dir2, q{.}));
    diff_dir(q{.}, $f1, $f2);

    my $dir4diff = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
    mkdir "$dir4diff/old" or die "mkdir: $!";
    mkdir "$dir4diff/new" or die "mkdir: $!";
    my %seendir = (q{.} => 1);
    for my $path (@REGULAR) {
        while ($path =~ m{\A(.*\G[^/]+)/}xmsg) {
            next if $seendir{$1}++;
            mkdir "$dir4diff/old/$1" or die "mkdir: $!";
            mkdir "$dir4diff/new/$1" or die "mkdir: $!";
        if (-f "$dir1/$path" && ! -l "$dir1/$path") {
            symlink "$dir1/$path", "$dir4diff/old/$path" or die "symlink: $!";
        if (-f "$dir2/$path" && ! -l "$dir2/$path") {
            symlink "$dir2/$path", "$dir4diff/new/$path" or die "symlink: $!";
    my $patch = `cd \Q$dir4diff\E; LANG= diff -uNr old new`;
    while ($patch =~ s/^([^d@\\ +-][^\n]*)\n//ms) {
        my $msg = $1;
        if ($msg =~ /\bFiles old\/[^\n]* and new(\/[^\n]*) differ\z/ims) {
            push @TAR, $1;
        else {
            warn "WARNING: $msg\n";

    for my $ext (qw( patch tgz )) {
        unlink "$output.$ext";
    if (@SH_PRE) {
        output("$",  join q{}, map {"$_\n"} '#!/bin/sh', @SH_PRE);
    if (@SH_POST) {
        output("$", join q{}, map {"$_\n"} '#!/bin/sh', @SH_POST);
    if ($patch ne q{}) {
        output("$output.patch", $patch);
    if (@TAR) {
        system 'tar', 'czf', "$output.tgz", '-C', $dir2, map { substr $_, 1 } @TAR;

sub output {
    my ($file, $data) = @_;
    open my $f, '>', $file or die "open $file: $!";
    print {$f} $data;
    close $f or die "close: $!";

sub change_mode {
    my ($dir, $name, $m1, $m2) = @_;
    my $pathname = quote_path("$dir/$name");
    if (($m1 & PERM_ALL) != ($m2 & PERM_ALL)) {
        my $prev  = sprintf '%04o', $m1 & PERM_ALL;
        my $perms = sprintf '%04o', $m2 & PERM_ALL;    # TODO use text form?
        my $m = $m2 & ~PERM_ALL;
        if ($m == MODE_DIR) {
            push @SH_POST, "chmod $perms $pathname/  # was $prev";
        elsif ($m == MODE_FIFO || $m == MODE_REG) {
            push @SH_POST, "chmod $perms $pathname   # was $prev";

sub add {
    my ($dir, $name, $n) = @_;
    my $pathname = quote_path("$dir/$name");
    my $m = $n->{mode} & ~PERM_ALL;
    warn "add: $dir/$name mode=$m\n";
    if ($m == MODE_DIR) { ## no critic (ProhibitCascadingIfElse)
        push @SH_PRE, "mkdir $pathname/";
        diff_dir("$dir/$name", {}, $n->{dir});
    elsif ($m == MODE_FIFO) {
        push @SH_PRE, "mkfifo $pathname";
    elsif ($m == MODE_LINK) {
        my $to = quote_path($n->{link});
        push @SH_PRE, "ln -s $to $pathname";
    elsif ($m == MODE_REG) {
        if ($n->{size} == 0) {
            push @SH_PRE, "touch $pathname";
        else {
            push @REGULAR, "$dir/$name";
    # WARNING   if different systems has different umask setting this may
    #           result in different permissions after applying patch
    # WARNING   change_mode() will be called even for ignored file types
    change_mode($dir, $name, $m == MODE_DIR ? PERM_DIR : PERM_FILE, $n->{mode});
    # ignored: MODE_BLK, MODE_CHR, MODE_SOCK

sub del {
    my ($dir, $name, $n) = @_;
    my $pathname = quote_path("$dir/$name");
    my $m = $n->{mode} & ~PERM_ALL;
    if ($m == MODE_DIR) {
        push @SH_PRE, "rm -rf $pathname/";
    elsif ($m == MODE_LINK || $m == MODE_FIFO || $m == MODE_REG) {
        push @SH_PRE, "rm -f $pathname";
    # ignored: MODE_BLK, MODE_CHR, MODE_SOCK

sub mod {
    my ($dir, $name, $n1, $n2) = @_;
    my $pathname = quote_path("$dir/$name");
    my $m = $n1->{mode} & ~PERM_ALL;
    if ($m == MODE_DIR) { ## no critic (ProhibitCascadingIfElse)
        diff_dir("$dir/$name", $n1->{dir}, $n2->{dir});
    elsif ($m == MODE_LINK) {
        if ($n1->{link} ne $n2->{link}) {
            my $to = quote_path($n2->{link});
            push @SH_PRE, "ln -nfs $to $pathname";
    elsif ($m == MODE_REG) {
        push @REGULAR, "$dir/$name";
    elsif ($m == MODE_FIFO) {
        # do nothing
    # WARNING   change_mode() will be called even for ignored file types
    change_mode($dir, $name, $n1->{mode}, $n2->{mode});
    # ignored: MODE_BLK, MODE_CHR, MODE_SOCK

sub diff_dir {
    my ($dir, $f1, $f2) = @_;
    my %names = map {$_=>1} keys %{$f1}, keys %{$f2};
    for my $name (keys %names) {
        my $n1 = $f1->{$name};
        my $n2 = $f2->{$name};
        if (!defined $n1) {
            add($dir, $name, $n2);
        elsif (!defined $n2) {
            del($dir, $name, $n1);
        else {
            if ($n1->{mode} >> 12 == $n2->{mode} >> 12) { ## no critic (ProhibitMagicNumbers)
                mod($dir, $name, $n1, $n2);
            else {
                del($dir, $name, $n1);
                add($dir, $name, $n2);

sub load_dir {
    my ($dir, $reldir) = @_;
    my %f;
    if (!opendir my $d, $dir) {
        warn "can't open dir '$dir': $!";
    else {
        for my $name (readdir $d) {
            next if $name eq q{.} || $name eq q{..};
            my $path = "$dir/$name";
            my $relpath = "$reldir/$name";
            next if $relpath =~ /$EXCLUDE/mso;
            my $f = $f{$name} = {};

            # sockets not supported
            # hard links not supported
            # device files not supported
            # user/group not supported
            # atime/mtime not supported
            # extended attributes not supported
            # acl not supported
            @{$f}{'mode','size'} = (lstat $path)[2,7]; ## no critic (ProhibitMagicNumbers)
            my $m = $f->{mode} & ~PERM_ALL;
            if ($m == MODE_DIR) {
                $f->{dir} = load_dir($path, $relpath);
            elsif ($m == MODE_LINK) {
                $f->{link} = readlink $path;
                die "readlink: $!" if !defined $f->{link};
        closedir $d or die "closedir: $!";
    return \%f;

sub quote_path {
    my ($path) = @_;
    $path = quotemeta $path;
    $path =~ s{\\([/,._-])}{$1}xmsg;    # unquote safe chars for readability
    return $path;